4,773 research outputs found

    And Then There Were Ten: Equity and Adequacy of New York City Schools after Recentralization

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    New York City has the largest public education system in the United States, serving over 1.1 million students in 1,700 schools. Given its size, the city school system is a good place to explore the potential associations between various educational reforms and questions of adequacy and fairness

    Multiferroic Quantum Criticality

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    The zero-temperature limit of a continuous phase transition is marked by a quantum critical point, which can generate exotic physics that extends to elevated temperatures. Magnetic quantum criticality is now well known, and has been explored in systems ranging from heavy fermion metals to quantum Ising materials. Ferroelectric quantum critical behaviour has also been recently established, motivating a flurry of research investigating its consequences. Here, we introduce the concept of multiferroic quantum criticality, in which both magnetic and ferroelectric quantum criticality occur in the same system. We develop the phenomenology of multiferroic quantum critical behaviour, describe the associated experimental signatures, and propose material systems and schemes to realize it.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Olhando para além dos muros da escola: Uma análise do ambiente das Escolas Públicas de Minneapolis, 2004-2008

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    We provide an expanded environmental scan to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) faced by education communities. Grounded in the literature, we identified 48 indicators and grouped them into 6 broad categories: (1) budget levels, (2) funding patterns, (3) community needs, (4) external economic conditions, (5) political culture, and (6) children outcomes. We then created sub-categories for each of these six groupings based on whether the data came from school reports, non-school, governmental data, or not-for-profit entities. From these data, we developed a template with strategic guidelines for education leaders in varying environmental contexts. The discussion integrates school finance, fiscal condition analysis, leadership and organizational research to develop a framework that is then applied to the Minneapolis Public Schools for school years 2004 through 2008. The retrospective examination supports the utility of the strategic guidelines offered in the framework. Education leaders found a mixed educational climate in Minneapolis Public Schools for the years examined. There was cause for concern in the declining revenues for children services by other governmental agencies and increasing numbers of schools not making annual yearly progress. However, there were also opportunities apparent in the number of schools that offered International Baccalaureate and other rigorous programs and the support of schools as indicated by passage of local referenda.Proporcionamos una exploración del entorno ampliado para evaluar las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas (análisis SWOT por sus iniciales en inglés) que enfrentan las comunidades educativas. Siguiendo la literatura especializada, se identificaron 48 indicadores y agrupados en 6 grandes categorías: (1) niveles presupuestarios, (2) modalidades de financiamiento, (3) necesidades de la comunidad, (4) condiciones económicas externas, (5) cultura política, y (6) resultados de los estudiantes. Se crearon subcategorías para cada uno de estos seis grupos en función de si los datos provienen de informes escolares, datos gubernamentales no escolares, o entidades sin fines de lucro. A partir de estos datos, hemos desarrollado una plantilla con directrices estratégicas para las autoridades educativas de los diferentes contextos. La discusión integra variables de financiamiento educativo, análisis de la situación fiscal, liderazgo e investigación de la organización para desarrollar un marco conceptual que fue aplicado para analizar las escuelas públicas de Minneapolis para los años escolares 2004 hasta 2008. El examen retrospectivo apoya la utilidad de las líneas estratégicas que se ofrecen en este marco. Los líderes educativos encontraron un clima educativo mixto en escuelas públicas de Minneapolis para los años examinados. Había preocupación por la disminución de los ingresos en los servicios infantiles de otras agencias gubernamentales y el creciente número de escuelas que no consiguieron las marcas de progreso anual. Sin embargo, también hubo oportunidades de mejora evidenciadas en el número de escuelas que ofrecen Bachillerato Internacional y otros programas rigurosos y el apoyo de las escuelas, como se indica por el paso de referendos locales. Nós fornecemos uma varredura expandida para avaliar os pontos fortes, pontos fracos, oportunidades e ameaças (análise SWOT por sua sigla em Inglês) que as comunidades educativas enfrentam. Com base na literatura, foram identificados 48 indicadores que foram agrupados em seis grandes categorias: (1) os níveis de orçamento, (2) as modalidades de financiamento, (3) as necessidades da comunidade, (4) condições econômicas externas, (5) cultura política e (6) resultados dos alunos. Em seguida, forma criadas subcategorias para cada um desses seis grupos, tomando como base a proveniência dos dados: se provêm de relatórios escolares, de instituições não-escolares do governo, ou de entidades sem fins lucrativos. A partir destes dados, foi desenvolvido um modelo com orientações estratégicas para autoridades educativas em diferentes contextos. A discussão inclui variáveis de financiamento da educação, a análise da situação, liderança e organização de investigação fiscal para desenvolver um marco conceitual que foi em seguida aplicado para analisar as escolas públicas de Minneapolis nos anos letivos de 2004 até 2008. O exame retrospectivo apoia a utilidade das estratégias oferecidas neste marco conceitual. Líderes educacionais encontraram um clima educacional misto nas escolas públicas de Minneapolis nos anos analisados. Houve uma grande preocupação sobre o declínio das receitas de serviços para crianças por outras agências do governo e do número crescente de escolas que não conseguiram atingir as metas de progresso anual. No entanto, houve também oportunidades de melhoria evidenciadas no número de escolas que oferecem Bacharelado Internacional e outros programas rigorosos e apoio das escolas, conforme indicado pela passagem de referendos locais.

    Quantum critical origin of the superconducting dome in SrTiO3_3

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    We investigate the origin of superconductivity in doped SrTiO3_3 (STO) using a combination of density functional and strong coupling theories within the framework of quantum criticality. Our density functional calculations of the ferroelectric soft mode frequency as a function of doping reveal a crossover from quantum paraelectric to ferroelectric behavior at a doping level coincident with the experimentally observed top of the superconducting dome. Based on this finding, we explore a model in which the superconductivity in STO is enabled by its proximity to the ferroelectric quantum critical point and the soft mode fluctuations provide the pairing interaction on introduction of carriers. Within our model, the low doping limit of the superconducting dome is explained by the emergence of the Fermi surface, and the high doping limit by departure from the quantum critical regime. We predict that the highest critical temperature will increase and shift to lower carrier doping with increasing 18^{18}O isotope substitution, a scenario that is experimentally verifiable.Comment: 4 pages + supplemental, 3 + 2 figure

    Neutral pion decay in dense skyrmion matter

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    We study the density dependence of the decay π0γγ\pi^0\to \gamma \gamma using the Skyrme Lagrangian to describe simultaneously both the matter background and mesonic fluctuations. Pion properties such as mass and decay constant are modified by the medium. This leads to large suppression at high density of both photo-production from the neutral pion and the reverse process. The in-medium effective charge of π±\pi^{\pm} are also discussed in the same framework.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Corrections in light of referee comment

    Evolutionary proteomics identifies amino acids essential for ligand-binding of the cytokinin receptor CHASE domain

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    BACKGROUND: In plants the hormone cytokinin is perceived by members of a small cytokinin receptor family, which are hybrid sensor histidine kinases. While the immediate downstream signaling pathway is well characterized, the domain of the receptor responsible for ligand binding and which residues are involved in this process has not been determined experimentally. RESULTS: Using a live cell hormone-binding assay, we show that cytokinin is bound by a receptor domain predicted to be extracellular, the so called CHASE (cyclases, histidine kinase associated sensory extracellular) domain. The CHASE domain occurs not only in plant cytokinin receptors but also in numerous orphan receptors in lower eukaryotes and bacteria. Taking advantage of this fact, we used an evolutionary proteomics approach to identify amino acids important for cytokinin binding by looking for residues conserved in cytokinin receptors, but not in other receptors. By comparing differences in evolutionary rates, we predicted five amino acids within the plant CHASE domains to be crucial for cytokinin binding. Mutagenesis of the predicted sites and subsequent binding assays confirmed the relevance of four of the selected amino acids, showing the biological significance of site-specific evolutionary rate differences. CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates the use of a bioinformatic analysis to mine the huge set of genomic data from different taxa in order to generate a testable hypothesis. We verified the hypothesis experimentally and identified four amino acids which are to a different degree required for ligand-binding of a plant hormone receptor

    Who is a ‘veteran’? Understanding definitions of the term among the British public: a research note.

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    There are currently an estimated 2.8–3.8 million people in the UK who fulfil the UK Ministry of Defence definition of a military veteran (a minimum of one day’s military service). Despite these numbers, there is little research on who the public views as a veteran and how this differs across society. Rachael Gribble, Simon Wessely, Susan Klein, David A Alexander, Christopher Dandeker and Nicola T Fear examine public conceptualisations of the term ‘veteran’ compared with definitions from the Ministry of Defence and those of ex-service personnel themselves. Factors associated with commonly endorsed definitions are identified

    Spectral stability of noncharacteristic isentropic Navier-Stokes boundary layers

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    Building on work of Barker, Humpherys, Lafitte, Rudd, and Zumbrun in the shock wave case, we study stability of compressive, or "shock-like", boundary layers of the isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations with gamma-law pressure by a combination of asymptotic ODE estimates and numerical Evans function computations. Our results indicate stability for gamma in the interval [1, 3] for all compressive boundary-layers, independent of amplitude, save for inflow layers in the characteristic limit (not treated). Expansive inflow boundary-layers have been shown to be stable for all amplitudes by Matsumura and Nishihara using energy estimates. Besides the parameter of amplitude appearing in the shock case, the boundary-layer case features an additional parameter measuring displacement of the background profile, which greatly complicates the resulting case structure. Moreover, inflow boundary layers turn out to have quite delicate stability in both large-displacement and large-amplitude limits, necessitating the additional use of a mod-two stability index studied earlier by Serre and Zumbrun in order to decide stability