1,733 research outputs found

    YouTube doctors confronting COVID-19: Scientific–medical dissemination on YouTube during the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis

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    Producción CientíficaThe coronavirus crisis has highlighted the consumption of social media and online video platforms in search of an alternative discourse to that provided by traditional media. The objective of this article is to find an approach to education and scientific dissemination on COVID-19 present in the Spanish context of YouTube, focusing on the content analysis of audiovisual texts generated by creators from the medical and biomedical fields. A methodological orientation was used for this based on the Grounded Theory, which was applied to five case studies whose informative material on SARS-CoV-2 exceeded ten million views as of March 2021. The results reveal the existence of a group of medical professionals in the Spanish YouTube sphere who, since the COVID-19 outbreak, have been involved in the construction of an alternative discourse around the health crisis and its evolution that pursues a high standard of audiovisual quality, scientific rigor, and educational ability.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Ministerio de Universidades - FEDER (CAS19/00226 and PID2019-104689RB-I00)

    A heterogeneous mobile cloud computing model for hybrid clouds

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    Mobile cloud computing is a paradigm that delivers applications to mobile devices by using cloud computing. In this way, mobile cloud computing allows for a rich user experience; since client applications run remotely in the cloud infrastructure, applications use fewer resources in the user's mobile devices. In this paper, we present a new mobile cloud computing model, in which platforms of volunteer devices provide part of the resources of the cloud, inspired by both volunteer computing and mobile edge computing paradigms. These platforms may be hierarchical, based on the capabilities of the volunteer devices and the requirements of the services provided by the clouds. We also describe the orchestration between the volunteer platform and the public, private or hybrid clouds. As we show, this new model can be an inexpensive solution to different application scenarios, highlighting its benefits in cost savings, elasticity, scalability, load balancing, and efficiency. Moreover, with the evaluation performed we also show that our proposed model is a feasible solution for cloud services that have a large number of mobile users. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD under the project grant TIN2016-79637-P TOWARDS UNIFICATION OF HPC AND BIG DATA PARADIGMS

    ComBos: a complete simulator of volunteer computing and desktop grids

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    Volunteer Computing is a type of distributed computing in which ordinary people donate their idle computer time to science projects like SETI@Home, Climateprediction.net and many others. In a similar way, Desktop Grid Computing is a form of distributed computing in which an organization uses its existing computers to handle its own long-running computational tasks. BOINC is the main middleware that provides a software platform for Volunteer Computing and desktop grid computing, and it became generalized as a platform for distributed applications in areas as diverse as mathematics, medicine, molecular biology, climatology, environmental science, and astrophysics. In this paper we present a complete simulator of BOINC infrastructures, called ComBoS. Although there are other BOINC simulators, none of them allow us to simulate the complete infrastructure of BOINC. Our goal was to create a complete simulator that, unlike the existing ones, could simulate realistic scenarios taking into account the whole BOINC infrastructure, that other simulators do not consider: projects, servers, network, redundant computing, scheduling, and volunteer nodes. The outputs of the simulations allow us to analyze a wide range of statistical results, such as the throughput of each project, the number of jobs executed by the clients, the total credit granted and the average occupation of the BOINC servers. The paper describes the design of ComBoS and the results of the validation performed. This validation compares the results obtained in ComBoS with the real ones of three different BOINC projects (Einstein@Home, SETI@Home and LHC@Home). Besides, we analyze the performance of the simulator in terms of memory usage and execution time. The paper also shows that our simulator can guide the design of BOINC projects, describing some case studies using ComBoS that could help designers verify the feasibility of BOINC projects. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD under the project grant TIN2016-79637-P TOWARDS UNIFICATION OF HPC AND BIG DATA PARADIGMS

    A new volunteer computing model for data-intensive applications

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    Volunteer computing is a type of distributed computing in which ordinary people donate computing resources to scientific projects. BOINC is the main middleware system for this type of distributed computing. The aim of volunteer computing is that organizations be able to attain large computing power thanks to the participation of volunteer clients instead of a high investment in infrastructure. There are projects, like the ATLAS@Home project, in which the number of running jobs has reached a plateau, due to a high load on data servers caused by file transfer. This is why we have designed an alternative, using the same BOINC infrastructure, in order to improve the performance of BOINC projects that have reached their limit due to the I/O bottleneck in data servers. This alternative involves having a percentage of the volunteer clients running as data servers, called data volunteers, that improve the performance of the system by reducing the load on data servers. In addition, our solution takes advantage of data locality, leveraging the low network latencies of closer machines. This paper describes our alternative in detail and shows the performance of the solution, applied to 3 different BOINC projects, using a simulator of our own, ComBoS.Spanish MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD, Grant/Award Number: TIN2016-79637-

    Survey on virtual coaching for older adults

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    Virtual coaching has emerged as a promising solution to extend independent living for older adults. A virtual coach system is an always-attentive personalized system that continuously monitors user's activity and surroundings and delivers interventions - that is, intentional messages - in the appropriate moment. This article presents a survey of different approaches in virtual coaching for older adults, from the less technically supported tools to the latest developments and future avenues for research. It focuses on the technical aspects, especially on software architectures, user interaction and coaching personalization. Nevertheless, some aspects from the fields of personality/social psychology are also presented in the context of coaching strategies. Coaching is considered holistically, including matters such as physical and cognitive training, nutrition, social interaction and mood.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 769830

    El mercado laboral español y el empleo juvenil durante la crisis

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    La crisis financiera que comenzó a finales del año 2007 ha afectado de forma muy drástica a la economía española. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es hacer un análisis mediante la evolución de los principales indicadores de nuestro mercado laboral para observar cómo ha afectado la citada crisis al mismo y a su vez al mercado laboral juvenil y las consecuencias socioeconómicas que esto conlleva. A su vez analizaremos también como influye la educación en el empleo de los jóvenes. Para realizar este análisis dividiremos el trabajo en varios apartados. Al comienzo del trabajo echaremos la vista atrás hasta comienzos del siglo XXI, y observaremos como la economía española gozó de un gran periodo de crecimiento hasta el año en que comienza la ya nombrada crisis. Fue una economía basada principalmente en el boom inmobiliario y en el trabajo temporal que debido al aumento de la oferta laboral dio trabajo a multitud de personas, mayoritariamente hombres, inmigrantes y jóvenes con escaso nivel de estudios. En este periodo se crearon más de 4 millones de puestos de trabajo y el paro se mantuvo en torno a las 2 millones de personas. Continuaremos con la etapa de crisis y analizaremos el periodo 2007-2014. Como veremos, al ciclo anterior de bonanza económica le siguen varios años de crisis en los cuales se han destruido de forma contundente más de 3 millones de puestos de trabajo. Como veremos, los segmentos más afectados fueron la población joven, los inmigrantes, los trabajadores con contratos temporales y la población masculina en edad adulta, si bien conforme ha avanzado la crisis ha sido también el colectivo femenino el que se ha visto perjudicado. Después de ver cómo ha evolucionado en estos años el mercado laboral en su conjunto nos centraremos en mercado laboral juvenil y su evolución y a su vez en cómo es la educación en nuestro país y la relación que tiene con el empleo. Igualmente veremos cómo se han visto afectados los jóvenes en Aragón y haremos una comparativa con España. Personalmente este punto me parece muy interesante ya que como parte del colectivo juvenil, gracias a este análisis puedo hacerme una idea de lo que puede ser mi futuro

    Wepsim: an online interactive educational simulator integrating microdesign, microprogramming, and assembly language programming

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    Our educational project has three primary goals. First, we want to provide a robust vision of how hardware and software interplay, by integrating the design of an instruction set (through microprogramming) and using that instruction set for assembly programming. Second, we wish to offer a versatile and interactive tool where the previous integrated vision could be tested. The tool we have developed to achieve this is called WepSIM and it provides the view of an elemental processor together with a microprogrammed subset of the MIPS instruction set. In addition, WepSIM is flexible enough to be adapted to other instruction sets or hardware components (e.g., ARM or x86). Third, we want to extend the activities of our university courses, labs, and lectures (fixed hours in a fixed place), so that students may learn by using their mobile device at any location, and at any time during the day. This article presents how WepSIM has improved the teaching of Computer Structure courses by empowering students with a more dynamic and guided learning process. In this paper, we show the results obtained during the experience of using the simulator in the Computer Structure course of the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering at University Carlos III of Madrid

    Design of a trust system for e-commerce platforms based on quality dimensions for linked open datasets

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    This article describes a proposal about a trust system for e-commerce platform based on semantic web technologies and trust dimensions rules. We try to expose a system that allow to manage communication processes between e-commerce platforms and users in a trustworthy manner. It allows the data flows and transactions gain more trust across the entire process. All of this can be achieved through the inference of rules exposed in the defined ontology, complemented by a cloud-based system with microservices architecture. With the implementation of the system through an e-commerce platform, could consume data from the microservices in order to get inferences about its clients that want to buy or sell something within its system. This system was created based on rules defined by the ontology, as well as the microservices could be used to register information about multiple e-commerce transactions. The result of this work is the Ontology and semantic web rules defined and implemented through protege.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio