11 research outputs found

    Gibberellic acid in the postharvest quality of ‘Nanicão’ banana

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    The article aimed to verify the effect of doses of gibberellic acid on the extension of postharvest life on ‘Nanicão’ bananas. The fruits were harvested in color stage 1 (completely green peel). A completely randomized design was used, in an arrangement of subdivided plots, with doses of GA3 allocated in the plots (0; 50; 100; 150 and 200 mg L-1) and evaluation times allocated in the subplots (0; 3; 6; 9, 12, 15, 19, 23, 27 and 31 days of storage), with four replications, with a bouquet of three fruits per sample unit. The bunches were stored in a refrigeration chamber of 22 ± 1 ºC and relative humidity of 91%. The study assessed fresh weight loss, peel color parameters, peel chlorophyll content, pulp firmness, soluble solids, titratable acidity, and CO2 production. The loss of fresh matter was lower in fruits treated with 200 mg L-1. Fruits treated with 200 mg L-1 had the highest Hue angle value (89.52). For the chlorophyll content, the highest doses favorably influenced the maintenance of the green color of the peel, delaying degradation. After 31 days of storage, the fruits treated with 200 mg L-1 of GA3 were firmer. The soluble solids content increased from 5.5 °Brix to 9.1 °Brix, from day zero until the 15th day of storage for all treatments. There was an increase in the titratable acidity content with the advance of ripening. The fruits of all treatments showed a typical respiratory pattern, regardless of the dose of GA3. After 31 days of storage, it was observed that the dose of 200 mg L-1 of GA3 was favorable to the postharvest conservation of the banana’ Nanicão.’The article aimed to verify the effect of doses of gibberellic acid on the extension of postharvest life on ‘Nanicão’ bananas. The fruits were harvested in color stage 1 (completely green peel). A completely randomized design was used, in an arrangement of subdivided plots, with doses of GA3 allocated in the plots (0; 50; 100; 150 and 200 mg L-1) and evaluation times allocated in the subplots (0; 3; 6; 9, 12, 15, 19, 23, 27 and 31 days of storage), with four replications, with a bouquet of three fruits per sample unit. The bunches were stored in a refrigeration chamber of 22 ± 1 ºC and relative humidity of 91%. The study assessed fresh weight loss, peel color parameters, peel chlorophyll content, pulp firmness, soluble solids, titratable acidity, and CO2 production. The loss of fresh matter was lower in fruits treated with 200 mg L-1. Fruits treated with 200 mg L-1 had the highest Hue angle value (89.52). For the chlorophyll content, the highest doses favorably influenced the maintenance of the green color of the peel, delaying degradation. After 31 days of storage, the fruits treated with 200 mg L-1 of GA3 were firmer. The soluble solids content increased from 5.5 °Brix to 9.1 °Brix, from day zero until the 15th day of storage for all treatments. There was an increase in the titratable acidity content with the advance of ripening. The fruits of all treatments showed a typical respiratory pattern, regardless of the dose of GA3. After 31 days of storage, it was observed that the dose of 200 mg L-1 of GA3 was favorable to the postharvest conservation of the banana’ Nanicão.

    Resistance to whitefly mediated by the Mi gene, acylsugars, and zingiberene in tomato

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    This study aimed to quantify and compare the effects of Mi gene, high leaf levels of acylsugars (AA), and zingiberene (ZGB) individually and in combination, regarding resistance of tomato lines to Bemisia argentifolii. The experiment included 21 genotypes selected simultaneously for high AA and ZGB content, cloned through rooting of axillary shoots with homogeneous sizes, and seven control lines produced from seeds, including 2 genotypes rich in AA (TOM-687 and TOM-688), two genotypes rich in ZGB (TOM-703 and TOM-704), and three lines with low levels of allelochemicals (cv. Santa Clara, TOM-584, and TOM-684), where the TOM-684 line carried the Mi gene. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using a randomized complete block design, comprising 28 treatments with 4 replications and 1 plant per plot. The AA and ZGB-rich lines showed higher resistance compared to the other control lines with low levels of allelochemicals, but the TOM-684 control line carrying the Mi gene was more resistant than the non-carriers ('Santa Clara' and TOM-584). The level of resistance conferred by ZGB was similar to that presented by AA. Both ZGB and AA provided higher levels of resistance compared to the Mi gene. The clones selected for both ZGB and AA simultaneously exhibited lower numbers of eggs and nymphs compared to the susceptible controls and were more resistant than the TOM-684 treatment. Overall, the clones even outperformed the lines rich in only one of the allelochemicals, demonstrating a synergistic effect between AA and ZGB for resistance when combined in the same tomato line.This study aimed to quantify and compare the effects of Mi gene, high leaf levels of acylsugars (AA), and zingiberene (ZGB) individually and in combination, regarding resistance of tomato lines to Bemisia argentifolii. The experiment included 21 genotypes selected simultaneously for high AA and ZGB content, cloned through rooting of axillary shoots with homogeneous sizes, and seven control lines produced from seeds, including 2 genotypes rich in AA (TOM-687 and TOM-688), two genotypes rich in ZGB (TOM-703 and TOM-704), and three lines with low levels of allelochemicals (cv. Santa Clara, TOM-584, and TOM-684), where the TOM-684 line carried the Mi gene. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using a randomized complete block design, comprising 28 treatments with 4 replications and 1 plant per plot. The AA and ZGB-rich lines showed higher resistance compared to the other control lines with low levels of allelochemicals, but the TOM-684 control line carrying the Mi gene was more resistant than the non-carriers ('Santa Clara' and TOM-584). The level of resistance conferred by ZGB was similar to that presented by AA. Both ZGB and AA provided higher levels of resistance compared to the Mi gene. The clones selected for both ZGB and AA simultaneously exhibited lower numbers of eggs and nymphs compared to the susceptible controls and were more resistant than the TOM-684 treatment. Overall, the clones even outperformed the lines rich in only one of the allelochemicals, demonstrating a synergistic effect between AA and ZGB for resistance when combined in the same tomato line


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    Equinoculture is an important activity of Brazilian agribusiness, moving billions a year and generating direct and indirect jobs. Considered the most numerous equine breed in the country, Mangalarg Marchador breeding is concentrated, especially, in the Minas Gerais state. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the clinical and reproductive scenario of the Mangalarga Marchador breed in the Northern Minas Gerais region to understand the breeding profile in this mesoregion. For this purpose, an online questionnaire was applied, which was completed upon prior acceptance of the Free and Informed Consent Form. The sample consisted of 52 breeders and the results obtained were subjected to frequency analysis by chi-square test. Among the data obtained, 38% of breeders reported leisure as the breeding purpose (p=0.53). Regarding the mating method, 40% reported the use of controlled cover. However, the majority (58%; p<0,01) performs artificial insemination, of which 62% use semen fresh (p<0.01). In addition, 51.92% reported the practice of embryo transfer (p=0,78). Regarding reproductive diseases, abortion, in females, and inguinal hernia, in males, were more prevalent with, 39.13% (p<0.01) and 83.33% (p<0.01), respectively. There was also remarkable technical assistance by veterinarians (86.53%; p<0.01) with monthly periodicity (16.55%; p<0.01). Therefore, it is possible to infer that the northern region of Minas Gerais requires improvements in sanitary-reproductive management applied to the Mangalarga Marchador breed to achieve the desired reproductive efficiency.A equinocultura consiste numa importante atividade do agronegócio brasileiro, movimentando bilhões ao ano e gerando empregos diretos e indiretos. Considerada a raça equina mais numerosa do país, a criação de Mangalarga Marchador se concentra, em especial, no estado de Minas Gerais. Deste modo, este estudo teve como objetivo explorar o cenário clínico-reprodutivo da raça Mangalarga Marchador no Norte de Minas Gerais a fim de compreender o perfil da criação nesta mesorregião. Para isso, foi realizada a aplicação de questionário online, o qual foi preenchido mediante aceite prévio do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. A amostra foi composta por 52 criadores e os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de frequência pelo teste qui-quadrado. Dentre os dados obtidos, 38% dos criadores relataram o lazer como finalidade de criação (p=0,53). Com relação ao método de acasalamento, 40% informaram a utilização da monta dirigida. Contudo, a maioria (58%; p<0,01) realiza a inseminação artificial, sendo que destes, 62% utilizam o sêmen fresco (p<0,01). Além disso, 51,92% relataram a realização da transferência de embriões (p=0,78). Com relação às enfermidades reprodutivas, o aborto, em fêmeas, e a hérnia inguinal, em machos, foram mais prevalentes com 39,13% (p<0,01) e 83,33% (p<0,01), respectivamente. Foi constatada ainda prevalência da assistência técnica por médico veterinário (86,53%; p<0,01) com periodicidade, em sua maioria, mensal (16,55%; p<0,01). Portanto, é possível inferir que a região do Norte do estado requer melhorias no manejo sanitário-reprodutivo voltado à raça Mangalarga Marchador para que a eficiência reprodutiva desejada seja alcançada


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    Studies that seek to identify potential techniques for obtaining diameter values at 1.30 m from the ground from tree height data are necessary, especially when considering the use of airborne Lidar in forest inventory activity. In this sense, this work aimed to evaluate two artificial intelligence tools for this purpose, namely the neuro-fuzzy inference systems and the artificial neural networks. Four models were tested to obtain estimates for the diameter variable, which were prepared by combining the independent variables useful area per plant, age and height. After processing, the statistics of bias, square root of the mean squared error in percentage, correlation and mean percentage error were calculated, in addition to the preparation of scatter plots and histogram of residues. It was observed that, for the estimation of the diameter in both techniques, the use of the model with all independent variables obtained the best values for the analysis statistics. It can be concluded that both tools can be used to estimate the diameter, with the neuro-fuzzy inference system being more suitable for its processing speed and small variability between the values obtained in different training sessions for the same database

    Seleção de acessos de tomateiro resistentes à pinta-preta pela análise de agrupamento das curvas de progresso da doença

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar acessos resistentes à pinta-preta (Alternaria tomatophila) por meio da análise de agrupamento das curvas de progresso da doença em tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum). Foram avaliados 134 acessos de tomateiro do Banco de Germoplasma de Hortaliças da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (BGH-UFV), no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, além das testemunhas suscetíveis 'Débora' e 'Santa Clara'. As plantas foram inoculadas com uma mistura de conídios de diferentes isolados de Alternaria spp. e avaliadas regularmente quanto à severidade da doença a cada três dias após a inoculação, no total de seis avaliações. Ajustou-se o modelo logístico aos dados de severidade da pinta-preta, e as estimativas obtidas para a incidência final da doença (B1) e a taxa de progresso da doença (B3) foram submetidas à análise de variância multivariada (Manova). As médias dessas estimativas, para cada acesso, foram submetidas à análise de agrupamento. Foram formados 24 grupos distintos com base no agrupamento das curvas de progresso da doença, o que possibilitou identificar os acessos BGH-2143, BGH-2235, BGH-2270 e BGH-2118 de tomateiro como potenciais fontes de resistência à pinta-preta

    Potencial quantitativo e qualitativo de genótipos batata-doce

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    There are no studies in the literature that evaluate important traits in sweet potatoes individually in branches, roots and the whole plant (roots + branches). This detailed information is important because it allows the selection of the best genotypes considering the plant (roots + branches), taking into account the different uses: food, feed, industry and ethanol production. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the production potential of fresh weight, dry matter, crude protein and starch in roots, branches and plant (branches + roots) of sweet potatoes, in order to identify superior genotypes. For this, we evaluated 40 sweet potato accessions of germplasm bank of UFVJM. The total production of sweet potatoes (roots + hamas) was high, which combined with its rusticity and multipurpose highlights its great potential and importance. There was great genetic variability among accessions. The Tomba Carro 1, UFVJM (01, 28 and 40) are the most recommended because of the higher yields of roots, branches and crude protein, being suitable for human and animal consumption. The Palma and UFVJM (01, 04, 05 07 and 53) accesses may have greater potential for ethanol production due to the high starch yield.Não há na literatura trabalhos que avaliem descritores importantes em batata-doce individualmente em ramas, raízes e em toda a planta (raízes + ramas). Esta informação detalhada é importante, pois permite a seleção dos melhores genótipos considerando a planta (raízes + ramas), tendo em vista as diferentes formas de utilização: consumo humano, animal, indústria e produção de etanol. Portanto, objetivou-se avaliar o potencial produtivo de matéria fresca, matéria seca, amido e proteína bruta em raízes, ramas e planta (ramas + raízes) de batata-doce, a fim de se identificar os genótipos superiores. Para isso, foram avaliados 40 acessos de batata-doce do banco de germoplasma da UFVJM. A produção total da batata-doce (raízes + ramas) foi alta, o que aliado a sua rusticidade e múltiplos fins realça seu grande potencial e importância. Houve grande variabilidade genética entre os acessos. Os acessos Tomba Carro 1, UFVJM (01, 28 e 40) são os mais recomendados devido as maiores produtividades de raízes, ramas e proteína bruta, sendo adequados à alimentação humana e animal. Os acessos Palmas e UFVJM (01, 04, 05, 07 e 53) podem ter maior potencial para a produção de etanol devido à maior produtividade de amido

    Seleção de acessos de tomateiro resistentes à pinta-preta pela análise de agrupamento das curvas de progresso da doença

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar acessos resistentes à pinta-preta (Alternaria tomatophila) por meio da análise de agrupamento das curvas de progresso da doença em tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum). Foram avaliados 134 acessos de tomateiro do Banco de Germoplasma de Hortaliças da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (BGH-UFV), no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, além das testemunhas suscetíveis 'Débora' e 'Santa Clara'. As plantas foram inoculadas com uma mistura de conídios de diferentes isolados de Alternaria spp. e avaliadas regularmente quanto à severidade da doença a cada três dias após a inoculação, no total de seis avaliações. Ajustou-se o modelo logístico aos dados de severidade da pinta-preta, e as estimativas obtidas para a incidência final da doença (B1) e a taxa de progresso da doença (B3) foram submetidas à análise de variância multivariada (Manova). As médias dessas estimativas, para cada acesso, foram submetidas à análise de agrupamento. Foram formados 24 grupos distintos com base no agrupamento das curvas de progresso da doença, o que possibilitou identificar os acessos BGH-2143, BGH-2235, BGH-2270 e BGH-2118 de tomateiro como potenciais fontes de resistência à pinta-preta

    Sampling representativeness of soil carbon and physiological parameters of marandu palisadegrass in a tropical silvopastoral system

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    The sampling methods for soil and plant evaluation in integrated production systems need to be refined for their use in experiments. This study purposed a sampling representativeness model to evaluate soil carbon and physiological parameters of marandu palisadegrass intercropped with double rows of eucalyptus in a silvopastoral system in southeastern Brazil. Four transects were delimited within the silvopastoral system and the soil was sampled at 0-5, 5-10, and 10- 20 cm depths to evaluate two parameters of soil organic matter: total organic carbon (TOC) and soil microbial carbon (Cmic). We also evaluated three physiological parameters of marandu palisadegrass: stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and photosynthetic rate. The sampling strategy was evaluated by the Hatheway and Modified Maximum Curvature (MMC) methods. We found that cultivation of the alley with forage grass and double rows of eucalyptus must be considered to ensure sampling representativeness in a silvopastoral system, once TOC and Cmic and physiological parameters showed variation within the integrated production system. The MMC method could be useful to evaluate silvopastoral systems for experiments and characterization of agricultural areas, as 11 soil samples are representative to evaluate Cmic and TOC, and 13 samples are enough to evaluate the physiological parameters in marandu palisadegrass. The Hatheway method could be applied to experiments that need higher accuracy with a reduction in the minimum difference to be detected between the treatments and a consequent increase in the number of samples to be collected

    Potencial de silagens de ramas de batata-doce para alimentação animal Potential of silages of sweet-potato foliages for animal feeding

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o potencial de silagens de ramas de diferentes clones de batata-doce para alimentação animal. O trabalho foi realizado na Fazenda Forquilha localizada no Distrito de Batatal, município de Diamantina MG, no período de 23/12/2007 a 23/06/2008. O experimento foi conduzido no esquema de parcelas subdivididas em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados. Foram avaliadas a produtividade de matéria verde e matéria seca das ramas e a composição químico-bromatológica, além do perfil fermentativo de suas silagens, em três idades de colheita (120, 150 e 180 dias), em oito clones de batata doce. A produtividade de matéria seca não variou com a época de colheita das ramas, obtendo-se média de 6,01t ha-1. Os teores de matéria seca nas ramas aumentaram com o ciclo da cultura, verificando-se teores médios de 11,94; 12,16 e 19,62%, aos 120, 150 e 180 dias após o corte, respectivamente. As silagens das ramas de batata-doce apresentaram altos teores protéicos e energéticos e adequado perfil fermentativo, portanto, apresentam potencial para utilização na alimentação animal, independentemente dos clones.<br>The objective was to evaluate the potential of silage derived from different clones of sweet potato for animal feed. The study was conducted at Forquilha Farm located in Batatal district, MG Diamantina in the period from 23/12/2007 to 23/06/2008. The experiment was conducted in split plot design in a randomized complete block. It was evaluated the green and dry matter yield, the chemical composition and the fermentative profile of silage harvested on three dates (days 120, 150 and 180), of eight clones of sweet potato. The dry matter yield did not vary according to the harvest time of the branches, resulting in an average of 6.01t ha-1. The dry matter content in the stems increased with the growth cycle, and there are average levels of 11.94, 12.16 and 19.62% on days 120, 150 and 180 after cutting, respectively. The raw potato silage showed high protein content and adequate energy fermentation and therefore, potential for use in animal feed, regardless of clones