34 research outputs found

    Role of Individual Disulfide Bonds in the Structural Maturation of a Low Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunit

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    Gliadins and glutenins are the major storage proteins that accumulate in wheat endosperm cells during seed development. Although gliadins are mainly monomeric, glutenins consist of very large disulfide-linked polymers made up of high molecular weight and low molecular weight subunits. These polymers are among the largest protein molecules known in nature and are the most important determinants of the viscoelastic properties of gluten. As a first step toward the elucidation of the folding and assembly pathways that lead to glutenin polymer formation, we have exploited an in vitro system composed of wheat germ extract and bean microsomes to examine the role of disulfide bonds in the structural maturation of a low molecular weight glutenin subunit. When conditions allowing the formation of disulfide bonds were established, the in vitro synthesized low molecular weight glutenin subunit was recovered in monomeric form containing intrachain disulfide bonds. Conversely, synthesis under conditions that did not favor the formation of disulfide bonds led to the production of large aggregates from which the polypeptides could not be rescued by the post-translational generation of a more oxidizing environment. These results indicate that disulfide bond formation is essential for the conformational maturation of the low molecular weight glutenin subunit and suggest that early folding steps may play an important role in this process, allowing the timely pairing of critical cysteine residues. To determine which cysteines were important to maintain the protein in monomeric form, we prepared a set of mutants containing selected cysteine to serine substitutions. Our results show that two conserved cysteine residues form a critical disulfide bond that is essential in preventing the exposure of adhesive domains and the consequent formation of aberrant aggregates

    ER Dislocation: Cdc48p/p97 Gets Into the AAAct

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    AbstractMisfolded or unassembled proteins present in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum are exported to the cytosol and degraded. Recent studies have implicated a complex containing the AAA ATPase Cdc48p/p97 in the export process

    Free ricin A chain, proricin, and native toxin have different cellular fates when expressed in tobacco protoplasts.

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    The catalytic A subunit of ricin can inactivate eukaryotic ribosomes, including those of Ricinus communis where the toxin is naturally produced. How such plant cells avoid intoxication has remained an open question. Here we report the transient expression of a number of ricin A chain-encoding cDNA constructs in tobacco protoplasts. Ricin A chain entered the endoplasmic reticulum lumen, where it was efficiently glycosylated, but it was toxic to the cells and disappeared with time in a brefeldin A-insensitive manner, suggesting reverse translocation to the cytosol and eventual degradation. Proricin (the natural precursor form containing A and B chains joined together by a linker sequence) was glycosylated, transported to the vacuole, and processed to its mature form, but was not toxic. Free ricin A chain and proricin were not secreted, whereas free ricin B chain was found entirely in the extracellular medium. The coexpression of ricin A and B chains resulted in the formation of disulfide-linked, transport-competent heterodimers, which were secreted, with a concomitant reduction in the observed cytotoxicity. These results suggest that the production of ricin as a precursor is essential for its routing to the vacuole and for protection of ricin-producing cells

    The N-terminal ricin propeptide influences the fate of ricin A-chain in tobacco protoplasts.

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    The plant toxin ricin is synthesized in castor bean seeds as an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-targeted precursor. Removal of the signal peptide generates proricin in which the mature A- and B-chains are joined by an intervening propeptide and a 9-residue propeptide persists at the N terminus. The two propeptides are ultimately removed in protein storage vacuoles, where ricin accumulates. Here we have demonstrated that the N-terminal propeptide of proricin acts as a nonspecific spacer to ensure efficient ER import and glycosylation. Indeed, when absent from the N terminus of ricin A-chain, the non-imported material remained tethered to the cytosolic face of the ER membrane, presumably by the signal peptide. This species appeared toxic to ribosomes. The propeptide does not, however, influence catalytic activity per se or the vacuolar targeting of proricin or the rate of retrotranslocation/degradation of A-chain in the cytosol. The likely implications of these findings to the survival of the toxin-producing tissue are discussed

    The role of CDC48 in the retro-translocation of non-ubiquitinated toxin substrates in plant cells

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    When the catalytic A subunits of the castor bean toxins ricin and Ricinus communis agglutinin (denoted as RTA and RCA A, respectively) are delivered into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of tobacco protoplasts, they become substrates for ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). As such, these orphan polypeptides are retro-translocated to the cytosol, where a significant proportion of each protein is degraded by proteasomes. Here we begin to characterise the ERAD pathway in plant cells, showing that retro-translocation of these lysine-deficient glycoproteins requires the ATPase activity of cytosolic CDC48. Lysine polyubiquitination is not obligatory for this step. We also show that while RCA A is found in a mannose-untrimmed form prior to its retro-translocation, a significant proportion of newly synthesised RTA cycles via the Golgi and becomes modified by downstream glycosylation enzymes. Despite these differences, both proteins are similarly retro-translocated

    Prospects to improve the nutritional quality of crops

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    A growing world population as well as the need to enhance sustainability and health create challenges for crop breeding. To address these challenges, not only quantitative but also qualitative improvements are needed, especially regarding the macro- and micronutrient composition and content. In this review, we describe different examples of how the nutritional quality of crops and the bioavailability of individual nutrients can be optimised. We focus on increasing protein content, the use of alternative protein crops and improving protein functionality. Furthermore, approaches to enhance the content of vitamins and minerals as well as healthy specialised metabolites and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered. In addition, methods to reduce antinutrients and toxins are presented. These approaches could help to decrease the ‘hidden hunger’ caused by micronutrient deficiencies. Furthermore, a more diverse crop range with improved nutritional profile could help to shift to healthier and more sustainable plant-based diets

    Prospects to improve the nutritional quality of crops

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    A growing world population as well as the need to enhance sustainability and health create challenges for crop breeding. To address these challenges, not only quantitative but also qualitative improvements are needed, especially regarding the macro- and micronutrient composition and content. In this review, we describe different examples of how the nutritional quality of crops and the bioavailability of individual nutrients can be optimised. We focus on increasing protein content, the use of alternative protein crops and improving protein functionality. Furthermore, approaches to enhance the content of vitamins and minerals as well as healthy specialised metabolites and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered. In addition, methods to reduce antinutrients and toxins are presented. These approaches could help to decrease the ‘hidden hunger’ caused by micronutrient deficiencies. Furthermore, a more diverse crop range with improved nutritional profile could help to shift to healthier and more sustainable plant-based diets

    Improving crop yield potential: Underlying biological processes and future prospects

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    The growing world population and global increases in the standard of living both result in an increasing demand for food, feed and other plant‐derived products. In the coming years, plant‐based research will be among the major drivers ensuring food security and the expansion of the bio‐based economy. Crop productivity is determined by several factors, including the available physical and agricultural resources, crop management, and the resource use efficiency, quality and intrinsic yield potential of the chosen crop. This review focuses on intrinsic yield potential, since understanding its determinants and their biological basis will allow to maximize the plant's potential in food and energy production. Yield potential is determined by a variety of complex traits that integrate strictly regulated processes and their underlying gene regulatory networks. Due to this inherent complexity, numerous potential targets have been identified that could be exploited to increase crop yield. These encompass diverse metabolic and physical processes at the cellular, organ and canopy level. We present an overview of some of the distinct biological processes considered to be crucial for yield determination that could further be exploited to improve future crop productivity