83 research outputs found

    Characterization of the energy distribution of neutrons generated by 5 MeV protons on a thick beryllium target at different emission angles.

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    Neutron energy spectra at different emission angles, between 0° and 120° from the Be(p,xn) reaction generated by a beryllium thick-target bombarded with 5 MeV protons, have been measured at the Legnaro Laboratories (LNL) of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics research (INFN). A new and quite compact recoil-proton spectrometer, based on a monolithic silicon telescope, coupled to a polyethylene converter, was efficiently used with respect to the traditional Time-of-Flight (TOF) technique. The measured distributions of recoil-protons were processed through an iterative unfolding algorithm in order to determine the neutron energy spectra at all the angles accounted for. The neutron energy spectrum measured at 0° resulted to be in good agreement with the only one so far available at the requested energy and measured years ago with TOF technique. Moreover, the results obtained at different emission angles resulted to be consistent with detailed past measurements performed at 4 MeV protons at the same angles by TOF techniques

    A pixelated silicon telescope for solid state microdosimetry

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    Abstract A solid state microdosimeter consisting of a matrix of cylindrical Δ E elements of micrometric size implanted on a single E stage is discussed in this work. This detector was constructed in order to minimize some discrepancies found when comparing the distribution of energy imparted per event of a single Δ E -stage telescope with the one measured by a cylindrical tissue-equivalent proportional counter (TEPC). These discrepancies were ascribed to geometrical effects related to the wide sensitive area (1 mm2) of the single Δ E -stage telescope. Preliminary irradiations with mono-energetic neutrons showed a better agreement between the spectra measured with the new telescope and the TEPC. The improvement of the procedures adopted for correcting the spectra for tissue equivalence and for the effects due to the track distribution is also discussed

    An ovine model of postinfarction dilated cardiomyopathy in animals with highly variable coronary anatomy

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    Studies on cardiac regeneration require large mammalian models of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and pig and sheep models are increasingly used in this field of preclinical research. Given the large interindividual variability in ovine left anterior descending artery (LAD) anatomy, protocols based on the coronary arteries to be ligated often lead to significant variation in infarct sizes and hence to heterogeneous results, ranging from no ventricular remodeling to acute, lethal left ventricular (LV) failure. We designed an ovine model of postinfarction DCM based on estimated infarct size rather than on a predetermined menu of coronary artery ligatures. In seven adult sheep we induced an anterolateral AMI of approximately 25% of the LV mass by ligating the branches of the LAD that, by visual inspection, would lead to such an infarct size. In 10 to 12 weeks, LV end-diastolic volume more than doubled and LV end-systolic volume almost tripled. LV ejection fraction decreased dramatically, as did LV percent fractional shortening and LV percent wall thickening. Infarct size (planimetry) was approximately 25% of the LV endocardial surface. We conclude that in sheep, an anterolateral AMI of approximately 25% of the LV mass--regardless of the coronary branches ligated to attain that infarct size--results in a model of postinfarction DCM that may prove useful in preclinical research on myocardial regeneration.Fil: Locatelli, Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Olea, Fernanda Daniela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Mendiz, Oscar. Fundación Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Salmo, Fabián. Fundación Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Fazzi, Lucía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Fundación Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Hnatiuk, Anna. Universidad Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Laguens, Rubén. Fundación Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Crottogini, Alberto Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Favaloro; Argentin

    Stable and Solution-Processable Cumulenic sp-Carbon Wires: A New Paradigm for Organic Electronics

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    [EN] Solution-processed, large-area, and flexible electronics largely relies on the excellent electronic properties of sp(2)-hybridized carbon molecules, either in the form of pi-conjugated small molecules and polymers or graphene and carbon nanotubes. Carbon with sp-hybridization, the foundation of the elusive allotrope carbyne, offers vast opportunities for functionalized molecules in the form of linear carbon atomic wires (CAWs), with intriguing and even superior predicted electronic properties. While CAWs represent a vibrant field of research, to date, they have only been applied sparingly to molecular devices. The recent observation of the field-effect in microcrystalline cumulenes suggests their potential applications in solution-processed thin-film transistors but concerns surrounding the stability and electronic performance have precluded developments in this direction. In the present study, ideal field-effect characteristics are demonstrated for solution-processed thin films of tetraphenyl[3]cumulene, the shortest semiconducting CAW. Films are deposited through a scalable, large-area, meniscus-coating technique, providing transistors with hole mobilities in excess of 0.1 cm(2 )V(-1 )s(-1), as well as promising operational stability under dark conditions. These results offer a solid foundation for the exploitation of a vast class of molecular semiconductors for organic electronics based on sp-hybridized carbon systems and create a previously unexplored paradigm.E.G.F. acknowledges the support through the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, H2020-FETOPEN-01-2018-2020 (FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking), "LION-HEARTED", grant agreement no. 828984. C.S.C. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program ERC-Consolidator Grant (ERC CoG 2016 EspLORE grant agreement no. 724610, website: ). R.R.T. acknowledges funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). This work was partially supported by the European Union's H2020-EU.4.b. - Twinning of research institutions "GREENELIT", grant agreement number 951747. GIWAXS experiments were performed at BL11 NCD-SWEET beamline at ALBA Synchrotron (Spain) with the collaboration of ALBA staff. This work was in part carried out at Polifab, the micro- and nanotechnology centre of the Politecnico di Milano. Open access funding provided by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia within the CRUI-CARE Agreement

    The rhythm of the night: patterns of~activity of the European wildcat in the Italian peninsula

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    The European wildcat is a threatened carnivore, whose ecology is still scarcely studied, especially in Mediterranean areas. In this study, we estimated activity rhythm patterns of this felid, by means of camera-trapping at three spatial scales: (i) whole country (Italy); (ii) biogeographical areas; (iii) latitudinal zones. The activity rhythms patterns were also calculated according to temporal scales: (1) warm semester; (2) cold semester and (3) seasonal scales. Lastly, we also tested whether the effect of moon phases affected the wildcat activity. We conducted the analysis on a total of 975 independent events collected in 2009-2021, from 285 locations, in 65,800 camera days. We showed that the wildcat in Italy exhibits a > 70% nocturnal behaviour, with 20% of diurnal activity, at all spatial scales, and throughout the whole year, with peaks at 10.00 p.m. and 04.00 a.m. We observed a high overlap of wildcat activity rhythms between different biogeographical and latitudinal zones. The wildcat was mainly active on the darkest nights, reducing its activity in bright moonlight nights. Diurnal activity was greater in the warm months and decreased with the distance from shrubs and woodlands, most likely according to activity rhythms of its main prey, water presence in summer, the care of offspring and the availability of shelter sites. Conversely, the distance to paved roads seems to have no significant effects on diurnal activity, suggesting that, in presence of natural shelters, the wildcat probably may tolerate these infrastructures. We suggested limited plasticity in activity rhythm patterns of the wildcat, emphasizing the importance of dark hours for this species

    Experimental investigation of silicon photomultipliers as compact light readout systems for gamma-ray spectroscopy applications in fusion plasmas

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    A matrix of Silicon Photo Multipliers has been developed for light readout from a large area 1 in. x 1 in. LaBr3 crystal. The system has been characterized in the laboratory and its performance compared to that of a conventional photo multiplier tube. A pulse duration of 100 ns was achieved, which opens up to spectroscopy applications at high counting rates. The energy resolution measured using radioactive sources extrapolates to 3%-4% in the energy range E gamma = 3-5 MeV, enabling gamma-ray spectroscopy measurements at good energy resolution. The results reported here are of relevance in view of the development of compact gamma-ray detectors with spectroscopy capabilities, such as an enhanced gamma-ray camera for high power fusion plasmas, where the use of photomultiplier is impeded by space limitation and sensitivity to magnetic fields

    A new line for laser-driven light ions acceleration and related TNSA studies

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    In this paper, we present the status of the line for laser-driven light ions acceleration (L3IA) currently under implementation at the Intense Laser Irradiation Laboratory (ILIL), and we provide an overview of the pilot experimental activity on laser-driven ion acceleration carried out in support of the design of the line. A description of the main components is given, including the laser, the beam transport line, the interaction chamber, and the diagnostics. A review of the main results obtained so far during the pilot experimental activity is also reported, including details of the laser-plasma interaction and ion beam characterization. A brief description of the preliminary results of a dedicated numerical modeling is also provided

    Sicilia—silicon carbide detectors for intense luminosity investigations and applications

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    Silicon carbide (SiC) is a compound semiconductor, which is considered as a possible alternative to silicon for particles and photons detection. Its characteristics make it very promising for the next generation of nuclear and particle physics experiments at high beam luminosity. Silicon Carbide detectors for Intense Luminosity Investigations and Applications (SiCILIA) is a project starting as a collaboration between the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and IMM-CNR, aiming at the realization of innovative detection systems based on SiC. In this paper, we discuss the main features of silicon carbide as a material and its potential application in the field of particles and photons detectors, the project structure and the strategies used for the prototype realization, and the first results concerning prototype production and their performance
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