147 research outputs found

    The Committee on Standards in Public Life needs reform if it is to fulfil its important role properly in the future

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    If the approach to public integrity taken by local government is anything to go by, the Committee on Standards in Public Life is no substitute for the Standards Board or the Audit Commission in terms of strategy or scrutiny. Alan Doig suggests that now is the time to consider another approach

    The UK needs to rethink its approach to the upholding of standards in public life

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    Is it time to re-think the UK’s public integrity strategy? Alan Doig argues that a new approach should be considered to take over from successive iterations of an increasingly ineffectual Committee on Standards in Public Life

    Mission creep and the Committee on Standards in Public Life; why its time for a new approach to get back to basics

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    The Committee on Standards in Public Life was introduced in order to restore a degree of confidence in the integrity of public officials following a number of scandals during the late 1980s and early 1990’s. Alan Doig suggests that the committee is not performing effectively, and that it is still unclear how to deliver and embed a system which delivers public integrity

    Exploring the ‘shadows’ in the implementation processes for national anti-fraud strategies at the local level: aims, ownership and impact

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    This article studies the development and implementation of a nationally drafted strategy for fraud in local government in England. The purpose, relevant to other countries which also face (or evade) problems of policy outreach, is to consider what is required to achieve effective implementation through three broad aspects: aims, ownership, and impact. There is a particular focus on the assessment of the strategy implementation process and what mechanisms translate strategies into effective delivery or what other factors may subvert that delivery. The empirical research draws on the UK government’s 2006 policy review on fraud and the consequential changes between then and 2019, including a number of fraud strategies initiated by the United Kingdom central government. To review implementation in practice, it focuses on the 2011 local government strategy and uses a local-level case study to assess issues concerning aims, ownership, and impact, as well as the effect of other nationally determined policies and agendas. It concludes that without an ‘owned’ strategy implementation process as a whole, national strategies concerning the prevention and policing of fraud in England in the twenty-first century have had—and continue to have—modest impact on practice on the ground at the local level. We find it plausible that this is true elsewhere in the world, not only for crime control but also for other ‘change’ strategies in the public sector. However, testing that proposition is for researchers in other countries. Our aim here is to use this superficially parochial study to raise more universal questions about how policy designers (and academic researchers) need to take better account of circumstances on the ground, the management of strategy implementation and legitimacy, if their strategies are to be more than merely symbolic rhetoric

    Logística Inversa y Economía Circular de los Años 2022 al 2023

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    Objective: Determine the review of reverse logistics and circular economy for the year 2022 - 2023. Methodology: to search for information, the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT were used, using an eight-step guide proposed by Okoli and Schabram (2010), 10 articles were recorded and exclusion and inclusion criteria were used for their selection. 6 articles were excluded and only 04 were included for the review. Databases were used: Redalyc, Scielo, Dialnet, Google Scholar, the PRISMA guidelines and documentary analysis were used as a technique, and Instruments were the articles mentioned.  Result: Shows that recycling, proper disposal, and the efficient implementation of reverse logistics require careful planning and effective supply chain management. It involves activities such as product collection, return transportation, temporary storage, disassembly, repair, recycling, and final disposal. Product Returns: When customers return defective, damaged, or incorrect products to manufacturers or distributors. This can include dangerous chemical products, expired medicines or contaminated products, especially electronics, for which it is necessary to understand the problem in order to propose a proposal that allows understanding the current context. Conclusion: That reverse logistics can provide various benefits, such as reducing production costs, improving corporate image and compliance with environmental regulations. In addition, it contributes to the circular economy by promoting the reuse and recycling of products and materials, properly the products, components or materials, thus promoting sustainability and the circular economy, for which the articles make a conceptual review, but especially in some cases seeks to propose a model based on linear programming and other related concepts.Metodología: para la búsqueda de la información se utilizó los operadores booleanos, AND,OR Y NOT, utilizando una guía de ocho pasos propuesta por Okoli y Schabram (2010) se consignaron 10 artículos y para su selección se utilizaron criterios de exclusión e inclusión se excluyeron 6 artículos y solo 04 se incluyeron para la revisión se utilizaron base de datos: Redalyc, Scielo, Dialnet, Google Scholar, se utilizó como técnica las directrices PRISMA y de análisis documental, e Instrumentos los artículos mencionados.  Resultado: muestra que el reciclaje, desecho adecuado, y la implementación eficiente de la logística inversa requiere una planificación cuidadosa y una gestión efectiva de la cadena de suministro. Implica actividades como la recolección de productos, el transporte de retorno, el almacenamiento temporal, el desmontaje, la reparación, el reciclaje y la disposición final. Devoluciones de productos: Cuando los clientes devuelven productos defectuosos, dañados o incorrectos a los fabricantes o distribuidores. Esto puede incluir productos químicos peligrosos, medicamentos caducados o productos contaminados especialmente electrónico, para lo cual se requiere entender el problema para proponer una propuesta que permita entender el contexto actual.  Conclusión:  Que la logística inversa puede proporcionar diversos beneficios, como la reducción de costos de producción, la mejora de la imagen corporativa y el cumplimiento de las regulaciones ambientales. Además, contribuye a la economía circular al fomentar la reutilización y el reciclaje de productos y materiales, adecuadamente los productos, componentes o materiales, promoviendo así la sostenibilidad y la economía circular, por lo que los artículos hacen una revisión conceptual, pero especialmente en algunos casos se busca proponer un modelo basado en programación lineal y otros conceptos relacionados

    Teacher Collaborative Work in Virtual Learning Environments in an Educational Institution Year 2023

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    Objetivo: fue analizar si los entornos virtuales generan aprendizaje en el trabajo colaborativo docente en una institución educativa.  Metodología:  Considerando los procedimientos metodológicos para la búsqueda de la información los operadores booleanos, AND,OR Y NOT, utilizando una guía de ocho pasos propuesta por Okoli y Schabram (2010) se consignaron 52 artículos y para su selección se utilizaron criterios de exclusión e inclusión se excluyeron 42 artículos y solo 10 se incluyeron para la revisión sistemática se utilizaron base de datos: Redalyc, Scielo, Dialnet, Google Scholar, revistas de alto impacto: se utilizó como técnica las directrices PRISMA y de análisis documental, e Instrumentos los artículos mencionados.  Resultado: En el año 2021 existe un incremento del uso de entornos virtuales con 5 publicaciones, en revista Redalyc 3 y Dialnet 2considerando que en su mayoría de instituciones educativas estudiaron en entornos virtuales en el nivel secundario. Conclusión: Las plataformas más usadas fue los entornos virtuales fueron el Meet y el Zoom en diferentes asignaturas a distancia en el nivel secundario, por lo que se concluye que los entornos virtuales favorecen el trabajo colaborativo en docentes y a su vez si generan aprendizajes en una institución educativa.Objective: it was to analyze if virtual environments generate learning in collaborative teaching work in an educational institution. Methodology: Considering the methodological procedures for the search for information, the Boolean operators, AND, OR, and NOT, using an eight-step guide proposed by Okoli and Schabram (2010), 52 articles were recorded and exclusion criteria and criteria were used for their selection. Inclusion 42 articles were excluded and only 10 were included for the systematic review. Databases were used: Redalyc, Scielo, Dialnet, Google Scholar, high-impact journals: the PRISMA guidelines and documentary analysis were used as a technique, and Instruments the articles. mentioned. Result: In the year 2021 there is an increase in the use of virtual environments with 5 publications, in the Redalyc 3 and Dialnet 2 magazines, considering that most of the educational institutions studied in virtual environments at the secondary level.  Conclusion: The most used platforms were the virtual environments were Meet and Zoom in different distance subjects at the secondary level, so it is concluded that virtual environments favor collaborative work in teachers and in turn generate learning in an institution. educational

    Specific ion channels contribute to key elements of pathology during secondary degeneration following neurotrauma

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    Background: Following partial injury to the central nervous system, cells beyond the initial injury site undergo secondary degeneration, exacerbating loss of neurons, compact myelin and function. Changes in Ca 2+ flux are associated with metabolic and structural changes, but it is not yet clear how flux through specific ion channels contributes to the various pathologies. Here, partial optic nerve transection in adult female rats was used to model secondary degeneration. Treatment with combinations of three ion channel inhibitors was used as a tool to investigate which elements of oxidative and structural damage related to long term functional outcomes. The inhibitors employed were the voltage gated Ca 2+ channel inhibitor Lomerizine (Lom), the Ca 2+ permeable AMPA receptor inhibitor YM872 and the P2X 7 receptor inhibitor oxATP. Results: Following partial optic nerve transection, hyper-phosphorylation of Tau and acetylated tubulin immunoreactivity were increased, and Nogo-A immunoreactivity was decreased, indicating that axonal changes occurred acutely. All combinations of ion channel inhibitors reduced hyper-phosphorylation of Tau and increased Nogo-A immunoreactivity at day 3 after injury. However, only Lom/oxATP or all three inhibitors in combination significantly reduced acetylated tubulin immunoreactivity. Most combinations of ion channel inhibitors were effective in restoring the lengths of the paranode and the paranodal gap, indicative of the length of the node of Ranvier, following injury. However, only all three inhibitors in combination restored to normal Ankyrin G length at the node of Ranvier. Similarly, HNE immunoreactivity and loss of oligodendrocyte precursor cells were only limited by treatment with all three ion channel inhibitors in combination. Conclusions: Data indicate that inhibiting any of a range of ion channels preserves certain elements of axon and node structure and limits some oxidative damage following injury, whereas ionic flux through all three channels must be inhibited to prevent lipid peroxidation and preserve Ankyrin G distribution and OPCs
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