10 research outputs found

    Potential of novel desert microalgae and cyanobacteria for commercial applications and CO2 sequestration

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    CO2 fixation by phototrophic microalgae and cyanobacteria is seen as a possible global carbon emissions reducer; however, novel microalgae and cyanobacterial strains with tolerance to elevated temperatures and CO2 concentrations are essential for further development of algae-based carbon capture. Four novel strains isolated from the Arabian Gulf were investigated for their thermotolerance and CO2-tolerance, as well as their carbon capture capability. Two strains, Leptolyngbya sp. and Picochlorum sp., grew well at 40 °C, with productivities of 106.6 ± 10.0 and 87.5 ± 2.1 mg biomass L−1 d−1, respectively. Tetraselmis sp. isolate showed the highest biomass productivity and carbon capture rate of 157.7 ± 10.3 mg biomass L−1 d−1 and 270.8 ± 23.9 mg CO2 L−1 d−1, respectively, both at 30 °C. Under 20% CO2, the biomass productivity increased over 2-fold for both Tetraselmis and Picochlorum isolates, to 333.8 ± 41.1 and 244.7 ± 29.5 mg biomass L−1 d−1. These two isolates also presented significant amounts of lipids, up to 25.6 ± 0.9% and 28.0 ± 2.0% (w/w), as well as presence of EPA and DHA. Picochlorum sp. was found to have a suitable FAME profile for biodiesel production. Both Tetraselmis and Picochlorum isolates showed promising characteristics, making them valuable strains for further investigation towards commercial applications and CO2 capture.The authors would like to thank Mahroof Eroth, Dr. Ahmed Easa, and Dr. Abdulrahman Al Muftah from Qatar University, Andy Selwood from Cawthron Institute, and the QDVC team for their support. This work was supported by QDVC and Qatar University [Project QUEX-CAS-QDVC-14/15-7]

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    انتشار طور التحول في بللورات ذات نسب تكوين مختلفة من ثنائي كبريتات الليثوم والروبيديوم

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    The influence of changing the ratio of Li2S04 on the structure transition of (RbxLi1-x)2S04 , LRS crystals, where x ranged from 0.1 to 0. 7, was studied by thermal analysis techniques in the temperature range 300 - 600 K. Multiple peaks in the DT A traces were observed for crystals having x = 0.1 and x = 0.2. The values of CP decreased while that ofT, increased with increasing Rb+ content. The excess of the specific heat for LRS crystals showed a broadening in the temperature dependence especially for samples enriched with Rb+. These results could be considered on the development of the ordering of SO4 and Li04 and in their arrangement.تم دراسة تأثير تغير نسبة كبريتات الليثوم على التحول البللوري لبللورات من النظام 2 so4(Rbxli1-x)حيث x تتراوح بين 0.1-0.7 ‏وذلك باستخدام جهاز التحليل الحراري في مدى درجات الحرارة 300-600 ‏درجة مطلقة . أظهرت التجارب المعملية وجود قمم متعددة في منحني التحليل الحراري التفاضلي للبلورات التي تحتوي على x=0.1,0.2 من الروبيديوم ، كما وجد أن قيمة الحرارة النوعية تحت ضغط ثابت تقل بينما درجة حرارة التحول الطوري تزداد مع زيادة كمية الروبيديوم كما لوحظ أن التغير في الحرارة النوعية مع درجة الحرارة يصبح أكثر اتساعا وبصفة خاصة للبلورات التي بها كميات كبيرة من الروبيديوم . وهذه النتائج يمكن اعتبارها إعادة توزيع Loi4,so4 داخل الهيكل البللوري

    التغير الطوري عند درجات الحرارة المنخفضة وتأثير تطعيم بلورات كبريتات ثلاثي الجليسين على العزل والتوصيل الكهربي تحت تأثير مجال كهربي متردد

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    The problem of the existence of a new ferroelectric phase transition at low temperatures in TGS crystals is discussed. The influence of some inorganic divalent and trivalent ions presented in the lattice of TGS on dielectric and a.c. conduction is examined. The internal biasing field caused by the existence of dopants in TGS crystals is found to have an effect similar to the effect of an external biasing field working on the crystal. A small thermal hysteresis in the dielectric behaviour is detected at the transition temperature. Both a.c. conductivity and activation energy change as a result of the existence of the distorted lattice caused by the dopants. The consistency between the results of the dielectric constant and the a.c. conductivity is quite noticeableبينت النتائج التي توصل إليها هذا البحث عدم ظهور دلائل تشير إلى وجود تغير في الطور عند درجات الحرارة المنخفضة سواء عند قياس ثابت العزل أو المقاومة الكهربية تحت تأثير مجال كهربي متردد وأيضا سواء للبلورات النقية أو لتلك المطعمة بأيونات شائبة مما يؤكد عدم قدرة تجارب أطياف رامن على اكتشاف وجود التغيرات الطورية في المواد الفروكهربية . توصلت النتائج أيضا إلى أن قيم ثابت العزل تتغير تحت تأثير إضافة أيونات ثنائية وثلاثية التكافؤ أما سلوك ثابت العزل مع دوجة الحرارة فإنه يبقى كما هو . الازاحة التي تنشأ في دوجة حرارة كوري إزاحة لا تتعدى 0.8 درجة فيما عدا حالة البلورات المطعمة بالكروم حيث تصل الازاحة إلى 2.2 درجة . ينشأ عن وجود الأيونات الدخيلة مجال انحيازي داخلي له نفس السلوك الذي ينشأ عن مجال انحيازي خارجي ولكن بتأثير مضاعف على ثابت العزل لهذه البلورات . أثبتت التجارب وجود عروة تخلف حراري عرضها حوالي 1.1 درجة ووجود هذه العروة إنما هو من مظاهر التغيرات الطورية من الرتبة الأولى . تم قياس المقاومة الكهربية تحت تأثير مجال كهربي متردد وقد لوحظ التشابه بين سلوك العزل والتوصيل الكهربي مع تغير درجة الحرارة. تتغير قيم المقاومة - الكهربية وطاقة التنشيط من عينة لأخرى على حسب ما بها من أيونات شائبة كما تتغير تلك القيم لنفس العينة في طور الفروكهربية عنها في طور الباراكهربية . أمكن حساب التوصيل الكهربي بمعلومية ثابت العزل وزاوية الفقد ووجد تطابقا في النتائج مع القيم المقاسة عمليا في طور الباراكهربية بينما أمكن تفسير الفرق بين القياسات العملية والحسابات النظرية في طور الفروكهربية

    تأثير تطعيم بلورات كبريثات ثلاني الجليسين بأيونات ثنائية وثلاثية التاكافؤ على الاستقطاب التلقائي والبيزوكهربية

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    The polarization, coercive field,piezoelectricity and electromechanical coupling for pure and doped single crystals of TGS arp investigated in the temperature range 77-325 K. The influence of the divalent ions Ni 2+, Cu2 and Co2 and the trivalent ions Cr34^ and Fe3'1' on the temperature of phase transition, the hysteresis loops of polarization and the seconed coefficient in the expansion of the free energy in powers of polarization is examined. The temperature dependence of the spontaneous polarization, coercive field and the piezoelectric and electromechanical coupling coefficients are studied and the results obtianed are compared. The existence of a new ferroelectric phase transition in the low temperature range is also discussed.يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة تأثير إضافة أيونات ثنائية وثلاثية التكافؤ إلى محلول إنماء بلورات كبريتات ثلاثي الجليسين على الاستقطاب التلقائي والبيزوكهربية كما يهدف إلى التأكد من وجود تغير في الطور عند درجات الحرارة المنخفضة أشار إلى وجوده بحث أجرى لدراسة طيف رامن لهذه البلورات . دلت النتائج على أن وجود الأيونات الشائبة تعمل على نقص الاستقطاب التلقائي Ps في حير يظل سلوك تغير Ps مع تغير درجة الحرارة محتفظا بهيئته التي هو عليها للبلورات النقية .يضمحل الاستقطاب التلقائي بسرعة بالقرب من درجة حرارة الانتقال الطوري وتكون العلاقة بين p2s ودرجة الحرارة في هذه المنطقة علاقة خط مستقيم أمكن منها تعيين المعامل الثاني في مفكوك الجهد كدالة في Ps وقيمته في حالة العينات النقية تتفق مع نتائج الأبحاث المنشورة . لوحظ أن درجة حرارة الانتقال الطوري Tc في حالة البلورات المطعمة لشوائب ثنائية التكافؤ متساوية تقريبا وهي لا تختلف كثيرا عن Tc للعينات النقية ولكن في حالة الكروم ثلاثي التكافؤ تنخفض Tc بمقدار 2.2 درجة تقريبا . يتغير المجال القهري Ec بتغير درجة الحرارة بنفس الصورة التي يتغير بها الاستقطاب التلقائي مع درجة الحرارة . بالقرب من درجة حرارة الانتقال الطوري . العلاقة بين T,Tc على الصورة : Ec=Const.(Tc-t)s تختلف من حالة إلى أخرى وهي تساوي 0.77 في حالة العينات النقية ، هذه القيمة لا تختلف كثيرا عن القيم المنشورة ولكنها تساوي نصف القيمة التي تعطيها النظريات . تصل (س) إلى 1.48 في حالة العينات المطعمة بأيونات النحاس . تمت دراسة سلوك تغير معامل البيزوكهربية بتغير درجة الحرارة ولوحظ أن معامل البيزوكهربية يختفي عند درجة حرارة الانتقال الطوري وما بعدها في حالة العينات النقية وتلك المطعمة بالكوبلت والنيكل بينما في حالة الشوائب الثلاثة الأخرى يظل معامل البيزوكهربية موجودا لفترة حرارية صغيرة بعد درجة حرارة الانتقال الطوري . اضافة أيون الكوبلت ثنائي التكافؤ يزيد من قابلية المادة لتحويل الطاقة الميكانيكية إلى طاقة كهربية بينما يعمل أيون النحاس ثنائي التكافؤ على نقص هذه القابلية . أظهرت التجارب عدم وجود دلائل تشير إلى حدوث تغير في الطور عند درجات الحرارة المنخفضة ومن وجهة نظرنا فان تجارب طيف رامن ليست هي الأنسب في الكشف عن التغيرات الطورية في المواد الفروكهربية ولكن يكون ذلك عن طريق قياس ثابت العازل آو الاستقطاب التلقائي لهذه البلورات

    Improvement of both lipid and biomass productivities of Qatar Chlorocystis isolate for biodiesel production and food security

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    Microalgae are considered a very promising alternative for biofuel production. Several strategies were developed to modulate and improve algae metabolites production to meet the requirements for biodiesel production. Most previous research evidenced that the increase of the lipid content is accompanied by a decrease of the biomass production, which increases the cost of the downstream processing. Hence, the challenge is to find special culture conditions that increase the lipid and the biomass productivities simultaneously. In the present work, we developed a strategy for the improvement of biomass and lipid productivities in a novel local microalga isolate, Chlorocystis sp. QUCCCM14, which was not previously known as a promising strain. Indeed, culturing QUCCCM14 using f/2 medium with 10? NaH2PO4 (0.15 g L?1 NaNO3 and 5.6 mg L?1 NaH2PO4) resulted in an improvement of 3.178 folds the lipid productivity reaching 56.121 mg L?1 day?1 and enhanced the biomass productivity reaching 141.363 mg L?1 day?1, simultaneously. Comparative analyses of the FAME profiles demonstrated that fed-batch culture with phosphate or nitrate separately leads to a high production of the omega 3 fatty acids (Linolenic acid), whereas fed-batch culture with phosphate and nitrate simultaneously increased the production of fatty acids suitable for biodiesel production. ? 2018 Japanese Society of PhycologyThis report was made possible by the NPRP award [NPRP8-1087-1-207] from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of The Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Table of contents O1 Regulation of genes by telomere length over long distances Jerry W. Shay O2 The microtubule destabilizer KIF2A regulates the postnatal establishment of neuronal circuits in addition to prenatal cell survival, cell migration, and axon elongation, and its loss leading to malformation of cortical development and severe epilepsy Noriko Homma, Ruyun Zhou, Muhammad Imran Naseer, Adeel G. Chaudhary, Mohammed Al-Qahtani, Nobutaka Hirokawa O3 Integration of metagenomics and metabolomics in gut microbiome research Maryam Goudarzi, Albert J. Fornace Jr. O4 A unique integrated system to discern pathogenesis of central nervous system tumors Saleh Baeesa, Deema Hussain, Mohammed Bangash, Fahad Alghamdi, Hans-Juergen Schulten, Angel Carracedo, Ishaq Khan, Hanadi Qashqari, Nawal Madkhali, Mohamad Saka, Kulvinder S. Saini, Awatif Jamal, Jaudah Al-Maghrabi, Adel Abuzenadah, Adeel Chaudhary, Mohammed Al Qahtani, Ghazi Damanhouri O5 RPL27A is a target of miR-595 and deficiency contributes to ribosomal dysgenesis Heba Alkhatabi O6 Next generation DNA sequencing panels for haemostatic and platelet disorders and for Fanconi anaemia in routine diagnostic service Anne Goodeve, Laura Crookes, Nikolas Niksic, Nicholas Beauchamp O7 Targeted sequencing panels and their utilization in personalized medicine Adel M. Abuzenadah O8 International biobanking in the era of precision medicine Jim Vaught O9 Biobank and biodata for clinical and forensic applications Bruce Budowle, Mourad Assidi, Abdelbaset Buhmeida O10 Tissue microarray technique: a powerful adjunct tool for molecular profiling of solid tumors Jaudah Al-Maghrabi O11 The CEGMR biobanking unit: achievements, challenges and future plans Abdelbaset Buhmeida, Mourad Assidi, Leena Merdad O12 Phylomedicine of tumors Sudhir Kumar, Sayaka Miura, Karen Gomez O13 Clinical implementation of pharmacogenomics for colorectal cancer treatment Angel Carracedo, Mahmood Rasool O14 From association to causality: translation of GWAS findings for genomic medicine Ahmed Rebai O15 E-GRASP: an interactive database and web application for efficient analysis of disease-associated genetic information Sajjad Karim, Hend F Nour Eldin, Heba Abusamra, Elham M Alhathli, Nada Salem, Mohammed H Al-Qahtani, Sudhir Kumar O16 The supercomputer facility “AZIZ” at KAU: utility and future prospects Hossam Faheem O17 New research into the causes of male infertility Ashok Agarwa O18 The Klinefelter syndrome: recent progress in pathophysiology and management Eberhard Nieschlag, Joachim Wistuba, Oliver S. Damm, Mohd A. Beg, Taha A. Abdel-Meguid, Hisham A. Mosli, Osama S. Bajouh, Adel M. Abuzenadah, Mohammed H. Al-Qahtani O19 A new look to reproductive medicine in the era of genomics Serdar Coskun P1 Wnt signalling receptors expression in Saudi breast cancer patients Muhammad Abu-Elmagd, Abdelbaset Buhmeida, Ashraf Dallol, Jaudah Al-Maghrabi, Sahar Hakamy, Wejdan Al-Qahtani, Asia Al-Harbi, Shireen Hussain, Mourad Assidi, Mohammed Al-Qahtani, Adel Abuzenadah P2 Analysis of oxidative stress interactome during spermatogenesis: a systems biology approach to reproduction Burak Ozkosem, Rick DuBois P3 Interleukin-18 gene variants are strongly associated with idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss. Safia S Messaoudi, Maryam T Dandana, Touhami Mahjoub, Wassim Y Almawi P4 Effect of environmental factors on gene-gene and gene-environment reactions: model and theoretical study applied to environmental interventions using genotype S. Abdalla, M. Nabil Al-Aama P5 Genomics and transcriptomic analysis of imatinib resistance in gastrointestinal stromal tumor Asmaa Elzawahry, Tsuyoshi Takahashi, Sachiyo Mimaki, Eisaku Furukawa, Rie Nakatsuka, Isao Kurosaka, Takahiko Nishigaki, Hiromi Nakamura, Satoshi Serada, Tetsuji Naka, Seiichi Hirota, Tatsuhiro Shibata, Katsuya Tsuchihara, Toshirou Nishida, Mamoru Kato P6 In-Silico analysis of putative HCV epitopes against Pakistani human leukocyte antigen background: an approach towards development of future vaccines for Pakistani population Sajid Mehmood, Naeem Mahmood Ashraf, Awais Asif, Muhammad Bilal, Malik Siddique Mehmood, Aadil Hussain P7 Inhibition of AChE and BuChE with the natural compounds of Bacopa monerri for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: a bioinformatics approach Qazi Mohammad Sajid Jamal, Mughees Uddin Siddiqui, Mohammad A. Alzohairy, Mohammad A. Al Karaawi P8 Her2 expression in urothelial cell carcinoma of the bladder in Saudi Arabia Taoufik Nedjadi, Jaudah Al-Maghrabi, Mourad Assidi, Heba Al-Khattabi, Adel Al-Ammari, Ahmed Al-Sayyad, Abdelbaset Buhmeida, Mohammed Al-Qahtani P9 Association of angiotensinogen single nucleotide polymorphisms with Preeclampsia in patients from North Africa Hédia Zitouni, Nozha Raguema, Marwa Ben Ali, Wided Malah, Raja Lfalah, Wassim Almawi, Touhami Mahjoub P10 Systems biology analysis reveals relations between normal skin, benign nevi and malignant melanoma Mohammed Elanbari, Andrey Ptitsyn P11 The apoptotic effect of thymoquinone in Jurkat cells Sana Mahjoub, Rabeb El Ghali, Bechir Achour, Nidhal Ben Amor, Mourad Assidi, Brahim N'siri, Hamid Morjani P12 Sonic hedgehog contributes in bladder cancer invasion in Saudi Arabia Taoufik Nedjadi, Adel Al-Ammari, Ahmed Al-Sayyad, Nada Salem, Esam Azhar, Jaudah Al-Maghrabi P13 Association of Interleukin 18 gene promoter polymorphisms - 607A/C and -137 G/C with colorectal cancer onset in a sample of Tunisian population Vera Chayeb, Maryam Dendena, Hedia Zitouni, Khedija Zouari-Limayem, Touhami Mahjoub P14 Pathological expression of interleukin-6, -11, leukemia inhibitory factor and their receptors in tubal gestation with and without tubal cytomegalovirus infection Bassem Refaat, Ahmed M Ashshi, Sarah A Batwa P15 Phenotypic and genetic profiling of avian pathogenic and human diarrhegenic Escherichia coli in Egypt Hazem Ramadan, Amal Awad, Ahmed Ateya P16 Cancer-targeting dual gene virotherapy as a promising therapeutic strategy for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma Adel Galal Ahmed El-Shemi, Ahmad Ashshi, Mohammed Basalamah, Youjin Na, Chae-Ok YUN P17 Cancer dual gene therapy with oncolytic adenoviruses expressing TRAIL and IL-12 transgenes markedly eradicated human hepatocellular carcinoma both in vitro and in vivo Adel Galal Ahmed El-Shemi, Ahmad Ashshi, Mohammed Basalamah, Youjin Na, Chae-Ok Yun P18 Therapy with paricalcitol attenuates tumor growth and augments tumoricidal and anti-oncogenic effects of 5-fluorouracil on animal model of colon cancer Adel Galal El-Shemi, Bassem Refaat, Osama Kensara, Amr Abdelfattah P19 The effects of Rubus idaeus extract on normal human lymphocytes and cancer cell line Batol Imran Dheeb, Mohammed M. F. Al-Halbosiy, Rghad Kadhim Al lihabi, Basim Mohammed Khashman P20 Etanercept, a TNF-alpha inhibitor, alleviates mechanical hypersensitivity and spontaneous pain in a rat model of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain Djouhri, Laiche, Chaudhary Adeel, Nedjadi, Taoufik P21 Sleeping beauty mutagenesis system identified genes and neuronal transcription factor network involved in pediatric solid tumour (medulloblastoma) Hani Al-Afghani, Maria Łastowska, Haya H Al-Balool, Harsh Sheth, Emma Mercer, Jonathan M Coxhead, Chris PF Redfern, Heiko Peters, Alastair D Burt, Mauro Santibanez-Koref, Chris M Bacon, Louis Chesler, Alistair G Rust, David J Adams, Daniel Williamson, Steven C Clifford, Michael S Jackson P22 Involvement of interleukin-1 in vitiligo pathogenesis Mala Singh, Mohmmad Shoab Mansuri, Shahnawaz D. Jadeja, Hima Patel, Yogesh S. Marfatia, Rasheedunnisa Begum P23 Cytogenetics abnormalities in 12,884 referred population for chromosomal analysis and the role of FISH in refining the diagnosis (cytogenetic experience 2004-2013) Amal M Mohamed, Alaa K Kamel, Nivin A Helmy, Sayda A Hammad, Hesham F Kayed, Marwa I Shehab, Assad El Gerzawy, Maha M. Ead, Ola M Ead, Mona Mekkawy, Innas Mazen, Mona El-Ruby P24 Analysis of binding properties of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 through in silico method S. M. A. Shahid, Qazi Mohammad Sajid Jamal, J. M. Arif, Mohtashim Lohani P25 Relationship of genetics markers cis and trans to the β-S globin gene with fetal hemoglobin expression in Tunisian sickle cell patients Moumni Imen, Chaouch Leila, Ouragini Houyem, Douzi Kais, Chaouachi Dorra Mellouli Fethi, Bejaoui Mohamed, Abbes Salem P26 Analysis of estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphisms in breast cancer: link to genetic predisposition in Sudanese women Areeg Faggad, Amanuel T Gebreslasie, Hani Y Zaki, Badreldin E Abdalla P27 KCNQI gene polymorphism and its association with CVD and T2DM in the Saudi population Maha S AlShammari, Rhaya Al-Ali, Nader Al-Balawi , Mansour Al-Enazi, Ali Al-Muraikhi, Fadi Busaleh, Ali Al-Sahwan, Francis Borgio, Abdulazeez Sayyed, Amein Al-Ali, Sadananda Acharya P28 Clinical, neuroimaging and cytogenetic study of a patient with microcephaly capillary malformation syndrome Maha S. Zaki, Hala T. El-Bassyouni, Marwa I. Shehab P29 Altered expression of CD200R1 on dendritic cells of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases: in silico investigations and clinical evaluations Mohammed F. Elshal, Kaleemuddin M., Alia M. Aldahlawi, Omar Saadah, J. Philip McCoy P30 Development of real time PCR diagnostic protocol specific for the Saudi Arabian H1N1 viral strains Adel E El-Tarras, Nabil S Awad, Abdulla A Alharthi, Mohamed M M Ibrahim P31 Identification of novel genetic variations affecting Osteoarthritis patients Haneen S Alsehli, Ashraf Dallol, Abdullah M Gari, Mohammed M Abbas, Roaa A Kadam, Mazen M. Gari, Mohmmed H Alkaff, Adel M Abuzenadah, Mamdooh A Gari P32 An integrated database of GWAS SNVs and their evolutionary properties Heba Abusamra, Sajjad Karim, Hend F Nour eldin, Elham M Alhathli, Nada Salem, Sudhir Kumar, Mohammed H Al-Qahtani P33 Familial hypercholesterolemia in Saudi Arabia: prime time for a national registry and genetic analysis Fatima A. Moradi, Omran M. Rashidi, Zuhier A. Awan P34 Comparative genomics and network-based analyses of early hepatocellular carcinoma Ibrahim Hamza Kaya, Olfat Al-Harazi, Dilek Colak P35 A TALEN-based oncolytic viral vector approach to knock out ABCB1 gene mediated chemoresistance in cancer stem cells Nabila A Alkousi, Takis Athanasopoulos P36 Cartilage differentiation and gene expression of synovial fluid mesenchymal stem cells derived from osteoarthritis patients Afnan O Bahmaid, Etimad A Alhwait, Mamdooh A Gari, Haneen S Alsehli, Mohammed M Abbas, Mohammed H Alkaf, Roaa Kadam, Ashraf Dallol, Gauthaman Kalamegam P37 E-GRASP: Adding an evolutionary component to the genome-wide repository of associations (GRASP) resource Hend F Nour Eldin, Sajjad Karim, Heba Abusamra, Elham Alhathli, Nada Salem, Mohammed H Al-Qahtani, Sudhir Kumar P38 Screening of AGL gene mutation in Saudi family with glycogen storage disease Type III Salma N Alsayed, Fawziah H Aljohani, Samaher M Habeeb, Rawan A Almashali, Sulman Basit, Samia M Ahmed P39 High throughput proteomic data suggest modulation of cAMP dependent protein kinase A and mitochondrial function in infertile patients with varicocele Rakesh Sharma, Ashok Agarwal, Damayanthi Durairajanayagam, Luna Samanta, Muhammad Abu-Elmagd, Adel M. Abuzenadah, Edmund S. Sabanegh, Mourad Assidi, Mohammed Al-Qahtani P40 Significant protein profile alterations in men with primary and secondary infertility Ashok Agarwal, Rakesh Sharma, Luna Samanta, Damayanthi Durairajanayagam, Mourad Assidi, Muhammad Abu-Elmagd, Mohammed Al-Qahtani, Adel M. Abuzenadah, Edmund S. Sabanegh P41 Spermatozoa maturation in infertile patients involves compromised expression of heat shock proteins Luna Samanta, Ashok Agarwal, Rakesh Sharma, Zhihong Cui, Mourad Assidi, Adel M. Abuzenadah, Muhammad Abu-Elmagd, Mohammed Al-Qahtani P42 Array comparative genomic hybridization approach to search genomic answers for spontaneous recurrent abortion in Saudi Arabia Alaa A Alboogmi, Nuha A Alansari, Maha M Al-Quaiti, Fai T Ashgan, Afnan Bandah, Hasan S Jamal, Abdullraheem Rozi, Zeenat Mirza, Adel M Abuzenadah, Sajjad Karim, Mohammed H Al-Qahtani P43 Global gene expression profiling of Saudi kidney cancer patients Sajjad Karim, Hans-Juergen Schulten, Ahmad J Al Sayyad, Hasan MA Farsi, Jaudah A Al-Maghrabi, Zeenat Mirza, Reem Alotibi, Alaa Al-Ahmadi, Nuha A Alansari, Alaa A Albogmi, Maha M Al-Quaiti, Fai T Ashgan, Afnan Bandah, Mohammed H Al-Qahtani P44 Downregulated StAR gene and male reproductive dysfunction caused by nifedipine and ethosuximide Rasha A Ebiya, Samia M Darwish, Metwally M. Montaser P45 Clustering based gene expression feature selection method: A computational approach to enrich the classifier efficiency of differentially expressed genes Heba Abusamra, Vladimir B. Bajic P46 Prognostic significance of Osteopontin expression profile in colorectal carcinoma Jaudah Al-Maghrabi, Wafaey Gomaa, Mehenaz Hanbazazh, Mahmoud Al-Ahwal, Asia Al-Harbi, Wejdan Al-Qahtani, Saher Hakamy, Ghali Baba, Abdelbaset Buhmeida, Mohammed Al-Qahtani P47 High Glypican-3 expression pattern predicts longer disease-specific survival in colorectal carcinoma Jaudah Al-Maghrabi, Abdullah Al-Harbi, Mahmoud Al-Ahwal, Asia Al-Harbi, Wejdan Al-Qahtani, Sahar Hakamy, Ghalia Baba, Abdelbaset Buhmeida, Mohammed Al-Qahtani P48 An evolutionary re-assessment of GWAS single nucleotide variants implicated in the Cholesterol traits Elham M Alhathli, Sajjad Karim, Nada Salem, Hend Nour Eldin, Heba Abusamra, Sudhir Kumar, Mohammed H Al-Qahtani P49 Derivation and characterization of human Wharton’s jelly stem cells (hWJSCs) in vitro for future therapeutic applications Aisha A Alyamani, Gauthaman Kalamegam, Etimad A Alhwait, Mamdooh A Gari, Mohammed M Abbas, Mohammed H Alkaf, Haneen S Alsehli, Roaa A Kadam, Mohammed Al-Qahtani P50 Attitudes of healthcare students toward biomedical research in the post-genomic era Rawan Gadi, Abdelbaset Buhmeida, Mourad Assidi , Adeel Chaudhary, Leena Merdad P51 Evaluation of the immunomodulatory effects of thymoquinone on human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) from osteoarthritic patients Saadiah M Alfakeeh, Etimad A Alhwait, Mamdooh A Gari, Mohammed M Abbas, Mohammed H Alkaf, Haneen S Alsehli, Roaa Kadam, Gauthaman Kalamegam P52 Implication of IL-10 and IL-28 polymorphism with successful anti-HCV therapy and viral clearance Rubi Ghazala, Shilu Mathew, M.Haroon Hamed, Mourad Assidi, Mohammed Al-Qahtani, Ishtiaq Qadri P53 Selection of flavonoids against obesity protein (FTO) using in silico and in vitro approaches Shilu Mathew, Lobna Mira, Manal Shaabad, Shireen Hussain, Mourad Assidi, Muhammad Abu-Elmagd, Mohammed Al-Qahtani P54 Computational selection and in vitro validation of flavonoids as new antidepressant agents Shilu Mathew, Manal Shaabad, Lobna Mira, Shireen Hussain, Mourad Assidi, Muhammad Abu-Elmagd, Mohammed Al-Qahtani P55 In Silico prediction and prioritization of aging candidate genes associated with progressive telomere shortening Ahmed Rebai, Mourad Assidi, Abdelbaset Buhmeida, Muhammad Abu-Elmagd, Ashraf Dallol, Jerry W Shay P56 Identification of new cancer testis antigen genes in diverse types of malignant human tumour cells Mikhlid H Almutairi P57 More comprehensive forensic genetic marker analyses for accurate human remains identification using massively parallel sequencing (MPS) Angie Ambers, Jennifer Churchill, Jonathan King, Monika Stoljarova, Harrell Gill-King, Mourad Assidi, Muhammad Abu-Elmagd, Abdelbaset Buhmeida, Muhammad Al-Qatani, Bruce Budowle P58 Flow cytometry approach towards treatment men infertility in Saudi Arabia Muhammad Abu-Elmagd, Farid Ahmed, Ashraf Dallol, Mourad Assidi, Taha Abo Almagd, Sahar Hakamy, Ashok Agarwal, Muhammad Al-Qahtani, Adel Abuzenadah P59 Tissue microarray based validation of CyclinD1 expression in renal cell carcinoma of Saudi kidney patients Sajjad Karim, Hans-Juergen Schulten, Ahmad J Al Sayyad, Hasan MA Farsi, Jaudah A Al-Maghrabi, Abdelbaset Buhmaida, Zeenat Mirza, Reem Alotibi, Alaa Al-Ahmadi, Nuha A Alansari, Alaa A Albogmi, Maha M Al-Quaiti, Fai T Ashgan, Afnan Bandah, Mohammed H Al-Qahtani P60 Assessment of gold nanoparticles in molecular diagnostics and DNA damage studies Rukhsana Satar, Mahmood Rasool, Waseem Ahmad, Nazia Nazam, Mohamad I Lone, Muhammad I Naseer, Mohammad S Jamal, Syed K Zaidi, Peter N Pushparaj, Mohammad A Jafri, Shakeel A Ansari, Mohammed H Alqahtani P61 Surfing the biospecimen management and processing workflow at CEGMR Biobank Hanan Bashier, Abrar Al Qahtani, Shilu Mathew, Amal M. Nour, Heba Alkhatabi, Adel M. Abu Zenadah, Abdelbaset Buhmeida, Mourad Assidi, Muhammed Al Qahtani P62 Autism Spectrum Disorder: knowledge, attitude and awareness in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Muhammad Faheem, Shilu Mathew, Shiny Mathew, Peter Natesan Pushparaj, Mohammad H. Al-Qahtani P63 Simultaneous genetic screening of the coagulation pathway genes using the Thromboscan targeted sequencing panel Hani A. Alhadrami, Ashraf Dallol, Adel Abuzenadah P64 Genome wide array comparative genomic hybridization analysis in patients with syndromic congenital heart defects Ibtessam R. Hussein, Adeel G. Chaudhary, Rima S Bader, Randa Bassiouni, Maha Alquaiti, Fai Ashgan, Hans Schulten, Mohamed Nabil Alama, Mohammad H. Al Qahtani P65 Toxocogenetic evaluation of 1, 2-Dichloroethane in bone marrow, blood and cells of immune system using conventional, molecular and flowcytometric approaches Mohammad I Lone, Nazia Nizam, Waseem Ahmad, Mohammad A Jafri, Mahmood Rasool, Shakeel A Ansari, Muhammed H Al-Qahtani P66 Molecular cytogenetic diagnosis of sexual development disorders in newborn: A case of ambiguous genitalia Eradah Alshihri, Muhammad Abu-Elmagd, Lina Alharbi, Mourad Assidi, Mohammed Al-Qahtani P67 Identification of disease specific gene expression clusters and pathways in hepatocellular carcinoma using In Silico methodologies Shilu Mathew, Peter Pushparaj Natesan, Muhammed Al Qahtani P68 Human Wharton’s Jelly stem cell conditioned medium inhibits primary ovarian cancer cells in vitro: Identification of probable targets and mechanisms using systems biology Gauthaman Kalamegam, Peter Natesan Pushparaj, Fazal Khan, Roaa Kadam, Farid Ahmed, Mourad Assidi, Khalid Hussain Wali Sait, Nisreen Anfinan, Mohammed Al Qahtani P69 Mutation spectrum of ASPM (Abnormal Spindle-like, Microcephaly-associated) gene in Saudi Arabian population Muhammad I Naseer, Adeel G Chaudhary, Mohammad S Jamal, Shilu Mathew, Lobna S Mira, Peter N Pushparaj, Shakeel A Ansari, Mahmood Rasool, Mohammed H AlQahtani P70 Identification and characterization of novel genes and mutations of primary microcephaly in Saudi Arabian population Muhammad I Naseer, Adeel G Chaudhary, Shilu Mathew, Lobna S Mira, Mohammad S Jamal, Sameera Sogaty, Randa I Bassiouni, Mahmood Rasool, Mohammed H AlQahtani P71 Molecular genetic analysis of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (Lynch Syndrome) in Saudi Arabian population Mahmood Rasool, Shakeel A Ansari, Mohammad S Jamal, Peter N Pushparaj, Abdulrahman MS Sibiani, Waseem Ahmad, Abdelbaset Buhmeida, Mohammad A Jafri, Mohiuddin K Warsi, Muhammad I Naseer, Mohammed H Al-Qahtani P72 Function predication of hypothetical proteins from genome database of chlamydia trachomatis Rubi, Kundan Kumar, Ahmad AT Naqvi, Faizan Ahmad, Md