109 research outputs found

    Calçots i calçotades : compte amb els gossos!

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    Tot i les innegables particularitats de cultiu i gastronòmiques que fan dels calçots un àpat de temporada molt valorat, saludable, distintiu i estimat entre els catalans, no s'hauria d'oblidar que continuen sent cebes. I és que encara hi ha força persones que desconeixen que cebes, alls i altres representants de la família de les liliàcies, que nosaltres mengem habitualment sense problemes, poden resultar tòxics i fins i tot letals per molts animals domèstics, entre els que es troben els gossos i els gats. En les populars calçotades, on moltes vegades estem acompanyats dels nostres gossos, els propietaris haurien de vigilar de no deixar a l'abast dels animals els calçots o restes d'ells, ja que el seu gust dolcenc pot resultar atractiu per alguns individus afamats o curiosos.A pesar de las innegables particularidades de cultivo y gastronómicas que hacen de los calçots (cebolletas tiernas) una comida de temporada muy valorada, saludable, distintiva y querida entre los catalanes, no se tendría que olvidar que continúan siendo cebollas. Y es que todavía hay bastantes personas que desconocen que cebollas, ajos y otros representantes de la familia de las liliácias, que nosotros comemos habitualmente sin problemas, pueden resultar tóxicos e incluso letales para muchos animales domésticos, entre los que se encuentran los perros y los gatos. En las populares calçotadas, donde muchas veces estamos acompañados de nuestros perros, los propietarios tendrían que vigilar de no dejar al alcance de los animales los calçots o restos de ellos, ya que su sabor dulzón puede resultar atractivo para algunos individuos hambrientos o curiosos

    Analysis of the SOS response of Vibrio and other bacteria with multiple chromosomes

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    Background: The SOS response is a well-known regulatory network present in most bacteria and aimed at addressing DNA damage. It has also been linked extensively to stress-induced mutagenesis, virulence and the emergence and dissemination of antibiotic resistance determinants. Recently, the SOS response has been shown to regulate the activity of integrases in the chromosomal superintegrons of the Vibrionaceae, which encompasses a wide range of pathogenic species harboring multiple chromosomes. Here we combine in silico and in vitro techniques to perform a comparative genomics analysis of the SOS regulon in the Vibrionaceae, and we extend the methodology to map this transcriptional network in other bacterial species harboring multiple chromosomes. Results: Our analysis provides the first comprehensive description of the SOS response in a family (Vibrionaceae) that includes major human pathogens. It also identifies several previously unreported members of the SOS transcriptional network, including two proteins of unknown function. The analysis of the SOS response in other bacterial species with multiple chromosomes uncovers additional regulon members and reveals that there is a conserved core of SOS genes, and that specialized additions to this basic network take place in different phylogenetic groups. Our results also indicate that across all groups the main elements of the SOS response are always found in the large chromosome, whereas specialized additions are found in the smaller chromosomes and plasmids. Conclusions: Our findings confirm that the SOS response of the Vibrionaceae is strongly linked with pathogenicity and dissemination of antibiotic resistance, and suggest that the characterization of the newly identified member

    Immuno-metabolic profile of human macrophages after Leishmania and Trypanosoma cruzi infection

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    This work was by funded by the NIH/NIAID training grant: 5T32AI007180 to MCT. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Macrophages can reprogram their metabolism in response to the surrounding stimuli, which affects their capacity to kill intracellular pathogens. We have investigated the metabolic and immune status of human macrophages after infection with the intracellular trypanosomatid parasites Leishmania donovani, L. amazonensis and T. cruzi and their capacity to respond to a classical polarizing stimulus (LPS and IFN-γ). We found that macrophages infected with Leishmania preferentially upregulate oxidative phosphorylation, which could be contributed by both host cell and parasite, while T. cruzi infection did not significantly increase glycolysis or oxidative phosphorylation. Leishmania and T. cruzi infect macrophages without triggering a strong inflammatory cytokine response, but infection does not prevent a potent response to LPS and IFN-γ. Infection appears to prime macrophages, since the cytokine response to activation with LPS and IFN-γ is more intense in infected macrophages compared to uninfected ones. Metabolic polarization in macrophages can influence infection and immune evasion of these parasites since preventing macrophage cytokine responses would help parasites to establish a persistent infection. However, macrophages remain responsive to classical inflammatory stimuli and could still trigger inflammatory cytokine secretion by macrophages

    Sirolimus enhances the protection achieved by a DNA vaccine against Leishmania infantum

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    Background Leishmaniases are a group of neglected tropical parasitic diseases, mainly affecting vulnerable populations of countries with poor socioeconomic status. Development of efficient vaccines is a priority due to the increasing incidence of drug resistance and toxicity to current treatments. In the search for a safe and efficient protective vaccine for human and dog visceral leishmaniases, we analyzed the suitability of the immunomodulatory drug sirolimus (SIR) to boost a preventive DNA vaccine against leishmaniasis. SIR is an already marketed drug that has been described to boost immune protection against different disease models and has also emerged as a promising therapeutic drug against L. major. Methods Syrian hamsters were treated with SIR concomitantly with the administration of a DNA vaccine formulation consisting in four plasmids carrying the Leishmania genes LACK, TRYP, PAPLE22 and KMPII, respectively. Two weeks after the last vaccination, the animals were infected intraperitoneally with L. infantum parasites. Five weeks post-infection the parasite load was measured by real-time PCR in target tissues and immune response was evaluated by determining anti-Leishmania specific antibodies in combination with cytokine expression in the spleen. Results Our results show that the DNA vaccine itself efficiently reduced the burden of parasites in the skin (P = 0.0004) and lymph nodes (P = 0.0452). SIR administration also enhanced the protection by reducing the parasite load in the spleen (P = 0.0004). Vaccinated animals with or without SIR co-treatment showed lower IFN-γ expression levels than those found in the spleen of control animals. mRNA expression levels of NOS2 and IL-10 were found to be significantly higher in the vaccinated plus SIR treated group. Conclusions Co-administration of SIR enhances a DNA vaccination regimen against L. infantum, improving the reduction of parasite load in skin, lymph node and spleen. The analysis of immune markers in the spleen after challenge suggests that the trend to recover naïve levels of IFN-γ and IL-10, and the concurrent higher expression of NOS2, may be responsible for the protection induced by our vaccine co-administered with SIR.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vitamin d and leishmaniasis : Neither seasonal nor risk factor in canine host but potential adjuvant treatment through cbd103 expression

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    Red de Investigación Cooperativa en Enfermedades Tropicales RD12/0018/0010Vitamin D (VitD) deficiency has been shown to be a risk factor for a plethora of disorders. We have shown that dogs with clinical leishmaniasis presented lower VitD serum levels than non-infected dogs, and even lower than those with asymptomatic infection. However, if VitD deficiency is a risk factor to develop clinical leishmaniasis remains to be answered. It is also unknown if VitD participates in Leishmania control. First, we retrospectively analysed VitD concentration in serum samples from 36 healthy dogs collected in different periods of the year concluding that there isn't a seasonal variation of this vitamin in dogs. We also included 9 dogs with clinical leishmaniasis and 10 non-infected healthy dogs, in which we measured VitD levels at the beginning of the study, when all dogs were negative for serology and qPCR, and 1 year later. Whereas non-infected dogs showed no change in VitD levels along the study, those developing clinical leishmaniasis showed a significant VitD reduction at the end of the study (35%). When we compared VitD concentration between the two groups at the beginning of the study, no differences were detected (43.6 (38-59) ng/mL, P = 0.962). Furthermore, an in vitro model using a canine macrophage cell line proved that adding active VitD leads to a significant reduction in L. infantum load (31.4%). Analyzing expression of genes related to VitD pathway on primary canine monocytes, we showed that CBD103 expression was significantly enhanced after 1,25(OH)D addition. Our results show that VitD concentration is neither seasonal nor a risk factor for developing canine leishmaniasis, but it diminishes with the onset of clinical disease suggesting a role in parasitic control. Our in vitro results corroborate this hypothesis and point out that VitD regulates infection through CBD103 expression. These results open the possibility for studies testing VitD as an adjuvant in leishmaniasis therapy. Vitamin D (VitD), the precursor of the powerful steroid hormone calcitriol, has been widely known to regulate the calcium and phosphate homeostasis. Several studies have shown that VitD plays also an important role on innate immunity. The mechanisms by which VitD modulates the immune function have been studied within different contexts involving multiple pathogens, but not Leishmania sp. It is known that VitD strengthens the innate immune system by inducing the expression of anti-microbial peptides in Mycobacterium tuberculosis- infected human macrophages. Antimicrobial peptides act on the bacterial wall, increasing the formation of reactive oxygen species, modulating cytokine expression, and inducing autophagy. Immune system plays a key role in leishmaniasis disease control, thus VitD could have a relevant contribution in leishmaniasis. In a previous study, we shown that clinical leishmaniasis is associated with VitD deficiency. This research aims to determine whether vitamin D is seasonal and a risk factor for developing canine leishmaniasis and, also, to study the possible VitD anti-parasitic effect and the expression of genes related to VitD pathway. The results show that VitD in canine leishmaniasis is neither seasonal nor a risk factor for developing clinical disease. However, its role in reducing parasite load suggests that VitD could be an adjuvant in leishmaniasis therapy

    ApS: Cooperative awareness activities and the values of inclusion. Move... and you'll see. Immediate impact analysis

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    Comunicaciones. Área tématica 1: La inclusión, socialización y educación en valores a través del aprendizaje cooperativo en Educación Física.[ES] El proyecto ApS Muévete… y verás! se desarrolla conjuntamente entre el centro hospitalario Institut Guttmann y el grado de Educación de la FPCEE Blanquerna (URL). A través de esta ApS, las estudiantes trabajan en el diseño y la implementación de una jornada lúdica-educativa, en la que, a través de actividades sensibilizadoras, se pretende que el alumnado de primaria empatice con lo que representa vivir con una discapacidad motriz. Las propuestas, lideradas por el alumnado de la universidad, se implementan el día de la jornada en las instalaciones del Institut Guttmann. Esta comunicación describe y analiza el impacto del servicio prestado con esta experiencia ApS hacia el colectivo receptor formado por alumnas de Educación Primaria de dos escuelas de la provincia de Barcelona. Para ello, una vez terminada la jornada se le propone al alumnado de primaria dibujar y/o escribir (métodos visuales y escritos)[EN] The ApS project Move… and you’ll see! it is developed jointly between the Institut Guttmann hospital center and the Education degree of the FPCEE Blanquerna (URL). Through this ApS, the students work on the design and implementation of a fun-educational day, in which, through awareness-raising activities, it is intended that primary school students empathize with what it means to live with a motor disability. The proposals, led by the students of the university, are implemented on the day of the conference in the facilities of the Guttmann Institute. This communication describes and analyzes the impact of the service provided with this ApS experience towards the receiving group made up of Primary Education students from two schools in the province of Barcelona. For this, once the day is over, the primary students are asked to draw and/or write (visual and written methods

    Repurposing bioenergetic modulators against protozoan parasites responsible for tropical diseases

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    Malaria, leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis are arthropod-borne, parasitic diseases that constitute a major global health problem. They are generally found in developing countries, where lack of access to preventive tools and treatment hinders their management. Because these parasites share an increased demand on glucose consumption with most cancer cells, six compounds used in anti-tumoral research were selected to be tested as antiparasitic agents in in vitro models of Leishmania infantum, Trypanosoma brucei, T. cruzi, and Plasmodium falciparum: dichloroacetic acid (DCA), 3-bromopyruvic acid (3BP), 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG), lonidamine (LND), metformin (MET), and sirolimus (SIR). No parasite-killing activity was found in L. infantum promastigotes, whereas DCA and 3BP reduced the burden of intra-macrophagic amastigotes. For T. brucei all selected compounds, but 2DG, decreased parasite survival. DCA, 2DG, LND and MET showed parasite-killing activity in T. cruzi. Finally, anti-plasmodial activity was found for DCA, 2DG, LND, MET and SIR. These results reinforce the hypothesis that drugs with proven efficacy in the treatment of cancer by interfering with ATP production, proliferation, and survival cell strategies might be useful in treating threatening parasitic diseases and provide new opportunities for their repurposing.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cognitive stimulation in adolescents at risk of exclusion using the BAPNE® method

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    In this paper we study the viability of an intervention using cognitive stimulation through the BAPNE® Method to benefit a group of young adolescent in an educational establishment in an area of very difficult socio-economic conditions. In addition, experimental research has been also conducted to demonstrate that this intervention can improve impulse control amongst the group under study. The experiment was carried out with a total of N=70 subjects divided between an experimental group and a control group. The intervention in the experimental group was carried out following the series of activities in the BAPNE® Method set out in the Bodypercussion- Programación didáctica (Volumes 1 and 2) teaching manuals during 25 weeks but the control group followed their normal music curriculum. The evaluation tools used to measure executive function were: the Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT - F.A.S. & Animals), the Digit Span subtest (Digit Span Forward and Digit Span Backward), the Stroop Color and Word Test (SCWT) and the Trail Making Test (TMT). The data collection was analysed statistically using IBM SPSS v24 for Mac software and the results show that, between the pre- and the post-test, this intervention has visibly improved the inhibitory control and the verbal fluency amongst the experimental group

    Evaluation of canine leishmaniosis vaccine CaniLeish® under field conditions in native dog populations from an endemic Mediterranean area - a randomized controlled trial.

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    Dog vaccination is considered an effective way of reducing Leishmania infantum infection incidence in the canine population, as well as its transmission to humans. However, the use of partially effective vaccines can have the detrimental effect of 'masking' vaccinated asymptomatic carriers, capable of harbouring the parasite and transmitting it to naïve individuals. After eight years on the European market, few studies have been released on CaniLeish® vaccine safety and efficacy. The present study, a one-year randomized CaniLeish® vaccine field trial, was performed in a canine leishmaniosis endemic area and included animals selected from a native dog population (n=168). No severe adverse reactions were observed in vaccinated dogs (n=85). Cases of active L. infantum infection were detected by serological, molecular and clinical follow-up of dogs. One-year post-vaccination, no differences in number or severity of L. infantum active infections were observed between study groups (n=4 in each group). Vaccine-induced cellular immunity, assessed through interferon-γ quantification, showed significantly higher levels of this cytokine one-month post-vaccination in the vaccine group (p<0.001), but no differences were observed after nine months between trial groups (p=0.078). These results fail to support the reported CaniLeish® efficacy in the prevention of active L. infantum infection in dogs from endemic areas and naturally exposed to the parasite