12 research outputs found

    Towards Safe, Secure, and Usable LLMs4Code

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) are gaining popularity in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) due to their remarkable accuracy in various NLP tasks. LLMs designed for coding are trained on massive datasets, which enables them to learn the structure and syntax of programming languages. These datasets are scraped from the web and LLMs memorise information in these datasets. LLMs for code are also growing, making them more challenging to execute and making users increasingly reliant on external infrastructure.We aim to explore the challenges faced by LLMs for code and propose techniques to measure and prevent memorisation. Additionally, we suggest methods to compress models and run them locally on consumer hardware.Software Engineerin

    Targeted Attack on GPT-Neo for the SATML Language Model Data Extraction Challenge [PRESENTATION]

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    Previous work has shown that Large Language Models are susceptible to so-called data extraction attacks. This allows an attacker to extract a sample that was contained in the training data, which has massive privacy implications. The construction of data extraction attacks is challenging, current attacks are quite inefficient, and there exists a significant gap in the extraction capabilities of untargeted attacks and memorization. Thus, targeted attacks are proposed, which identify if a given sample from the training data, is extractable from a model. In this work, we apply a targeted data extraction attack to the SATML2023 Language Model Training Data Extraction Challenge. We apply a two-step approach. In the first step, we maximise the recall of the model and are able to extract the suffix for 69% of the samples. In the second step, we use a classifier-based Membership Inference Attack on the generations. Our AutoSklearn classifier achieves a precision of 0.841. The full approach reaches a score of 0.405 recall at a 10% false positive rate, which is an improvement of 34% over the baseline of 0.301

    Targeted Attack on GPT-Neo for the SATML Language Model Data Extraction Challenge [PRESENTATION]

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    Previous work has shown that Large Language Models are susceptible to so-called data extraction attacks. This allows an attacker to extract a sample that was contained in the training data, which has massive privacy implications. The construction of data extraction attacks is challenging, current attacks are quite inefficient, and there exists a significant gap in the extraction capabilities of untargeted attacks and memorization. Thus, targeted attacks are proposed, which identify if a given sample from the training data, is extractable from a model. In this work, we apply a targeted data extraction attack to the SATML2023 Language Model Training Data Extraction Challenge. We apply a two-step approach. In the first step, we maximise the recall of the model and are able to extract the suffix for 69% of the samples. In the second step, we use a classifier-based Membership Inference Attack on the generations. Our AutoSklearn classifier achieves a precision of 0.841. The full approach reaches a score of 0.405 recall at a 10% false positive rate, which is an improvement of 34% over the baseline of 0.301.Software EngineeringSoftware Technolog

    STACC: Code Comment Classification using SentenceTransformers

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    Code comments are a key resource for information about software artefacts. Depending on the use case, only some types of comments are useful. Thus, automatic approaches to clas-sify these comments have been proposed. In this work, we address this need by proposing, STACC, a set of SentenceTransformers- based binary classifiers. These lightweight classifiers are trained and tested on the NLBSE Code Comment Classification tool competition dataset, and surpass the baseline by a significant margin, achieving an average Fl score of 0.74 against the baseline of 0.31, which is an improvement of 139%. A replication package, as well as the models themselves, are publicly available.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Software EngineeringSoftware Technolog

    Extending Source Code Pre-Trained Language Models to Summarise Decompiled Binarie

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    Reverse engineering binaries is required to understand and analyse programs for which the source code is unavailable. Decompilers can transform the largely unreadable binaries into a more readable source code-like representation. However, reverse engineering is time-consuming, much of which is taken up by labelling the functions with semantic information.While the automated summarisation of decompiled code can help Reverse Engineers understand and analyse binaries, current work mainly focuses on summarising source code, and no suitable dataset exists for this task.In this work, we extend large pre-trained language models of source code to summarise decompiled binary functions. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of input and data properties on the performance of such models. Our approach consists of two main components; the data and the model.We first build CAPYBARA, a dataset of 214K decompiled function-documentation pairs across various compiler optimisations. We extend CAPYBARA further by generating synthetic datasets and deduplicating the data.Next, we fine-tune the CodeT5 base model with CAPYBARA to create BinT5. BinT5 achieves the state-of-the-art BLEU-4 score of 60.83, 58.82, and 44.21 for summarising source, decompiled, and synthetically stripped decompiled code, respectively. This indicates that these models can be extended to decompiled binaries successfully.Finally, we found that the performance of BinT5 is not heavily dependent on the dataset size and compiler optimisation level. We recommend future research to further investigate transferring knowledge when working with less expressive input formats such as stripped binaries

    DataFlex: Educational game about data centers for children

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    Women are largely underrepresented in IT, girls’ interest in STEM and IT fields tends to drop throughout secondary education. Educational games are a great tool to change the perception of certain topics, as well as changing the behavior of the players. Thus, this report describes the development of a game to make the field of IT more appealing to girls between the ages of 10 and 14.After collecting requirements with the client and doing a literature study a design is proposed. The final product is a two-player 2D Role-Playing-Game with puzzle elements, specifically designed to be played in a classroom environment. The game takes place in a data center and will show the players the societal importance of data centers as well as the diversity of the work in data centers. The gameplay consists of exploring a data center, talking with both male and female employees in various roles, helping them with their work through minigames, and solving a mystery. The game was designed to specifically cater to girls and to break stereotypes regarding women in IT. <br/