184 research outputs found

    Un framework per lo sviluppo di sistemi informativi di diagnostica in ambiente IHE

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    Presso l'Università di Padova, nel Dipartimento di Scienze Medico Diagnostiche e terapie speciali sono stati sviluppati due RIS noti come MARiS e MN1, rispettivamente a Radiologia e a Medicina Nucleare. I due sistemi implementano e realizzano molte delle linee guida espresse dall'iniziativa Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE), e intese a favorire lo scambio di informazioni secondo standard comuni prestabiliti. In questo lavoro di tesi sono stati analizzati i due sistemi informativi per realizzare un nuovo framework che favorisse l'integrazione e riprogettazione graduale degli stessi per creare un nuovo sistema informativo integratoope

    Dietary strategies to counteract the effects of mycotoxins: a review.

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    We reviewed various dietary strategies to contain the toxic effects of mycotoxins using antioxidant compounds (selenium, vitamins, provitamins), food components (phenolic compounds, coumarin, chlorophyll and its derivatives, fructose, aspartame), medicinal herbs and plant extracts, and mineral and biological binding agents (hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate, bentonites, zeolites, activated carbons, bacteria, and yeast). Available data are primarily from in vitro studies and mainly focus on aflatoxin B1, whereas much less information is available about other mycotoxins. Compounds with antioxidant properties are potentially very efficacious because of their ability to act as superoxide anion scavengers. Interesting results have been obtained by food components contained in coffee, strawberries, tea, pepper, grapes, turmeric, Fava tonka, garlic, cabbage, and onions. Additionally, some medicinal herbs and plant extracts could potentially provide protection against aflatoxin B1 and fumonisin B1. Activated carbons, hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate, and bacteria seem to effectively act as binders. We conclude that dietary strategies are the most promising approach to the problem, considering their limited or nil interference in the food production process. Nevertheless, a great research effort is necessary to verify the in vivo detoxification ability of the purposed agents, their mode of action, possible long-term drawbacks of these detoxification-decontamination procedures, and their economical and technical feasibility

    State and changes in the contemporary Argentine state

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    Este artículo trata sobre las transformaciones de la forma estado en la Argentina reciente. Abarca el proceso que va desde la década del noventa cuando se registró un proceso de metamorfosis del estado que arrojó como resultado una nueva forma de estado que puede definirse como neoliberal o neoconservadora. Analiza, a su vez, cómo una serie de aspectos decisivos de esa nueva forma de estado entraron en crisis durante el ascenso de las luchas sociales que culminó en la insurrección de diciembre de 2001 y se modificaron durante la siguiente década. Con todo, este artículo apunta a identificar y analizar algunas de las principales líneas en que se desarrolló esa metamorfosis. Las hipótesis generales que orientan el análisis son dos: (1) que en la década pasada y en estrecha relación con la articulación de una hegemonía política neoconservadora se articuló una nueva forma de estado que puede definirse con precisión como una forma neoliberal de estado; y (2) que algunos aspectos de esa forma de estado entraron en crisis –a partir del ascenso de las luchas sociales que condujo, en la insurrección de diciembre de 2001, a la desarticulación de esa hegemonía- y se modificaron durante la siguiente década, pero sin que se articulara en su lugar una nueva forma de estado más o menos precisa.This article deals with the transformations of the state form in present-day Argentina, including the process that goes from the 1990’s, when a process of metamorphosis of the state which resulted in new form of state that can be defined as liberal or conservative was registered. It also analyzes how a series of critical aspects of this new form of state suffered from a crisis during the rise of the social struggles that culminated in the insurrection of December 2001 and how they were modified during the next decade. However, this article aims to identify and analyze some of the main lines of the metamorphosis. The general assumptions that guide the analysis are two: (1) That in the last decade and in close relation with the articulation of a neoconservative political hegemony, a new form of state that can be defined with precision as a form of neoliberal state was formulated; and (2) that some aspects of this form of state went into crisis, starting on the ascension of the social struggles that led, in the insurrection of December 2001, to the disarticulation of this hegemony - and were modified during the following decade, but without replacing them with a more or less accurate new form of state.Fil: Bonnet, Alberto Rubén. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Piva, Adrián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentin

    State and changes in the contemporary Argentine state

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    Este artículo trata sobre las transformaciones de la forma estado en la Argentina reciente. Abarca el proceso que va desde la década del noventa cuando se registró un proceso de metamorfosis del estado que arrojó como resultado una nueva forma de estado que puede definirse como neoliberal o neoconservadora. Analiza, a su vez, cómo una serie de aspectos decisivos de esa nueva forma de estado entraron en crisis durante el ascenso de las luchas sociales que culminó en la insurrección de diciembre de 2001 y se modificaron durante la siguiente década. Con todo, este artículo apunta a identificar y analizar algunas de las principales líneas en que se desarrolló esa metamorfosis. Las hipótesis generales que orientan el análisis son dos: (1) que en la década pasada y en estrecha relación con la articulación de una hegemonía política neoconservadora se articuló una nueva forma de estado que puede definirse con precisión como una forma neoliberal de estado; y (2) que algunos aspectos de esa forma de estado entraron en crisis –a partir del ascenso de las luchas sociales que condujo, en la insurrección de diciembre de 2001, a la desarticulación de esa hegemonía- y se modificaron durante la siguiente década, pero sin que se articulara en su lugar una nueva forma de estado más o menos precisa.This article deals with the transformations of the state form in present-day Argentina, including the process that goes from the 1990’s, when a process of metamorphosis of the state which resulted in new form of state that can be defined as liberal or conservative was registered. It also analyzes how a series of critical aspects of this new form of state suffered from a crisis during the rise of the social struggles that culminated in the insurrection of December 2001 and how they were modified during the next decade. However, this article aims to identify and analyze some of the main lines of the metamorphosis. The general assumptions that guide the analysis are two: (1) That in the last decade and in close relation with the articulation of a neoconservative political hegemony, a new form of state that can be defined with precision as a form of neoliberal state was formulated; and (2) that some aspects of this form of state went into crisis, starting on the ascension of the social struggles that led, in the insurrection of December 2001, to the disarticulation of this hegemony - and were modified during the following decade, but without replacing them with a more or less accurate new form of state.Fil: Bonnet, Alberto Rubén. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Piva, Adrián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentin

    Polyclonal and monoclonal B lymphocytes response in HCV-infected patients treated with direct-acting antiviral agents

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) chronic infection can be associated with extrahepatic manifestations such as mixed cryoglobulinaemia and lymphoproliferative disorders that are endowed with increased rates of morbidity and all-cause mortality. In this study, we used flow cytometry to evaluate the effect of interferon-free antiviral treatment on peripheral blood lymphocytes in HCV-infected patients with or without associated lymphoproliferative disorders. Flow cytometry analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes was performed at baseline and at the end of treatment. In HCV-infected patients with lymphoproliferative disorders, we evaluated immunoglobulin (Ig) light chain \u3ba/\u3bb ratio variations as a measure of monoclonal B-cell response to antiviral therapy. Healthy volunteers were enrolled as controls. A total of 29 patients were included, nine with and 20 without lymphoproliferative disorders. Sustained virological response was achieved in 29 of 29 patients. We observed a significant reduction in the B-cell compartment (39% global reduction) in eight of nine HCV-infected patients with lymphoproliferative disorders after viral clearance. We recognized the same trend, even if less pronounced, in HCV-infected patients without lymphoproliferative disorders (9% global reduction). Among HCV-infected patients with lymphoproliferative disorders, three showed an improvement/normalization of the immunoglobulin light chain ratio, whereas in the remaining six patients monoclonal B cells persisted to be clonally restricted even 1\ua0year after the end of treatment. Our data show that DAAs treatment can be effective in reducing the frequency of pathological B cells in the peripheral blood of HCV-infected patients affected by HCV-associated lymphoproliferative disorders; however, monoclonal populations can persist after viral eradication

    Numerical Prediction of Cavitation Inception in Centrifugal Impellers

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    Cavitation is a fundamental issue in pump design since it yields significant decrease of performances and pump life, damaging impeller surfaces and triggering harmful flow instabilities. This topic is usually addressed through costly experimental tests. The aim of this paper is to assess numerical methodologies for the correct evaluation and prediction of the cavitation inception in centrifugal impellers during the design phase. Preliminary analyses were performed to individuate the most promising approach by using two cavitation models on a 2D test case representing the NACA 0009 hydrofoil. Then, two CFD approaches were considered for the evaluation of the NPSHr in actual pumps. RANS two-phase calculations including the selected cavitation model were performed on a geometry provided by WEIR Gabbioneta srl. Monophase simulations have been performed as well and an in-house heuristic model has been proposed to evaluate the NPSHr curve from a non cavitating pressure field. The heuristic post-processor has been tuned using both the two-phase and the monophase data, and validated using the available experimental values provided by WEIR Gabbioneta srl

    Long-term physical impairments in survivors of COVID-19-associated ARDS compared with classic ARDS: A two-center study

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    Purpose: This work aimed to compare physical impairment in survivors of classic ARDS compared with COVID-19-associated ARDS (CARDS) survivors. Material and methods: This is a prospective observational cohort study on 248 patients with CARDS and compared them with a historical cohort of 48 patients with classic ARDS. Physical performance was evaluated at 6 and 12 months after ICU discharge, using the Medical Research Council Scale (MRCss), 6-min walk test (6MWT), handgrip dynamometry (HGD), and fatigue severity score (FSS). We also assessed activities of daily living (ADLs) using the Barthel index. Results: At 6 months, patients with classic ARDS had lower HGD (estimated difference [ED]: 11.71 kg, p < 0.001; ED 31.9% of predicted value, p < 0.001), 6MWT distance (ED: 89.11 m, p < 0.001; ED 12.96% of predicted value, p = 0.032), and more frequent significant fatigue (OR 0.35, p = 0.046). At 12 months, patients with classic ARDS had lower HGD (ED: 9.08 kg, p = 0.0014; ED 25.9% of predicted value, p < 0.001) and no difference in terms of 6MWT and fatigue. At 12 months, patients with classic ARDS improved their MRCss (ED 2.50, p = 0.006) and HGD (ED: 4.13 kg, p = 0.002; ED 9.45% of predicted value, p = 0.005), while those with CARDS did not. Most patients in both groups regained independence in ADLs at 6 months. COVID-19 diagnosis was a significant independent predictor of better HGD (p < 0.0001) and 6MWT performance (p = 0.001), and lower prevalence of fatigue (p = 0.018). Conclusions: Both classic ARDS and CARDS survivors experienced long-term impairments in physical functioning, confirming that post-intensive care syndrome remains a major legacy of critical illness. Surprisingly, however, persisting disability was more common in survivors of classic ARDS than in CARDS survivors. In fact, muscle strength measured with HGD was reduced in survivors of classic ARDS compared to CARDS patients at both 6 and 12 months. The 6MWT was reduced and fatigue was more common in classic ARDS compared to CARDS at 6 months but differences were no longer significant at 12 months. Most patients in both groups regained independent function in ADLs at 6 months

    Viabilidade econômica de empreendimentos sustentáveis : As reserva particular do patrimônio natural municipal na cidade de Curitiba PR

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    A cidade de Curitiba é pioneira ao incluir em sua legislação a criação de Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Municipal (RPPNM), com o objetivo de conservar a diversidade biológica nas propriedades particulares urbanas, onde estão presentes vegetação nativa em representativo estado de conservação. O município possui grande potencial com características de se tornarem áreas de preservação permanente (APP) por meio de ação voluntária. Diante disso, o município instituiu a lei Nº 12.080 em 2006 criando as RPPNM e, consequentemente, benefícios como isenção de impostos e transferência de potencial construtivo em outras localidades, como benefícios para criação de uma reserva de uso sustentável. Entretanto, mesmo com esses incentivos, para que a sociedade tenha motivações a contribuir com o desenvolvimento sustentável, a viabilidade econômica e geração de recursos, para manutenção do empreendimento ao longo do tempo, parece ser um fator determinante em sua criação. Assim, este artigo teve por objetivo identificar a viabilidade econômica de um empreendimento sustentável, tendo como recorte de análise as Reservas Particulares do Patrimônio Natural Municipal da cidade de Curitiba (PR). A metodologia de viés exploratório e cunho qualitativo e quantitativo, consistiu-se na aplicação de um questionário estruturado survey, junto aos proprietários das RPPNMs para identificar as que possuem plano de manejo e desenvolvem estratégias de geração de recursos para sua manutenção. Os resultados apontam as principais motivações relacionadas à criação de uma RPPNM, as dificuldades enfrentadas no processo de criação, bem como as estratégias desenvolvidas na geração de recursos para manutenção econômica do empreendimentoFil: Piva, João Henrique Tomaselli. Universidad Federal de Paraná (Brasil)Fil: Sampaio, Carlos Alberto Cioce. Universidad Federal de Paraná (Brasil)Fil: Grimm, Isabel Jurema. Universidad Federal de Paraná (Brasil


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    O foco deste estudo é analisar os conceitos de ética empresarial, integridade e compliance com o objetivo de entender o significado desses institutos, a relação e as distinções entre eles, levando-se em consideração a legislação, os princípios e a experiência estadunidense e brasileira sobre o tema. Para tanto, complementa-se o estudo com um breve histórico da origem desses institutos. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada consiste nas investigações e observações históricas dos eventos mais relevantes. O trabalho orienta-se por uma análise crítica do Compliance Manual do Departamento de Justiça dos Estados Unidos da América, e da Lei no. 13.467/2017, e seus reflexos no ambiente econômico, social e empresarial. A pesquisa é qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, desenvolvida por meio de análise bibliográfica e documental. As fontes bibliográficas e documentais empregadas consistem na pesquisa de livros, revistas científicas, periódicos e artigos retirados da internet, bem como de legislação. A investigação é realizada por meio do método hipotético-dedutivo de abordagem, por intermédio de uma análise dogmática dos conceitos de ética empresarial, integridade e compliance. Como resultado da pesquisa, concluiu-se que, na essência, ética e compliance são lados diferentes da mesma moeda. Nesse prisma, compliance atém-se ao cumprimento da lei, enquanto a ética requer que seja feito o que é correto, independentemente do que reza a lei. O contexto ético é a base para o programa de compliance, considerando-se que a ética e a integridade dão sustentação e sentido ao programa de compliance. O sistema de compliance somente dará resultado se houver uma forte cultura ética. O estudo oferece como contribuição a análise sobre as duas teorias que dão base ao compliance, as teorias racionalista e normativa, bem como o esclarecimento sobre conceitos e definições que confundem muitos profissionais da área de compliance.  PALAVRAS-CHAVE: ética empresarial; compliance; integridade; código de conduta; moral.