13 research outputs found

    Quantum Otto cycle with inner friction: finite-time and disorder effects

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    The concept of inner friction, by which a quantum heat engine is unable to follow adiabatically its strokes and thus dissipates useful energy, is illustrated in an exact physical model where the working substance consists of an ensemble of misaligned spins interacting with a magnetic field and performing the Otto cycle. The effect of this static disorder under a finite-time cycle gives a new perspective of the concept of inner friction under realistic settings. We investigate the efficiency and power of this engine and relate its performance to the amount of friction from misalignment and to the temperature difference between heat baths. Finally we propose an alternative experimental implementation of the cycle where the spin is encoded in the degree of polarization of photons.Comment: Published version in the Focus Issue on "Quantum Thermodynamics

    Irreversible Work and Inner Friction in Quantum Thermodynamic Processes

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    We discuss the thermodynamics of closed quantum systems driven out of equilibrium by a change in a control parameter and undergoing a unitary process. We compare the work actually done on the system with the one that would be performed along ideal adiabatic and isothermal transformations. The comparison with the latter leads to the introduction of irreversible work, while that with the former leads to the introduction of inner friction. We show that these two quantities can be treated on an equal footing, as both can be linked with the heat exchanged in thermalization processes and both can be expressed as relative entropies. Furthermore, we show that a specific fluctuation relation for the entropy production associated with the inner friction exists, which allows the inner friction to be written in terms of its cumulants.All the authors acknowledge support from COST MP1209 Action. F. P., G. F., and N. L. G. acknowledge insightful discussions with Michele Campisi, John Goold, and Mauro Paternostro. T. J. G. A. is supported by the European Commission, the European Social Fund, and the Region Calabria through the program POR Calabria FSE 2007-2013-Asse IV Capitale Umano-Obiettivo Operativo M2. F. G. and R. Z. acknowledge MINECO, CSIC, the EU commission, UIB and FEDER funding under Grants FIS2011-23526 (TIQS), postdoctoral JAE program (ESF) and Invited professors program.Peer reviewe

    When is a quantum heat engine quantum?

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    Quantum thermodynamics studies quantum effects in thermal machines. Both quantum coherence and quantum correlations have been theoretically shown to be a physical resource able to boost their performance. But when is a heat engine, which cyclically interacts with external reservoirs that unavoidably destroy its phase coherence, really quantum? We here use the Leggett-Garg inequality to assess the nonclassical properties of a paradigmatic two-level Otto engine with quantum friction. We provide the complete phase diagram characterizing the quantumness of the engine as a function of its parameters and distinguish three different phases: a quantum phase separated from a classical phase by a transition regime. We further derive an analytical expression for the quantum-to-classical transition temperature