71 research outputs found
Health status of junior athletes: risk factors and preventive measures (monograph). Author: Serghei Cebanu
Disciplina igienă - sănătatea mediului Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Grigore T. Popa” Iaşi, Români
Evaluarea fenomenului de oboseală şcolară şi a unor factori care o influenţează la un lot de adolescenţi de la liceul Dimitrie Cantemir din Iaşi
Oboseala şcolară trebuie atent studiată pentru a se putea evita apariţia fenomenelor patologice. Material şi metode.
Studiul s-a realizat pe o perioadă de 2 ani (2010 şi 2012), fiind chestionaţi 307 elevi în legătură cu fenomenul de oboseală. Rezultate şi discuţii. În 38,43% din cazuri elevii sunt deseori obosiţi. În 59,28% din situaţii intensitatea acestui fenomen este asemănătoare la majoritatea elevilor. Dimineaţa la trezire oboseala este afirmată de 53,42% elevi. La 31,59% tineri oboseala este prezentă la începutul săptămânii, iar în 37,17% cazuri dimineaţa. Atrage atenţia somnul din timpul nopţii care este insufi cient - 6-7 ore la 31,27% tineri sau 7-8 ore la 37,45% tineri. Exerciţiul fizic sub 30 minute este recunoscut de 48,20% elevi. Concluzii – oboseala este prezentă la majoritatea elevilor ceea ce impune intervenţia specialiştilor din domeniu
The aim of this paper is to present several approaches by which technology can assist medical decision-making. This is an essential, but also a difficult activity, which implies a large number of medical and technical aspects. But, more important, it involves humans: on the one hand, the patient, who has a medical problem and who requires the best solution; on the other hand, the physician, who should be able to provide, in any circumstances, a decision or a prediction regarding the current and the future medical status of the patient. The technology, in general, and particularly the Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools could help both of them, and it is assisted by appropriate theory regarding modeling tools. One of the most powerful mechanisms that can be used in this field is the Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). This paper presents some of the results obtained by the Process Control group of the Politehnica University Timisoara, Romania, in the field of ANNs applied to modeling, prediction and decision-making related to medical systems. An Iterative Learning Control-based approach to batch training a feedforward ANN architecture is given. The paper includes authors’ concerns in this domain and emphasizes that these intelligent models, even if they are artificial, are able to make decisions, being useful tools for prevention, early detection and personalized healthcare
Assessment of the food habits in a group of adolescents from Dorohoi, Botosani county
Introduction. Eating habits are formed in the first years of life and sometimes persist throughout life. It is necessary to correctly evaluate the nutrition of adolescents
in order to know the problems that arise and to be able to intervene effectively
where needed. Problems may arise related to the excessive concern for the physical
appearance or the difficult economic situation in the family. Nutritional educational
programs will have to be correctly oriented, which will lead to an increase in their
Aim. Knowledge of adolescent nutrition; evaluating the differences that appear depending on the age group; assessment of food intake in the morning and at snack
time; evaluation of existing deficiencies in young people's nutrition.
Material and methods. The study was carried out on a group of 135 young people
from the "Grigore Ghica" College in Dorohoi. Students from the 11th grade (67 students) and the 12th grade (68 students) were included in the study, at an age when
eating habits are formed and even well established. A weekly frequency of food
consumption questionnaire was applied with questions oriented in two directions
represented by the morning/snack food intake and the weekly frequency with
which dairy products, fish, fruits and sweets appear in the menus. The statistical
processing by classes was done with the help of the Pearson test.
Results. The first aspect studied is the one related to food intake at breakfast and
snacks. The majority of students (38.51%) admit that they rarely eat food in the
morning. Worrying is the percentage of 17.03 students who do not eat anything in
the morning. Only 23.70% of students eat breakfast every day. The differences calculated by class are statistically insignificant and point to the existence of similar
eating habits among the students in the study group. In this context, snacking becomes essential and is present daily in the diet of 54.81% of students, to which
25.92% of teenagers mark the "often" option. The calculated differences by class
are statistically insignificant. The second aspect studied is related to the weekly intake of food products of animal and plant origin. Dairy products are consumed
mostly once a week (36.29%) or 2-3 times a week (31.85%), a result that does not
correspond to the norms of rational nutrition. The differences obtained are statistically insignificant. Fish is present in the menus in most cases (43.70%) once a
week; there are also 40.74% students who do not consume it at all, with insignificant differences calculated by class. This significant percentage of young people
denying fish consumption may be a warning sign, as consumption of this food during adolescence may be associated with some cognitive benefits and is believed to
influence later neuropsychological performance in adulthood. Fruits are consumed
mostly 2-3 times a week (36.29%) or daily (34.81%). There are no teenagers who
do not consume fruit, an aspect that must be known in order to be able to correctly
orient nutritional educational programs. Sweets are present in menus 2-3 times a
week (28.14%), 4-6 times a week (28.88%) or daily (27.40%). There are still 1.48%
teenagers who do not consume sweets. The calculated differences are statistically
Conclusions. The students in the study group have many problems that must be
solved through education. Systematic education related to morning food consumption is required because the learning activity is demanding for the nervous system
Проблемы, выявленные на уровне социальных отношений в группе подростков города Яссы
Departamentul Igienă–Sănătatea Mediului, Departamentul Gerontologie, Universitatea de
Medicină şi Farmacie Grigore T. Popa, Iaşi, România, Conferința ştiinţifico-practică naţională cu participare internaţională ”Promovarea sănătăţii – o prioritate a sănătăţii publice” 22-24 iunie 2016 Orhei, Republica MoldovaAdolescence is the stage in which social relationships suffer major changes. This is the case of changing the relationships with family and group of friends. The study was done on a group of 237 teenagers from 3 high schools in Iasi. They were given a questionnaire with questions regarding the presence of group of friends and parents’ interest in doing their homework and spending free time. It is noticed the presence of 4,64% teenagers who have no friends, according to class the calculated differences being statistically insignificant (p>0,05, Gl=6, χ²=4,95). Even if they have friends, 16,03% teenagers don’t spend an evening out with them, the calculated differences being statistically significant for a p0,05, Gl=6, χ²=4,95). Несмотря на то, что у 16,03% и были друзья, эти подростки, однако, ни один вечер не проводят с ними, при этом статистическая разница была значительной – p<0,01 (Gl=8, χ²=25,79). Только 16,45% родителей постоянно занимаются темами их детей и 16,03% – проблемами проведения свободного времени. В исследованной группе подростков были выявлены проблемы, связанные с взаимоотношением детей со своими друзьями, а также касающиеся вовлечения родителей в выполнении учебных заданий и в проведении досуга
Особенности сердечно - сосудистой патологии у пожилых рабочих
Univesitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie Gr. T. Popa,
Iaşi, RomâniaThe purpose of this paper is to restore medical attention to the еmрloyees with cardiovascular pathology whose etiology and aggravating factors attend professionally on a rate of 30-70%. The authors present two very different groups of occupational activity and conclude that it is necessary the immediate implementation of a comprehensive program of prevention, recovery and multidisciplinary rehabilitation using the European Union model.
Целью работы является привлечение внимания врачей к рабочим пожилого возраста с сердечно-сосудистой патологией, в этиологии которой профессиональные факторы имеют важную роль и способствуют их обострению в 30–70 % случаев. Авторы провели обобщение литературных данных в отношении двух групп рабочих разных отраслей и делают вывод, что необходимо срочно разработать комплексную междисциплинарную программу профилактики и реабилитации в соответствии с европейской моделью
Особенности питания группы подростков из муниципия Яссы, Румыния
Nutrition is an external factor, which plays an important
part in maintaining pupils’ health. Material and method: the
study was done on a group of 143 pupils, who were given a
questionnaire regarding the frequency of food consumption.
Result and discussions: the dominant intake of vegetables
is of 2-3 times a day (51%), of fruit is of 2-3 times a day
as well (54,5%), and of milk is only once a day (40,6%).
The additional consumption of salt is admitted by 83,2%
teenagers, even if they know the bad effects of the excess
of salt (90,9%).Питание является внешним фактором, который
играет важную роль в поддержании здоровья учащихся.
Исследование было проведено в группе из 143 детей,
которые были опрошены на предмет частоты
потребления продуктов питания. Овощи потреблялись
2–3 раза в день (51%), фрукты – также 2-3 раза в день
(54,5%), а молоко – только один раз в день (40,6%).
Дополнительное потребление соли признали 83,2%
подростков и это несмотря на то, что они знакомы с
неблагоприятным влиянием избытка соли на организм
человека (90,9%)
Отношение между воспринимаемой массой тела и питанием у группы подростков города Яссы, Румыния
Teenagers’ nutrition should be balanced in order to maintain
their health. The study was done on a group of 143 teenagers, for which the food consumption was evaluated, starting
from the perception of their weight. Weight is balanced in
63,6% cases. The morning food intake is admitted by 46,2%
teenagers, the high consumption of sugar is confi rmed in
30,1% questionnaires, 11,2% students don’t eat fresh vegetables, 58% eat fruit as a snack, and milk for breakfast is
present in 34,9% cases.
для поддержания состояния здоровья. Исследование
было проведено в группе из 143 подростков, у которых
изучалось потребление продуктов питания, начиная
от восприятия ими собственной массы тела. Масса
тела была оптимальной в 63,6% случаев. Исходя из
результатов анкетирования, завтракают 46,2%
молодых людей, 30,1% опрошенных потребляют много
сахара, 11,2% учеников не потребляют свежих овощей,
58% потребляют фрукты во время второго завтрака
или полдника, а молоко на завтрак было только в 34,9%
случаев.Питание молодых людей должно быть сбалансированным
для поддержания состояния здоровья. Исследование
было проведено в группе из 143 подростков, у которых
изучалось потребление продуктов питания, начиная
от восприятия ими собственной массы тела. Масса
тела была оптимальной в 63,6% случаев. Исходя из
результатов анкетирования, завтракают 46,2%
молодых людей, 30,1% опрошенных потребляют много
сахара, 11,2% учеников не потребляют свежих овощей,
58% потребляют фрукты во время второго завтрака
или полдника, а молоко на завтрак было только в 34,9%
Optimization of Blood Donation Activity Supporting a Smart City
The reported research aimed to decrease the distance between a person and the healthcare system regarding blood donation. The result is a web application developed for the healthcare system, in order to optimize blood donation process. There is an acute need of blood in transfusion centers. The first question is: “Why?”. Some answers could refer to the lack of education in volunteering or the lack of awareness, the fear of needles or of infections caused by needles, the difficulties of the donation process. These answers generate another question: “What can be done?”. A statistical analysis has been performed in order to evaluate participants’ attitude towards blood donation. It shows that there are many fellow citizens who want to help, but are not informed about this aspect, or they do not know how to do this. The application presented here can be of real help in encouraging people to donate
Awareness of Human Papillomavirus among primary healthcare providers in Tbilisi and Rustavi: cross-sectional study
Introduction. The home is the environment in which family life takes place. Its
quality depends a lot on the socio-economic situation of the family. In families
where the material condition is increased, the number of rooms is at least equal to
the number of family members. Moreover, the house has all the necessary equipment represented by electric light, adequate heating, running water supply and
connection to the sewage system.
Aim. To evaluate the living conditions of the families of the surveyed students; the
type of housing and the number of living rooms in it; appreciation of the water
supply method; knowledge of how to remove waste water; the heating mode of
the house.
Material and methods. The study was carried out on a group of 140 10th grade
students from the Economic College (44 students), the Technical College (40
young people), the Sports High School (31 young people) and the Informatics College (25 teenagers) from Suceava. A questionnaire was applied to these young
people with questions about their family home: its type, the number of rooms, the
water supply, the connection to the electric light and the sewage system, and the
heating method. The processing of the results on the collectives was carried out
with the help of the Pearson test.
Results. In the study group, most dwellings (80.00%) are of the house type. The
number of rooms is mainly 5-6 (35.00%), but there are also houses with 7 to 12
rooms (32.14%). It is noteworthy the presence of 32.85% houses where the number of rooms is between 1 and 4, especially those in residential blocks. Special
attention must be paid to the water supply system of these homes. Dominantly
the water supply is from its own source extracted with the help of an electric
pump (water pump with pressure tank) (38.57%) or directly through wells
(33.57%). The connection to the central supply system is present only in 27.85%
of cases. The differences calculated by collectives are statistically significant
(p˂0.05). It is notable that a dominant percentage of the water supply with own
installations of the families from the Sports College, while the use of well water
predominates for those from the Informatics College. All houses are connected to
electric light. The connection to the city's sewage system is present in 45.00% of
cases. The existence of the own water supply installations is associated with an
own system for the evacuation of waste and household water with their collection
in an emptyable septic tank. Unfortunately, it is a system that does not fully meet
the hygienic and sanitary requirements. Many times, the content of these septic
tanks can infiltrate, affecting the quality of the soil and the water table. The heating of these houses is carried out mainly with the help of installations that use
wood as fuel (57.14%), which can raise problems related to the uneven heating of
the entire house. There are also 27.14% houses that are connected to the city's
central heating system. The calculated differences are statistically insignificant for
the collectives.
Conclusions. A house with a large number of rooms is not mandatory and one in
which the facilities are the best. Numerous problems arise related to the connection to the sewage system, which can raise numerous hygienic-sanitary problems
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