5 research outputs found

    COVID-19 — przebieg kliniczny u pacjentki przewlekle hemodializowanej — opis przypadku i przegląd piśmiennictwa

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    In Poland over 21,000 patients are treated with renalreplacement therapy by hemodialysis; in the PomeranianVoivodeship over 1,300 people. During the halfyear of the COVID-19 pandemic, only one patientchronically hemodialysed in the Pomeranian Voivodeshipconfirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. The patientwas admitted to the hospital dedicated to patientsinfected with SARS-CoV-2, where hemodialysis wascontinued. Hospitalization lasted 35 days, the patientwas discharged after obtaining 3 negative results RT--PCR SARS-CoV-2. The article describes the clinicalcourse of the infection and reviews the literature.W Polsce ponad 21 000 chorych jest leczonych nerkozastępczo metodą hemodializy; w województwie pomorskim jest to ponad 1300 osób. Przez pół roku trwania pandemii COVID-19 zakażenie SARS- -CoV-2 potwierdzono tylko u jednej pacjentki przewlekle hemodializowanej w województwie pomorskim. Chora została przyjęta do jednoimiennego szpitala zakaźnego, gdzie kontynuowano zabiegi hemodializy. Hospitalizacja trwała 35 dób, chorą wypisano po uzyskaniu 3 ujemnych wyników testu RT-PCR SARS- -CoV-2. W artykule opisano przebieg kliniczny zakażenia i dokonano przeglądu piśmiennictwa

    Persistent Post-COVID-19 Syndrome in Hemodialyzed Patients—A Longitudinal Cohort Study from the North of Poland

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    Background: After recovery from COVID-19, patients frequently face so-called “Post-COVID-19 Syndrome” defined by clusters of persistent symptoms lasting for >12 weeks which may arise from any system in the body. The long-term health consequences of COVID-19 in maintenance hemodialyzed (HD) patients remain to be investigated. Methods: In this longitudinal cohort study we described the health consequences in HD patients requiring hospitalization due to COVID-19. They were interviewed three and six months (M3 and M6) after discharge with a series of standardized questionnaires. Results: Of 144 HD patients discharged from the 7th Naval Hospital in Gdansk, 79 participants were enrolled, 39 m (49.4%) and 40 f (50.6%) with a median age of 70.0 (64.0–76.5) and an HD vintage of 40 months (17.5–88). After discharge, 93.7% and 81% reported at least one persistent symptom at M3 and M6, respectively. The most common symptoms were fatigue or muscle weakness (60.76% and 47.04%) and palpitations (40.51% and 30.14%). Dyspnea with an mMRC scale grade of at least 1 was reported by 21.5% before infection, and by 43.03% and 34.25% at M3 and M6, respectively. A decrease in the quality of life was reported in all domains of the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire but mainly in the pain/discomfort and anxiety dimensions. Mean EQ-VAS scores were 69.05, 61.58 and 64.38, respectively. Conclusion: Our study showed that HD patients may still experience persistent symptoms six months after recovery from COVID-19, which can further reduce their already poor health-related quality of life. This study highlights the need for long-term follow-up on these patients for diagnostic and rehabilitation programs

    Proceedings of the 23rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: part one

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