745 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Customer Trust And Service Quality On Post Purchase Intention Through Customer Satisfaction On Online Grab Transportation (Survey Of Grab Customers In Purworejo)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Customer Trust and Perceived Service on Post Purchase Intention through Customer Satisfaction in Grab Online Transportation (Survey of Grab users in Purworejo). Based on preliminary research by conducting interviews with 10 users of grab services in Purworejo. Their answers can be summarized as follows: (1) three out of 10 customers stated that they use Grab's services because the fares provided are very in line with what they expected, so they only use Grab as an online transportation service; (2) five out of 10 customers stated that they chose the grab service because they were satisfied with the services provided by Grab, so they only used Grab as an online transportation service; (3) two out of 10 customers stated that they feel comfortable with Grab and are willing to recommend Grab to the people around them and have the intention to use Grab in the future.The problem in this research is Post-Purchase Intention. Post-purchase (post-purchase) is a post- purchase evaluation that involves a number of concepts, including consumer expectations, satisfaction, doubts and feedback mechanisms. Satisfaction is an important emotion of this stage and is a determinant for future buying behavior (Loudon &Bitta, 1993). The object of this research is Grab customers in Purworejo. Sampling using the No Probability Sampling method. In this study, data from questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive quantitative methods. The hypothesis testing of this research was carried out with the help of SPSS Version 25 software. These values can be seen from the results of a significance of 5%.The object of this research is Grab users in Purworejo Regency. Sampling using the Non Probability Sampling method. In this study, data from questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive and quantitative methods. The hypothesis testing of this research was carried out with the help of SPSS software. These values can be seen from the results of a significance of 5%. The results of the study show that (1) Customer trust has a positive and significant effect on post purchase intention. (2) Customer trust has a positive and significant effect on post purchase intention. (3) Customer Satifaction is not able to mediate the influence of customer trust on post purchase intention of Grab users in Purworejo. (4) Customer satisfaction is not able to mediate the effect of service quality on post purchase intention of Grab users in PurworejoKeywords: Customer Trust, Perceived Service, Post Purchase Intention, Customer Satisfactio


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    ABSTRAK Saat ini industri pengolahan batu sedang mengalami masalah yang cukup serius. Beberapa survey sudah membuktikan kualitas batu yang dihasilkan oleh penggilingan batu kurang memuaskan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya dikarenakan oleh mesin penggiling yang bekerja kurang maksimal karena banyaknya logam atau besi yang melalui mesin penggiling. Bahkan dampaknya bisa meluas dan mengakibatkan rusaknya mesin penggiling. Untuk itu dibutuhkan sebuah alat yang dapat meminimalisir terjadinya hal-hal yang sudah disebutkan di atas. Alat ini dirancang dengan memanfaatkan Arduino UNO R3 dan Rangkaian Sensor Logam sebagai unit pemroses, dan SMS Gateway dan Alarm Buzzer sebagai unit pemberi peringatan, serta Relay dan Motor DC untuk sistem mekaniknya. Sensor Logam akan mendeteksi logam dengan adanya perubahan frekuensi melalui bantuan coil. Dan saat terjadinya perubahan frekuensi tersebut maka Arduino akan mengirimkan perintah ke Relay, Alarm Buzzer dan LED, serta Modul GSM SIM900 secara bersamaan. Pada Proyek Akhir ini, sensor logam yang dirancang dapat mendeteksi adanya keberadaan logam yang melalui Conveyor. Sensor akan mendeteksi saat benda logam berada pada jarak 0-2,1 cm. Sensor dapat mendeteksi berbagai jenis benda logam seperti gunting, paku, handphone, dan lain-lain. Namun, sensor tidak dapat mendeteksi keberadaan induktansi pada benda berbahan logam mulia. Pada saat terdeteksi adanya logam, perangkat SMS Gateway mengirimkan notifikasi kepada operator. Kata kunci : Penggiling batu, SMS Gateway, Mikrokontroler, Logam, Conveyo

    The Economy of Local Television Media Study at Jawa Pos Television (JTV) Banyuwangi Bureau

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    A local television company that was built with the spirit of regional culture, is very much felt by its presence by providing a lot of color in the media industry, especially in television media. The problem discussed in this study is the economic media where the economic pressures can affect the strategy of JTV Banyuwangi in sustaining presence in the media industry. The research uses qualitative research by using an economics media analysis, which would explain how attempts by the JTV Banyuwangi do to preserve its existence. The result of this study has four strategies, 1) guarding human resources available for increased growth and creative levels, 2) the same load of entertainment and news, 3) active on social media, 4) working with cable television companies. The strategies of the JTV Banyuwangi to get for the markets, which is the audience and advertising, this strategy was certainly successful because JTV Banyuwangi has enhanced the position on positioning the markets holdings in relation to another local television


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    Horticulture, as an important agricultural subsector after food, plays a crucial role in meeting human needs. Horticultural plants not only provide food, but are also an irreplaceable source of nutrition for society, containing carbohydrates, minerals, proteins and vitamins necessary for human health (Pitaloka, 2020). The uniqueness of this research lies in the object and location of the research, namely UD Raja Pisang in Tegalharjo Village, Glenmore District, Banyuwangi. By deepening research in this location, it is hoped that more effective and innovative marketing strategies can be found to expand market reach and increase the success of the banana business in this area. This research uses respondents with a total of 70 samples of consumers who buy bananas using the Qualitative Descriptive method. The data obtained was then analyzed using SWOT Analysis. The results of this research are that there are 4 variables that influence the decision to purchase bananas, namely product attention, price, place and promotion which influence the increase in banana sales by UD Raja Pisang. Analysis of internal and external factors is important to understand the UD Raja Pisang business in Tegalharjo Village, Glenmore District, Banyuwangi. In order to help design responsive marketing strategies, increase competitiveness. An effective marketing strategy for UD Raja Pisang must include adjustments to internal conditions, response to the external environment, appropriate market segmentation, product diversification, effective use of media and promotions, as well as continuous evaluation and adjustment. increase sales, and have resellers to reach wider consumers. This thesis can at least be used as material for evaluation and consideration in determining marketing strategies for bananas and other products from UD Raja Pisang


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    Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini merupakan kegiatan pengabdian yang telah dilakukan pada tahun 2020 di Kelurahan Pakis yang terletak di wilayah Kecamatan Sawahan, Kota Surabaya. Pakis merupakan daerah yang terus berkembang dengan memiliki beberapa UMKM di bidang kuliner dan fashion. Tujuan diadakan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengenalkan tentang proses pembuatan NPWP cepat dan mudah guna meningkatkan pemahaman pelaku UMKM dalam memenuhi kewajiban perpajakannya. Metode pelatihan ini dimulai dengan syarat dan cara pembuatan NPWP, hak dan kewajiban wajib pajak serta manfaat NPWP, tata cara pembukuan dan pencatatan, serta tata cara penghitungan dan pelaporan pajak UMKM. Persiapan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan, yaitu (1) menganalisa situasi dan identifikasi kebutuhan UMKM, (2) Memberikan materi pelatihan yang disosialisasikan oleh Instruktur kepada pelaku UMKM dan diskusi tentang permasalahan-permasalahan pajak, (3) evaluasi program dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Hasil kegiatan yang telah dilakukan bahwa pelaku UMKM yang belum mendaftarkan diri sebagai wajib pajak karena belum mengetahui tata cara pembuatan NPWP dan keterbatasan informasi terkait syarat dan cara pembuatan NPWP, dan pelaku UMKM belum melakukan pembukuan dan pencatatan transaksi keuangannya. Pelatihan ini menunjukkan tingkat pemahaman pelaku UMKM terhadap pentingnya pemahaman terhadap perpajakan, adanya respon positif tersebut dilihat dari antusiasme para peserta pelatihan mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian, Sebagian besar (62,5%) peserta telah memahami tentang perpajakan, arti pentingnya pajak, pembuatan NPWP, dan dapat memahami PP Nomor 23 Tahun 2018. Abstract: This community service activity is a service activity that has been conducted in 2020 in Pakis Village located in sawahan sub-district, Surabaya. Fern is an area that continues to grow by having several MSMEs in the field of culinary and fashion. The purpose of this devotion is to introduce about the process of making NPWP quickly and easily in order to improve the understanding of MSMEs in fulfilling their tax obligations. This training method begins with the terms and procedures for making NPWP, the rights and obligations of taxpayers as well as the benefits of NPWP, bookkeeping and recording procedures, and procedures for calculating and reporting MSMEs taxes. Preparation of community service is carried out in several stages, namely (1) analyzing the situation and identification of the needs of MSMEs, (2) Providing training materials disseminated by instructors to MSMEs and discussions on tax issues, (3) evaluation of programs in the implementation of community service activities. The results of the activities that have been carried out that MSME actors who have not registered as taxpayers because they do not know the procedure of making NPWP and limited information related to the terms and how to make NPWP, and MSMEs actors have not done the bookkeeping and recording of financial transactions. This training shows the level of understanding of MSMEs on the importance of understanding taxation, the positive response is seen from the enthusiasm of the trainees following the devotional activities, mostly (62.5%) participants have understood about taxation, the importance of taxes, the creation of NPWP, and can understand PP No. 23 of 2018


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    Dengan menggunakan artis atau selebritis, seperti Agnes Monica dan Baim Wong sebagai pendukung (endorser) diharapkan Honda mampu menciptakan image yang berbeda dari produknya dengan produk para pesaing. Melalui slogan Vario “ Inilah idola baru, warnai gayamu “, Honda mencoba menarik perhatian para anak muda yang gaul, stylish, ‘macho’, dan penuh percaya diri. Primadona skutik masih dipegang oleh Yamaha MIO yang menguasai hampir 58% pangsa pasar skutik dengan penjualan sebanyak 693.534 unit sampai bulan Juli 2009. Honda dengan pasukan Vario dan Beat hanya mampu mencatat penjualan sebanyak 406.600 unit. Suzuki tidak mau kalah bertarung disegmen skutik ini, buktinya mereka telah mencatat penjualan diatas 100,000 unit disegmen ini. pada 2009 tampak bahwa Honda Vario mengalami penurunan pada penjualannya artinya citra merek Honda Vario masih kalah dengan Yamaha Mio. Citra merek yang kuat memberikan sejumlah keunggulan, seperti posisi pasar yang lebih superior dibandingkan pesaing. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui pengaruh celebrity endorser terhadap citra merek (brand image) sepeda motor Honda Vario di Surabaya dan Mengetahui pengaruh kualtas produk terhadap citra merek (brand image) sepeda motor Honda Vario di Surabaya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh konsumen yang membeli sepeda motor Honda Vario di Surabaya. Sampel yang diambil adalah sebesar 130responden. Data yang dipergunakan adalah data primer yaitu data yang berdasarkan kuisioner hasil jawaban responden. Sedangkan analisis yang dipergunakan adalah Structural Equation Modelling. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan telah didapatkan bahwa : a. Celebrity Endoser berpengaruh terhadap Brand Image, dapat diterima.b. Product Quality berpengaruh terhadapBrand Image, dapat diterima

    The Effect of EDAPP as LMS on Students' English Proficiency on Junior High School Student

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of EDAPP, an educational mobile application, on student English proficiency. A sample of 26 students from a Junior High school participated in the study .Pre- and post-test measures were administered to assess their English proficiency in four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking Using english Score .The findings of the study revealed a significant improvement in the English proficiency of the students. The student  show higher scores in all four language skills, indicating the positive impact of EDAPP on their language learning outcomes. Moreover, the student satisfaction surveys indicated a high level of engagement and motivation among the experimental group. The interactive features,     gamification elements, and user-friendly interface of EDAPP were reported to enhance their learning experience and foster a positive attitude towards language learning. These findings suggest that the integration of EDAPP in English language instruction can be an effective approach to enhance student English proficiency. The mobile application's interactive and engaging nature provides students with opportunities for self-paced learning, immediate feedback, and personalized practice, thereby promoting their language skills development .Further research is recommended to explore the long-term effects of EDAPP on student English proficiency, as well as to investigate its effectiveness in different educational settings and with diverse learner populations. Keywords: EDAPP , LMS, English proficienc

    The Challenges for the Global Ocean Governance

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    The Global Ocean is the cornerstone of our planet's life support system. It encompasses one of four Global Commons, the High Seas, and represents the sum of all seas and oceans that are interconnected at a global scale. Although considered as a unique piece of the planet system, it consists on multiple and complex components, regulated autonomously but interacting with each other. Ocean Governance is a topic that, while not new, is still far from consensual in the way it is conceptualized and implemented. Although the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), recognized by a large number of States as "the Constitution for the Oceans", determines its spatial configuration and regulates the components of the Ocean, this is not achieved globally, resulting in gaps in terms of spatial coverage of this single element - the Global Ocean. Considering the theme’s complexity and the interdependence of the maritime areas’ regimes pursuant the Convention, this paper highlights some of the major constraints and challenges regarding to Global Ocean Governance to be faced in the years to come. Among others, issues as the legitimacy of the governance process in the global scene, the tragedy of the global commons and the evolution of the oceans’ regime, will be considered to set the major emerging challenges in this proposed topic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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