28 research outputs found

    VI тип несовершенного остеогенеза. Наблюдение редкого случая

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    Osteogenesis imperfect is genetically heterogeneous group of diseases which are characterized by bone brittleness and fractures. It was thought for a long time that this is happening due to mutations in collagen genes. However, within past decade the understanding of osteogenesis imperfecta etiology has changed as a result of genetics development. The majority of all cases is related to mutations in collagen genes whereas rare mostly recessive forms are related to mutations in genes encoding collagen post-translational modification. Mutations in SERPINF1 gene were chosen as molecular cause of osteogenesis imperfecta type VI in 2011. Thus the new pathophysiology of this disease was revealed. Children with osteogenesis imperfecta type VI have high-frequency of fractures despite the management with bisphosphonates because mineralized bone osteoid is considerably reduced.Несовершенный остеогенез — генетически гетерогенная группа заболеваний, отличительной чертой которых являются хрупкость костей и переломы, возникающие, как считалось долгое время, вследствие мутаций в генах коллагена. Однако, в течение последнего десятилетия скачок в области генетических открытий обусловил появление новой парадигмы понимания этиологии несовершенного остеогенеза, где большинство случаев связано с наличием дефекта в коллагеновых генах, в то время как редкие, в основном рецессивные формы связаны с дефектами генов, влияющих на посттрансляционную модификацию коллагена. В 2011 г. мутации в гене SERPINF1 были идентифицированы в качестве молекулярной причины развития VI типа несовершенного остеогенеза, и тем самым, была выявлена новая патофизиология заболевания. Дети с несовершенным остеогенезом VI типа имеют высокую частоту переломов, несмотря на проведение стандартной терапии бисфосфонатами, т.к. площадь минерализованного остеоида кости при данном типе заболевания значительно уменьшена

    Несовершенный остеогенез: особенности диагностики

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    Osteogenesis imperfect (OI) is a rare genetic disease of connective tissue, the main manifestation are fractures that are developing due to increased bone fragility in both children and adults. Currently, it is known that the genetic basis of the disease in 90% of cases are violations in the genes COL1A1 and COL1A2. Diagnosis of this disease is mostly based on clinical and radiological data; some laboratory parameters of blood and urine can provide additional information but, due to the low specificity, these tests are not widely used in clinical practice when diagnosing the bone pathology. Separate extensive problem is the realization of timely differential diagnosis followed by the establishment of correct diagnosis and development of the right tactics. Currently, the standard of management of patients with OI is a multidisciplinary approach that allows to perform the necessary examination of a child, to make an accurate diagnosis, and start the therapy in time. A practitioneer should have sufficient knowledge about the disease and be able to apply it practically to realize the treatment tactics.Несовершенный остеогенез — редкое генетически опосредованное заболевание соединительной ткани, характеризуемое частыми переломами, возникающими как у детей, так и у взрослых вследствие повышенной хрупкости костей. В настоящее время известно, что генетической основой заболевания являются мутации в 20 генах, из них COL1A1 и COL1A2 ответственны за 90% случаев развития патологии. Однако, диагностика несовершенного остеогенеза основана главным образом на клинических и рентгенологических данных. Вспомогательное значение могут иметь некоторые лабораторные показатели крови и мочи, низкая специфичность которых ограничивает их широкое использование. Нерешенной проблемой остается и своевременная дифференциальная диагностика несовершенного остеогенеза. В настоящее время стандарт ведения больных с несовершенным остеогенезом подразумевает мультидисциплинарный подход с привлечением таких специалистов, как педиатр, эндокринолог, хирург-ортопед, специалисты по реабилитации, стоматолог, генетик, социальный работник/психолог, что позволяет выполнить необходимое обследование пациента, выставить точный диагноз и вовремя начать адекватную терапию.КОНФЛИКТ ИНТЕРЕСОВАвторы декларируют отсутствие явных и потенциальных конфликтов интересов, связанных с публикацией настоящей статьи

    Метилмалоновая ацидурия у детей: клинические рекомендации

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    Methylmalonic acidemia (aciduria) is an inherited metabolic disturbance from the group of organic acidemias (acidurias). The article presents etiopathogenetic, epidemiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects of the problem. The possibilities of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods the tactics of dietary correction of metabolic disorders in acute and interstitial periods of the disease are described in details; features of drug treatment are outlined. The necessary information for clinical practice and patients’ everyday life is given in the article.Метилмалоновая ацидемия (ацидурия) — генетически гетерогенное наследственное заболевание группы органических ацидемий (ацидурий). В статье представлены этиопатогенетические, эпидемиологические, диагностические и терапевтические аспекты данной проблемы. Подробно освещены возможности лабораторных и инструментальных методов диагностики и особенности медикаментозного лечения, изложена тактика диетической коррекции метаболических нарушений в острый и межприступный периоды заболевания. Дана необходимая информация для практических врачей и родителей пациентов

    Use of the discourse analysis method to study current political practice (by the example of representation of the political leader image)

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    The potentialities in the application of the discourse analysis method to study a political discourse as a current political practice are shown. The authors, using the Foucault methodology, offer a sociological definition for the political discourse. It is the authors’ opinion that the approach mentioned allows investigating a political discourse as a practice for the formation of a certain reality, specific agents, institutions and organizations. A political discourse is a simulative dynamic model of political area where various subdiscourses interact, thus creating their own ideas of policy, symbols and images. Subdiscourses of political leaders become dominating. Inasmuch as a political discourse in a current political system is carried out with the aid of mass media, it could be considered as a media discourse of policy. The authors consider the representation as a basic mechanism for the formation of a political discourse, by the example of the representation of the image of V.V. Putin, the President of the Russian Federation. The representation of a political leader image in a political discourse has a number of peculiarities. It is carried out on the basis of certain principles with the aid of the system of political codes. Empiric investigations allowed making a conclusion that the main symbolic image for the Russian President is an image of a super-hero. It is the authors’ opinion, the image of V.V. Putin as a leader super-hero is determined by the specificity of the Russian political culture within the limits of which a leader is a center of power establishing an authoritarian style of ruling. The authors show the process of the political legitimacy displacement from the institutional level to the personal one by means of mass media. A political leader gains a status of a subject establishing moral, social and value reference points for the whole of the society

    Use of the discourse analysis method to study current political practice (by the example of representation of the political leader image)

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    The potentialities in the application of the discourse analysis method to study a political discourse as a current political practice are shown. The authors, using the Foucault methodology, offer a sociological definition for the political discourse. It is the authors’ opinion that the approach mentioned allows investigating a political discourse as a practice for the formation of a certain reality, specific agents, institutions and organizations. A political discourse is a simulative dynamic model of political area where various subdiscourses interact, thus creating their own ideas of policy, symbols and images. Subdiscourses of political leaders become dominating. Inasmuch as a political discourse in a current political system is carried out with the aid of mass media, it could be considered as a media discourse of policy. The authors consider the representation as a basic mechanism for the formation of a political discourse, by the example of the representation of the image of V.V. Putin, the President of the Russian Federation. The representation of a political leader image in a political discourse has a number of peculiarities. It is carried out on the basis of certain principles with the aid of the system of political codes. Empiric investigations allowed making a conclusion that the main symbolic image for the Russian President is an image of a super-hero. It is the authors’ opinion, the image of V.V. Putin as a leader super-hero is determined by the specificity of the Russian political culture within the limits of which a leader is a center of power establishing an authoritarian style of ruling. The authors show the process of the political legitimacy displacement from the institutional level to the personal one by means of mass media. A political leader gains a status of a subject establishing moral, social and value reference points for the whole of the society

    Brief Guidelines on Preparation of Manuscripts Containing Information on the Results of Molecular Genetic Research

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    Guidelines are given on terminology, nomenclature and determination of the clinical significance of various variants of the genome nucleotide sequence. Information on the use of specialised databases and literary sources when describing and interpreting molecular genetic research data is provided

    Clinic Case of Rare Type VI Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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    Osteogenesis imperfect is genetically heterogeneous group of diseases which are characterized by bone brittleness and fractures. It was thought for a long time that this is happening due to mutations in collagen genes. However, within past decade the understanding of osteogenesis imperfecta etiology has changed as a result of genetics development. The majority of all cases is related to mutations in collagen genes whereas rare mostly recessive forms are related to mutations in genes encoding collagen post-translational modification. Mutations in SERPINF1 gene were chosen as molecular cause of osteogenesis imperfecta type VI in 2011. Thus the new pathophysiology of this disease was revealed. Children with osteogenesis imperfecta type VI have high-frequency of fractures despite the management with bisphosphonates because mineralized bone osteoid is considerably reduced


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    Background. Non-compaction cardiomyopathy is a group of genetically heterogeneous, poorly studied myocardial diseases with a variety of clinical manifestations (from asymptomatic course to progressive systolic dysfunction with symptoms of chronic heart failure, arrhythmias, and thromboembolic complications). Considering the variety of genetic disorders associated with the development of noncompaction cardiomyopathy, genetic verification of the diagnosis is important for determining the prognosis and conducting genetic counselling of families with cases of the disease.Description of the Clinical Case. The article presents two clinical observations of a severe course of non-compaction cardiomyopathy with remodeling of the heart cavities according to the dilated phenotype. In order to clarify the disease etiology, a molecular genetic study was conducted using the method of direct automatic sequencing with the analysis of targeted regions of 404 genes which mutations are described in hereditary diseases of the heart and blood vessels. After verifying the mutation (in the ACTC1 and MYBPC3 genes), we performed a search for the detected nucleotide substitution in the venous blood samples of parents and in one case — in the fetal DNA sample. The mode of inheritance has been determined; the probability of recurrence of the disease in siblings in subsequent pregnancies has been estimated.Conclusion. The description of clinical cases shows the importance of genetic verification of the diagnosis in patients with non-compaction cardiomyopathy for determining the disease prognosis and developing an algorithm for monitoring relatives of a proband

    Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Diagnostic Feature

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    Osteogenesis imperfect (OI) is a rare genetic disease of connective tissue, the main manifestation are fractures that are developing due to increased bone fragility in both children and adults. Currently, it is known that the genetic basis of the disease in 90% of cases are violations in the genes COL1A1 and COL1A2. Diagnosis of this disease is mostly based on clinical and radiological data; some laboratory parameters of blood and urine can provide additional information but, due to the low specificity, these tests are not widely used in clinical practice when diagnosing the bone pathology. Separate extensive problem is the realization of timely differential diagnosis followed by the establishment of correct diagnosis and development of the right tactics. Currently, the standard of management of patients with OI is a multidisciplinary approach that allows to perform the necessary examination of a child, to make an accurate diagnosis, and start the therapy in time. A practitioneer should have sufficient knowledge about the disease and be able to apply it practically to realize the treatment tactics