442 research outputs found
Vrste kapitala u romanu Estetika otpora
Budući da Peter Weiss u svojoj Estetici otpora skicira fikcionalni prikaz kompleksnih društvenih konstelacija prije, tijekom i nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, sadržaj njegova romana nudi plodno tlo za književno-sociološku analizu putem instrumentarija Pierrea Bourdieua, čija će se metodologija, primijenjena prije svega u Pravilima umjetnosti, pokušati u ovom radu upotrijebiti u kontekstu Weissove trilogije sa osobitim fokusom na Bourdieuove vrste kapitala i način njihova djelovanja. Cilj je rada spoznati mehaniku društvenih mehanizama u poljima prisutnim u romanu, prepoznati njihovu internu dinamiku i način na koji ona utječe na prisutne aktere, čiji je habitus u uzajamnoj sprezi vezan uz uvjete njegova nastanka u pojedinom polju, te na koncu uvidjeti na koji način upravo vrste kapitala doprinose tim neprestanim transformacijskim zbivanjima. Kao rezultat analize, rad nudi ne samo pokušaj konkretne primjene Bourdieuova teoretskog oruđa, već i uvide o društvenom poretku u romanu te o (ne)mogućnosti rušenja njegovih granica.Da Peter Weiss in seiner Ästhetik des Widerstands einen fiktionalen Überblick komplexer gesellschaftlicher Konstellationen vor, während und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg skizziert, bietet der Inhalt seines Romans einen fruchtbaren Boden für eine literatursoziologische Analyse mittels des Instrumentariums von Pierre Bourdieu, dessen Methodologie, angewandt vor allem in Die Regeln der Kunst, in der vorliegenden Arbeit im Kontext von Weiss‘ Trilogie zu benutzen versucht wird, mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Bourdieus Kapitalsorten und ihre Wirkungsart. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Mechanik gesellschaftlicher Mechanismen in den im Roman vorhandenen Feldern zu erkennen, ihre interne Dynamik aufzufassen samt der Art, auf die sie die anwesenden Akteure beeinflusst, deren Habitus mit den Bedingungen seiner Entstehung im jeweiligen Feld wechselseitig verkoppelt ist, und letztendlich einzusehen, inwiefern gerade Kapitalsorten diesen kontinuierlichen Transformationen beitragen. Als Resultat der Analyse bietet die Arbeit nicht nur den Versuch einer konkreten Anwendung des Bourdieu’schen theoretischen Werkzeugs, sondern auch Einsichten über die im Roman enthaltene gesellschaftliche Ordnung und die (Un)möglichkeit der Durchbrechung ihrer Grenzen
Building a model for automated and improved utilization of existing server resources
Zbog ubrzanog razvoja informacijske tehnologije su nastali složeni sustavi kao što su računarstvo u oblaku. Navedeni sustavi najčešće moraju imati visoku razinu dostupnosti podataka, odnosno moraju osigurati neprekidni rad poslovnih sustava. Kako bi se to postiglo prisutni su visoki kapitalni i operativni troškovi podatkovnih centara koji su neophodni za ovakvu vrstu usluga. Mnogobrojna istraživanja na ovu temu ukazuju kako su poslužitelji glavni uzročnici visokih troškova podatkovnih centara. Upravo se zbog toga njihovi resursi nastoje što učinkovitije iskoristiti. U istraživanju su navedene Web-farme kao primjer iz prakse koji potvrđuje da postoje sustavi čiji poslužitelji nedovoljno iskorištavaju svoje resurse, ali ih moraju imati kako bi osigurali visoku razinu dostupnosti sustava. Spomenuti visoki troškovi i nedovoljna iskoristivost postojećih računalnih resursa su glavna motivacija za ovo istraživanje. Nakon proučavanja dosadašnjih znanstvenih istraživanja, ali i rješenja iz prakse, utvrđeno je da ne postoji rješenje koje bi dovoljno učinkovito riješilo ovaj problem. U radu se predlaže novi model za automatiziranu i poboljšanu iskoristivost postojećih računalnih resursa bez potrebe za ponovnim pokretanjem poslužitelja koji rješava navedeni problem. Na temelju modela je napravljena aplikacija koja je validirana na primjeru Web-poslužitelja gdje je ovaj problem prepoznat. U radu se koristi istraživačka paradigma znanost o dizajnu (engl. Design Science Research Methodology, DSRM), koja se temelji na kreiranju novog artefakta što u ovom slučaju predstavlja novi model.Information technology is under constant innovation pressure to provide the highest level of data availability, i.e. the continuous functioning of operating systems. This is the very reason for an accelerated development of complex systems called cloud computing. One of the tasks of such solutions is to ensure high-level availability of complex systems and architecture. In order for such solutions to function properly, the high capital and operational costs of data centers are essential for this type of service. There are numerous studies which indicate that servers are the main cause of data centers’ high cost. As a result, the aim is to use servers, i.e. their resources more efficiently. This paper shows the examples from practice which confirm that there are systems whose servers insufficiently exploit their resources, but they must have them due to their importance. A concrete example of this problem are the Web Farms where, in order to achieve greater system availability, there is a greater amount of resources than is really needed, as confirmed by tools for measuring server loads. This approach allows the system to withstand sudden loads, which increases the level of system availability. The negative effect of such an approach is the increase in capital and operating costs due to a higher amount of computer resources. The mentioned high costs and inadequate utilization of the existing computer resources are at the same time the main motivation for this research. To solve this problem, it is necessary to have a system which would automatically allocate as much computer resources as the system needs, depending on its load and thereby taking into account its availability and consistency. During a detailed study of the current scientific research, as well as practical solutions, it has been found that there is no effective solution to this problem, which also served as an additional motivation for this research to be carried out. The existing solutions are lacking in that they are not dealing with how to use the existing resources more efficiently, but in adding new or migrating virtual servers to other physical servers in critical situations, which requires even larger numbers of computer resources. The second approach to solving this problem is process prioritization, i.e. that servers with the greatest need for resources are given the highest priority in the execution of the process. The disadvantage of this approach is that resources cannot be increased nor decreased, but only prioritized, which still results in the presence of unused resources. One of the disadvantages of the existing solutions is that it is not possible to add and subtract computer resources (CPU and memory) without the need to restart the server. A large number of existing solutions focus only on CPU or memory, but not on both. Due to all this, a decision was made to build a new model for an automated and improved utilization of the existing computing resources. The model will be verified by building an application that will also serve for validation on the Web server example where this problem was recognized.
The research paradigm used in this research is the Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM), which has specific guidelines for evaluation and iteration within research projects. The methodology is based on the creation of a new artifact. In this case that is a new model which addresses these complex problems mentioned in this case. The Design Science Research Methodology consists of six sequential process steps, which are: identification of problems and motivations, a definition of goals, design, and development, presentation of solutions, evaluation and communication. Throughout these steps, numerous methods and techniques were used such as: comparison, evaluation/validation, content analysis, experiment, modelling techniques (UML), diagram techniques (causal relationship diagrams), structural analysis of processes (decomposition diagrams, data flow charts, and block diagram), programming (pseudocode and scripting languages (BASH and PHP), as well as many others. With regard to scientific contributions, this research has resulted with a new model for an automated and improved utilization of the existing computing resources without the need to restart the server, as well as in clearly defined cases and constraints regarding the new model’s application. The research has shown that the application of a new model enables a more efficient utilization of the existing computing resources (CPU and memory) without the need to restart the server. The research also provides recommendations for the implementation of the model in the selected programming language, and the process of evaluating the model in the experiments. In view of the social contribution, the whole solution is open source, which is also one of the main goals of this research. This results in an easier application of the solution and the repeatability of the testing to facilitate further improvement and research on this topic
Cilj rada bio je analizirati temeljna financijska izvješća Jadranskog osiguranja d.d. kroz vremensko razdoblje od 2010. do 2014.g. te utvrditi uspješnost poslovanja tvrtke temeljem horizontalne analize, vertikalne analize, analize putem pokazatelja te statističkih analiza. Također, cilj je bio utvrditi poziciju Jadranskog osiguranja d.d. u smislu financijske uspješnosti u odnosu na odabrane konkurente. Nakon provedenih analiza, zaključilo se da je Jadransko osiguranje d.d. profitabilno društvo koje u promatranom razdoblju ostvaruje niske stope pada neto dobiti, ali i dalje se nalazi pri vrhu ljestvice društava za osiguranje. Regresijskom analizom utvrđeno je da povećanje bruto premija osiguranja nema značajnog utjecaja na povećanje neto dobiti Jadranskog osiguranja d.d. Koristeći se Cluster analizom i PROMETHEE metodom rangiranja, Jadransko osiguranje d.d. smješteno je na treće mjesto 2012. godine u odnosu na promatrane konkurente, a 2014. godine zauzelo je drugo mjesto.The purpose of this study was to analyse the most important financial reports of insurance company named „Jadransko osiguranje d.d.“ in the period from 2010 until 2014 and to determine the company's business performances by making the following analyses: horizontal, vertical, statistical and financial ratios analysis. Also, the purpose was to determine the position of Jadransko osiguranje d.d. in terms of financial performance relative to select competitors. After the conducted analyses, it was concluded that Jadransko osiguranje d.d. is one of the most profitable insurance companies which in the observed period achieves low rates of decline in net profit, but it is still positioned at the top of the scale of insurance companies. Regression analysis showed that the increase of insurance gross premiums has no significant effect on increasing the company's net profit. By using Cluster analysis and PROMETHEE ranking method, it was concluded that Jadransko osiguranje d.d. was on the third place in 2012 and on the second place in 2014 relative to other competitors
Failure analysis of jet engine turbine blade
Jet engine turbine blade cast by investment precision casting of Ni-base superalloy, which failed during exploatation, was the subject of investigation. Failure analysis was executed applying optical microscopy (OM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using replica technique, scaning electron microscopy (SEM) and stress rupture life tests. On the ground of obtained results it was concluded that the failure occurred as a result of structural changes caused by turbine blade overheating above the exploitation temperature
Building a model for automated and improved utilization of existing server resources
Zbog ubrzanog razvoja informacijske tehnologije su nastali složeni sustavi kao što su računarstvo u oblaku. Navedeni sustavi najčešće moraju imati visoku razinu dostupnosti podataka, odnosno moraju osigurati neprekidni rad poslovnih sustava. Kako bi se to postiglo prisutni su visoki kapitalni i operativni troškovi podatkovnih centara koji su neophodni za ovakvu vrstu usluga. Mnogobrojna istraživanja na ovu temu ukazuju kako su poslužitelji glavni uzročnici visokih troškova podatkovnih centara. Upravo se zbog toga njihovi resursi nastoje što učinkovitije iskoristiti. U istraživanju su navedene Web-farme kao primjer iz prakse koji potvrđuje da postoje sustavi čiji poslužitelji nedovoljno iskorištavaju svoje resurse, ali ih moraju imati kako bi osigurali visoku razinu dostupnosti sustava. Spomenuti visoki troškovi i nedovoljna iskoristivost postojećih računalnih resursa su glavna motivacija za ovo istraživanje. Nakon proučavanja dosadašnjih znanstvenih istraživanja, ali i rješenja iz prakse, utvrđeno je da ne postoji rješenje koje bi dovoljno učinkovito riješilo ovaj problem. U radu se predlaže novi model za automatiziranu i poboljšanu iskoristivost postojećih računalnih resursa bez potrebe za ponovnim pokretanjem poslužitelja koji rješava navedeni problem. Na temelju modela je napravljena aplikacija koja je validirana na primjeru Web-poslužitelja gdje je ovaj problem prepoznat. U radu se koristi istraživačka paradigma znanost o dizajnu (engl. Design Science Research Methodology, DSRM), koja se temelji na kreiranju novog artefakta što u ovom slučaju predstavlja novi model.Information technology is under constant innovation pressure to provide the highest level of data availability, i.e. the continuous functioning of operating systems. This is the very reason for an accelerated development of complex systems called cloud computing. One of the tasks of such solutions is to ensure high-level availability of complex systems and architecture. In order for such solutions to function properly, the high capital and operational costs of data centers are essential for this type of service. There are numerous studies which indicate that servers are the main cause of data centers’ high cost. As a result, the aim is to use servers, i.e. their resources more efficiently. This paper shows the examples from practice which confirm that there are systems whose servers insufficiently exploit their resources, but they must have them due to their importance. A concrete example of this problem are the Web Farms where, in order to achieve greater system availability, there is a greater amount of resources than is really needed, as confirmed by tools for measuring server loads. This approach allows the system to withstand sudden loads, which increases the level of system availability. The negative effect of such an approach is the increase in capital and operating costs due to a higher amount of computer resources. The mentioned high costs and inadequate utilization of the existing computer resources are at the same time the main motivation for this research. To solve this problem, it is necessary to have a system which would automatically allocate as much computer resources as the system needs, depending on its load and thereby taking into account its availability and consistency. During a detailed study of the current scientific research, as well as practical solutions, it has been found that there is no effective solution to this problem, which also served as an additional motivation for this research to be carried out. The existing solutions are lacking in that they are not dealing with how to use the existing resources more efficiently, but in adding new or migrating virtual servers to other physical servers in critical situations, which requires even larger numbers of computer resources. The second approach to solving this problem is process prioritization, i.e. that servers with the greatest need for resources are given the highest priority in the execution of the process. The disadvantage of this approach is that resources cannot be increased nor decreased, but only prioritized, which still results in the presence of unused resources. One of the disadvantages of the existing solutions is that it is not possible to add and subtract computer resources (CPU and memory) without the need to restart the server. A large number of existing solutions focus only on CPU or memory, but not on both. Due to all this, a decision was made to build a new model for an automated and improved utilization of the existing computing resources. The model will be verified by building an application that will also serve for validation on the Web server example where this problem was recognized.
The research paradigm used in this research is the Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM), which has specific guidelines for evaluation and iteration within research projects. The methodology is based on the creation of a new artifact. In this case that is a new model which addresses these complex problems mentioned in this case. The Design Science Research Methodology consists of six sequential process steps, which are: identification of problems and motivations, a definition of goals, design, and development, presentation of solutions, evaluation and communication. Throughout these steps, numerous methods and techniques were used such as: comparison, evaluation/validation, content analysis, experiment, modelling techniques (UML), diagram techniques (causal relationship diagrams), structural analysis of processes (decomposition diagrams, data flow charts, and block diagram), programming (pseudocode and scripting languages (BASH and PHP), as well as many others. With regard to scientific contributions, this research has resulted with a new model for an automated and improved utilization of the existing computing resources without the need to restart the server, as well as in clearly defined cases and constraints regarding the new model’s application. The research has shown that the application of a new model enables a more efficient utilization of the existing computing resources (CPU and memory) without the need to restart the server. The research also provides recommendations for the implementation of the model in the selected programming language, and the process of evaluating the model in the experiments. In view of the social contribution, the whole solution is open source, which is also one of the main goals of this research. This results in an easier application of the solution and the repeatability of the testing to facilitate further improvement and research on this topic
TV series from a Philological Perspective
Rezension von "Im Blick des Philologen. Literaturwissenschaftler lesen Fernsehserien" (Hgg. Hans Richard Brittnacher, Elisabeth K. Paefgen. München: edition text+kritik 2020, 403 S.)Review of "Im Blick des Philologen. Literaturwissenschaftler lesen Fernsehserien" (Hgg. Hans Richard Brittnacher, Elisabeth K. Paefgen. München: edition text+kritik 2020, 403 S.
Impact of Transport Parameters to Risk Assessment in Aquifers : Master's Thesis
Promatra se utjecaj strukture polja hidrauličkog konduktiviteta, Pecletovog broja i varijance konduktiviteta na vrijednosti koncentracije te u konačnici i na sami rizik. Za dobivanje CDF-a korištene su Monte Carlo metoda i Beta distribucija. Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata definira se valjanost Beta distribucije koja opisuje varijacije koncentracije i mogućnost korištenja iste u procjeni rizika.The main task of the work is to investigate how the hydraulic conductivity structure, Peclet's value and hydraulic conductivity variance influence the concentration fluctuations and appropriate risk probabilities. Both Monte Carlo method and the Beta distribution are used to obtain the cumulative distribution functions of the concentration scalar. Based on the obtained results, the validity of Beta distribution to capture the concentration fluctuation, and to be used in risk assessment, is investigated
Cilj rada bio je analizirati temeljna financijska izvješća Jadranskog osiguranja d.d. kroz vremensko razdoblje od 2010. do 2014.g. te utvrditi uspješnost poslovanja tvrtke temeljem horizontalne analize, vertikalne analize, analize putem pokazatelja te statističkih analiza. Također, cilj je bio utvrditi poziciju Jadranskog osiguranja d.d. u smislu financijske uspješnosti u odnosu na odabrane konkurente. Nakon provedenih analiza, zaključilo se da je Jadransko osiguranje d.d. profitabilno društvo koje u promatranom razdoblju ostvaruje niske stope pada neto dobiti, ali i dalje se nalazi pri vrhu ljestvice društava za osiguranje. Regresijskom analizom utvrđeno je da povećanje bruto premija osiguranja nema značajnog utjecaja na povećanje neto dobiti Jadranskog osiguranja d.d. Koristeći se Cluster analizom i PROMETHEE metodom rangiranja, Jadransko osiguranje d.d. smješteno je na treće mjesto 2012. godine u odnosu na promatrane konkurente, a 2014. godine zauzelo je drugo mjesto.The purpose of this study was to analyse the most important financial reports of insurance company named „Jadransko osiguranje d.d.“ in the period from 2010 until 2014 and to determine the company's business performances by making the following analyses: horizontal, vertical, statistical and financial ratios analysis. Also, the purpose was to determine the position of Jadransko osiguranje d.d. in terms of financial performance relative to select competitors. After the conducted analyses, it was concluded that Jadransko osiguranje d.d. is one of the most profitable insurance companies which in the observed period achieves low rates of decline in net profit, but it is still positioned at the top of the scale of insurance companies. Regression analysis showed that the increase of insurance gross premiums has no significant effect on increasing the company's net profit. By using Cluster analysis and PROMETHEE ranking method, it was concluded that Jadransko osiguranje d.d. was on the third place in 2012 and on the second place in 2014 relative to other competitors
Cilj rada bio je analizirati temeljna financijska izvješća Jadranskog osiguranja d.d. kroz vremensko razdoblje od 2010. do 2014.g. te utvrditi uspješnost poslovanja tvrtke temeljem horizontalne analize, vertikalne analize, analize putem pokazatelja te statističkih analiza. Također, cilj je bio utvrditi poziciju Jadranskog osiguranja d.d. u smislu financijske uspješnosti u odnosu na odabrane konkurente. Nakon provedenih analiza, zaključilo se da je Jadransko osiguranje d.d. profitabilno društvo koje u promatranom razdoblju ostvaruje niske stope pada neto dobiti, ali i dalje se nalazi pri vrhu ljestvice društava za osiguranje. Regresijskom analizom utvrđeno je da povećanje bruto premija osiguranja nema značajnog utjecaja na povećanje neto dobiti Jadranskog osiguranja d.d. Koristeći se Cluster analizom i PROMETHEE metodom rangiranja, Jadransko osiguranje d.d. smješteno je na treće mjesto 2012. godine u odnosu na promatrane konkurente, a 2014. godine zauzelo je drugo mjesto.The purpose of this study was to analyse the most important financial reports of insurance company named „Jadransko osiguranje d.d.“ in the period from 2010 until 2014 and to determine the company's business performances by making the following analyses: horizontal, vertical, statistical and financial ratios analysis. Also, the purpose was to determine the position of Jadransko osiguranje d.d. in terms of financial performance relative to select competitors. After the conducted analyses, it was concluded that Jadransko osiguranje d.d. is one of the most profitable insurance companies which in the observed period achieves low rates of decline in net profit, but it is still positioned at the top of the scale of insurance companies. Regression analysis showed that the increase of insurance gross premiums has no significant effect on increasing the company's net profit. By using Cluster analysis and PROMETHEE ranking method, it was concluded that Jadransko osiguranje d.d. was on the third place in 2012 and on the second place in 2014 relative to other competitors
Building a model for automated and improved utilization of existing server resources
Zbog ubrzanog razvoja informacijske tehnologije su nastali složeni sustavi kao što su računarstvo u oblaku. Navedeni sustavi najčešće moraju imati visoku razinu dostupnosti podataka, odnosno moraju osigurati neprekidni rad poslovnih sustava. Kako bi se to postiglo prisutni su visoki kapitalni i operativni troškovi podatkovnih centara koji su neophodni za ovakvu vrstu usluga. Mnogobrojna istraživanja na ovu temu ukazuju kako su poslužitelji glavni uzročnici visokih troškova podatkovnih centara. Upravo se zbog toga njihovi resursi nastoje što učinkovitije iskoristiti. U istraživanju su navedene Web-farme kao primjer iz prakse koji potvrđuje da postoje sustavi čiji poslužitelji nedovoljno iskorištavaju svoje resurse, ali ih moraju imati kako bi osigurali visoku razinu dostupnosti sustava. Spomenuti visoki troškovi i nedovoljna iskoristivost postojećih računalnih resursa su glavna motivacija za ovo istraživanje. Nakon proučavanja dosadašnjih znanstvenih istraživanja, ali i rješenja iz prakse, utvrđeno je da ne postoji rješenje koje bi dovoljno učinkovito riješilo ovaj problem. U radu se predlaže novi model za automatiziranu i poboljšanu iskoristivost postojećih računalnih resursa bez potrebe za ponovnim pokretanjem poslužitelja koji rješava navedeni problem. Na temelju modela je napravljena aplikacija koja je validirana na primjeru Web-poslužitelja gdje je ovaj problem prepoznat. U radu se koristi istraživačka paradigma znanost o dizajnu (engl. Design Science Research Methodology, DSRM), koja se temelji na kreiranju novog artefakta što u ovom slučaju predstavlja novi model.Information technology is under constant innovation pressure to provide the highest level of data availability, i.e. the continuous functioning of operating systems. This is the very reason for an accelerated development of complex systems called cloud computing. One of the tasks of such solutions is to ensure high-level availability of complex systems and architecture. In order for such solutions to function properly, the high capital and operational costs of data centers are essential for this type of service. There are numerous studies which indicate that servers are the main cause of data centers’ high cost. As a result, the aim is to use servers, i.e. their resources more efficiently. This paper shows the examples from practice which confirm that there are systems whose servers insufficiently exploit their resources, but they must have them due to their importance. A concrete example of this problem are the Web Farms where, in order to achieve greater system availability, there is a greater amount of resources than is really needed, as confirmed by tools for measuring server loads. This approach allows the system to withstand sudden loads, which increases the level of system availability. The negative effect of such an approach is the increase in capital and operating costs due to a higher amount of computer resources. The mentioned high costs and inadequate utilization of the existing computer resources are at the same time the main motivation for this research. To solve this problem, it is necessary to have a system which would automatically allocate as much computer resources as the system needs, depending on its load and thereby taking into account its availability and consistency. During a detailed study of the current scientific research, as well as practical solutions, it has been found that there is no effective solution to this problem, which also served as an additional motivation for this research to be carried out. The existing solutions are lacking in that they are not dealing with how to use the existing resources more efficiently, but in adding new or migrating virtual servers to other physical servers in critical situations, which requires even larger numbers of computer resources. The second approach to solving this problem is process prioritization, i.e. that servers with the greatest need for resources are given the highest priority in the execution of the process. The disadvantage of this approach is that resources cannot be increased nor decreased, but only prioritized, which still results in the presence of unused resources. One of the disadvantages of the existing solutions is that it is not possible to add and subtract computer resources (CPU and memory) without the need to restart the server. A large number of existing solutions focus only on CPU or memory, but not on both. Due to all this, a decision was made to build a new model for an automated and improved utilization of the existing computing resources. The model will be verified by building an application that will also serve for validation on the Web server example where this problem was recognized.
The research paradigm used in this research is the Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM), which has specific guidelines for evaluation and iteration within research projects. The methodology is based on the creation of a new artifact. In this case that is a new model which addresses these complex problems mentioned in this case. The Design Science Research Methodology consists of six sequential process steps, which are: identification of problems and motivations, a definition of goals, design, and development, presentation of solutions, evaluation and communication. Throughout these steps, numerous methods and techniques were used such as: comparison, evaluation/validation, content analysis, experiment, modelling techniques (UML), diagram techniques (causal relationship diagrams), structural analysis of processes (decomposition diagrams, data flow charts, and block diagram), programming (pseudocode and scripting languages (BASH and PHP), as well as many others. With regard to scientific contributions, this research has resulted with a new model for an automated and improved utilization of the existing computing resources without the need to restart the server, as well as in clearly defined cases and constraints regarding the new model’s application. The research has shown that the application of a new model enables a more efficient utilization of the existing computing resources (CPU and memory) without the need to restart the server. The research also provides recommendations for the implementation of the model in the selected programming language, and the process of evaluating the model in the experiments. In view of the social contribution, the whole solution is open source, which is also one of the main goals of this research. This results in an easier application of the solution and the repeatability of the testing to facilitate further improvement and research on this topic
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