467 research outputs found

    A non-invasive study of the effect of three commercial cleaning products on shellac-coated mahogany

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    The Royal Palace of Norway has a large 19th century wooden furniture collection and most of it is coated with shellac-based varnishes. Since these objects are part of the royal collections, they are still in daily use at the different residences and, therefore, need to be frequently cleaned. In this work, the effect of three cleaning commercial products (Baolin, Centurio, Fulgentin) used at the royal collections on shellac-coated mahogany is investigated for the first time. A non-invasive methodology (portable ER-FTIR spectroscopy and colorimetry) was applied to assess whether the chemical composition and the color of fresh and artificially aged mahogany wood mock-ups coated with shellac were affected by the above-mentioned cleaning products. This study shows that one of them causes changes in the varnished wood, thus potentially affecting the long-term conservation of this furniture collection.This work has been supported by grant TED2021-129299A-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR

    Psychological Sexual Health of People with Paraplegia

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    People with paraplegia have to fight their own and societal attitudes and stereotypes that reduce sexuality to the physiological functions of genitalia. These psychological and social limitations arise from cultural and disability models that focus sexual pleasure on phallocentric primacy, and sexual attractiveness of perfect bodies. In this chapter, we evaluate the impacts of a psychoeducational intervention in a personal growth group on the sexual life of two groups of people with spinal cord injury (SCI) and their partners, throughout their sexual interest and satisfaction, depression, and anxiety. In the first study, nonparametric statistical tests were used to compare pre- and post-outcome measures for all participants. In the second study, the grounded theory was used to explore dialogs and activities that were audiotaped during the group meetings. The participants in both groups were patients and their partners. The psychoeducational intervention was clearly effective in increasing sexual interest and satisfaction as well as the motivation and ability to enjoy sexuality. Anxiety was minimized for all participants, although it may not have been associated with the psychoeducational intervention. In addition, the intervention significantly improved the partner and patient group’s opportunity and ability to enjoy sexuality

    An investigation of the self- and inter-incompatibility of the olive cultivars 'Arbequina' and 'Koroneiki' in the Mediterranean climate of Sicily

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    In this investigation, the self-(in)compatibility of the Spanish cultivar Arbequina and the Greek cultivar Koroneiki was studied for the first time in Sicily, where these low vigour cultivars were recently introduced in super-intensive olive groves. Self- (S.P.) and openpollination (O.P.) tests, observation of fruit set and paternity test of seeds with microsatellite (SSR) markers, were performed to ascertain whether these cultivars were self-fertile and/or inter-compatible. For S.P. tests, branches with flowers at the balloon stage were bagged. For the O.P. tests, flowers were left to pollinate under natural conditions. Fruits from S.P. and O.P. were collected in November and fruit set was calculated. Genomic DNA was extracted from seeds. None of the 'Arbequina' seeds studied in either the S.P. or O.P. tests originated from self-fertilization. In addition, none of these seeds had 'Koroneiki' as the pollen parent. In contrast, 'Koroneiki' was found to be predominantly self-compatible in self-bagged branches, with 70% of the seeds originating from selffertilization. However, the incidence of self-fertilization was low (11%) in seeds from the O.P. test. Low levels of inter-compatibility were found between 'Arbequina' and 'Koroneiki', while many local cultivars were found to be good pollinators. The information presented here will be useful to growers for planning their orchards with suitable pollinators and for our breeding program aiming at obtaining new low vigour olive genotypes. In addition, our results suggested that the recent model of attribution of S-alleles and the prediction of suitable pollinizers for a given variety should be more cautious and always based on controlled crosses and paternity testing of seed from those crosses

    Global Emergence of Colistin-Resistant Escherichia coli in Food Chains and Associated Food Safety Implications: A Review

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    Antimicrobial resistance in bacteria represents one of the most important challenges for public health worldwide. Human infections from antimicrobial-resistant bacteria can be transmitted from person to person, via the environment (especially in the hospital environment), or via handling or eating contaminated foods. Colistin is well known as a last-resort antibiotic for the treatment of human infections; a recent study performed in the People's Republic of China has revealed that colistin resistance is also conferred by the plasmid-mediated mcr-1 gene in Escherichia coli. After that discovery, further plasmid-mediated, colistin resistance genes have been detected. However, to date, only reports on E. coli carrying the mcr-1 gene (E. coli mcr-1+) in foodstuff are available. E. coli mcr-1+ has been isolated from food of animal origin and vegetables; this discovery has opened a debate among food safety experts. This review aims to provide a critical overview of the currently available scientific literature on the presence of the plasmid-mediated, colistin resistance gene E. coli mcr-1 in foodstuffs, focusing on the main implications and future perspectives for food safety

    Effects of rapid maxillary expander and delaire mask treatment on airway sagittal domention in pediatrc patirnts affected by class III malocclusion and obstructive sleep apnea syndeome

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    Abstract: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a sleep-related breathing disorder that is very common in pediatric patients. In the literature, there are very few studies concerning the association between OSAS and class III malocclusion in children. The use of a rapid maxillary expander (RME) in association with the Delaire mask is a common treatment protocol for class III malocclusion. The aim of this work was to evaluate the cephalometric variations of upper airway dimensions and OSArelated clinical conditions after orthodontic treatment with an RME and the Delaire mask, as recorded in pediatric patients with a class III malocclusion who were affected by OSAS. In this preliminary study, 14 pediatric patients with mixed dentition, aged between 6 and 10 years, were selected. All patients were treated with an RME and the Delaire mask. Pre- and post-treatment cephalometric radiographs were traced, analyzed, and compared. The results demonstrated a significant increase in the upper airway linear measurements and the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal dimensions (p ≤ 0.05). This increase creates an improvement in airway patency and in OSAS-related clinical conditions. The use of the RME in association with the Delaire mask can be effective in the treatment of pediatric patients with a class III malocclusion who are affected by OSAS

    Evaluation of esophageal motility using multichannel intraluminal impedance in healthy children and children with gastroesophageal reflux: comments

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: : Multichannel intraluminal impedance (MII) directly evaluates esophageal bolus transport. There is a good correlation between MII and manometry in healthy adults, but there are no reports concerning children.The aim of the present study was to determine normal values of esophageal motility using only impedance measurements in healthy children and in a pediatric population with gastroesophageal reflux (GER). PATIENTS AND METHODS: : We described in the present study 60 children submitted to pH-MII for 24 hours for suspected GER. Patients were divided into 2 different groups on the basis of their pH-MII report. Group 1 patients showed acid GER, whereas group 2 patients had negative pH-MII analysis for GER despite symptoms. We described impedance reflux and motility parameters on 10 standardized swallows: number of reflux, mean acid clearing time, median bolus clearing time, bolus presence time, total bolus transit time, segmental transit time, and total propagation velocity. RESULTS: : In group 1, the median mean acid clearing time was 151 seconds, whereas the median mean bolus clearing time was 25 seconds. In group 2 patients, all of the reflux parameters were normal. In group 1 the median bolus presence time at each measuring site, the median total bolus transit time, and the median segmental transit time were significantly greater and total propagation velocity lower than values reported in group 2 (P < 0.001), if compared with those described for adult patients. CONCLUSIONS: : The pH-MII is an ideal test in children because it studies GER with its characteristics and motility pattern. Our report summarizes for the first time impedance motility parameters in healthy children

    Correlation between CD117+ myeloma plasma cells and hematopoietic progenitor cells in different categories of patients

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    Background: Multiple myeloma (MM) is a neoplastic disorder of plasma cells interesting mainly the elderly. MM remains an incurable disease, mostly because of the strong interplay between clonal plasma cells (cPCs) and bone marrow (BM) microenvironment. Multiparameter flow cytometry (MFC) allows the simultaneous study of the cPC immunophenotype and alterations involving other cells in BM, but rarely these data are interpreted as connected. One exception to this habit are previous studies about relationship between CD117 cPC positivity and hematopoietic progenitor cell (HPC) distribution in newly diagnosed patients. Thus we were interested in verifying the distribution of BM CD34+ HPCs in healthy controls, and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) patients and various categories of responding/relapsing MM subjects divided according to CD117 positivity. Results: Our data completely agree with precedent reports as regards untreated patients. In the group with progression of disease, CD117- patients exhibited a lower CD34 + CD19-/CD34 + CD19+ ratio vs CD117+ subjects. Among CD117- cases, newly diagnosed patients exhibited differences in distribution of HPCs vs responding myeloma subjects and patients with progressive disease. These differences reached statistical significance comparing CD117- newly diagnosed with CD117- responding cases, as reflected by CD34 + CD19-/CD34 + CD19+ ratio. In turn, no differences emerged comparing CD117+ treated and untreated patients. Conclusions: We demonstrate that administration of treatment and depth of reached response/presence of relapse imply a distinct regulation in distribution of CD34+ HPC subsets in CD117- and CD117+ patients. These differences become evident comparing untreated and treated CD117- patients, but they are impossible to detect in CD117+ cases

    Efficient isolation on Vero.DogSLAMtag cells and full genome characterization of Dolphin Morbillivirus (DMV) by next generation sequencing

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    The Dolphin Morbillivirus (DMV) genome from the frst Mediterranean epidemic (1990-\u201992) is the only cetacean Morbillivirus that has been completely sequenced. Here, we report the frst application of next generation sequencing (NGS) to morbillivirus infection of aquatic mammals. A viral isolate, representative of the 2006-\u201908 Mediterranean epidemic (DMV_IZSPLV_2008), efciently grew on Vero.DogSLAMtag cells and was submitted to whole genome characterization by NGS. The fnal genome length was 15,673 nucleotides, covering 99.82% of the DMV reference genome. Comparison of DMV_IZSPLV_2008 and 1990-\u201992 DMV strain sequences revealed 157 nucleotide mutations and 47 amino acid changes. The sequence similarity was 98.7% at the full genome level. Whole-genome phylogeny suggested that the DMV strain circulating during the 2006-\u201908 epidemics emerged from the 1990-\u201992 DMV strain. Viral isolation is considered the \u201cgold standard\u201d for morbillivirus diagnostics but efcient propagation of infectious virus is difcult to achieve. The successful cell replication of this strain allowed performing NGS directly from the viral RNA, without prior PCR amplifcation. We therefore provide to the scientifc community a second DMV genome, representative of another major outbreak. Interestingly, genome comparison revealed that the neglected L gene encompasses 74% of the genetic diversity and might serve as \u201chypervariable\u201d target for strain characterization

    Is Italian Agriculture "Pull Factor" for Irregular Migration -- And, If So, Why?

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    In discussions on irregular migration in Europe, undeclared work is generally viewed as a "pull factor"—positive aspects of a destination-country that attract an individual or group to leave their home—for both employers as well as prospective migrants, and especially in sectors such as agriculture. A closer examination of the agricultural model, however, reveals that structural forces are driving demand for work and incentivizing exploitation. This is particularly evident in Southern Italy, a region famous for its produce, where both civil society organizations and the media have documented exploitation of migrant workers. A closer examination of EU and member states efforts to avoid exploitation is needed.In Is Italian Agriculture a 'Pull Factor' for Irregular Migration—and, If So, Why?, a new study, authors from the Open Society Foundations' European Policy Institute and the European University Institute look at how Europe's Common Agricultural Policy, the practices of supermarket chains, organized crime, and gang-master recruitment practices contribute to migrant exploitation. The study further recommends a closer examination of EU member state efforts to counter exploitation and offers an overview of private sector practice's intended to combat exploitation—such as the provision of information on workers' rights, adequate housing and transport, and EU-wide labeling schemes, among others

    Policy Brief: Is Italian Agriculture a "Pull Factor" for Irregular Migration -- And, If So, Why?

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    In discussions on irregular migration in Europe, undeclared work is generally viewed as a "pull factor"—positive aspects of a destination-country that attract an individual or group to leave their home—for both employers as well as prospective migrants, and especially in sectors such as agriculture. A closer examination of the agricultural model, however, reveals that structural forces are driving demand for work and incentivizing exploitation. This is particularly evident in Southern Italy, a region famous for its produce, where both civil society organizations and the media have documented exploitation of migrant workers. A closer examination of EU and member states efforts to avoid exploitation is needed.In Is Italian Agriculture a 'Pull Factor' for Irregular Migration—and, If So, Why?, a new study, authors from the Open Society Foundations' European Policy Institute and the European University Institute look at how Europe's Common Agricultural Policy, the practices of supermarket chains, organized crime, and gang-master recruitment practices contribute to migrant exploitation. The study further recommends a closer examination of EU member state efforts to counter exploitation and offers an overview of private sector practice's intended to combat exploitation—such as the provision of information on workers' rights, adequate housing and transport, and EU-wide labeling schemes, among others
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