51 research outputs found

    Effect of rosella extract on development of fatty streaks lesions in female rats

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    This research was conducted to explore the effect of rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa) on female rats on oxidative stress which induced by 0.5% H2O2. Oxidative stress has been investigated via tissue (aorta and heart) malonadyaldehyde (MDA) as indirect lipid peroxidation index. For atherosclerotic lesions follow up light microscopical technique has been applied. The result elucidate significant reduction in lipid profit parameters namely: low density lipoprotein (LDL-c), triglycerides, very low density lipoprotein (vLDL-c), atherogenic index and significant elevation in high density lipoprotein (HDL-c) in few animals treated with H2O2 and rosella extract, parallely, this research illustrate reduction in aorta and heart MDA concentration, concomitant with significant rising in glutathione (GSH) level. Histopathologically, this study revealed fatty streaks associated with infiltration of mononuclear inflammatory cells have been detected after 60 days, in animal treated with rosella revealed reduction in lipid vacuoles and proliferation in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMcs) in media toward intimal layers after 40 days from treatment

    Post-traumatic Stress Disorder among Displaced People in Iraq

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    AbstractBackground: Iraq witnessed numbers of wars and invasions since 2003. The last worst trigger is the invasion of the criminal (ISIS) gangs in the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014. These problems caused millions of displacement and migrants of the Iraqi people. People who experienced the migration and displacement are considered to be diagnosed with a difference of mental disorders because of losing their homes, belongings, habitual residence, and their normal life. In addition to what they have experienced through their displacement, several studies reported that posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD) is the most common disorder among displaced people.Objective: the present study aims to estimate the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder among internal displaced people in Iraq.Methodology: This study was based on a cross-sectional design using a structured questionnaire conducted in 97 of displaced people in the Al-Jada's camp, which located in the Qayarah Township, Nenavah governorate, Iraq. The period of the present study was from 1st December 2016 to the 30th of May 2017. A Standard Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 22) was used to analyze the collected data.The results: the study resulted that 59.8 % of the participants were aged between (18 - 29) years old. 57.7% of the participants were male. 60.8 % of them were displaced from Salahudeen governorate. The results illustrated that 67.0 % have a PTSD. Finally, the findings of indicates a high significance at (. 003) in independent t-test between the gender and PTSD. While the one-way ANOVA analysis indicates no significant impact between PTSD and (age, marital status, educational level, residential Governorate, displaced Period, and mental disorders history) on PTSD which indicate sequentially (.292, .762, .370, .370, .110, .448, .610)Conclusion: the study concludes that there were no actual mental and psychological support and treatment in the camp although that most of the displaced people have diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder due to the displacement.Keywords: displaced people, post-traumatic stress disorder, internal displacement

    The Baghdadi House: An Analysis of Its Past With Reference to Its Future

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    This thesis presents a study of the Baghdadi house, its past with reference to its future. The study examines the prime factors and the issues related to the origin and development of the house in Iraq in general and Baghdad in particular. The traditional Baghdadi house is shown to be the house form that is a direct result of the climatic, social, economic and structural needs of its residents up to approximately fifty years ago. This is followed by an examination of the factors that led to the emergence of the modern house in Iraq and those factors which accelerated the abandonment of the traditional pattern. The author identifies the technological changes, the social and economic consequences of these changes which are considered to have produced very significant changes in the nature of the house, its form and the urban structure. The changes include a transformation from the traditional symmetrical arrangement of the plan into a modern and more functional one. The fourth part is an appraisal of both types, aiming to pin point the advantages and short comings of each one. The fifth part has listed future recommendations for both, the traditional and the modern houses to improve their quality. It also includes recommendations for the new housing in Iraq

    Attitudes of Health Workers towards People with Mental Health Problems in Mosul City – Iraq

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    Abstract:Objective:The main objectives of this research wereto survey the attitudes of Iraqi Health workers towards mentally ill people in Mosul city in Iraq and to investigate possible factors, which impacton Iraqi health workers’ attitudes to people with mental health problems. Method:A survey quantitative method wasused to address the research questions. The survey involved a pilot study to test the feasibility of the survey. Alpha-coefficient reliability tests output was (0.82) and indicated strong reliability on each attitudinal scale. To eliminate the ethical issue, the survey sample utilized a systematic random sample, with a target number for the sample of 300 of health workers. The present research conducted in Mosul medical area in Iraq from July to October 2011. Statistical Package for the Social Science program (SPSS, version 19) was used to analyze the data.  Results: Only 273 of 300 surveys were in actuality completed and used for analysis. (52.7%) of the respondents were females. There was a heavier distribution of respondents in the (18-24) age group, representing (51.6%) of the total survey sample. The results of the one-sample test demonstrate a finding of no significance for the relationship between gender and attitudes (Sig= 0.16). The differences of the means among the age groups were tested using one way ANOVA. Analysis of variance for the differences between total respondents’ scores and their age indicated non-significance of observing the comparison of group means (Sig = 0.167). Conclusion:The research questions and hypotheses pertained directly to the variables of age, gender, and any other notable finding as housed within the first research question. Although the data analysis shows there are biases in responding, there are in general negative attitudes of health workers in Iraq towards people withmental health problems.Recommendations:1. The present research recommends that the future study should be examined the relationship between cultural elements (such as sex and gender) and societal attitudes toward mental illness and those with mental illness,and find what types of approaches for raising social awareness to truly address the biases in the people’s attitudes and hence the quality of life for people with mental illness.2. Initiate educational programmes regarding mental illnesses knowledge through governmental or non-governmental organizations focused in particular on the health workers and on Iraqi community in general in order to change the negative attitudes towards people with mental health problems.Key words: Attitudes, Health Workers, Mental Health Problem

    " Effectiveness of the Use and Design of an Electronic Device (Sensitive-optical) to Avoid Errors Committed During Performance in the Long jump Performance of Students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences "

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    هدف البحث إلى: - تجريب الجهاز الإلكتروني المصمم لتدريب الطلاب وتعليمهم على كيفية تجنب الأخطاء المرتكبة أثناء أدائهم محاولات الوثب الطويل ومحاولة تحقيق الأفضل عبر ضبط الخطوات والأداء، بما يمكّن الطلاب من نجاح محاولاتهم وعدم هدر أي محاولة أو خسارتها عن طريقأ خطاء لمس اللوحة قبل الارتقاء، ومن ثم نتمكن من الاستفادة من نتائج البحث والوقوف على مدى صلاحية هذا الجهاز أثناء تمرينات الأداء، لتدريب الطلاب وتعليمهم على كيفية التأقلم، ومن ثم الأداء من دونه وصولا إلى تحقيق أهداف البحث.     وهذا يتطلب من القائمين على العملية التدريسية والتدريبية التخطيط السليم للبرامج، لكيفية برمجة الدرس أو الوحدة التدريبية وتنظيمها،وإيصال العملية التدريبية إلى أعلى درجات التقدم السريع لتحقيق النجاح بالنسبة للطلاب أو اللاعبين وصولاً إلى تحقيق الإنجازات الرياضية المتقدمة في المنافسات الرياضية، إذ يراد معرفة أثر استخدام جهاز الرباط الإلكتروني الحساس في التمرينات والتدريبات في برنامج تدريبي يطبق على طلاب كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة المرحلة الرابعة – جامعة الموصل  للموسم الدراسي  2018-2019، المتكون من (20) طالباً، إذ استبعد (4) طلاب، وتم تنفيذ تجربة البحث على (16) طالباً.   وتم استخدام البرنامج الإحصائي ((Spss للحصول على النتائج التي أثبتت أن التدريب باستخدام الجهاز الإلكتروني المصمم لتدريب الطلاب وتعليمهم فعال في كيفية الحد من المحاولات الخاطئة لفعالية الوثب الطويل،زيادة على ذلك أن التدريب باستخدام الجهاز الإلكتروني المصمم أحدث تطوراً ذا دلالة معنوية في الاختبارات البعدية لعينة البحث.The research aims to - Experimenting the electronic device designed to train and teach students how to avoid mistakes made while performing long jump attempts and try to achieve the best by controlling the steps and performance so that students can succeed in their attempts and not waste any attempt or lost through errors touching the painting before the upgrade، To benefit from the results of research and to determine the validity of this device during the performance exercises to train and teach students on how to adapt and then performance without it and to achieve the objectives of the research.     And this requires the administrators of the process of teaching and training to the proper planning of programs for how to program and organize the lesson or module and deliver the training process to the highest degrees of rapid progress to achieve success for students or players to achieve the achievements of sports in sports competitions، In the training program applied to the students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences، the fourth phase - Mosul University for the academic year 2018-2019، consisting of (20) students، was excluded (4) students، and was denied Y search experience on (16) students.     The statistical program (Spss) was used to obtain the results that proved that training using the electronic device designed to train and teach students is effective in how to reduce the wrong attempts of the long jump efficiency. Moreover، training using the electronic device design has developed a significant development in the sample remote tests search

    Prediction of crop coefficients from fraction of ground cover and height. Background and validation using ground and remote sensing data

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    ReviewThe current study aims at reviewing and providing advances on methods for estimating and applying crop coefficients from observations of ground cover and vegetation height. The review first focuses on the relationships between single Kc and basal Kcb and various parameters including the fraction of ground covered by the canopy (fc), the leaf area index (LAI), the fraction of ground shaded by the canopy (fshad), the fraction of intercepted light (flight) and intercepted photosynthetic active radiation (fIPAR). These relationships were first studied in the 1970’s, for annual crops, and later, in the last decennia, for tree and vine perennials. Research has now provided a variety of methods to observe and measure fc and height (h) using both ground and remote sensing tools, which has favored the further development of Kc related functions. In the past, these relationships were not used predictively but to support the understanding of dynamics of Kc and Kcb in relation to the processes of evapotranspiration or transpiration, inclusive of the role of soil evaporation. Later, the approach proposed by Allen and Pereira (2009), the A&P approach, used fc and height (h) or LAI data to define a crop density coefficient that was used to directly estimate Kc and Kcb values for a variety of annual and perennial crops in both research and practice. It is opportune to review the A&P method in the context of a variety of studies that have derived Kc and Kcb values from field measured data with simultaneously observed ground cover fc and height. Applications used to test the approach include various tree and vine crops (olive, pear, and lemon orchards and vineyards), vegetable crops (pea, onion and tomato crops), field crops (barley, wheat, maize, sunflower, canola, cotton and soybean crops), as well as a grassland and a Bermudagrass pasture. Comparisons of Kcb values computed with the A &P method produced regression coefficients close to 1.0 and coefficients of determination≥0.90, except for orchards. Results indicate that the A&P approach can produce estimates of potential Kcb, using vegetation characteristics alone, within reasonable or acceptable error, and are useful for refining Kcb for conditions of plant spacing, size and density that differ from standard values. The comparisons provide parameters appropriate to applications for the tested crops. In addition, the A&P approach was applied with remotely sensed fc data for a variety of crops in California using the Satellite Irrigation Management Support (SIMS) framework. Daily SIMS crop ET (ETc-SIMS) produced Kcb values using the FAO56 and A&P approaches. Combination of satellite derived fc and Kcb values with ETo data from Spatial CIMIS (California Irrigation Management Information System) produced ET estimates that were compared with daily actual crop ET derived from energy balance calculations from micrometeorological instrumentation (ETc EB).Results produced coefficients of regression of 1.05 for field crops and 1.08 for woody crops, and R2 values of 0.81 and 0.91, respectively. These values suggest that daily ETc-SIMS -based ET can be accurately estimated within reasonable error and that the A&P approach is appropriate to support that estimation. It is likely that accuracy can be improved via progress in remote sensing determination of fc. Tabulated Kcb results and calculation parameters are presented in a companion paper in this Special Issueinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of the Filter Paper Method for Estimating Soil Water Potential

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    The filter paper method for measuring soil water potential was evaluated. The method was calibrated using salt solutions (-1.4 bars to -22.4 bars), sample chamber psychrometer (-1 to -50 bars), pressure plate (-0.1 to - 15 bars) and soil column at equilibrium (0 to -0.2 bars). It was found that the absolute temperature had little effect on the predicted soil water potential, but a temperature variation had a large effect. It was found that the temperature fluctuation must be small. The predicted water potential was influenced by the type of contact of the soil with the filter paper. It is suggested that one filter paper be placed beneath the soil (good contact for liquid or vapour flow) and one filter paper be placed above the soil not in physical contact (allowing vapour flow only). The equilibrium between the filter paper and soil mass was essential completed by the end of two days and certainly by the end of five days

    Efficient Protection Scheme Based on Y-Source Circuit Breaker in Bi-Directional Zones for MVDC Micro-Grids

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    A new bi-directional circuit breaker is presented for medium-voltage dc (MVDC) systems. The Y-source impedance network topology is used to implement the breaker. The current transfer function is derived to show the frequency response and the breaker operation with the high frequencies. Mathematical analysis is achieved with different conditions of coupling among the breaker inductors. The minimum level of the magnetic coupling is determined, which is represented by the null condition. The effect of the turns-ratio on this condition is investigated as well. The breaker is designed with two types of fault conductance slope rates. The Y-source breaker is simulated, and the results verify the breaker operation during the fault condition and the load change. The results also demonstrate the effect of the coupling level on the minimum values of the source current when the fault occurs. Based on the expected fault type in the MVDC systems, the proposed breaker is developed to interrupt the overcurrent due to any of these fault types. A protection scheme is proposed for a 12-bus, two-level micro-grid, where the Y-source breakers are used in the bi-directional zones. The results verify the ability of the breaker to conduct and interrupt the current in both directions of the power flow

    كفاءة التوزيع المكاني للخدمات الصحية العامة في محافظة المثنى

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    تناول هذا البحث كفاءة التوزيع المكاني للخدمات الصحية في محافظة المثنى ، فتناولت تحليل واقع التوزيع المكاني الحالي للخدمات الصحية في المحافظة ومدى كفائتها وتناسبها وحاجات السكان لها من خلال مقارنتها بالمعايير التخطيطية لهذه الخدمات عالميا وعراقياً لمعرفة مدى الكفاءة أو العجز مع بيان الحاجة المستقبلية لها بأستخدام تقنية نظم المعلومات الجغرافية GIS ، وعملت هذه الدراسة على تحديد أماكن النقص ووضع الحلول الآنية والمستقبلية من خلال تقديم مقترح يتضمن توزيع مكاني أفضل يتلائم مع حاجات السكان ، لاشك إن نتائج الدراسة تساعد الجهات المختصة وأصحاب القرار في اتخاذ الخطوات المناسبة والتي من شأنها تطوير ورفع المستوى الصحي في المحافظة ، استندت الدراسة إلى استخدام استمارة الاستبيان في قياس مؤشرات كفاءة المؤسسات الصحية فقد تم توزيع (1516) استمارة كعينة عشوائية على مراجعي المؤسسات الصحية ، وان من أهم الاستنتاجات التي توصلت إليها الدراسة هي تقدير حجم السكان المستقبلي لعام 2027 الذي سيصل إلى (1313288) نسمة وهذه الزيادة تتطلب العمل على زيادة المؤسسات الصحية والملاكات الطبية بما يتفق مع حجمه