109 research outputs found

    Nalaz melanističnog mrkog guÅ”tera, Algyroides nigropunctatus (DumĆ©ril & Bibron 1839) (Squamata, Lacertidae), na otoku Krfu, Grčka

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    In this short note, the author presents a record of a melanistic juvenile Dalmatian Algyroides (Algyroides nigropunctatus) in the village of Dassia on the Greek island of Corfu, with the in situ voucher photos. According to the existing literature, melanistic specimens of the Dalmatian Algyroides were recorded only in the north of the speciesā€™ range ā€“ on the island of Krk (Croatia) and in the village of Dragonja (Slovenia). This is one of the rare reported cases of melanism in Dalmatian Algyroides, and the first record of melanism in the southern part of this speciesā€™ distribution range.U ovom kratkom priopćenju autor prezentuje nalaz melanističnog mladunca mrkog guÅ”tera (Algyroides nigropunctatus) u naselju Dassia na grčkom otoku Krfu, uz prilog dokaznih fotografija in situ. Prema dosadaÅ”njoj literaturi, melanični primjerci mrkog guÅ”tera zabilježeni su samo na sjeveru rasprostranjenja ove vrste ā€“ na otoku Krku (Hrvatska) i u naselju Dragonja (Slovenija). Ovo je jedan od rijetkih zabilježenih nalaza melanizma kod mrkog guÅ”tera, i prvi nalaz melanizma na jugu rasprostranjenja ove vrste

    Clinical characteristics, long-term prognosis and functional outcome in patients with West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease

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    Uvod: Virus Zapadnog Nila (engl. West Nile virus - WNV) je neurotropni arbovirus, čija se cirkulacija u prirodi održava uspostavljanjem enzootskog ciklusa između komaraca i ptica a čovek predstavlja zadesnog, terminalnog domaćina infekcije. WNV je prvi put identifikovan u oblasti West Nile u Ugandi, 1937. godine, a povoljna ekoloÅ”ka situacija u oblasti Mediterana i Balkana dovodi do Å”irenja WNV u ovu oblast i pojave epidemija u Italiji 2008- 2009, Grčkoj i Rumuniji 2010, Grčkoj i Italiji 2011, Srbiji i Hrvatskoj 2012. godine. Do simptomatske WNV infekcije dolazi kod oko 20% inficiranih osoba, a kod manje od 1% inficiranih dolazi do pojave neuroinvazivnog oblika WNF (engl. West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease-WNND). WNND se klinički najčeŔće manifestuje kao meningitis (engl. West Nile meningitis- WNM), encefalitis (engl. West Nile encephalitis- WNE) i/ili akutna flakcidna slabost (engl. Acute flaccid paralysis ā€“ AFP). SeroloÅ”ke analize krvi i CST (engl. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - ELISA test) predstavljaju zlatni standard u dijagnostici humane WNV infekcije. U ovom trenutku ne postoji zvanično prihvaćena vakcina niti terapija specifična za humanu WNV infekciju. Najveći procenat smrtnih ishoda povezan sa WNV infekcijom u vezi je sa WNND, a veći mortalitet se uočava kod bolesnika sa encefalitisom (oko 20%) i sa AFP (10-50%) nego kod bolesnika sa meningitisom (1%). Perzistirajuće neuroloÅ”ke sekvele i nepotpun funkcionalni oporavak mogu se održavati mesecima i godinama posle WNND, a kod ovih bolesnika česti su simptomi poput malaksalosti, miÅ”ićne slabosti, glavobolje, otežanog pamćenja i depresije..

    Morphological integration of the cranium and axial skeleton In European newts

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    Using micro-CT scanning and 3D geometric morphometrics of newt craniums and axial skeletons (first three vertebrae) we explored the pattern of morphological integration. We tested if i) directly connected serially homologous structures are more integrated than separated ones and ii) morphological integration coincides with regional differentiation. We applied a multilevel approach by analyzing patterns of integration at static and evolutionary levels, i.e., within and between species respectively. At the static level we choose the genus Triturus as a representative monophyletic group. We analysed between-individual variation in shape to detect functional modules and within-individuals the asymmetric component of variation in shape to detect developmental modules. At the evolutionary level, 17 species from five genera were analysed in phylogenetic context and taking effects of allometry on modularity and integration into account. We found that allometry is an important integrating factor in serially homologous structures. At the static level and after the correction for allometry, functional integration between the cranium and first vertebrae was weak but statistically significant between all elements, and developmental integration was significant between the cranium and the atlas and first and second trunk vertebrae. At the evolutionary level, the cranium, atlas and trunk vertebrae separate as three different modules. Our results suggest that, at the evolutionary level, morphological integration coincide with regional and functional differentiation of the axial skeleton. This allows the relatively independent evolution of the cranial skeleton and the vertebral column, separate of the significant functional and developmental integration at the static level

    Mehanizacije u voćarstvu, vinogradarstvu i zaÅ”titi bilja - stanje i potrebe

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    In this paper are shown results of research in area of machines needs for modern fruit and grape production in Serbia. Besides that, paper show overview of sprayers and other equipment for pesticide application. Marks of machines needs are given according information which authors of this work have. Every new orchard or vineyard means good analyses of possibility, needs and expected results in future. According these information growers by new machines. Baying of new machines must consider that it should by machines which can work also in new and old orchards and vineyards. Introduction of new machines in production, together with modern technology, make possible higher quality and efficiency of fruit and grape production. .U radu su dati rezultati istraživanja stanja i potreba mehanizacije za podizanje i eksploataciju viÅ”egodiÅ”njih zasada kao i maÅ”ina za zaÅ”titu ratarsko-povrtarskih kultura i zaÅ”titu voćnjaka i vinograda. Ocena stanja i potreba mehanizacije izvedena je na osnovu dostupnih ali nepotpunih podataka. Svako podizanje savremenog voćnjaka ili vinograda iziskuje dobru pripremu, dugotrajne i složene radne operacije uz koriŔćenje specifične opreme, sa velikim finansijskim ulaganjima. Kod nabavke mehanizacije za podizanje zasada prednost treba dati opremi koja se može koristiti i za rad kod podignutih zasada. Ubrzana zamena zastarele i neadekvatne mehanizacije, uz uvođenje savremenih visokoproduktivnih maÅ”ina za nove guste zasade, značajno olakÅ”ava i ubrzava tehnoloÅ”ke operacije, doprinosi poboljÅ”anju kvaliteta i kvantiteta voćnih plodova i grožđa sa postepenim smanjenjem zaostajanja za razvijenim svetom.

    Convergence Chromatography as an Emerging Technique for Determination of PAHs in Biomonitors

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are gaseous or particle-associated compounds formed in almost every process of incomplete combustion from anthropogenic and natural sources. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has classified 16 PAHs as priority pollutants due to their mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. For the assessment of particlebound PAHs, biomonitoring using a ā€œmoss bag techniqueā€ represents a complementary method to the convenient instrumental measurements. The common analysis of PAHs in moss and air samples involves extractionand evaporation of the solvent, and cleaning steps before determination by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or gas chromatography (GC) . Thanks to novel upgrades, ultra-performance convergence chromatography (UPC2) outperforms HPLC and GC in the domain of PAH determination. In this study, the method for determination of PAHs in moss samples by UPC2 was developed.WeBIOPATR 2017 : Particulate Matter: Research And Management : 6th WeBIOPATR Workshop & Conference : September 6-8, 2017, Belgrade
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