308 research outputs found

    Fabrication and characterization of antibacterial surfaces derived from geranium essential oil using PECVD

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    Essential oils and plant extracts are rich sources of biologically-active compounds that can be used for manufacturing of antibacterial surfaces. This thesis reports the fabrication of pristine polymers, and zinc oxide/polymer films from geranium essential oil utilizing low power plasmaenhanced chemical vapor deposition technique (PECVD). The topographical, optical, mechanical, chemical, electrical and antibacterial properties of the fabricated films were in-depth studied. Geranium-derived polymer films were fabricated at various input RF power. The resultant polymer were founded to be optically transparent in the visibly region. The refractive index, extinction coefficient, and optical band gap were found to be not significantly dependent on the RF power. The crosslinking of the material increased with increasing input power. The topographical features appeared to be uniform, smooth, and pinhole free for all samples, and the surface roughness increased with an increase in the input power. Sample fabricated at 10 W demonstrated a remarkable reduction in the number of cells, biovolume, or biofilm thickness, while there was no significant difference in the bacterial growth between samples fabricated at 50 W and control. Zinc oxide nanoparticles were incorporated in the fabricated polymer films via a single-step approach that combines simultaneous plasma polymerization of geranium oil with thermal decomposition of zinc acetylacetonate Zn(acac)₂. The resultant nanocomposite thin films were systematically investigated. XPS survey proved the presence of ZnO in the matrix of formed polymers at 10 W and 50 W. SEM images demonstrated that the average size of ZnO nanoparticle slightly increased with an increase in the power of deposition from approximately 60 nm at 10 W to approximately 80 nm at 50 W. Confocal scanning laser microscopy images showed that viability of S. aureus and E.coli cells significantly reduced on surfaces of ZnO/composites compare to pristine polymers. The electrical properties of pristine and ZnO/composites thin films were investigated in metal– insulator–metal (MIM) structures. It was found that the capacitance of the films decreases at low frequencies (C ≈ 10⁻¹¹) and remains at a relatively constant value (C ≈ 10⁻¹⁰) at high frequencies. These films also have a low dielectric constant across a wide range of frequencies that decreases as the input RF power increases. The conductivity of pristine polymers was determined to be around 10⁻¹⁶–10⁻¹⁷ Ω⁻¹ m⁻¹, which is typical for insulating materials. Incorporation of ZnO nanoparticles into the polymer films did not change the nature of charge transport, as the nanocomposite films were found to behave as an insulator. However, the conductivity slightly of nanocomposite materials slightly improved measuring 10⁻¹⁴ Ω⁻¹ m⁻¹. Increasing the input power, along with introducing hydrogen gas to the plasma tube, produces desired sp2-bonded carbon nanostructures such as graphene materials. PECVD) had been utilized for the fabrication of high-quality vertically erected graphene nano-walls from geranium essential oil. The graphene synthesized using well-controllable system directly on silicon and quartz substrates without use any catalyst. SEM showed that the formed graphene had a length of few hundreds nanometers with thickness of 7 to 25 nm. AFM further confirmed the very sharp edges of the produced graphene. The material revealed relatively high water contact angle value ranging around 123˚. Antibacterial performance of graphene nano-walls was studied against grampositive and gram-negative microorganisms. Confocal scanning laser microscopy images demonstrated that the viability of E.coli and S. aureus cells were 32% and 38% were alive on graphene compare to controls, respectively

    A Hybrid Method of Linguistic and Statistical Features for Arabic Sentiment Analysis

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              تحليل الآراء هي عملية إيجاد تصنيف إيجابي أو سلبي لنص يحتمل احتوائه على آراء. اللغة العربية واحدة من اللغات التي تضخم محتواها بشكل كبير في العقد السابق وخصوصا مع تصاعد وسائل الاتصال الاجتماعي مثل تويتر، فيسبوك وآخرين. دراسات كثيرة عاينت مهمة تحليل الآراء في اللغة العربية باستخدام تقنيات متعددة. أحد أكفأ الطرق المستخدمة في الدراسات السابقة كانت تعود لتقنيات تعلم الآلة وذلك لقدرتها على بناء قاعدة من التعلم من الحالات السابقة. مع ذلك هنالك قضايا كثيرة ممكن أن تواجه تقنيات تعلم الآلة في مهمة تحليل الرأي. واحدة من هذه القضايا هي كيفية إيجاد خصائص دقيقة في اللغة العربية التي بدورها ممكن أن تساعد على التفريق بين الآراء السلبية والإيجابية. هذه الدراسة تهدف الى اقتراح خليط من الادوات اللغوية والاحصائية في سبيل الحصول على خصائص مميزة لتحليل الرأي في اللغة العربية. الأدوات اللغوية تحتوي على تقنيات إرجاع الكلمة لأصلها وتصنيف الكلمات بالنسبة لنوعها النحوي، بينما الادوات الاحصائية تحتوي على تقنيات إيجاد أكثر الكلمات ترددا. تمت التجاربباستخدام قاعدة بيانات لآراء باللغة العربية . بالإضافة الى ذلك، تم استخدام ثلاث أنواع من تقنيات تعلم الآلة وهم (اس في ام)، (كي ان ان) و (ام اي). النتائج أظهرت بأن الـ (اس في ام) تفوقت على الطرق الأخرى باستخدام الخصائص المقترحة وذلك بحصولها على دقة تساوي 72.15 بالمئة. تشير هذه النتائج الى فائدة استخدام الـ (اس في ام) مع الخصائص المقترحة في تصنيف الآراء باللغة العربية.          Sentiment analysis refers to the task of identifying polarity of positive and negative for particular text that yield an opinion. Arabic language has been expanded dramatically in the last decade especially with the emergence of social websites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Several studies addressed sentiment analysis for Arabic language using various techniques. The most efficient techniques according to the literature were the machine learning due to their capabilities to build a training model. Yet, there is still issues facing the Arabic sentiment analysis using machine learning techniques. Such issues are related to employing robust features that have the ability to discriminate the polarity of sentiments. This paper proposes a hybrid method of linguistic and statistical features along with classification methods for Arabic sentiment analysis. Linguistic features contains stemming and POS tagging, while statistical contains the TF-IDF. A benchmark dataset of Arabic tweets have been used in the experiments. In addition, three classifiers have been utilized including SVM, KNN and ME. Results showed that SVM has outperformed the other classifiers by obtaining an f-score of 72.15%. This indicates the usefulness of using SVM with the proposed hybrid features


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    Wendell Berry who was born in 1945 is an American poet, novelist, environmental activist and a farmer.  Berry worships nature and constantly resorts to it but not to retreat from society to a simple life of nature or to escape from social obligations. Rather, he emphasizes the need for a new view of nature that goes beyond the mystical treatment of nature. This paper aims to review Berry’s efforts as a poet to mediate culture and nature through his words. Berry emphasizes labour and the cultivation of land for he is in between the civilized and the wild. Berry argues that culture and nature cannot be separated, and his conviction of the close connection between poetry and farming can be understood accordingly. Berry made great efforts through his works to reform the relationship between civilization and the earth. Unless human society renews the vision of its relationship with the natural world, there will be little hope of substantial and permanent environmental reform. This paper is hoped to inspire other poets, especially Asian poets to promote similar ideology in their works.Keywords: Culture, meditation, nature, place, wildernessCite as: Al Jumaili, F.A.N. (2017). Wendell Berry: Mediating between culture and nature. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2(2), 118-126.  http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol2iss2pp118-12

    Syntheses of 7-substituted anthra[2,3-b]thiophene derivatives and naphtho[2,3-b:6,7-b’]dithiophene

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    7-R-anthra[2,3-b]thiophene derivatives (1, R = H, Me, i-Pr, MeO) are prepared in three steps (in average overall yield >50%) starting from (E)-4-RC6H4CH2(HOCH2)C=CI(CH2OH). The latter are commercial or readily prepared from 2-butyne-1,4-diol and ArCH2Cl (both costin

    Variability of wind conditions in citrus groves compared with those recorded outside

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    Wind velocity and direction, which are normally reported at certain time intervals, fluctuate substantially within a short time frame.  These fluctuations may have a significant effect on spray deposition of air-assisted sprayers used in citrus production.  Wind measurements are usually made inside or outside a grove at about 10 m height but the latter may not accurately represent the wind conditions within the grove.  The objective of this study was to compare data recorded by the Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) outside the grove at 10.0 m above the ground with the measurements made within a citrus grove at different heights.  Within the grove, wind velocity and direction data were collected at 10.0, 3.6, 3.0, 2.4, 1.8, 1.2, and 0.6 m above the ground at 1-s interval.  For the same period, FAWN data were available at a minimum of 15-min interval.  Results of the 10-m height measurements showed good correlation between wind conditions recorded outside grove and those collected within the grove (r = 0.69 and 0.94 for wind velocity and direction, respectively).  However, average wind velocity and direction at both sites were significantly different (p = 0.05).  Within the grove, wind velocities of 1.5 m/s or less, recorded at 10 m height, showed almost zero wind velocity at lower heights.  Within the grove, maximum wind velocities recorded at 3.6 – 0.6 m amounted to only 59% – 20% of wind velocity recorded at 10 m, respectively.  Averaging wind velocity over 15-min interval reduced the wind variability of 1‑s interval by 90%.  For field characteristics similar to those described in this study, wind conditions recorded at 10 m height outside grove cannot reliably represent wind conditions inside grove, particularly within the canopy height.   Keywords: FAWN, spraying conditions, wind direction, wind measurement site, wind sensor, wind velocit

    Studies in Thiophene Chemistry for Organic Electronic Materials

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    Thiophene-based organic semiconductor materials have seen important growth in the last two decades owing to their potential applications in many different areas. Overall, this thesis details attempts to develop rapid, efficient, cheap and scalable syntheses of small molecules and monomers of thiophene-based molecules. After an introductory Chapter, the second Chapter in this thesis focuses on the synthesis of 7-R-anthra[2,3-b]thiophenes derivatives 11a-d (R = H, Me, iPr, OMe) and naphtho[2,3-b:6,7-b']dithiophene 12. Existing synthetic methods for the known anthra[2,3-b]thiophene 11a and naphtho[2,3-b:6,7-b']dithiophene 12 require multi-steps, toxic reagents, expensive starting materials and give low yields. However, we prepared these 7-R-anthra[2,3-b]thiophene derivatives 11a-d (R = H, Me, iPr, MeO) in only three steps (with average overall yields of >50%) starting from (E)-4-RC6H4CH2(HOCH2)C=CI(CH2OH). The latter are commercial or readily prepared from 2-butyne-1,4-diol 1 and ArCH2Cl 4 (both typically costing <4 pence /g) at 10 g scales. These procedures allow selective formation of (otherwise unattainable) higher solubility 7-substituted. Similar methods allowed the preparation of naphtho[2,3-b6,7-b']dithiophene 12 using equally low-cost starting materials in only three steps. A third Chapter of this report focuses on efficient synthesis and characterization of new derivatives of 3,4-ethylenedithiothiophene (EDTT) 149a-d starting from tetrabromothiophene 146. Selective 2,5-dilithiation followed by reaction with a range of aldehydes gives diols 147a-e as mixtures of diastereomers. Only the 2 and 5 positions in tetrabromothiophene 146 react leaving the 3,4-bromides for further elaboration. The diols 147a-e are oxidised to their corresponding diketones 148a-e using activated MnO2. Reaction with 1,2-ethanedithiol, by addition-elimination, provides access to novel monomers 149a-d for the preparation of conjugated copolymers of 3,4-ethylenedithiothiophene (EDTT). A range of these monomers can be attained by applying the synthesis of a series of ketones and this is applicable to further synthesis of π-extended thiophene-based organic semiconductors. Chapter four of this thesis composed of two parts. The first part focus on the synthesis of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) dialdehyde derivatives 177 by efficient alternatives to literature chemistry, while a second part reports the optimisation of a synthesis of novel vinyl thiophenes materials. A final Chapter gives full experimental details of all the compounds prepared in the thesis and their spectroscopic data

    Kulturelles Erbe in Gefahr: NGOs als Partner der UNESCO beim Schutz syrischer Kulturgüter

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    In den Diskussionen zu Globalisierung und Global Governance wird häufig darauf hingewiesen, dass Staaten und zwischenstaatliche Organisationen allein nicht in der Lage sind, die verstärkt auftretenden transnationalen Probleme zu lösen. Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs) gelten als Hoffnungsträger, die Problemlösungskompetenzen beisteuern und die Legitimität internationaler Politik verbessern könnten. Obwohl die UNESCO bereits seit 1945 eine ausgeprägte und institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit mit der Zivilgesellschaft pflegt, lassen viele politikwissenschaftliche Studien über die Einbeziehung von NGOs durch internationale Organisationen die UNESCO völlig unberücksichtigt. In Arbeiten zu globalen öffentlichen Gütern bleibt die UNESCO ebenso unter-belichtet. Der Fokus richtet sich vor allem auf Umwelt und Klima. Doch das Weltkulturerbe ist gleichfalls ein globales öffentliches Gut. Mit dem Welterbeprogramm ruft die UNESCO alle Menschen weltweit auf, auch die Kulturstätten anderer Völker als ihr eigenes kulturelles Erbe zu begreifen und sich für dessen Erhaltung einzusetzen. Seit der von der UNESCO initiierten Rettung der nubischen Kulturstätten in den 1960er Jahren etablierte sich ein spannendes transnationales Politikfeld – leider wenig beachtet von der Politikwissenschaft. Wird in Medien über das Welterbe berichtet, findet die UNESCO meist nur im Zusammenhang mit der Verleihung des Welterbetitels Erwähnung. Von der Öffentlichkeit kaum wahrgenommen, hat die UNESCO auch die Aufgabe, Welterbestätten zu überwachen und ggf. Hilfsprogramme zu initiieren. Diese Studienarbeit wird politikwissenschaftliches Licht auf die Interaktionen zwischen UNESCO und Zivilgesellschaft zum Schutze von gefährdetem Kulturerbe werfen. Dabei konzentriere ich mich auf die Notfallmaßnahmen für die Kulturgüter in Syrien, die seit Beginn der kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen im Jahr 2011 massiv von Zerstörung und illegaler Entwendung bedroht sind. Eine umfassende Analyse aller Beziehungen zwischen NGOs und UNESCO im Rahmen der Arbeit ist unmöglich. Ich wählte deshalb die NGO ‚Heritage for Peace‘ aus, um an diesem Beispiel zu zeigen, aus welchen Gründen und in welchen Bereichen die UNESCO mit NGOs kooperiert bzw. welche Gründe dagegen sprechen. Theoretisch angeleitet wird die Arbeit von der Ressourcentausch-Theorie. Die Untersuchung beginne ich mit einer kurzen Darstellung des Kulturgutschutzes durch die UNESCO und der Situation, in der sich die syrischen Kulturgüter gegenwärtig befinden

    Production and Purification of Laccase Enzyme by Klebsiella pneumoniae K7

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    Sixty-four isolate were klebsiella pneumoniae. Fourteen bacteria isolates “Kelbsiella species” were taken from soil and water hospital in the period between October to December 2018, those isolated were cultured on a blood agar to test their ability to hydrolytic due to formation the inhibition  zone . Twenty one isolates of K. pneumoniae were selected to be cultured in mineral salt agar for testing their efficiency to produce laccase enzyme .The efficient isolate was diagnosed depending on phenotypic, microscopic and biochemical tests to be Klebsiella pneumoniae K7. Laccases (benzenediol: oxygen oxidoreductases; EC: are  subfamily of multicopper oxidases (MCOs) from Klebsiella pneumoniae K7 has been partially characterized by many researchers. In this paper, we purified laccase to homogeneity from Klebsiella pneumoniae K7  with about 10.82 ; 5.12 purification fold and a 34.14; 21.46% recovery by ion-exchange and gel-filtration chromatographic respectively.  The molecular weight of the Laccase as determined by gel filtration chromatography using Sephacryl S-200 gel was 120 KDalton. Keywords: Laccases , Klebsiella pneumoniae, molecular weight, purification. DOI: 10.7176/CMR/10-5-03 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Classifying confidential data using SVM for efficient cloud query processing

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    Nowadays, organizations are widely using a cloud database engine from the cloud service providers. Privacy still is the main concern for these organizations where every organization is strictly looking forward more secure environment for their own data. Several studies have proposed different types of encryption methods to protect the data over the cloud. However, the daily transactions represented by queries for such databases makes encryption is inefficient solution. Therefore, recent studies presented a mechanism for classifying the data prior to migrate into the cloud. This would reduce the need of encryption which enhances the efficiency. Yet, most of the classification methods used in the literature were based on string-based matching approach. Such approach suffers of the exact match of terms where the partial matching would not be considered. This paper aims to take the advantage of N-gram representation along with Support Vector Machine classification. A real-time data will used in the experiment. After conducting the classification, the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm will be used to encrypt the confidential data. Results showed that the proposed method outperformed the baseline encryption method. This emphasizes the usefulness of using the machine learning techniques for the process of classifying the data based on confidentiality