17 research outputs found

    Characterization of Freshwater Natural Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM): Mechanistic Explanations for Protective Effects Against Metaltoxicity and Direct Effects on Organisms

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    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) exerts direct and indirect influences on aquatic organisms. In order to better understand how DOM causes these effects, potentiometric titration was carried out for a wide range of autochthonous and terrigenous freshwater DOM isolates. The isolates were previously characterized by absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy. Proton binding constants (pKa) were grouped into three classes:acidic (pKa ≤ 5), intermediate (5 \u3c pKa ≤ 8.5) and basic (pKa \u3e 8.5). Generally, the proton site densities (LT) showed maximum peaks at the acidic and basic ends around pKa values of 3.5 and 10, respectively. More variably positioned peaks occurred in the intermediate pKa range. The acid–base titrations revealed the dominance of carboxylic and phenolic ligands with a trend for more autochthonous sources to have higher total LT. A summary parameter, referred to as the Proton Binding Index (PBI), was introduced to summarize chemical reactivity of DOMs based on the data of pKa and LT. Then, the already published spectroscopic data were explored and the specific absorbance coefficient at 340 nm (i.e. SAC340), an index of DOM aromaticity,was found to exhibit a strong correlation with PBI. Thus, the tendencies observed in the literature that darker organic matter is more protective against metal toxicity and more effective in altering physiological processes in aquatic organisms can now be rationalized on a basis of chemical reactivity to protons

    The Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) on Sodium Regulation and Nitrogenous Waste Excretion in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is both ubiquitous and diverse in composition in natural waters, but its effects on the branchial physiology of aquatic organisms have received little attention relative to other variables (e.g. pH, hardness, salinity, alkalinity). Here, we investigated the effects of four chemically distinct DOM isolates (three natural, one commercial, ranging from autochthonous to highly allochthonous, all at ∼6 mg C l−1) on the physiology of gill ionoregulation and nitrogenous waste excretion in zebrafish acclimated to either circumneutral (7.0–8.0) or acidic pH (5.0). Overall, lower pH tended to increase net branchial ammonia excretion, net K+ loss and [3H]PEG-4000 clearance rates (indicators of transcellular and paracellular permeability, respectively). However, unidirectional Na+ efflux, urea excretion and drinking rates were unaffected. DOM sources tended to stimulate unidirectional Na+ influx rate and exerted subtle effects on the concentration-dependent kinetics of Na+ uptake, increasing maximum transport capacity. All DOM sources reduced passive Na+ efflux rates regardless of pH, but exerted negligible effects on nitrogenous waste excretion, drinking rate, net K+ loss or [3H]PEG4000 clearance, so the mechanism of Na+ loss reduction remains unclear. Overall, these actions appear beneficial to ionoregulatory homeostasis in zebrafish, and some may be related to physicochemical properties of the DOM sources. They are very different from those seen in a recent parallel study on Daphnia magna using the same DOM isolates, indicating that DOM actions may be both species and DOM specific

    Quantifying the direct and indirect effects of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) on aquatic organisms : interaction with pH and quality measures

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    This thesis has advanced understanding of the relationships between dissolved organic matter (DOM) quality and its indirect and direct effects on aquatic organisms, and points to new directions for future work. DOM in natural waters is a heterogeneous mixture of organic molecules with direct and indirect influences on aquatic organisms. Aquatic natural organic matter (NOM) is composed of extremely heterogeneous mixtures of organic compounds. The major constituents of NOM are humic substances generated from dead organic biomass through humification, a process which is poorly understood yet one of the most important ecosystem functions on the earth.Doctor of Philosoph

    The Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) on Sodium Regulation and Nitrogenous Waste Excretion in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is both ubiquitous and diverse in composition in natural waters, but its effects on the branchial physiology of aquatic organisms have received little attention relative to other variables (e.g. pH, hardness, salinity, alkalinity). Here, we investigated the effects of four chemically distinct DOM isolates (three natural, one commercial, ranging from autochthonous to highly allochthonous, all at ∼6 mg C l−1) on the physiology of gill ionoregulation and nitrogenous waste excretion in zebrafish acclimated to either circumneutral (7.0–8.0) or acidic pH (5.0). Overall, lower pH tended to increase net branchial ammonia excretion, net K+ loss and [3H]PEG-4000 clearance rates (indicators of transcellular and paracellular permeability, respectively). However, unidirectional Na+ efflux, urea excretion and drinking rates were unaffected. DOM sources tended to stimulate unidirectional Na+ influx rate and exerted subtle effects on the concentration-dependent kinetics of Na+ uptake, increasing maximum transport capacity. All DOM sources reduced passive Na+ efflux rates regardless of pH, but exerted negligible effects on nitrogenous waste excretion, drinking rate, net K+ loss or [3H]PEG4000 clearance, so the mechanism of Na+ loss reduction remains unclear. Overall, these actions appear beneficial to ionoregulatory homeostasis in zebrafish, and some may be related to physicochemical properties of the DOM sources. They are very different from those seen in a recent parallel study on Daphnia magna using the same DOM isolates, indicating that DOM actions may be both species and DOM specific

    Characterization of Freshwater Natural Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM): Mechanistic Explanations for Protective Effects Against Metaltoxicity and Direct Effects on Organisms

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    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) exerts direct and indirect influences on aquatic organisms. In order to better understand how DOM causes these effects, potentiometric titration was carried out for a wide range of autochthonous and terrigenous freshwater DOM isolates. The isolates were previously characterized by absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy. Proton binding constants (pKa) were grouped into three classes:acidic (pKa ≤ 5), intermediate (5 \u3c pKa ≤ 8.5) and basic (pKa \u3e 8.5). Generally, the proton site densities (LT) showed maximum peaks at the acidic and basic ends around pKa values of 3.5 and 10, respectively. More variably positioned peaks occurred in the intermediate pKa range. The acid–base titrations revealed the dominance of carboxylic and phenolic ligands with a trend for more autochthonous sources to have higher total LT. A summary parameter, referred to as the Proton Binding Index (PBI), was introduced to summarize chemical reactivity of DOMs based on the data of pKa and LT. Then, the already published spectroscopic data were explored and the specific absorbance coefficient at 340 nm (i.e. SAC340), an index of DOM aromaticity,was found to exhibit a strong correlation with PBI. Thus, the tendencies observed in the literature that darker organic matter is more protective against metal toxicity and more effective in altering physiological processes in aquatic organisms can now be rationalized on a basis of chemical reactivity to protons

    A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks

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    Carbon isotopic analysis reveals global biogeographic traits in shark trophic interactions, and sheds light on the diverse foraging behaviour of sharks

    A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks

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    Sharks are a diverse group of mobile predators that forage across varied spatial scales and have the potential to influence food web dynamics. The ecological consequences of recent declines in shark biomass may extend across broader geographic ranges if shark taxa display common behavioural traits. By tracking the original site of photosynthetic fixation of carbon atoms that were ultimately assimilated into muscle tissues of 5,394 sharks from 114 species, we identify globally consistent biogeographic traits in trophic interactions between sharks found in different habitats. We show that populations of shelf-dwelling sharks derive a substantial proportion of their carbon from regional pelagic sources, but contain individuals that forage within additional isotopically diverse local food webs, such as those supported by terrestrial plant sources, benthic production and macrophytes. In contrast, oceanic sharks seem to use carbon derived from between 30° and 50° of latitude. Global-scale compilations of stable isotope data combined with biogeochemical modelling generate hypotheses regarding animal behaviours that can be tested with other methodological approaches.This research was conducted as part of C.S.B.’s Ph.D dissertation, which was funded by the University of Southampton and NERC (NE/L50161X/1), and through a NERC Grant-in-Kind from the Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility (LSMSF; EK267-03/16). We thank A. Bates, D. Sims, F. Neat, R. McGill and J. Newton for their analytical contributions and comments on the manuscripts.Peer reviewe

    Tracking mercury biomagnification in fish from the Gulf of Oman using stable isotopes (carbon-13carbon-12 and nitrogen-15nitrogen-14)

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    Attempts to use stable isotope carbon (delta13C) and nitrogen (delta15N) ratios to construct trophic positions and track mercury biomagnification in zooplankton and 13 fish species from a coastal food web of the Gulf of Oman illustrated some potential differences in this environment compared to the aquatic ecosystem of the northern hemisphere. Due to the large difference in delta13C values (3.4‰) between zooplankton planktivorous fish species (S. crumenophthalmus, S. longiceps and R. kanagurta), zooplankton would seem to not be the primary diet of these fish species as commonly described in literature. Total mercury (T-Hg) concentrations of zooplankton were very low (range 0.010 to 0.037 mug·g-1, N = 27) with a mean methyl mercury (MeHg) of 0.001 mug·g-1 (range 1-19%, N = 5). The lowest T-Hg (0.003 mug·g-1) was found in planktivore (S. longiceps) and the highest was 0.760 mug·g -1 in predator shark (R. acutus) with average MeHg for all fish of 72% (range: 33-100%, N = 150). Using 15 N as indicator of trophic position, neither total mercury (T-Hg) nor methyl mercury (MeHg) were found to biomagnify. Regression slopes were 0.08 and 0.05 for T-Hg and MeHg respectively as a function of delta15 N. This indicates that biomagnification was lower in this tropical ocean compared to that found in freshwater and marine ecosystems of the arctic and temperate zones. Methyl mercury levels in the fish species commonly consumed are low and intake calculations showed that individuals can safely consume fish

    Preliminary Investigations of Allelopathic Effects and Herbicide-based Eradication of Mesquite (Prosopis juliflora)

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    Velvet mesquite, locally known as al-ghaf bahri (Prosopis juliflora), is a well-known invasive alien plant species in several regions around the world, including Oman, with various environmental effects. The allelopathic effect of P. juliflora leaves and seed pods on native ghaf (P. cineraria) and a crop species, mung bean (Vigna radiata) was demonstrated. Results indicated that P. juliflora extracts have inhibitory effects on seed germination and seedling growth of both species, particularly on P. cineraria when exposed to pod extracts. For eradication experiments, three herbicides (tribenuron methyl, clethodim and 2,4-D & MCPA) were investigated to determine their inhibitory properties on seed germination, and on the growth and development of young seedlings of P. juliflora. Generally, germination time (GT50, time required for 50% of seeds to germinate) and germination percentage (%) indicated that only 2,4-D & MCPA treatment showed a significant effect on inhibiting seed germination and stopping seedling growth relative to the other two herbicides. The effect of 2,4-D & MCPA was supported by significant reduction in above-ground fresh biomass. The data clearly illustrate the potential negative effects of P. juliflora on other plant species and its tolerance of herbicide treatment. On a farm scale, limited application of 2,4-D & MCPA on young P. juliflora seedlings would be recommended as an effective way to limit further spread and distribution and consequently  to successfully eliminate this invasive alien plant

    Two faces of DOC

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    Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), through its ability to complex metals and thereby reduce their bioavailability, plays a major role in ameliorating metal toxicity in natural waters. Indeed DOC is a key variable in the Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) for predicting metal toxicity on a site-specific basis. However, recent evidence indicates that all DOCs are not alike, but rather heterogeneous in their ability to protect organisms against metal toxicity, at least in fresh water. The degree of protection appears to correlate with optical properties, such that dark, aromatic-rich compounds of allochthonous origin, with greater humic acid content, are more effective in this regard, particularly against Cu, Ag, and Pb toxicity. The specific absorption coefficient of the DOC in the 300–350 nm range (SAC300–350) has proven to be a simple and effective index of this protective ability. PARAFAC, a multivariate statistical technique for analysis of excitation-emission fluorescence spectroscopy data, also holds promise for quantifying the humic-like and fulvic-like fluorophores, which tend to be positively and negatively correlated with protective ability, respectively. However, what has been largely missing in the toxicological realm is any appreciation that DOC may also affect the physiology of target organisms, such that part of the protection may occur by a mechanism other than metal complexation. Recently published evidence demonstrates that DOC has effects on Na+ transport, diffusive permeability, and electrical properties of the gills in fish and crustaceans in a manner which will promote Na+ homeostasis. These actions could thereby protect against metal toxicity by physiological mechanisms. Future research should investigate potential direct interactions of DOC molecules with the branchial epithelium. Incorporation of optical properties of DOC could be used to improve the predictive capabilities of the BLM