136 research outputs found

    Comprensión de la vida desde la fe, la literatura y la filosofía

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    Este estudio trata el problema existencial de Dios desde el planteamiento que propone Kierkegaard en Ejercitación del cristianismo. Para ello es necesario contemplar la ruptura que provoca el pecado original, que conduce al mal y a la negación de Dios, tal como expone Shestov. Esto lleva a interpretar una parte fundamental de la filosofía de Nietzsche y a considerar las cuestiones que Dostoievski muestra en Los hermanos Karamázov, lo que implica la aprehensión del valor poético de la Biblia – en tanto que comprensión afectiva del Ser como vida y muerte para finalmente comprender esa presencia mística que se revela como eterna existencia abismal.This study tries to address the existential problem of God attending to Kierkegaard's approach in Practice in Christianity. For this, it is necessary to consider the rupture caused by the original sin, which leads to evil and the denial of God, as Shestov puts it. This leads to Nietzsche's philosophy and the questions that Dostoievski unveils on The Brothers Karamázov, which implies the apprehension of the poetic value of the Bible – as an affective understanding of the Being as life and death to finally understand that mystical presence that is poetically revealed as eternal abysmal existence.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Filosofía y Cultura Moderna

    La revolución de la democracia

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    Indagación de la utilidad y fecundidad historiográfica de la noción Revolución Burguesa a partir del trabajo de François Furet Pensar la Revolución Francesa. El centro de la historiografía es la revolución francesa como la primera experiencia de la democracia. Furet propone una historiografía crítica, conceptual, problematizadora, con aliento analítico y político que ponga en el centro algunos problemas contemporáneos

    Enfermedad neumocócica invasiva en pacientes de un hospital pediátrico de Perú, 2017-2020

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    El propósito del presente estudio fue describir las características clínicas, serotipos y susceptibilidad antibiótica en pacientes con enfermedad neumocócica invasiva (ENI). Se revisaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes con ENI hospitalizados en el Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño-Breña (Lima, Perú). Se evaluaron a 29 pacientes. La mediana de edad fue 1,9 años (rango intercuartílico 1 a 4 años). El 51,7% eran mujeres y la forma clínica de la ENI más frecuente fue la bacteriemia en 18 (62,1%) pacientes. El 65,5% tenía el esquema de vacunación completo, según el Ministerio de Salud de Perú. El 82,8% del aislamiento del germen fue de sangre. La resistencia antibiótica fue más frecuente a la eritromicina (55,2%), trimetoprim-sulfametoxazol (48,3%) y penicilina (24,1%). Los serotipos registrados fueron 6C, 19A, 23A y 24F. Un paciente falleció por meningitis. En conclusión, la ENI fue más frecuente en niños de uno a cinco años y en la forma clínica de bacteriemia. Se encontraron cinco serotipos reportados en estudios previos con resistencia a penicilina y eritromicina

    Maintenance olaparib in patients with platinum-sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer: Outcomes by somatic and germline BRCA and other homologous recombination repair gene mutation status in the ORZORA trial

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    Background. The open-label, single-arm, multicenter ORZORA trial (NCT02476968) evaluated the efficacy and safety of maintenance olaparib in patients with platinum-sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer (PSR OC) who had tumor BRCA mutations (BRCAm) of germline (g) or somatic (s) origin or non-BRCA homologous recombination repair mutations (HRRm) and were in response to their most recent platinum-based chemotherapy after >= 2 lines of treatment. Methods. Patients received maintenance olaparib capsules (400 mg twice daily) until disease progression. Prospective central testing at screening determined tumor BRCAm status and subsequent testing determined gBRCAm or sBRCAm status. Patients with predefined non-BRCA HRRm were assigned to an exploratory cohort

    Proyect Manualidades Ya

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    El actual proyecto de diseño e implementación de un aplicativo móvil para exponer y difundir trabajos artísticos y personalizados con los requerimientos específicos, en base a las diversas investigaciones realizadas en el Perú del público del rango de edad de 20 a 45 años que muestren interés y pasión por el arte y las expresiones artísticas, las cuales permitieron identificar las necesidades de los artistas y del usuario por localizar de manera rápida un medio por donde una persona pueda publicar sus obras trabajadas de manera segura para que de esta manera sea visto y difundido para los usuarios interesados por adquirir algún producto en particular, frente a un mercado con carencias relacionado a apoyar a los artistas peruanos. Así mismo, se identificó la necesidad por parte de los artistas de buscar un medio o plataforma por donde se pueda facilitar la comunicación e interacción con los usuarios de manera inmediata, ocasionando problemas de fidelizar a un cliente por la falta de una herramienta digital. Adicionalmente, se observó que en su mayoría de los usuarios tenían la necesidad de establecer una comunicación precisa y directa con diversos artistas a través de un medio para facilitar la interacción de crear una obra personalizada con los detalles establecido de manera segura por el individuo. Finalmente, se encontró un gran crecimiento significativo en la adquisición de celulares inteligentes y en la descarga y uso de diversos aplicativos móviles de servicio de entrega de artículos, no existiendo un aplicativo orientado a que muchos artistas peruanos puedan publicar sus obras, en donde pueda el usuario interactuar con cada uno de ellos de manera directa para su venta y en la comunicación y creación de un producto personalizado para el cliente de manera segura y ágil. Con el fin de atender dicha demanda de mercado mencionada, se estableció y se desarrolló el proyecto Manualidades Ya, una aplicación móvil que facilita el contacto entre artista y usuario, el cual ofrece el servicio de que un artista peruano pueda presentar, difundir y cotizar sus obras a través de este medio, para que de esta manera pueda ser visto y reconocido por todo usuario interesado por el arte, generando grandes oportunidades y estabilidad económica a largo plazo para el artista. En adición, el aplicativo facilita la interacción y comunicación segura de forma directa con cada uno de los artistas para una recomendación, pregunta o establecer junto al artista un nuevo diseño personalizado indicando sus requerimientos, generando una aplicación móvil interactiva y amigable para el público. Para poner en marca la implementación del proyecto se realizó una investigación y análisis del consumidor, los competidores y diversos factores externos. También, se desarrolló los siguientes planes: Plan de marketing, Plan financiero, Plan estratégico y el plan de operaciones, por el cual disponen planeamientos y estrategias imprescindibles para la viabilidad de este proyecto.The present project of design and implementation of a mobile application to expose and disseminate artistic and personalized works with specific requirements, based on the various investigations carried out in Peru of the public in the age range of 20 to 45 years that show interest and passion. for art and artistic expressions, which made it possible to identify the needs of the artists and the user to quickly locate a medium through which a person can publish their worked works in a safe way so that in this way it is seen and disseminated for the users. users interested in acquiring a particular product, facing a market with deficiencies related to supporting Peruvian artists. Likewise, the need for artists to find a medium or platform where communication and interaction with users can be facilitated immediately was identified, causing problems in retaining a client due to the lack of a digital tool. Additionally, it was observed that most of the users had the need to establish precise and direct communication with various artists through a means to facilitate the interaction of creating a personalized work with the details established safely by the individual. Finally, a great significant growth was found in the acquisition of smart cell phones and in the download and use of various mobile applications for the delivery of articles, there being no application aimed at allowing many Peruvian artists to publish their works, where the user to interact with each one of them directly for their sale and in the communication and creation of a personalized product for the client in a safe and agile way. In order to meet the aforementioned market demand, the Artes Ya project was established and developed, a mobile application that facilitates contact between artist and user, which offers the service that a Peruvian artist can present, disseminate and quote their works through this medium, so that in this way it can be seen and recognized by all users interested in art, generating great opportunities and long-term economic stability for the artist. In addition, the application facilitates interaction and secure communication directly with each of the artists for a recommendation, question or establish a new personalized design with the artist indicating their requirements, generating an interactive and friendly mobile application for the public. To mark the implementation of the project, an investigation and analysis of the consumer, competitors and various external factors was carried out. Also, the following plans were developed: Marketing plan, financial plan, Strategic plan and the operations plan, by which they have essential planning and strategies for the viability of this project.Trabajo de investigació


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    Objetivo: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del veneno de Latrodectus mactans en los niveles plasmáticos de óxido nítrico y el comportamiento sexual de Oryctolagus cunniculus. Material y método: Se capturaron 10 especímenes de Latrodectus mactans en las inmediaciones del campus de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo en lugares secos, abrigados y oscuros. Se adquirieron 7 especímenes machos y 7 hembras de Oryctolagus cunniculus a los que se inyectó 0.1 mL de veneno de araña. Se determinaron los niveles de óxido nítrico (NO) indirectamente por la conversión en nitritos (NO2-) y nitratos (NO3-) que son los principales productos de degradación del NO, por el método de Método de Griess. Se evaluó el comportamiento sexual teniendo en cuenta los siguientes parámetros: frecuencia de monta, frecuencia de intromisiones, latencia de monta, latencia de intromisiones y latencia post eyaculatoria. Resultados: Se observó que los niveles de NO aumentaron en promedio a 7.75µmol /ml con la administración de 0.1 ml del homogenizado de veneno de Latrodectus mactans (p < 0.05) comparados con la administración de 0.1 mL de Solución Salina Fisiológica (grupo blanco) que aumentó a 4.06µmol /ml en promedio (p < 0.05). En el comportamiento sexual se observó un aumento en la frecuencia de monta, frecuencia de intromisiones y disminución en la latencia de intromisiones y latencia post eyaculatoria (p < 0.05). Conclusiones: El veneno de Latrodectus mactans eleva en forma significativa los niveles plasmáticos de óxido nítrico en Oryctolagus cunniculus, además estimula el comportamiento sexual de dichos especímenes. Palabras clave: Latrodectus mactans, Óxido nítrico, comportamiento sexual.

    The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment

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    The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) has been in operation since July 2014. This paper describes the second data release from this phase, and the fourteenth from SDSS overall (making this, Data Release Fourteen or DR14). This release makes public data taken by SDSS-IV in its first two years of operation (July 2014-2016). Like all previous SDSS releases, DR14 is cumulative, including the most recent reductions and calibrations of all data taken by SDSS since the first phase began operations in 2000. New in DR14 is the first public release of data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS); the first data from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory (APO) Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE-2), including stellar parameter estimates from an innovative data driven machine learning algorithm known as "The Cannon"; and almost twice as many data cubes from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey as were in the previous release (N = 2812 in total). This paper describes the location and format of the publicly available data from SDSS-IV surveys. We provide references to the important technical papers describing how these data have been taken (both targeting and observation details) and processed for scientific use. The SDSS website (www.sdss.org) has been updated for this release, and provides links to data downloads, as well as tutorials and examples of data use. SDSS-IV is planning to continue to collect astronomical data until 2020, and will be followed by SDSS-V.Comment: SDSS-IV collaboration alphabetical author data release paper. DR14 happened on 31st July 2017. 19 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by ApJS on 28th Nov 2017 (this is the "post-print" and "post-proofs" version; minor corrections only from v1, and most of errors found in proofs corrected

    Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices

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    Why is Openness in Education important, and why is it critically needed at this moment? As manifested in our guiding question, the significance of Openness in Education and its immediate necessity form the heart of this collaborative editorial piece. This rather straightforward, yet nuanced query has sparked this collective endeavour by using individual testimonies, which may also be taken as living narratives, to reveal the value of Openness in Education as a praxis. Such testimonies serve as rich, personal narratives, critical introspections, and experience-based accounts that function as sources of data. The data gleaned from these narratives points to the understanding of Openness in Education as a complex, multilayered concept intricately woven into an array of values. These range from aspects such as sharing, access, flexibility, affordability, enlightenment, barrier-removal, empowerment, care, individual agency, trust, innovation, sustainability, collaboration, co-creation, social justice, equity, transparency, inclusivity, decolonization, democratisation, participation, liberty, and respect for diversity. This editorial, as a product of collective endeavour, invites its readers to independently engage with individual narratives, fostering the creation of unique interpretations. This call stems from the distinctive character of each narrative as they voice individual researchers’ perspectives from around the globe, articulating their insights within their unique situational contexts

    Fusarium: more than a node or a foot-shaped basal cell

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    Recent publications have argued that there are potentially serious consequences for researchers in recognising distinct genera in the terminal fusarioid clade of the family Nectriaceae. Thus, an alternate hypothesis, namely a very broad concept of the genus Fusarium was proposed. In doing so, however, a significant body of data that supports distinct genera in Nectriaceae based on morphology, biology, and phylogeny is disregarded. A DNA phylogeny based on 19 orthologous protein-coding genes was presented to support a very broad concept of Fusarium at the F1 node in Nectriaceae. Here, we demonstrate that re-analyses of this dataset show that all 19 genes support the F3 node that represents Fusarium sensu stricto as defined by F. sambucinum (sexual morph synonym Gibberella pulicaris). The backbone of the phylogeny is resolved by the concatenated alignment, but only six of the 19 genes fully support the F1 node, representing the broad circumscription of Fusarium. Furthermore, a re-analysis of the concatenated dataset revealed alternate topologies in different phylogenetic algorithms, highlighting the deep divergence and unresolved placement of various Nectriaceae lineages proposed as members of Fusarium. Species of Fusarium s. str. are characterised by Gibberella sexual morphs, asexual morphs with thin- or thick-walled macroconidia that have variously shaped apical and basal cells, and trichothecene mycotoxin production, which separates them from other fusarioid genera. Here we show that the Wollenweber concept of Fusarium presently accounts for 20 segregate genera with clear-cut synapomorphic traits, and that fusarioid macroconidia represent a character that has been gained or lost multiple times throughout Nectriaceae. Thus, the very broad circumscription of Fusarium is blurry and without apparent synapomorphies, and does not include all genera with fusarium-like macroconidia, which are spread throughout Nectriaceae (e.g., Cosmosporella, Macroconia, Microcera). In this study four new genera are introduced, along with 18 new species and 16 new combinations. These names convey information about relationships, morphology, and ecological preference that would otherwise be lost in a broader definition of Fusarium. To assist users to correctly identify fusarioid genera and species, we introduce a new online identification database, Fusarioid-ID, accessible at www.fusarium.org. The database comprises partial sequences from multiple genes commonly used to identify fusarioid taxa (act1, CaM, his3, rpb1, rpb2, tef1, tub2, ITS, and LSU). In this paper, we also present a nomenclator of names that have been introduced in Fusarium up to January 2021 as well as their current status, types, and diagnostic DNA barcode data. In this study, researchers from 46 countries, representing taxonomists, plant pathologists, medical mycologists, quarantine officials, regulatory agencies, and students, strongly support the application and use of a more precisely delimited Fusarium (= Gibberella) concept to accommodate taxa from the robust monophyletic node F3 on the basis of a well-defined and unique combination of morphological and biochemical features. This F3 node includes, among others, species of the F. fujikuroi, F. incarnatum-equiseti, F. oxysporum, and F. sambucinum species complexes, but not species of Bisifusarium [F. dimerum species complex (SC)], Cyanonectria (F. buxicola SC), Geejayessia (F. staphyleae SC), Neocosmospora (F. solani SC) or Rectifusarium (F. ventricosum SC). The present study represents the first step to generating a new online monograph of Fusarium and allied fusarioid genera (www.fusarium.org)