3,409 research outputs found

    Lost in Abstraction: Monotonicity in Multi-Threaded Programs (Extended Technical Report)

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    Monotonicity in concurrent systems stipulates that, in any global state, extant system actions remain executable when new processes are added to the state. This concept is not only natural and common in multi-threaded software, but also useful: if every thread's memory is finite, monotonicity often guarantees the decidability of safety property verification even when the number of running threads is unknown. In this paper, we show that the act of obtaining finite-data thread abstractions for model checking can be at odds with monotonicity: Predicate-abstracting certain widely used monotone software results in non-monotone multi-threaded Boolean programs - the monotonicity is lost in the abstraction. As a result, well-established sound and complete safety checking algorithms become inapplicable; in fact, safety checking turns out to be undecidable for the obtained class of unbounded-thread Boolean programs. We demonstrate how the abstract programs can be modified into monotone ones, without affecting safety properties of the non-monotone abstraction. This significantly improves earlier approaches of enforcing monotonicity via overapproximations

    Results of long-term synoptic monitoring of Jupiter's decametric radiation

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    Results of the analysis of the large, homogeneous set of measurements of Jupiter's emission at 16.7 and 22.2 MHz for the apparitions during the period 1966-1974 were presented. An update of the radio rotation period determination which includes provision for beaming effects due to variations in the Jovicentric declination of the earth was presented. Some estimates of the magnitude of possible long-term variations in the rotation period were also discussed. The data clearly shows the Io-independent emission features associated with the System III central meridian longitudes of all three major Io-related source regions. There is also some evidence for heretofore unrecognized Io-related emission features which are apparently independent of the central meridian longitude. The possibility of three kinds of emission are suggested: (1) Io-stimulated, sharply beamed emission, (2) Io-independent, sharply beamed emission, and (3) Io-stimulated, broadly beamed emission

    Terrestrial kilometric radiation: 1: Spatial structures studies

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    Observations are presented of lunar occultations of the earth at 250 kHz obtained with the Radio-Astronomy-Explorer-2 satellite which were used to derive two dimensional maps of the location of the sources of terrestrial kilometric radiation (TKR). By examining the two dimensional source distributions as a function of the observer's location (lunar orbit) with respect to the magnetosphere, the average three dimensional location of the emission regions can be estimated. Although TKR events at 250 kHz can often be observed at projected distances corresponding to the 250 kHz electron gyro or plasma level (approximately 2 earth radii), many events are observed much farther from the earth (between 5 and 15 earth radii). Dayside emission apparently in the region of the polar cusp and the magnetosheath and night emission associated with regions of the magnetotail are examined. The nightside emission is suggestive of a mechanism involving plasma sheet electron precipitation in the pre-midnight sector

    Relationship between auroral substorms and the occurrence of terrestrial kilometric radiation

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    The correlation between magnetospheric substorms as inferred from the AE(11) index and the occurrence of terrestrial kilometric radiation (TKR) is examined. It is found that AE and TKR are well correlated when observations are made from above the 15-03 hr local time zone and are rather poorly correlated over the 03-15 hr zone. High-resolution dynamic spectra obtained during periods of isolated substorms indicate that low-intensity, high-frequency TKR commences at about the same time as the substorm phase. The substorm expansion phase corresponds to a rapid intensification and bandwidth increase of TKR. When combined with previous results, these new observations imply that many TKR events begin at low altitudes and high frequencies (about 400-500 kHz) and spread to higher altitudes and lower frequencies as the substorm expands

    Terrestrial kilometric radiation: 3-average spectral properties

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    A study is presented of the average spectral properties of terrestrial kilometric radiation (TKR) derived from observations made by radio astronomy experiments onboard the IMP-6 and RAE-2 spacecraft. As viewed from near the equatorial plane, TKR is most intense and most often observed in the 21-24 hr local time zone and is rarely seen in the 09-12 hr zone. The peak flux density usually occurs near 240 kHz, but there is evidence that the peak occurs at a somewhat lower frequency on the dayside. The frequency of the peak in the average flux spectrum varies inversely with increasing substorm activity as inferred from the auroral electrojet index (AE) from a maximum near 300 kHz during very quiet times to a minimum below 200 kHz during very disturbed times. The absolute flux levels in the 100-600 kHz TKR band increase significantly with increasing AE. The average power associated with a particular source region seems to decrease rapidly with increasing source altitude

    Locations of Auroral Kilometric Radiation Bursts Inferred From Multi-Spacecraft Wideband Cluster VLBI Observations i: Description of Technique and Initial Results

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    The Cluster Wideband Data instrument has been used to determine the locations of auroral kilometric radiation (AKR) using very long baseline interferometry. The technique involves cross-correlating individual AKR bursts from all six Cluster baselines using time and frequency filtered waveforms. We report the locations of over 1,700 individual AKR bursts during six observing epochs between 10 July 2002 and 22 January 2003 when the Cluster constellation was high above the southern or northern hemisphere. In general we find that the AKR burst locations lie along magnetic field lines which map onto the nighttime auroral zone as expected from previous AKR studies. The distribution of AKR auroral footprint locations at each epoch had a overall spatial scale between 1000 - 2000 km, much larger than the positional uncertainty of an individual AKR burst location magnetic footprint, but a small fraction of the auroral oval. For two of the six epochs, there was a significant drift in the mean location of AKR activity over a period of 1-2 hours. The drift was predominantly in latitude at one epoch and in longitude at the other, with average drift speed V ~ 80-90 m s-1 at the AKR emission location.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication 19 June 2003 in JGR Space Physics. accepted for publicatio

    Learning from the future meets Bateson's levels of learning

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    Purpose: Previous studies showed that combining learning based on experiences in the past with learning from an envisioned future scenario results in more innovative and radical ideas, as well as in a higher number of covered content domains. However, currently there is no holistic learning theory that integrates both sources of learning. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate whether it is possible to extend Bateson's theory of learning, to link these two learning sources in one coherent framework. Design/methodology/Approach: To answer this research question, the author draws on learning from an envisioned future, and tries to link it with the most important levels of learning in Bateson's framework. Findings: This paper contributes to the literature by attempting to link the important but still underexplored aspect of "learning from the future" to the complex and multifaceted work of Bateson. Given the fact that both sources of learning and experience yield a great potential to create new knowledge, this study outlines a possibility to include both sources into one learning theory. Research limitations/implications: This work provides the basis for further research in building a general holistic theory of learning to learn. Practical implications: On the individual level, the proposed approach can be easily applied with systemic coaching processes in general and coaching processes in the fields of developing an individual vision in particular. In the field of organizational learning, the awareness of different learning sources and different learning modes on the one hand and knowledge about the implementation of enabling spaces (PE-ba, FE-ba) to support these various learning modes on the other hand help organizations to generate new knowledge and create innovative and sustainable solutions, products and services. Originality/value: To the best of the author's knowledge, it is the first theoretical work that describes the integration of learning from past experiences and learning from future experiences in a methodological way

    An enhanced theory of learning including learning from the future

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    Previous studies showed that combining learning based on experiences in the past with learning from an envisioned future scenario results in more innovative and radical ideas as well as in a higher number of covered content domains. However, currently there is no holistic learning theory which integrates both sources of learning. The main purpose of our paper is to propose an enhanced theory of learning, linking the two most important sources of learning: learning from past experiences and learning from the future. Our suggested theory, which is based on the learning theory by Gregory Bateson, will be described in detail. Moreover, we will present some empirical experiences with the enhanced theory of learning. (author's abstract