17 research outputs found
AL-TAMEEMI H. Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İnşaat
Mühendisliği Programı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Aydın, 2021.
Amaç: Bu tez çalışması kare kesitli beton kolonlarda lifli polimer sargılamanın etkinliğinin
arttırılabilmesi amacıyla önerilen yeni bir biçimsel modifikasyon yönteminin irdelenmesi
amacıyla yürütülmüştür.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalışma kapsamında ölçekli kare kesitli beton kolonlar ve biçimsel
modifikasyon için gerekli beton parçalar üretilmiştir. Beton kolonların bir kısmı sivri köşelidir,
bir kısmında ise köşeler yuvarlatılmıştır. Sivri köşeli numunelerde uygulanan biçimsel
modifikasyon daha önceki çalışmalarda önerilen yöntemdir. Yuvarlatılmış köşeye sahip
kolonlarda uygulanan biçimsel modifikasyon ise bu tez çalışmasında önerilen yöntemdir.
Ayrıca köşeleri yuvarlatılmış numunelerden bazılarına biçimsel modifikasyon
uygulanmamıştır. Biçimsel modifikasyon uygulanmış ve uygulanmamış numunelerin çoğu tek
kat cam lifli polimer (GFRP) vasıtasıyla sargılanmıştır. Sargılamada tam ve parçalı olmak üzere
iki yöntem izlenmiştir. Güçlendirmenin etkinliğini ortaya koyabilmek amacıyla sargılama ve
biçimsel modifikasyon uygulanmamış numuneler de hazırlanmıştır. Tüm numuneler
monotonik eksenel yük altında test edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Beton basınç cihazı kullanılarak toplamda 24 numune test edilmiştir. Test sonuçları
sargılanmış betonda eksenel basınç dayanımı ve birim deformasyon kapasitesinin
arttırılmasında önerilen biçimsel modifikasyonun başarısını ortaya koymuştur. Dahası, önerilen
biçimsel modifikasyon yönteminde lifli polimer üzerinde ölçülen nihai çekme birim
deformasyon değeri kupon çekme deneylerinde aynı malzeme için elde edilen değerlere
yaklaşmıştır. Tam ve parçalı olmak üzere her iki sargılama yöntemi de numunelerin eksenel
basınç dayanımı ve birim deformasyon kapasitesini arttırmıştır. Her ne kadar parçalı
sargılamada elde edilen dayanım ve birim deformasyon artışı tam sargılamaya kıyasla daha az
olsa da daha ekonomiktir.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmayla GFRP’nin sargılamadaki etkinliğinin biçimsel modifikasyon yoluyla
ciddi oranda arttırılabileceği anlaşılmıştır. Önerilen biçimsel modifikasyon, sargı malzemesinin
etkinliğini arttırmada dikkat çekici bir yöntem olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Artan eksenel
dayanım, birim deformasyon kapasitesi ve sargı malzemesi kopma dayanımı yanında, önerilen
güçlendirme yöntemiyle kullanılan sargı malzeme miktarı, daha önceki çalışmalarda önerilen
yöntemlere kıyasla %15 oranında azaltılmıştır; ayrıca kesit boyutundaki artışlar da daha az
olmuştur. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışmadaki biçimsel modifikasyon yöntemi kare kesitli beton
kolonların lifli polimerlerle sargılanmasında önerilmektedir.TABLE OF CONTENTS
ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL …………………………………………..……………... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………..………………...………..….. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………....………….. iv
LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVAITIONS ……………………………......…………... vii
LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………………..…………….… x
LIST OF PICTURES ………………………………………………..……………...……….. xii
LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………………...…………....... xiv
ÖZET …………………………………………………………………………...………….... xv
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………..….....……... xvii
1. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………...………….. 1
1.1. Background ……………………………………………………………………...…….…. 1
1.2. Research Significance ……………………………………………………………...…….. 3
1.3. Research Objective and Scope …………………………………………………...……..... 4
1.4. Thesis Organization ………………………………………………………………..….…. 5
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ……………………………………………………………..….... 6
2.1. General Introduction ………………………………………………………………...….... 6
2.2. Strengthening the Concrete Column by Concrete Jacket and Steel Cage or Tube …...….. 6
2.3. Strengthening the Concrete Column by Fibre Reinforced Polymer …………………....... 8
2.4. Shape Modification of the Rectangular Concrete Column Strengthened by Fibre Reinforced
Polymer …………………………………………………………………………………..….. 14
2.5. Strengthening the Concrete Column by Other Materials …………………...………….... 17
2.6. Theoretical Investigation of Concrete Column Strengthened by Fibre Reinforced Polymer
………………………………………………………………………………………...……... 18
2.7. Summary of Literature Review ……………………………………………...………….. 19
3. MATERIAL AND METHODS …………………………………………………...…….... 22
3.1. General Introduction ……………………………………………………………...…….. 22
3.2. Design of the Specimens …………………………………………………………...….... 22
3.3. Test Configuration ……………………………………………………………..……….. 22
3.4. Formwork Setup ……………………………………………………………...…………. 26
3.5. Preparation of the Specimens ………………………………………………...………..... 28
3.5.1. Concrete Mix Materials …………………………………………………...………...… 28
3.5.2. Concrete Pouring Process …………………………………………………...……….... 28
3.5.3. Concrete Curing Process …………………………………………………...………..... 29
3.5.4. Shape Modification Process ……………………………………………...………….... 31
3.5.5. Wrapping the External Confinement ….……………………………………...……….. 36
3.6. Preliminary Test ……………………………………………………………...……….... 41
3.6.1. Concrete ……………………………………………………………………...……….. 41
3.6.2. FRP-composite ………………………………………………………………...…….... 42
3.7. Experimental Setup Instrumentation …………………………………………...……….. 43
3.8. Test Process …………………………………………………………………...……….... 44
4. RESULTS ……………………………….……………………………………...……….... 46
4.1. General Introduction ……………………………………………………...…………….. 46
4.2. Failure Mode ……………………………………………………………...…………….. 46
4.3. Test Results ………………………………………………………………...………….... 51
4.4. Stress-Strain Curves …………………………………………………………...…….….. 55
5. DISCUSSION ……………………………………………………………….....…………. 62
5.1. General Introduction ………………………………………………………...……..…… 62
5.2. Effect of the Shape Modification Techniques …………………………..……………..... 62
5.3. Effect of the Wrapping Methods …………………………………………..……………. 63
6. THEORETICAL INVESTIGATION ……………………………………...………….….. 64
6.1. General Introduction ………………………………………………………...………….. 64
6.2. Behaviour of the Concrete Column Under Axial Load ……………………...………….. 64
6.2.1. Behaviour of the Unconfined Concrete Column ………………………..…………….. 64
6.2.2. Behaviour of the FRP Confined Concrete Column ……………………………...……. 65
6.2.3. The Difference in the Behaviour of the Concrete Confined by Full and Partial Wrapping
…………………………………………………………………………………...…………... 67
6.2.4. Parameters Affecting FRP Efficiency ………………………………………...………. 67
6.3. Analytical Calculations ……………………………………………………...………….. 70
6.3.1. Prediction of the Maximum Axial Stress and Strain of the Circular Cross-section ...… 70
6.3.2. Prediction of the Maximum Axial Stress and Strain of the Rectangular Cross-section
………………………………………………………………………………………...……... 71
6.4. Validation of the Test Results …………………………………………………...………. 74
7. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ……………..………………...…….…. 77
7.1. General Introduction …………………………………………………………...……….. 77
REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………...……..... 79
SCIENTIFIC ETHICAL STATEMENT …………………………………………...……..… 83
CURRICULUM VITAE …………………………………………………………...………... 8
Colonization of Pathogenic Microbes on Contaminated Nebulizer Devices for Respiratory Tract Diseases at Emergency Department in Hospitals
Poor nebulizer hygiene can result in microbial contamination and risk of infections by pathogens for respiratory tract patients. Swabs were collected from contamination nebulizer cup (n=25) using sterile cotton swabs, percentage of microbial contamination 84( 67.2%) bacteria n=74(59.2%) [gram positive n=21(16.8%), and negative bacteria n=53(42.4%)]. and yeast n=10(8%) (Candida spp.). Frequency of gram negative bacteria higher than the gram positive bacteria and yeast with high significant difference p≤0.05. In this study concluded that the nebulizer devices are contaminated with microbial pathogens and the transmission of these microbes among the respiratory tract patients and this is due to the disinfection of these devices or did not disinfected well to reduce these microbes. Keywords: nebulizer, devices, microbial pathogen, CHROMagar, yeast, bacteria
مدى ممارسة مدراء المدارس الأمن الفكري لمواجهة ظاهرة التطرف في المرحلة المتوسطة من وجهة نظر المدراء أنفسهم
the goal of the search to identify the degree of exercise of school directors intellectual security to confront the phenomenon of extremism in the intermediate stage, from the point of view of the managers themselves, the research sample consisted of (45) as a director and director, (78%) of the original research in the section of the directorate of education rifai, the governorate of Thi Qar, chosen in a way limited to, given the nature of the research, the researcher adopted a descriptive approach, to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher prepared identification consisted of (29) Paragraph, divided into four areas are: (teachers, parents, students, educational activities.), and the verification of the sincerity and constancy of resolution, adopted the statistical analysis package (SPSS) to extract the results, as the results showed: the degree to which the practice of school directors intellectual security to confront the phenomenon of extremism in the intermediate stage, from the point of view of the managers themselves came to a great extent in all the areas of the search tool. The degree to which the practice of school directors intellectual security to confront the phenomenon of extremism in the intermediate stage, from the point of view of the managers themselves vary according to sex in favor of the male. The study recommended the need for establishment of training sessions for teachers tread managers in their schools to promote intellectual security. The need for the schools belonging to the intellectual security events such as: seminars, plays and oratory and sessions.هدف البحث التعرّف على درجة ممارسة مدراء المدارس الأمن الفكري لمواجهة ظاهرة التطرف في المرحلة المتوسطة من وجهة نظر المدراء أنفسهم، وقد تكوّنت عينة البحث من (45) مديرًا ومديرة، بنسبة (78%) من مجتمع البحث الأصلي في قسم تربية الرفاعي التابعة لمديرية تربية محافظة ذي قار، اختيروا بطريقة الحصر، ونظرًا لطبيعة البحث اعتمد الباحث المنهج الوصفي، ولتحقيق أهداف البحث، أعد الباحث استبانة تكوّنت من (29) فقرة، مقسمه على أربعة مجالات هي: (المدرسون، أولياء الأمور، الطلبة، الأنشطة التعليمية)، وجرى التحقق من صدق الاستبانة وثباتها، واُعتمدت حزمة التحليل الإحصائي (SPSS) لاستخراج النتائج، إذ أظهرت النتائج: أنّ درجة ممارسة مدراء المدارس الأمن الفكري لمواجهة ظاهرة التطرف في المرحلة المتوسطة من وجهة نظر المدراء أنفسهم جاءت بدرجة كبيرة لجميع مجالات أداة البحث. وأنّ درجة ممارسة مدراء المدارس الأمن الفكري لمواجهة ظاهرة التطرف في المرحلة المتوسطة من وجهة نظر المدراء أنفسهم باختلاف الجنس جاءت لصالح الذكور. وقد أوصت الدراسة بضرورة إقامة دورات تدريبية للمدرسين من قبل مدراء المداس في مدارسهم لتعزيز الأمن الفكري بصورة أكبر. وضرورة قيام المدارس بالفعاليات تخص الأمن الفكري مثل: الندوات والمسرحيات والخطابة والدورات
Nurses' Roles towards Patient undergoing Cardiac Catheterization at Al- Najaf Governorate: Patient Perspective
The study objectives to evaluate nurses’ roles toward patient undergoing cardiac catheterization and to find out the relationship between the patient perspective and demographic data (age, gender, level of education, social status, occupation, economic status, and residence). a descriptive cross-sectional design (patient perspective) was carried out through the present study in order to achieve the early stated objectives for period January 4th 2017 to August 6th 2017. The study conducted at AL-Najaf cardiac center, A convenient sample of (100) patients undergoing to cardiac catheterization patients that admitted to cardiac catheterization unites. The data were collected through the use of questionnaire, which consists of two parts, socio-demographic data, and question related to nurses' roles toward patient undergoing cardiac catheterization. The data were described statistically and analyzed though use of the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis procedures. The results of present study indicate that the nurses' roles toward patient undergoing cardiac catheterization was good more than 89% of patient agree with this role. The study confirms that the nurses have a good practice toward patient undergoing cardiac catheterization according to patient perspective. Nurses, who working in cardiac center, should be hired with certain qualification, which are related to the performance of such high quality practices. Special training programs should be designed and constructed for nurses in this area to reinforce their skills and promote their experience. The standards for such practices bill should be created and presented to all ties in which such practices are performed
University of Babylon Performance in Setting and Infrastructure Indicator through UIGreenMetric 2017-2020. (A comparative study)
The category of setting and infrastructure indicator (SI) is chosen in this comparative study referring to the fact file scores obtained by the University of Babylon during the last four participations into the UI Green Metric Rankings. In general, the scores indicated an escalation in the university performance of the whole six sub-indicators of the setting and infrastructure criterion (SI) from 2017-2020. These results confirmed that the university; by its leadership, staff and students, focused on upgrading and developing its infrastructure for setting a green and safe educational environment for most employees and students. That is to achieve a green campus contributing in the global efforts for achieving the UN agenda of SDGs 2015-2030. Furthermore, all practices of university performance coped with its vision, mission, and objective goals of university strategic plan from 2018-2022, which contained the commitments to set up with most of SDGs, especially related to sustainable cities or campuses. The results also showed an ascending and remarkable progress from 2017 to 2020 with an unexpected regression in 2019, which required the development of an improvement plan to address weaknesses, maintain and enhance strengths, to get good results for university in the 2020 edition of UI GreenMetric Ranking. Keyword: Green university, practices, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SI, setting and infrastructure indicator, University of Babylon
Pre-publication abstract-only reports compared to full-text manuscripts for randomised controlled trials in inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review
Introduction: RCTs of key therapies in IBD are often presented and available as abstracts for significant periods of time prior to full publication, often being employed to make strategic and clinical prescribing decisions. We compared the concordance of pre-publication abstract-only reports and their respective full-text manuscripts.
Methods: Pairs of full-text manuscripts and their respective pre-publication abstract-only reports for the same RCT outcomes, at the same timepoint of analysis were included. The RCTs were on treatments for IBD with full-text manuscripts published between 2010-2023.
Results: We found 77 pairs of full-text manuscripts and their pre-publication abstract-only reports. There were significant mis-matches in the reporting of; stated planned outcomes (65/77 matched, p<0.001), and primary outcomes reported in their results sections (67/77, p<0.001); trial registrations (34/65, p<0.001); numbers of randomised participants (49/77, p=0.18); participants reaching end of study (21/71, p<0.001); and primary outcome data (40/73, p<0.001). Authors conclusions matched (75/77, p=0.157). Authors did not provide explicit or implied justifications for the absence or non-concordance for any of the above items.
Conclusions: Abstract-only reports have consistent issues with both limited reporting of key information and significant differences in data when compared with their later full-text publications. These are not related to further recruitment of patients or word count limitations, and are never explained. As abstracts are often used in guidelines, reviews and stakeholder decision making on prescribing, caution in their use is strongly suggested. Further work is needed to enhance minimum reporting standards in abstract-only works and ensure consistency with final published papers.
What is already known on this topic – Data from abstract-only reports of RCTs are often used as evidence sources for clinical and strategic decision-making in IBD. It is not known whether they are up to par for this purpose. What this study adds – Our findings suggest that abstract-only reports are often inconsistent in their reporting, compared with their respective full-text manuscripts, especially in areas such as flow of participants and primary outcome data. These are not related to further recruitment of patients or word count limitations, and are never explained. How this study might affect research, practice or policy – Caution is advised when abstract-only reports are used as evidence sources. Enhanced minimum reporting standards for abstract-only reports need to be employe
Evaluating and monitoring of changes in the environmental elements by using remote sensing techniques in Iraq
The primary aim of project highlight was to E&M a universally-applicable suite of elements and techniques that allow remote sensing techniques to the E&M-environmental changes and human interventions and the impact of disaster management systems for the period (2010-2015). The framework allows evaluators to monitor changes in a manner that is rapid, independent and reliable. Such a pattern is required to promote contribution and transparency towards a more systematic understanding of the process of E&M. The factors are based on the use of Very High-Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery and have been developed to fit existing change approaches, such as the In-Disaster Needs Assessment-IDNA, and the Affected Cluster Framework. The elements encompass a range of environmental, climate, economic, health, physical and social factors, which can be analysed to provide a holistic representation of the E&M changes process. The paper begins by addressing the need for a E&M framework and by reviewing current guidelines and systems. Which are continuously developed in this case study. Recommendations are made on: 1- How to use disaster management systems; 2- Which elements should be monitored; and 3- How they can be evaluated, drawing on the experience of environmental scientific researcher, and feedback by the evaluators’ academics
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Push Recovery Control of Bipedal Robots
Bipedal robots are expected to play a crucial role in daily life, supporting humans with tasks, functioning in industrial facilities, providing healthcare, and executing search and rescue missions in hazardous situations. Bipedal robots are complex mechanical machines requiring extensive research. Bipedal robots struggle to maintain balance in the presence of external disturbances, which limits their interaction with their surroundings. Therefore, developing a robust push recovery control is essential for these robots to maintain balance while executing the planned tasks. The objective of this work was to develop a push recovery control system that maintains the stability of the momentum’s rate of change (Disturbance Avoidance Phase) and subsequently restores our robot (HURON) to an upright position once the disturbance subsides (Posture Recovery Phase). We have developed and validated a reaching law-based Sliding Mode Control (SMC) to stabilize the rate of change of linear momentum. The proposed SMC incorporates a Variable Power Rate Reaching Law (s˙), dynamically adjusting to changes in the system. The study examined the regulation of angular momentum through two approaches, considering the CoP, CoM, the desired rate of change of linear momentum and Ground Reaction Forces. This study also proposed using the null-space method to restore the robot to the upright posture without interfering with its main momentum controllers. The Higher Priority task is for the momenta controllers (Disturbance Avoidance Phase), while the Lower Priority task is (Posture Recovery Phase). The simulation results demonstrated that the proposed push recovery control effectively preserved standing stability in the presence of external disturbances. Moreover, the proposed control method effectively reduced chattering in joint torques and eliminated oscillations. Additionally, the results demonstrated that the push recovery control, when implemented using the Second Approach of angular momentum controller, yields smaller CoP position values than the First Approach. This study also involved conducting experiments where two distinct pushing forces were applied to our robot (HURON) within a short time. The robot demonstrated remarkable stability, even under the influence of these forces. This stability can be attributed to the effective implementation of the null-space method, allowing the performing of both the Disturbance Avoidance Phase and Posture Recovery Phase simultaneously. A comparison with established controllers showed the superiority of the proposed approach, particularly in reducing the CoP peak. This thesis additionally presented our ongoing research focusing on the stepping strategy. If the robot cannot maintain its standing stability when subjected to a large pushing force, it must take a step. Our methodology involved selecting the step position based on variations in momenta. Subsequently, the desired CoM and swing leg trajectories were generated using a quadratic Bezier curve and a Gaussian function. Subsequently, a multi-objective optimization problem was employed to minimize the momenta and swing leg trajectory error while considering stability constraints. The experimental stage is currently in progress. Initial findings indicate promising results; nevertheless, a thorough examination and explanation are still needed. The ongoing data collection and analysis processes will yield conclusive results in the coming days, further validating the efficacy of the employed methodology. Our future plans include implementing our proposed push recovery control to our manufactured bipedal, HURON, once it is ready for experimental tests. Additionally, we plan to complete the current work related to push recovery via stepping
Capacity Of Finite Secondary Cognitive Radio Networks: Bounds And Optimizations
Though there are works that show the asymptotic capacity bounds in a wireless network considering interference constraints from all transmitting nodes, there are no such evaluation of capacity bounds for finite secondary cognitive radio networks where the primaries pose additional constraints. In this paper, we find the bounds for the maximum achievable capacity of a randomly deployed secondary cognitive radio network with finite number of nodes in the presence of primary users, i.e., in the underlay mode. Since solving the functional constrained optimization problem of maximizing the secondary network\u27s capacity subject to other radio constraints is computationally complex, we derive analytical bounds for the solution. That is achieved by deriving a pre-engineered deployment with the best possible pairings of transmitters and receivers, from the random deployment. The capacity of the former is used to upper bound the capacity of the latter. The bounds are based on the maximum signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR) of all transmitter-receiver pairs and their geometrical placement. The derived bounds provide an insight about the network\u27s maximum and minimum achievable capacities since solving the optimization problem shows in-scalability both in time and search space dimensionality. To this end, we reduce the optimizer\u27s search space by eliminating transmitters and receivers that do not contribute positively to the system capacity. Such reduction depends on primary transmit power, primary\u27s interference tolerance, and mutual distances between primaries and secondaries. Further, we propose a metric that gives the relative goodness of node pairs for being potential winners for power allocation from the global power optimizer. The metric also facilitates certain trade-offs such as achieving optimal capacity using all nodes or better execution time using a partial set of nodes (expected winners). We show how the metric along with the elimination schemes can be used for pre-processing (search space dimension reduction) the input power vector before it is fed to any power optimizer. Through simulation results we show the theoretical bounds and the capacity obtained via the proposed optimizations. We also show the gains obtained due to search space reduction
Significance of Algae in eliminating and deactivating pathological index Organisms in Wastewater Stabilization Pond Systems
Wastewater stabilization ponds (WSPs) are an economical alternative to conventional wastewater treatment technologies. They are commonly favored by small and rural communities. Due to long hydraulic retention time required by the treatment in these systems, algal activity is often expected during summer season. This study investigated the effects of algal growth on the removal and inactivation of pathogenic indicator organisms in WSP systems. Two predominant algae species (Mougeotia sp. and Nostochopsis sp) that were found in Iraq (Alkhademiyah sewage station in Baghdad) WSP were able to increase both pH and DO. The highest inactivation rates of both E. coli and total coliforms (TC) were observed at pH 10.6 compared to other pH (5.1, 8.2, 8.4, 10.6) investigated in the bench-scale experiments. Both high (20mg/L) and low DO (1 mg/L) levels can facilitate the removal and inactivation of both E. coli and TC. Enterococci were significantly reduced at both intermediate (8.6 mg/L) and high (20 mg/L) DO concentrations. Therefore, the presence of algae can potentially promote the removal of E. coli, TC and Enterococci. Much higher inactivation of E. coli, TC and Enterococci at a higher temperature (20°C) than at a lower temperature (4°C) indicates temperature is one the most important removal factor. Two potential/additional indicator organisms (Enterococci and Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens)) exhibited different inactivation trends than the traditional indicators (E. coli and TC) under the same pH and DO conditions. C. perfringens were tolerant to all the tested pH, DO and temperature conditions. Their resistance to environmental stresses may pose potential health risk. Hence, both Enterococci and C. perfringens could be potentially used as indictor organisms to predict the overall level of pathogens in treatedwastewater