36 research outputs found

    The role of the testa during development and in establishment of dormancy of the legume seed

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    Timing of seed germination is one of the key steps in plant life cycles. It determines the beginning of plant growth in natural or agricultural ecosystems. In the wild, many seeds exhibit dormancy and will only germinate after exposure to certain environmental conditions. In contrast, crop seeds germinate as soon as they are imbibed usually at planting time. These domestication-triggered changes represent adaptations to cultivation and human harvesting. Germination is one of the common sets of traits recorded in different crops and termed the “domestication syndrome.” Moreover, legume seed imbibition has a crucial role in cooking properties. Different seed dormancy classes exist among plant species. Physical dormancy (often called hardseededness), as found in legumes, involves the development of a water-impermeable seed coat, caused by the presence of phenolics- and suberin-impregnated layers of palisade cells. The dormancy release mechanism primarily involves seed responses to temperature changes in the habitat, resulting in testa permeability to water. The underlying genetic controls in legumes have not been identified yet. However, positive correlation was shown between phenolics content (e.g., pigmentation), the requirement for oxidation and the activity of catechol oxidase in relation to pea seed dormancy, while epicatechin levels showed a significant positive correlation with soybean hardseededness. myeloblastosis family of transcription factors, WD40 proteins and enzymes of the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway were involved in seed testa color in soybean, pea and Medicago, but were not tested directly in relation to seed dormancy. These phenolic compounds play important roles in defense against pathogens, as well as affecting the nutritional quality of products, and because of their health benefits, they are of industrial and medicinal interest. In this review, we discuss the role of the testa in mediating legume seed germination, with a focus on structural and chemical aspects

    Marketing mix of provider of mobile services

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    Bachelor thesis is focused on Vodafone and their current product called "Tarify na míru" which is analyzed on basis of marketing mix. The aim of this thesis is to specify Czech market of mobile services, position of Vodafone in this market and then introduce their nowadays product and analyse it. Analyses include layers of product concept, product lifecycle, analysis of development of customers, assessment of success of this product and comparison of price based on predetermined price baskets. Data is mined from both resources -- external and internal resources of Vodafone Czech Republic a.s

    Performance Management System and Assessment of Employees in Doosan Bobcat Manufacturing s.r.o.

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    Diplomová práce se věnuje systému řízení pracovního výkonu ve společnosti Doosan Bobcat Manufacturing s.r.o, který je analyzován z hlediska současné pozice, silných a slabých stránek spolu s navazujícím akčním plánem pro budoucí opatření. Analýza se opírá o výstupy ze sekundárních zdrojů jak externích, tak i interních a dále o informace poskytnuté v rámci polostrukturovaných hloubkových rozhovorů s manažery. Práce se také snaží o konfrontaci teoretických vstupů s praxí používanou v Doosan Bobcat Manufacturing s.r.o. Analytická část nabízí přehled o oblastech hodnocení pracovníků v podniku, o jednotlivých procesech, které probíhají v systémech užívaných pro hodnocení pracovníků a dále prvky horizontální i vertikální integrace systému do procesů společnosti. V závěru analytické části lze nalézt silné a slabé stránky systému spolu s doporučeními pro budoucí opatření pro společnost Doosan Bobcat Manufacturing s.r.o.Master thesis is focused on Performance management system and assessment of employees in Doosan Bobcat Manufacturing s.r.o., which is analysed from current position, its strength and weaknesses with connection to action plan, which should lead to the future of company. Analyses are based on secondary resources (both external and internal) and on information gained from semi-structured interview with managers. This thesis compares theoretical base of this topic with practical use in Doosan Bobcat Manufacturing s.r.o. Analytical part of thesis includes overview of criteria of assessment of employees, subjects included in horizontal and vertical integration of systems into processes of company. In the end of this thesis there is analysis of strength and weaknesses with recommendations for the future of Doosan Bobcat Manufacturing s.r.o

    Tester pro dlouhodobou analýzu superkapacitorů a akumulátorů pro projekt pikosatelitu PilsenCUBE a první výsledky ověřovacích testů

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    V článku popisujeme tester s řídící aplikací navržený pro dlouhodobou analýzu chování superkapacitorů a akumulátorů během nabíjecích a vybíjecích cyklů. Zařízení umožňuje u superkapacitorů dlouhodobě sledovat účinnost uskladňování náboje a energie v průběhu cyklování, analyzovat změny ve vnitřní impedanci a samovybíjení, vyhodnocovat změny v kapacitě a sledovat dynamické změny kapacity v závislosti na napětí. Toto zařízení také umožňuje sledovat některé obdobné charakteristiky i u akumulátorů. Článek obsahuje i ukázku výsledků prvních ověřovacích testů superkapacitorů Maxwell pro potřeby pikosatelitu PilsenCUBE, vyvíjeného na Fakultě elektrotechnické, ZČU v Plzni.This paper deals with super-capacitor and accumulator tester and also some results of Maxwell super-capacitors are mentioned. The tester device is capable to realize long-term charging and discharging cycles and evaluate several parameters change in time. It is possible to analyze an efficiency of charge and energy storing, to analyze an internal resistance and self-discharging, to analyze capacity changing in time domain and in relation to applied voltage. Results from tester devices were used in picosatellite PilsenCUBE, developed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen

    Fractal Antenna Made by Embroidering and Aerosol Jet Technology

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    Tento článek vznikl za podpory interního projektu na podporu studentských vědeckých konferencí SVK-2018-005, dále projektu SGS-2018-001: Výzkum a vývoj elektronických a komunikačních systémů ve vědeckých a inženýrských aplikacích a projektu NoMaTex - FV30051 řešeného v rámci programu TRIO.This paper presents a research focused on development of a flexible fractal antenna for wearable IoT applications or smart textile optimized for Ultra-Wideband communication. A bowtie pattern was chosen as design of the flexible antenna, which is prepared by two technologies: aerosol jet and embroidering. Demonstrators of the final antenna design were fabricated and tested

    Textrodes for long-term measurement of ECG integrated in smart textiles

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    This paper presents research and development of fully integrated textile electrodes for continuous measurement of electrocardiograph (ECG) signals. These Textrodes are fully integrated, skin friendly, antibacterial, flexible and washable. In close cooperation with two SME textile companies were done woven and embroidered electrodes integrated in a sport top, chest strap and functional T-shirt. Textile electrodes brings more comfort and freedom for patients, convalescents and athletes too, during long term monitoring of physiological signals

    Design and realization of embroidered antennas with using of hybrid sewing thread

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    In this paper is described problematic of dipole and fractal dipole antenna design. Realization of embroidered antennas optimized for frequency of 868 MHz. Two types of antennas were realized, the first was dipole antenna and second was fractal dipole antenna. These antennas were embroidered on flame-resistant fabric by hybrid sewing thread

    The testing of brass solderability for hybrid sewing thread

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    This paper presents a research focused on testing of brass solderability for hybrid sewing thread. The hybrid sewing thread is composed of two strands each containing 48 polyester (PES) fibers and 4 brass micro wires. As main investigative method was chosen spread test. Due to composition of hybrid sewing thread, was used brass plate as testing substrate. Two different solder alloys (SAC and SnPb) and two different fluxes (SMNA and Actiec 5) were placed on the testing substrate. The solder balls were remelted by using vapor phase soldering. The contact angle of reflowed solder ball was calculated from surface and height of remelted ball