18 research outputs found

    Progettazione e Quality of Life nella presa in carico di persone con disabilità intellettive: l’agricoltura sociale come nuovo spazio e tempo generativo

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    Starting from the theoretical framework of Quality of Life (Giaconi, 2015b; Schalock, Verdugo Alonso, 2006, 2002), the paper explores the continuity between the results of two assessment scales (POS and SIS) in a case study. The case concerns the initial condition of a young person with intellectual disabilities involved in a social agriculture project, called “Tuttincampo”. The project involves the synergistic collaboration of an inter-institutional network composed of public and private entities, and is aimed at testing a new format of social and labour integration, with the goal of offering a viable alternative to classic rehabilitation day centres. In detail, we want to explore the first useful data to support the project pathway aimed at deepening the practices and methodologies to support the social and labour inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.Starting from the theoretical framework of Quality of Life (Giaconi, 2015b; Schalock, Verdugo Alonso, 2006, 2002), the paper explores the continuity between the results of two assessment scales (POS and SIS) in a case study. The case con­cerns the initial condition of a young person with intellectual disabilities involved in a social agriculture project, called “Tuttincampo”. The project involves the synergistic collaboration of an inter­institutional network composed of public and private entities, and is aimed at testing a new format of social and labour integration, with the goal of offering a viable alternative to classic rehabilitation day centres. In detail, we want to explore the first useful data to support the project pathway aimed at deepening the practices and methodologies to support the social and labour inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities

    Didattica inclusiva nella scuola dell'infanzia e nella scuola primaria. Esperienze e percorsi per la formazione dei docenti

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    Il volume propone tematiche e riflessioni proprie della Pedagogia speciale, quali: accessibilità, progettazione e pratiche inclusive. I contributi qui raccolti, quindi, sono volti a indagare possibili traiettorie progettuali rivolte ai docenti ‒ in formazione e non ‒, con l’intento di presentare azioni didattiche inclusive che siano utili non solo per studenti con Bisogni Educativi Speciali (BES), ma per tutto il gruppo classe


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    Special Pedagogy legitimizes storytelling as a heuristic and educational device (Giaconi, Capellini, 2019). The value of narrating educational practices in initial and lifelong education and the role of autobiographical writing in the process of professionalization and recursive reconstruction of a professional identity allows us to understand the set of “action schemes [...] used in a profession”, that is the habit which a professional “wears” and it determines its perceptions, interpretations, analyses and decisions (Giaconi et al., 2021, p. 9). This contribution will illustrate the potential of storytelling and video narration through the introduction of a video-narrative format aimed at enhancing the life stories of people with disabilities in educational courses for all the teachers, with a particular attention to those who want to train as specialized teachers