75 research outputs found

    Image as a narrative in architecture

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    Günümüz görsel kültür ortamında indirgemeci bir yaklaşımla tek katmanlı olarak ele alınan imge kavramının zihinsel soyutlama yeteneğini zayıflattığı, düşünsel üretimin araçsallaştırılmasına neden olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu bağlamda, mimarlıkta eleştirel düşünceyi tetikleyen imge kavramına farklı disiplinlerin penceresinden bakmak, farklı kavramlarla onu yeniden anlamlandırmak gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, nesnel biçimden zihinsel kurgu temsiline uzanan geniş bir yelpazede anlamlandırılan imge sorunsalı, eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla irdelenmekte ve mimarlıkta ilişkisel bilginin üretimine yol açabilecek bir okuma yöntemi önerilmektedir. Gündelik dilde görüntü ve biçim yerine kullanılan imgenin, biçime indirgenen yüzeysel algılama ve düşünme süreçlerine karşın imgeyi bir “anlatı olarak okuma”nın mimarlık bilgisinin üretimi için alternatif bir yaklaşım olabileceği tartışılmaktadır. Anlatı, zamansal deneyimin özelliklerini gösterdiği ölçüde yapılı çevrenin olay örgüsüne gönderme yapar. Anlatı olarak imge, bütüncül bir bakış açısı ile elde edilen mimarlık bilgisine ait “büyük resmi” bir olay örgüsüne dönüştürür. Herhangi bir yapılı çevreye ait imgenin katmanlı yapısı ve bu katmanlar arası ilişkileri bir olay örgüsüne dönüştürme sürecinde anlama, doğrusal düşünme biçimi yerine ağ ilişkisi ile temsil edilen karmaşık bir düşünme biçimini zorunlu kılar. Bu çalışmada imgeyi bir anlatı olarak okuma yöntemi, ilişkisel bilgiye ulaşmada bir örneklem olarak Kayseri Sahabiye Mahallesi imgesi üzerinden önerilmektedir. Tikel bir durum olan Sahabiye Mahallesi örneklemini genellenebilir kuramsal bilgi ile ilişkilendirerek deneyimleme; diğer bir deyişle, yapılı çevrenin katmanlı imge okumasını - tikel ve genel arasında gidip gelme hareketiyle eklenerek çoğalan ilişkisel bilgiye dönüştürme stratejisi, tezin kendine özgü yöntemini açıklamaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Görsel kültür, imge, eleştiri, ilişkisel bilgi, anlatı / olay örgüsü. This study, proposes a method for the use of the "image" in architectural criticism, which is perceived as problematic of being a single layered, reductionist concept and dominating the mental processes figuratively. In everyday language, it is being used to define a wide spectrum of meanings from figural to the mental and expresses the thought, representation and criticism. For this reason, to redefine the concept of image as a narrative became necessary, in the field of architecture. In this study, it is argued that, reading the image as a narrative will recover the concept being shallow and reductionist, as it is understood extensively. It is thought that, reading the image as a narrative can be used as a key concept to generate the architectural knowledge from the built environment. In this context, it is thought that understanding and interpreting the "big picture" of architecture can be presented according to the holistic approach. Consequently, the image is presented with its multi-layered properties and the relations between these layers are important in understanding the meaning of the concept, which emerges within the network relations. This relationship requires both a mental process that will include the subject's background and priorities and the affordances of the environment. The narrative of the image is therefore thought to be emerged as the interactive relationship of the object and the subject. It is thought that, the cities, as living spaces having cultural codes, cannot be understood only by syntactic and analytic methods. Togetherness of the subject and the object is needed in order to solve the puzzle like structures of these environments. In such an understanding, the researcher has to experience the research area using her intentionality and try to find out the relations hidden among the layers of the environment. These relations can be considered as "a fold", as a Deleuzian concept, which allows all the layers reflect each other, and make visible the other. The intentionality of the researcher caused by the synergy of these relations will produce a fertile ground for exploring new layers of meanings that cannot be seen only by looking at. Image, considered as a mental construct, represents the subjective thought and the knowledge of the phenomenon can include many meanings. In architectural criticism, it is important to recognize the word as a loaded concept, and not to prefer or stick one of the meanings. According to the holistic approach, none of them is more important than the other, and the whole is greater than the parts. Reading the image of Sahabiye District in Kayseri as a narrative has been considered as an exemplar in this study. It is difficult to explain how to read the image of Sahabiye District as a narrative because of its multi-layered and complex structure having too many cultural codes superimposed within old and new environments. To recognize the experiential, cultural, historical, textural and social contrasts in the district makes its image multi-layered while reading the image as a narrative. The inexhaustibility of contrast (Ross, 1994), proposes an unlimited energy resulting from the tension of the opposing but complementary concepts. This tension makes each of these concepts being visible simultaneously. Sustainability referring to both continuity and change which represents contrast is another concept facilitates reading the image of Sahabiye District. The researcher, as an old resident of the district has a sustainable experience in there. The first-person phenomenological research method (Seamon, 2003) is adapted in this research in order to understand the deep meaning of this experience. Multi layered character of the image of this district, besides the empathic devotion and the theoretical background of the researcher makes the image of the Sahabiye District an exemplar give rise to relational knowledge. In this research, it is emphasized that reading the image of a build environment as a narrative can be translated to a generalized and sustainable knowledge which is contextual and specific to this environment. Reading the image of Sahabiye District as a narrative therefore exemplifies the proposed method based on web of events which is open to critical knowledge. As an exemplar, narrating Sahabiye  District will give rise to an in-between reality concerning singularity and multiplicity and having a potential to move between a specific and general knowledge. As a result, reading the image as a narrative in architectural environments introduces some possibilities for translating the multi-layered structures of the cityscape to critical knowledge that can be used for preservation and gentrification projects. Keywords: visual culture, image, architectural criticism, relational knowledge, narrative / web of event

    Italian guidelines for primary headaches: 2012 revised version

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    The first edition of the Italian diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines for primary headaches in adults was published in J Headache Pain 2(Suppl. 1):105–190 (2001). Ten years later, the guideline committee of the Italian Society for the Study of Headaches (SISC) decided it was time to update therapeutic guidelines. A literature search was carried out on Medline database, and all articles on primary headache treatments in English, German, French and Italian published from February 2001 to December 2011 were taken into account. Only randomized controlled trials (RCT) and meta-analyses were analysed for each drug. If RCT were lacking, open studies and case series were also examined. According to the previous edition, four levels of recommendation were defined on the basis of levels of evidence, scientific strength of evidence and clinical effectiveness. Recommendations for symptomatic and prophylactic treatment of migraine and cluster headache were therefore revised with respect to previous 2001 guidelines and a section was dedicated to non-pharmacological treatment. This article reports a summary of the revised version published in extenso in an Italian version

    A multivariant secure framework for smart mobile health application

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Wiley in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, available online: https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.3684 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Wireless sensor network enables remote connectivity of technological devices such as smart mobile with the internet. Due to its low cost as well as easy availability of data sharing and accessing devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) has grown exponentially during the past few years. The availability of these devices plays a remarkable role in the new era of mHealth. In mHealth, the sensors generate enormous amounts of data and the context-aware computing has proven to collect and manage the data. The context aware computing is a new domain to be aware of context of involved devices. The context-aware computing is playing a very significant part in the development of smart mobile health applications to monitor the health of patients more efficiently. Security is one of the key challenges in IoT-based mHealth application development. The wireless nature of IoT devices motivates attackers to attack on application; these vulnerable attacks can be denial of service attack, sinkhole attack, and select forwarding attack. These attacks lead intruders to disrupt the application's functionality, data packet drops to malicious end and changes the route of data and forwards the data packet to other location. There is a need to timely detect and prevent these threats in mobile health applications. Existing work includes many security frameworks to secure the mobile health applications but all have some drawbacks. This paper presents existing frameworks, the impact of threats on applications, on information, and different security levels. From this line of research, we propose a security framework with two algorithms, ie, (i) patient priority autonomous call and (ii) location distance based switch, for mobile health applications and make a comparative analysis of the proposed framework with the existing ones.Published onlin

    Vegetal fibers in polymeric composites: a review

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    A Transformative relationship between architecture and architectural media: Turkish media after 1980

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    Advanced Analysis in Steel Frame Design

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    The idea for a set of published fonnalized guidelines for the use of second-ord~r inelastic or Advanced , analysis began in Structural Stability Research CounCil (SSRC) \u27Task Group 29, Second-order Inelastic Analysis for Frame Design, chaired by Donald W. White. The task group published the report Plastic Hinge Based Methods for Advanced Analysis and Design of Steel Frames in 1993. The current effort is aimed at bringing the knowledge gained from the previous report and subsequent research efforts into a coherent set of guidelines that places Advanced Analysis in the context of the current AISC Specification while being general enough to adapt to other standards and to future editions of the AISC Speci~cation. !he guidelines are designed to provide a methodology for Advanced AnalYSIS that gl:,es the designer specific recommendations on rigor of analysis, ~inimum mode~mg requirements, consideration of limit states, serviceability and hve load reductIOn, while allowing latitude for the judgment of the design engineer

    Isolation of Nanocellulose Fibers (NCF) from cocoa pod (Theobroma cacao L.) via chemical treatment combined with ultrasonication

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    Cellulose is commonly known for its uses in the production of products and materials due to its fascinating structure and properties, and it is also an almost unlimited organic polymeric raw material. In this research, cellulose nanofibers (CNF) from cocoa pod husks (Theobroma cacao L.) CPH is extracted using alkaline and minimal concentration of sulfuric acid and further disintegrated with ultrason-ication. The FESEM result proved that fibers with nano-dimension; diameter of 20–30 nm were observed. Based on FTIR spectrum result, it is shown that the pres-ence of peaks of around 1170–1046 and 890–670 cm−1 is associated with the C–O stretching and C–H bend vibrations of the cellulose pyranose ring skeletal. The range of size distribution of CNF–CPH is within 200–400 nm as shown in the particle size analysis