141 research outputs found

    Common CHD8 Genomic Targets Contrast With Model-Specific Transcriptional Impacts of CHD8 Haploinsufficiency

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    The packaging of DNA into chromatin determines the transcriptional potential of cells and is central to eukaryotic gene regulation. Case sequencing studies have revealed mutations to proteins that regulate chromatin state, known as chromatin remodeling factors, with causal roles in neurodevelopmental disorders. Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 8 (CHD8) encodes a chromatin remodeling factor with among the highest de novo loss-of-function mutation rates in patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, mechanisms associated with CHD8 pathology have yet to be elucidated. We analyzed published transcriptomic data across CHD8 in vitro and in vivo knockdown and knockout models and CHD8 binding across published ChIP-seq datasets to identify convergent mechanisms of gene regulation by CHD8. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) across models varied, but overlap was observed between downregulated genes involved in neuronal development and function, cell cycle, chromatin dynamics, and RNA processing, and between upregulated genes involved in metabolism and immune response. Considering the variability in transcriptional changes and the cells and tissues represented across ChIP-seq analysis, we found a surprisingly consistent set of high-affinity CHD8 genomic interactions. CHD8 was enriched near promoters of genes involved in basic cell functions and gene regulation. Overlap between high-affinity CHD8 targets and DEGs shows that reduced dosage of CHD8 directly relates to decreased expression of cell cycle, chromatin organization, and RNA processing genes, but only in a subset of studies. This meta-analysis verifies CHD8 as a master regulator of gene expression and reveals a consistent set of high-affinity CHD8 targets across human, mouse, and rat in vivo and in vitro studies. These conserved regulatory targets include many genes that are also implicated in ASD. Our findings suggest a model where perturbation to dosage-sensitive CHD8 genomic interactions with a highly-conserved set of regulatory targets leads to model-specific downstream transcriptional impacts

    In vivo targeted DamID identifies CHD8 genomic targets in fetal mouse brain.

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    Funder: Royal SocietyFunder: Agouron InstituteGenetic studies of autism have revealed causal roles for chromatin remodeling gene mutations. Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 8 (CHD8) encodes a chromatin remodeler with significant de novo mutation rates in sporadic autism. However, relationships between CHD8 genomic function and autism-relevant biology remain poorly elucidated. Published studies utilizing ChIP-seq to map CHD8 protein-DNA interactions have high variability, consistent with technical challenges and limitations associated with this method. Thus, complementary approaches are needed to establish CHD8 genomic targets and regulatory functions in developing brain. We used in utero CHD8 Targeted DamID followed by sequencing (TaDa-seq) to characterize CHD8 binding in embryonic mouse cortex. CHD8 TaDa-seq reproduced interaction patterns observed from ChIP-seq and further highlighted CHD8 distal interactions associated with neuronal loci. This study establishes TaDa-seq as a useful alternative for mapping protein-DNA interactions in vivo and provides insights into the regulatory targets of CHD8 and autism-relevant pathophysiology associated with CHD8 mutations

    Comparison of tagging single-nucleotide polymorphism methods in association analyses

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    Several methods to identify tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are in common use for genetic epidemiologic studies; however, there may be loss of information when using only a subset of SNPs. We sought to compare the ability of commonly used pairwise, multimarker, and haplotype-based tagging SNP selection methods to detect known associations with quantitative expression phenotypes. Using data from HapMap release 21 on unrelated Utah residents with ancestors from northern and western Europe (CEPH-Utah, CEU), we selected tagging SNPs in five chromosomal regions using ldSelect, Tagger, and TagSNPs. We found that SNP subsets did not substantially overlap, and that the use of trio data did not greatly impact SNP selection. We then tested associations between HapMap genotypes and expression phenotypes on 28 CEU individuals as part of Genetic Analysis Workshop 15. Relative to the use of all SNPs (n = 210 SNPs across all regions), most subset methods were able to detect single-SNP and haplotype associations. Generally, pairwise selection approaches worked extremely well, relative to use of all SNPs, with marked reductions in the number of SNPs required. Haplotype-based approaches, which had identified smaller SNP subsets, missed associations in some regions. We conclude that the optimal tagging SNP method depends on the true model of the genetic association (i.e., whether a SNP or haplotype is responsible); unfortunately, this is often unknown at the time of SNP selection. Additional evaluations using empirical and simulated data are needed

    Transcriptional Regulation of Enhancers Active in Protodomains of the Developing Cerebral Cortex

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    SummaryElucidating the genetic control of cerebral cortical (pallial) development is essential for understanding function, evolution, and disorders of the brain. Transcription factors (TFs) that embryonically regulate pallial regionalization are expressed in gradients, raising the question of how discrete domains are generated. We provide evidence that small enhancer elements active in protodomains integrate broad transcriptional information. CreERT2 and GFP expression from 14 different enhancer elements in stable transgenic mice allowed us to define a comprehensive regional fate map of the pallium. We explored transcriptional mechanisms that control the activity of the enhancers using informatics, in vivo occupancy by TFs that regulate cortical patterning (CoupTFI, Pax6, and Pbx1), and analysis of enhancer activity in Pax6 mutants. Overall, the results provide insights into how broadly expressed patterning TFs regulate the activity of small enhancer elements that drive gene expression in pallial protodomains that fate map to distinct cortical regions

    Accurate and exact CNV identification from targeted high-throughput sequence data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Massively parallel sequencing of barcoded DNA samples significantly increases screening efficiency for clinically important genes. Short read aligners are well suited to single nucleotide and indel detection. However, methods for CNV detection from targeted enrichment are lacking. We present a method combining coverage with map information for the identification of deletions and duplications in targeted sequence data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sequencing data is first scanned for gains and losses using a comparison of normalized coverage data between samples. CNV calls are confirmed by testing for a signature of sequences that span the CNV breakpoint. With our method, CNVs can be identified regardless of whether breakpoints are within regions targeted for sequencing. For CNVs where at least one breakpoint is within targeted sequence, exact CNV breakpoints can be identified. In a test data set of 96 subjects sequenced across ~1 Mb genomic sequence using multiplexing technology, our method detected mutations as small as 31 bp, predicted quantitative copy count, and had a low false-positive rate.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Application of this method allows for identification of gains and losses in targeted sequence data, providing comprehensive mutation screening when combined with a short read aligner.</p

    The International Gene Trap Consortium Website: a portal to all publicly available gene trap cell lines in mouse

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    Gene trapping is a method of generating murine embryonic stem (ES) cell lines containing insertional mutations in known and novel genes. A number of international groups have used this approach to create sizeable public cell line repositories available to the scientific community for the generation of mutant mouse strains. The major gene trapping groups worldwide have recently joined together to centralize access to all publicly available gene trap lines by developing a user-oriented Website for the International Gene Trap Consortium (IGTC). This collaboration provides an impressive public informatics resource comprising ∼45 000 well-characterized ES cell lines which currently represent ∼40% of known mouse genes, all freely available for the creation of knockout mice on a non-collaborative basis. To standardize annotation and provide high confidence data for gene trap lines, a rigorous identification and annotation pipeline has been developed combining genomic localization and transcript alignment of gene trap sequence tags to identify trapped loci. This information is stored in a new bioinformatics database accessible through the IGTC Website interface. The IGTC Website () allows users to browse and search the database for trapped genes, BLAST sequences against gene trap sequence tags, and view trapped genes within biological pathways. In addition, IGTC data have been integrated into major genome browsers and bioinformatics sites to provide users with outside portals for viewing this data. The development of the IGTC Website marks a major advance by providing the research community with the data and tools necessary to effectively use public gene trap resources for the large-scale characterization of mammalian gene function

    Astrophysical Tests of Dark Matter with Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer

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    We discuss how astrophysical observations with the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE), a high-multiplexity (about 4300 fibers), wide field-of-view (1.5 square degree), large telescope aperture (11.25 m) facility, can probe the particle nature of dark matter. MSE will conduct a suite of surveys that will provide critical input for determinations of the mass function, phase-space distribution, and internal density profiles of dark matter halos across all mass scales. N-body and hydrodynamical simulations of cold, warm, fuzzy and self-interacting dark matter suggest that non-trivial dynamics in the dark sector could have left an imprint on structure formation. Analysed within these frameworks, the extensive and unprecedented datasets produced by MSE will be used to search for deviations away from cold and collisionless dark matter model. MSE will provide an improved estimate of the local density of dark matter, critical for direct detection experiments, and will improve estimates of the J-factor for indirect searches through self-annihilation or decay into Standard Model particles. MSE will determine the impact of low mass substructures on the dynamics of Milky Way stellar streams in velocity space, and will allow for estimates of the density profiles of the dark matter halos of Milky Way dwarf galaxies using more than an order of magnitude more tracers. In the low redshift Universe, MSE will provide critical redshifts to pin down the luminosity functions of vast numbers of satellite systems, and MSE will be an essential component of future strong lensing measurements to constrain the halo mass function. Across nearly all mass scales, the improvements offered by MSE, in comparison to other facilities, are such that the relevant analyses are limited by systematics rather than statistics.Comment: 44 pages, 19 figures. To appear as a chapter for "The Detailed Science Case for the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer, 2019