3,309 research outputs found


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    Toxicity is toxic relative character related with its potential to cause negative effect for living creature. Water pollution is the entrance of living creature, element, energy, and another component in water by human activity so that the water quality decreased into certain level which caused the water couldn’t function as the general function. The research purpose is to find out the influence of various kind and concentrate of detergent to gills corruptness and mortality of gold fish (Cyprinus carpio), to find out the detergent brand which has the highest level to gold fish gills corruptness and mortality, beside, the research aimed to find out the influence of combination of kind and concentrate of detergent to the corruption of fish gills and mortality of gold fish. The research was true experimental research. The experiment design used complete random design with 20 treatments, they were four kinds of detergents and each of detergent has 0.08 mg/L, 0.04 g/L, 0.07 g/L, 0.10 g/L, 0.13 g/L concentrates. While 4 detergents used were Attack, Rinso, Wings biru, dan Krim ekonomi. Sampling technique used to Simple Random Sampling. Research indicator was the level of fish gills corruption and mortality of gold fish.. Data analysis used two way ANAVA continued with Duncan’s Test 1%. According to two way ANAVA test, there showed that there is influence of detergent kind and concentrate to the level of gills corruptness and mortality of Gold fish (Cyprinus carpio). From the Duncan’s Test 1%, concentrate of Wings Biru brand 0.13 g/L had the highest influence to the level of gills corruptness and mortality of gold fish. Attack Detergent concentrate 0.008 had the smallest influence


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    Pertumbuhan volume lalu lintas khususnya pada ruas jalan perkotaan terus mengalami peningkatan dengan pesat. Salah satu penyebab pesatnya pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan tersebut terutama di kota-kota besar adalah pemenuhan kebutuhan individu, misalnya dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan akan pekerjaan, pendidikan, kesehatan dan lain sebagainya. Dalam perencanaanya, arus lalu lintas pada ruas jalan terdiri dari berbagai tipe kendaraan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sebuah nilai konversi yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah satuan mobil penumpang (smp). Faktor konversi tersebut dikenal dengan ekivalensi mobil penumpang (emp). Nilai ekivalensi mobil penumpang (emp) antara ruas jalan masing-masing kota atau negara memiliki perbedaan. Nilai ekivalensi mobil penumpang (emp) di Indonesia telah ditetapkan dalam Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997. MKJI 1997 disusun dan dibuat berdasarkan keadaan lalu lintas pada tahun sebelum 1997. Nilai ekivalensi mobil penumpang tersebut belum tentu sesuai dengan keadaan lalu lintas pada kondisi sekarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung nilai ekivalen mobil penumpang pada ruas jalan perkotaan yaitu Jalan T. Nyak Arief, Jeulingke Kota Banda Aceh pada keadaan saat ini dan membandingkan nilai ekivalensi mobil penumpang (emp) penelitian ini dengan nilai ekivalensi penumpang (emp) yang terdapat pada Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997. Metode yang digunakan dalam menghitung nilai ekivalen mobil penumpang ini adalah metode basis kapasitas. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah volume, komposisi lalu-lintas, hambatan samping, peta jaringan Jalan Kota Banda Aceh, peta lokasi penelitian yaitu Jalan T.Nyak Arief dan jumlah penduduk Kota Banda Aceh. Berdasarkan pengumpulan dan pengolahan data, hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah nilai ekivalen mobil penumpang (emp) pada Jalan T. Nyak Arief, Jeulingke Kota Banda Aceh yaitu untuk kendaraan ringan (1), kendaraan berat (1,7) dan sepeda motor (0,55). Sedangkan pada MKJI 1997 untuk kendaraan ringan (1), kendaraan berat (1,2) dan sepeda motor (0,25). Dengan penelitian yang dilakukan, maka diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi yang lebih akurat terutama terhadap perencanaan Tata Ruang dan Wilayah Kota Banda Aceh.Kata kunci: volume lalu-lintas, metode basis kapasitas, ekivalen mobil penumpang, MKJI 199

    Perbedaan Indeks Massa Tubuh Sebelum Pengobatan Dan Sesudah Pengobatan Pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru Di Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat Surakarta

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    Background: Tuberculosis is a major health problem in the world. Pulmonary tuberculosis is the second leading cause of death due to infectious disease after AIDS. Nutritional status of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis were significantly lower than healthy people. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection causes a decreased food intake and malabsorbtion of nutrients. Malnutrition in pulmonary tuberculosis will worsen the course of the disease and affects the prognosis of treatment and mortality. Purpose: To determine differences in Body Massa Index (BMI) before treatment and after treatment in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis at the Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat Surakarta. Method: Analytic observasional study with cross sectional approach. Sample retrieved from medical records of 2013 in BBKPM Surakarta with purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed by Paired t test in SPSS for Windows. Result: There was 216 pulmonary TB patients with a BMI 27 amounted to 7 samples . After the treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, patients with a BMI 27, totaling 17 samples . There was differences between BMI before and after treatment in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in BBKPM Surakarta p = 0.00. Conclusion: There was a significant difference in Body Mass Index before and after treatment in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in BBKPM Surakarta p=0,0

    Pengaruh Latihan Squat Dengan Menggunakan Metode Piramid Sistem Terhadap Peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai

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    Permasalahan yang penulis ajukan pada penelitian ini mengenai metode latihan piramid sistem dalam melatih power otot tungkai. Dalam perkembangan olahraga saat ini power adalah salah satu komponen kondisi fisik untuk mengembangkan performa atlet guna untuk mencapai puncak prestasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah peneliti ingin mengetahui mengenai “Pengaruh latihan squat dengan menggunakan piramid sistem terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet sepeda Club Passer Sukapura Tasikmalaya sebanyak 10 orang. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan adalah vertical jump. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisis data, maka penghitungan dan uji signifikansi peningkatan hasil latihan kelompok dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji signifikansi rata-rata uji satu pihak yaitu uji t. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah latihan squat dengan menggunakan metode piramid sistem memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan power otot tungkai.---------- The problem that proposed by author in this study is pyramid system training method to train leg muscle power. In the rapid development of the sport this day, power is one component of physical condition to impove athlete’s performances in order to achieve top performance. In this research, the researcher is trying to analyze about “The influence of squat exercise by using a pyramid system method to improve leg muscle power” The method used in this study is an experimental method using the technique of sampling, purvosive sampling. The sample in this study is 10 people/member of the cyclist club passer sukapura Tasikmalaya. The instrument that used in this research is vertical jump. Based on the result of data analysis and processing, calculation and tests of significance of group exercise enhancement is conducted by using a significance average one hand test, T test. The conculsion of this study is the squat exercise using the pyramid system have a significance influence to improve the leg muscle power

    Constraint-Aware, Scalable, and Efficient Algorithms for Multi-Chip Power Module Layout Optimization

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    Moving towards an electrified world requires ultra high-density power converters. Electric vehicles, electrified aerospace, data centers, etc. are just a few fields among wide application areas of power electronic systems, where high-density power converters are essential. As a critical part of these power converters, power semiconductor modules and their layout optimization has been identified as a crucial step in achieving the maximum performance and density for wide bandgap technologies (i.e., GaN and SiC). New packaging technologies are also introduced to produce reliable and efficient multichip power module (MCPM) designs to push the current limits. The complexity of the emerging MCPM layouts is surpassing the capability of a manual, iterative design process to produce an optimum design with agile development requirements. An electronic design automation tool called PowerSynth has been introduced with ongoing research toward enhanced capabilities to speed up the optimized MCPM layout design process. This dissertation presents the PowerSynth progression timeline with the methodology updates and corresponding critical results compared to v1.1. The first released version (v1.1) of PowerSynth demonstrated the benefits of layout abstraction, and reduced-order modeling techniques to perform rapid optimization of the MCPM module compared to the traditional, manual, and iterative design approach. However, that version is limited by several key factors: layout representation technique, layout generation algorithms, iterative design-rule-checking (DRC), optimization algorithm candidates, etc. To address these limitations, and enhance PowerSynth’s capabilities, constraint-aware, scalable, and efficient algorithms have been developed and implemented. PowerSynth layout engine has evolved from v1.3 to v2.0 throughout the last five years to incorporate the algorithm updates and generate all 2D/2.5D/3D Manhattan layout solutions. These fundamental changes in the layout generation methodology have also called for updates in the performance modeling techniques and enabled exploring different optimization algorithms. The latest PowerSynth 2 architecture has been implemented to enable electro-thermo-mechanical and reliability optimization on 2D/2.5D/3D MCPM layouts, and set up a path toward cabinet-level optimization. PowerSynth v2.0 computer-aided design (CAD) flow has been hardware-validated through manufacturing and testing of an optimized novel 3D MCPM layout. The flow has shown significant speedup compared to the manual design flow with a comparable optimization result


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    Penelitian ini ditunjukan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat partisipasi politik pemilih pemula dalam pemilukada Sumedang tahun 2013. Untuk mendapatkan gambaran besarnya tingkat partisipasi pemilih pemula pada pemilukada tersebut, maka penulis merumuskan masalah penelitian yaitu bagaimana bentuk partisipasi politik pemilih pemula dalam pemilukada Sumedang, apa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi politik pemilih pemula, kendala-kendala apa saja yang dihadapi pemilih pemula serta bagaimana upaya-upaya meningkatkan partisipasi politik yang dilakukan pemilih pemula dalam pemilukada Sumedang. Dalam pelaksanaan pemilukada, masyarakat secara umum yang terdaftar sebagai pemilih di daerah dituntut secara langsung untuk memilih kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah dengan hak pilih yang sudah mereka miliki secara bebas tanpa ada tekanan dari pihak lain, bersikap jujur dan adil. Pemilukada merupakan suatu ajang partisipasi politik masyarakat daerah dalam menentukan kepala daerah mereka masing-masing yang bersifat otonom. Penulisan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, metode deskriptif dan teknik wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi, studi literatur serta cacatan lapangan untuk mendapat gambaran yang sesungguhnya mengenai dengan objek penelitian. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa partisipasi politik pemilih pemula sangat beragam mulai dari mengikuti kegiatan seminar sosialisasi pemilukada oleh KPUD Sumedang sampai pada mengikuti kegiatan pawai kampanye. Perbedaan bentuk partisipasi politik tersebut disebabkan oleh tingkat pengetahuan dan pemahaman para pemilih pemula mengenai politik. Dalam berpartisipasi politik, para pemilih pemula dihadapkan pada kendala-kendala yang bersifat internal dan eksternal. Kendala internal ialah faktor usia. Sementara itu, kendala eksternal yang dihadapi oleh pemilih pemula ialah padatnya kegiatan persekolahan, izin dari orang tua dan faktor geografis yaitu jauhnya tempat-tempat pemungutan suara dari tempat tinggal mereka. Kedua kendala tersebut sangat menentukan tingkat partisipasi politik mereka dalam pemilukada. Para pemilih pemula perlu melakukan upaya yang lebih keras untuk menggali berbagai informasi dari sumber-sumber media yang ada agar menjadi pemilih yang cerdas, kritis dan bertanggung jawab. Serta pihak sekolah perlu adanya anjuran dan motivasi yang bersifat massive bagi para pemilih pemula untuk berperan secara aktif dalam tahapan-tahapan pemilukada sampai pada penyaluran hak pilih. Peran tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh orang tua dan para pengajar di sekolah. This study indicated to describe the level of political participation Sumedang voters in the election of 2013. To get an idea of the level of participation of voters in the election, the authors formulate the research problem is how to form political participation Sumedang voters in the election, what are the factors that affect the political participation of first-time voters, what are the constraints faced by first-time voters and how efforts to increase the political participation of committed voters in the election Sumedang. In the implementation of the election, the general public who are registered as voters in the area directly required to choose a regional head and deputy regional head with voting rights they already possess freely without pressure from others, being honest and fair. General Election is an arena of political participation of local communities in determining their regional head of each autonomous. Writing research was conducted using a qualitative approach, descriptive methods and techniques of interview, observation, documentation studies, literature studies as well as remarks field to get the real picture of the object of study. This study reveals that political participation varies voters from following the dissemination seminar Sumedang election by the Election Commission to take part in the parade on the campaign. Different forms of political participation is caused by the level of knowledge and understanding about the politics of first time voters. Participate in politics, the voters are faced with constraints that are internal and external. Internal constraints factor is age. Meanwhile, the external constraints faced by voters is dense schooling activities, parental consent and geographical factors that place away from the polling places where they live. Both of these obstacles will determine the level of their political participation in the election. The voters need to do more hard to gather information from media sources that there is to be an intelligent voter, critical and responsible. As well as the school needs to be encouragement and motivation that is massive for first time voters to participate actively in the stages of the election to the distribution of voting rights. The role can be done by the parents and the teachers at the school

    Identifikasi Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa Kelas X Sman 9 Malang Pada Topik Suhu Dan Kalor

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa pada topik suhu dan kalor. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan subjek sejumlah 90 siswa kelas X SMAN 9 Malang tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Survey dilakukan dengan memberikan soal pemecahan masalah topik suhu dan kalor sebagai ulangan harian bagi siswa yang sudah diajarkan topik tersebut oleh guru matapelajaran. Berdasarkan analisis hasil jawaban seluruh siswa diperoleh, 39.5% siswa tidak mampu mendeskripsikan masalah ke dalam fisika, 68.2% siswa menggunakan pendekatan matematis dan hanya mencobacoba (plug and chug) dalam meyelesaikan masalah, 98% siswa tidak memeriksa kembali solusi permasalahn yang diberikan. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik adalah kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa kelas X SMAN 9 Malang tahun ajaran 2015/2016 masih kurang sehingga perlu dilatih melalui kegiatan pembelajaran yang sesuai

    Abdallah ibn ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab

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    The aim of this work is to study Abdallah b. ‘Umar's life. Ibn ‘Umar lived eighty-four years (74/693 years of the hijra), being born in 613 A.D. He was first and foremost a jurist and religious leader and intellectual, and the founder of the Medinese School of Law. There fore as long as there are Muslims in the World he has been, and will be, highly esteemed by past, present and future generations of scholars and others conversant with religious instruction. There is still the need for a comprehensive study of his teaching and doctrine. The present work does not attempt to cover this need. This thesis is a biography of 'Abdallah b. ‘Umar and deals with his activities and influence as a religious jurist and founder of an important School of Law. It is composed of six chapters. The introduction gives a brief biographical note on the social and religious background of the Arabs before Islam and the life at Mecca and Medina, the cities in which Ibn ‘Umar lived. The first chapter aims to study the early life of Ibn ‘Umar, his formative years, family background, childhood, conversion to Islam and his emigration to Medina, followed by a genealogi table. The second chapter deals with his military life, his career as a cavalryman and how he assisted in gaining victory for his nation, followed by a chronology of his military career table. The third chapter deals with his political life and how he rejected the offer of the Caliphate three times. Chapter four is concerned with his intellectual achievements; this study deals with his teachers, how he established a Medinese School of Law, his approach to his teaching, and his students with a brief note of his prominent students and an example of his work as a Mufti. Chapter five deals with his appearance and personality, his charity and his worship. Chapter six gives an account of his family and the end of his life