1,270 research outputs found

    Synthesis,Structural and Biological studies of 4-[(1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-3-pyrozoline-5-one)azo]-N,N-dimethyl anline with some transition metal ions

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    The present work includes the preparation and characterization of{Co(II) , Ni(II), Pd(II), Fe(III) , Ru(III),Rh(III), Os(III) , Ir(III) , Pt(IV) and VO(IV)}complexes of a new ligand 4-[(1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-3-pyrozoline-5-one)azo]-N,N-dimethylanline (PAD). The product (PAD) was isolated,studies and characterized by phsical measurements,i.e., (FT-IR), (UV) Spectroscopy and elemental analysis(C.H.N). The prepared complexes were identified and their structural geometric were suggested in solid state by using flame atomic absorption, elemental analysis(C.H.N), (FT-IR) and (UV-Vis) Spectroscopy, as well as magnetic susceptibility and conductivity measurements . The study of the nature of the complexes formed in( ethanolic solution) following the mole ratio method,gave results which were compared successfully with those obtained from solid state studies. The apparent stability constant of the complexes have been studied with the time and their color were stable for more than ( 6 ) hours , as well as the molar absorptivities have been calculated.The antibacterial activity for the ligand (PAD) and their metal complexes were studied against two selected micro - organisms [(Klesbiella pneumonia) as gram negative] and[( Streptococcus faecalis) as gram positive]. Further more the antifungl activity against two micro-organism (Candida albicans and Aspergillus flavus) were studied for the ligand (PAD) and their metal complexes


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    This study examines the problems and prospects of Aliya Madrasa education in Bangladesh. Education is the opportunity to enhance oneself and to develop society and the nation at large. To examine the problems and prospects of Aliya Madrasa in Bangladesh, this study employs a qualitative approach with library research and data sources from books, articles, research papers, reports of newspapers and magazines, education commissions, and government education policies. Madrasah education in Bangladesh is found to be associated with some problems from inside and outside. Through the study, some problems have been identified linked to the curriculum, management, poor funding, lack of quality teachers, shortage of instructional equipment for science subjects, and limited teacher training institutes. Furthermore, Madrasa graduates face many problems, such as university admissions examinations, government service interviews, and joining cultural activities. This paper advises that the government should consider madrasa education carefully as an important education system since it is a unique system in Bangladesh. It further suggests that the management committee, head teacher, staff, and students altogether must have to work to attain the goals of Madrasa education. Moreover, madrasa education must be restructured according to the current needs. The current curriculum approach needs to be modified and developed in accordance with the modern education system by providing all the necessary tools. Madrasas should also motivate their students to play a role in politics and take part in cultural and national activities in Bangladesh

    Experiences with Distributed Acoustic Sensing using both straight and helically wound fibers in surface-deployed cables -- a case history in Groningen, The Netherlands

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    Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) has been limited in its use for surface-seismic reflection measurements, due to the fiber's decreased sensitivity when the fiber is deployed horizontally. Deploying the fiber in a helically wound fashion has the promise of being more sensitive to broadside waves (e.g. P-wave reflections) and less sensitive to surface waves than straight fiber. We examine these claims by burying a set of straight fibers (SF) and helically wound fibers (HWF) with different wrapping angles, using standard and engineered fibers. These fibers were buried in a 2 m deep trench in a farmland in the province of Groningen in the Netherlands. They are linked up to two interrogating systems and an electrically driven vibrator was used as a seismic source. We observe in our field data that using HWF has a destructive effect on the surface-wave amplitudes. Our data confirmed the effect of the wrapping angle on the polarity of the surface-wave arrival and the dampening effect of the helical winding, both behaving in quite a predictable fashion. Apart from the effect of the wrapping angle, the different design choices, e.g. cable filling and material type, did not show a significant effect on the amplitude of the signals. As for P-wave reflections, we observe that both engineered SF and HWF provide reflection images comparable to those obtained from the geophone data despite the straight fiber's decreased broadside sensitivity. A polarity reversal and an amplitude difference between SF and HWF fibers are observed. Finally, we show that the combined use of SF and HWF proved to be useful since SF showed better sensitivity in the shallower part and HWF in the deeper part.Comment: This manuscript has been submitted to GEOPHYSICS journa


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang proses ritual kawit dan wiwit bagi masyarakat pertanian di desa Ngasemlemahbang dan mendeskripsikan makna simbolik dalam ritual tersebut. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Interaksionisme Simbolik dari Blumer. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan desain penelitian studi kasus. Fokus penelitiannya yaitu proses ritual kawit dan wiwit yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat pertanian, waktu, bahan atau benda yang digunakan pada saat ritual kawit dan wiwit. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan wawancara mendalam yang selanjutnya di analisis sescara diskual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: bahwa ritual kawit dan wiwit di Desa Ngasemlemahbang Ngimbang Lamongan yaitu (1) proses ritual kawit dan wiwit dimulai dari penentuan hari baik, mempersipkan sesaji, dan pelaksanaan ritual disawah oleh dukun kawit dengan beberapa tahapan yang dilkukan salah satunya meletakkan sesaji di pojok sawah sambil membaca mantra. (2) Makna simbolik dalam ritual kawit dan wiwit yaitu dari pemilihan sesaji yang digunakan mengandung banyak makna sebagai simbol pengharapan oleh masyarakat. Misalnya dengan meletakkan sesaji dipojok sawah berharap tanaman padi dilindungi agar masa tanam padi berjalan dengan lancar dan mendapatkan hasil yang melimpah. Kata Kunci: makna simbolik, ritual, upacara kawit, upacara wiwit   Abstract The research discusses the ritual process of Kawit and Wiwit for agricultural community, the symbolic meaning in the ritual described. The theory used is symbolic interactionism of Blummer.  This research is descriptive qualitative. Research is focussed on the ritual process of kawit and wiwit, included in time, materials, or object. The data are collected by observation and in depth interview. The data are descriptive qualitatively analized.  The ritual processes in the village Ngasemlemahbang Ngimbang Lamongan district are: (1) starting from the determining a good day, preparing the offerings, and implementing of the rice rituals by sorceres Kawit with several stages, performed by puitting the offerings of the corner of field while reading a spell. (2) symbolic meaning in rituals Kawit and Wiwit the selection of offering that are used there is a lot of meaning as a symbols of a hope that the planting time of rice well provinded and got a rich harvest. Key words: symbolic meaning, kawit ritual, wiwit ritua

    A student perspective on the use of motivational strategies by their English-language literature instructors in an Omani University

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    Motivation has been recognized as one of the most influential factors in language learning. This study examines the frequency of use of motivational strategies by English-language literature instructors at the tertiary level in Oman as viewed by their students. A previous study [1] focused on teachers’ views of the frequency and importance of 48 motivational microstrategies, divided into 10 macrostrategies, in the Omani classroom. Findings indicate that teachers regarded all strategies as important while the degree of importance assigned to them correlated well with frequency of use. As that study involved only teacher participants, the current research utilized a modified version of its questionnaire to explore the frequency with which 65 Omani English-language literature learners believe these motivational strategies are employed by their instructors. Results suggest that participants believe their instructors often employ five of the featured macrostrategies. These include promoting self-confidence, creating a pleasant classroom environment, and making learning tasks engaging. However, the remaining five macrostrategies, such as promoting building group cohesiveness and familiarizing learners with L2 values, were rarely employed. These findings are compared to those from the previous study before a number of implications for motivating learners in Omani classrooms are offered

    Meta-Analysis Approach identifies Candidate Genes and associated Molecular Networks for Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background Multiple functional genomics data for complex human diseases have been published and made available by researchers worldwide. The main goal of these studies is the detailed analysis of a particular aspect of the disease. Complementary, meta-analysis approaches try to extract supersets of disease genes and interaction networks by integrating and combining these individual studies using statistical approaches. Results Here we report on a meta-analysis approach that integrates data of heterogeneous origin in the domain of type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Different data sources such as DNA microarrays and, complementing, qualitative data covering several human and mouse tissues are integrated and analyzed with a Bootstrap scoring approach in order to extract disease relevance of the genes. The purpose of the meta-analysis is two-fold: on the one hand it identifies a group of genes with overall disease relevance indicating common, tissue-independent processes related to the disease; on the other hand it identifies genes showing specific alterations with respect to a single study. Using a random sampling approach we computed a core set of 213 T2DM genes across multiple tissues in human and mouse, including well-known genes such as Pdk4, Adipoq, Scd, Pik3r1, Socs2 that monitor important hallmarks of T2DM, for example the strong relationship between obesity and insulin resistance, as well as a large fraction (128) of yet barely characterized novel candidate genes. Furthermore, we explored functional information and identified cellular networks associated with this core set of genes such as pathway information, protein-protein interactions and gene regulatory networks. Additionally, we set up a web interface in order to allow users to screen T2DM relevance for any – yet non-associated – gene. Conclusion In our paper we have identified a core set of 213 T2DM candidate genes by a meta-analysis of existing data sources. We have explored the relation of these genes to disease relevant information and – using enrichment analysis – we have identified biological networks on different layers of cellular information such as signaling and metabolic pathways, gene regulatory networks and protein-protein interactions. The web interface is accessible via http://t2dm-geneminer.molgen.mpg.de webcite

    Rajah: Islamic Talisman for Overcoming Disease

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    The coronavirus disease has been a terrible disaster around since 2019. Various fields of science have contributed to fighting the pandemic. Traditional medicine, multiple therapies, patience, and so on are kinds of contributions from Islam. Talisman or rajah is one of the Islamic traditions. There are many rajahs to prevent or fight the plague. Al-Bulqini's rajah is the focus of this research. Talisman in Islamic culture, moreover in Indonesia, will be discussed in this article. The practice of using talismans to overcome disease is a topic that has been discussed previously. Unfortunately, the practice of using amulets has become less because many Muslims tend to seek more reasonable methods to overcome and fight the disease. Whether the talisman, the Muslim who makes the talisman, or the Muslim belief in the talisman is still questionable. This research studies and elaborates on the culture of making talismans, especially to fight the plague with COVID-19 as a focus.Contribution: This study is essential in contributing to the fact that dealing with the plague can be done in various ways, including from a religious perspective, namely the use of the Rajah, which is common among Muslims. So, treatment can be made not only by a medical approach but also by a religious one