479 research outputs found

    Directional flow of solitons with asymmetric potential wells: Soliton diode

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    We study the flow of bright solitons through two asymmetric potential wells. The scattering of a soliton by certain type of single potential wells, e.g., Gaussian or Rosen-Morse, is distinguished by a critical velocity above which solitons can transmit almost completely and below which solitons can reflect nearly perfectly. For two such wells in series with certain parameter combinations, we find that there is an appreciable velocity range for which solitons can propagate in one direction only. Our study shows that this directional propagation or diode behavior is due to a combined effect of the sharp transition in the transport coefficients at the critical velocity and a slight reduction in the center-of-mass speed of the soliton while it travels across a potential well.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Aplikasi Location Based-Service (LBS) Berbasis Android Untuk Mengetahui Informasi Nilai Tanah di Zona Bahaya Tsunami

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah terciptanya sebuah Aplikasi berbasis Android untuk mengetahui informasi nilai tanah khususnya pada Zona Bahaya Tsunami di Kota Padang. sehingga nantinya transparansi dan informasi pertanahan yang dibutuhkan masyarkat dapat terpublikasi dengan baik. Melalui bantuan Location Based Service (LBS) dan teknologi Google Maps yang akan membantu mengetahui informasi tanah ke dalam smartphone sesuai dengan lokasi rel-time. Aplikasi yang dihasilkan ini menggunakan metode System Development Life Recycle (SDLC), dengan model pengembangan Prototype. SDLC mencakup beberapa tahapan yang harus dilalui, mulai dari perencanaan, analisis, desain, implementasi, pengujian, dan pemeliharaan. Sedangkan untuk pengembangan prototype sendiri dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sistem, agar pengembang dan pengguna dapat dapat saling berinteraksi dan memberikan masukan satu sama lain selama pembuatan aplikasi. Oleh karena itu, untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka diperlukannya sebuah aplikasi Location Based Service (LBS) untuk merangkum informasi tanah pada lokasi yang ditentukan yang dinamakan dengan aplikasi “Cek Tanahku”

    Implementing a lightweight Schmidt-Samoa cryptosystem (SSC) for sensory communications

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    One of the remarkable issues that face wireless sensor networks (WSNs) nowadays is security. WSNs should provide a way to transfer data securely particularly when employed for mission-critical purposes. In this paper, we propose an enhanced architecture and implementation for 128-bit Schmidt-Samoa cryptosystem (SSC) to secure the data communication for wireless sensor networks (WSN) against external attacks. The proposed SSC cryptosystem has been efficiently implemented and verified using FPGA modules by exploiting the maximum allowable parallelism of the SSC internal operations. To verify the proposed SSC implementation, we have synthesized our VHDL coding using Quartus II CAD tool targeting the Altera Cyclone IV FPGA EP4CGX22CF19C7 device. Hence, the synthesizer results reveal that the proposed cryptographic FPGA processor recorded an attractive result in terms of critical path delay, hardware utilization, maximum operational frequency FPGA thermal power dissipation for low-power applications such as the wireless sensor networks

    Effect of etching time on optical and morphological features of N-type porous silicon prepared by photo-electrochemical method

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    Achieving efficient visible photoluminescence from porous-silicon (PSi) is demanding for optoelectronic and solar cells applications. Improving the absorption and emission features of PSi is challenging. Photo-electro-chemical etching assisted formation of PSi layers on n-type (111) silicon (Si) wafers is reported. Samples are prepared at constant current density (~30 mA/cm2) under varying etching times of 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 min. The influence of etching time duration on the growth morphology and spectral properties are inspected. Room temperature photoluminescence (PL) measurement is performed to determine the optical properties of as-synthesized samples. Sample morphologies are imaged via Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The thickness and porosity of the prepared samples are estimated using the gravimetric method. The emission and absorption data is further used to determine the samples band gap and electronic structure properties. Results and analyzed, interpreted with different mechanisms and compared