1,250 research outputs found

    The dual parameterization of the proton generalized parton distribution functions H and E and description of the DVCS cross sections and asymmetries

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    We develop the minimal model of a new leading order parameterization of GPDs introduced by Shuvaev and Polyakov. The model for GPDs H and E is formulated in terms of the forward quark distributions, the Gegenbauer moments of the D-term and the forward limit of the GPD E. The model is designed primarely for small and medium-size values of x_B, x_B \leq 0.2. We examined two different models of the t-dependence of the GPDs: The factorized exponential model and the non-factorized Regge-motivated model. Using our model, we successfully described the DVCS cross section measured by H1 and ZEUS, the moments of the beam-spin A_{LU}^{\sin \phi}, beam-charge A_{C}^{\cos \phi} and transversely-polarized target A_{UT}^{\sin \phi \cos \phi} DVCS asymmetries measured by HERMES and A_{LU}^{\sin \phi} measured by CLAS. The data on A_{C}^{\cos \phi} prefers the Regge-motivated model of the t-dependence of the GPDs. The data on A_{UT}^{\sin \phi \cos \phi} indicates that the u and d quarks carry only a small fraction of the proton total angular momentum.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figure

    İktisadi Aktörlerin Rasyonel Karar Alma Sürecindeki Engeller: Bilişsel Ön Yargılar ve Zihinsel Kısa Yollar

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    Rationality, which is known as one of the basic assumptions of classical economics, has become quite controversial in time, especially with the emergence of behavioral economics on the stage of history. With the cooperation of psychology, which became an established discipline towards the end of the 19th century, with economics, the need to determine the anomalies behind economic behavior arose. Behavioral economics, which is an interdisciplinary approach, has started to investigate the reasons that affect the reasoning process of people and prevent them from exhibiting rational behavior. Cognitive biases and mental shortcuts that we can talk about as a systemic error in the person's thought process; prevents the person from acting rationally. While applying to cognitive processes while in the decision stage, it will sometimes lead to erroneous results, even if it promises convenience and practicality. The method of this study is a descriptive analysis, and behavioral anomalies that affect economic decision processes are tried to be explained. This study is a literature review, and in this sense, current theoretical and applied studies are presented and the reasons that push people to irrationality are explained. The aim of this study is the revealing of different behavioral anomalies that affect the thought process of people.Klasik iktisadın temel varsayımlarından biri olan rasyonalite, özellikle Davranışsal iktisadın tarih sahnesine çıkışıyla birlikte oldukça tartışmalı hale gelmiştir. 19.yüzyılın sonlarında yerleşik bir bilim dalı haline gelen psikolojinin, iktisat ile işbirliğinde bulunmasıyla birlikte ekonomik davranışların ardındaki anomalilerin saptanması ihtiyacı doğmuştur. Disiplinler arası bir yaklaşım olan Davranışsal iktisat, kişilerin muhakeme sürecini etkileyen ve rasyonel davranış sergilemesine engel olan nedenleri araştırmaya koyulmuştur. Kişinin düşünce sürecinde var olan sistemsel bir hata olarak addedebileceğimiz bilişsel önyargılar ve zihinsel kısa yollar; kişiyi rasyonel davranmaktan alıkoymaktadır. Karar aşamasında iken bilişsel süreçlere başvurmak kimi zaman kolaylık ve pratiklik vadetse de çoğunlukla hatalı sonuca ulaşmaya sebebiyet verecektir. Bu çalışmanın yöntemi betimsel bir analiz olmakla birlikte, ekonomik karar süreçlerine etki eden davranış anomalileri açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışma bir literatür taraması olup, bu anlamda mevcut teorik ve uygulamalı çalışmalar sunularak kişileri irrasyonelliğe iten sebepler konu başlıkları halinde aktarılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; kişilerin düşünce sürecine etki eden farklı davranış anomalilerinin gözler önüne serilmesidir

    Coordination between monetary policy and fiscal policy for an inflation targeting emerging market

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    Several studies including Blanchard (2004) and Favero and Giavazzi (2004) imply that in emerging market economies, a tight monetary policy within an inflation-targeting framework could actually increase the price level due to the lack of fiscal discipline and the associated high risk premium. We extend their arguments in two ways. First, we introduce a semi structural model with time-varying parameters, where the risk premium is 'unobserved' and it is derived within the system. Such an approach fits better with the volatile nature of emerging market economies by allowing us to track down the time-varying effects of macroeconomic dynamics on both the model-consistent risk premium and the other key variables. Second, we obtain impulse response functions and analyze the implications of a tight monetary policy on major macroeconomic variables. Taking the Turkish economy as our reference point, we find that the arguments of Blanchard (2004) and Favero and Giavazzi (2004) seem to be valid. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Laccase-catalyzed decolorization of the synthetic azo-dye diamond black PV 200 and of some structurally related derivatives

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    The kinetics of laccase-catalyzed transformation of the azo-dye Diamond Black PV 200 (CI Mordant Black 9) and various related synthesized derivatives were analyzed for dependence on pH and substrate structure. The reaction mixture of Diamond Black PV 200 was analyzed by HPLC/MS_/MS and it was shown that upon laccase oxidation, reactive chinoid fragments of lower molecular weight were formed. These may further oligomerize as indicated by the appearance of a number of compounds with increased molecular weight. The pH optimum for the decolorization was pH 5 for Diamond Black PV 200 which did not change significantly when the substitution pattern of its basic structure was varied. Biodegradability, however, was strongly dependent on the structure of the dyes

    Use of polyethylene glycol coatings for optical fibre humidity sensing

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    Humidity induced change in the refractive index and thickness of the polyethylene glycol (PEG) coatings are in situ investigated for a range from 10 to 95%, using an optical waveguide spectroscopic technique. It is experimentally demonstrated that, upon humidity change, the optical and swelling characteristics of the PEG coatings can be employed to build a plastic fibre optic humidity sensor. The sensing mechanism is based on the humidity induced change in the refractive index of the PEG film, which is directly coated onto a polished segment of a plastic optical fibre with dip-coating method. It is observed that PEG, which is a highly hydrophilic material, shows no monotonic linear response to humidity but gives different characteristics for various ranges of humidity levels both in index of refraction and in thickness. It undergoes a physical phase change from a semi-crystal line structure to a gel one at around 80% relative humidity. At this phase change point, a drastic decrease occurs in the index of refraction as well as a drastic increase in the swelling of the PEG film. In addition, PEG coatings are hydrogenated in a vacuum chamber. It is observed that the hydrogen has a preventing effect on the humidity induced phase change in PEG coatings. Finally, the possibility of using PEG coatings in construction of a real plastic fibre optic humidity sensor is discussed. (C) 2008 The Optical Society of Japan

    Hadronic final states in deep-inelastic scattering with Sherpa

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    We extend the multi-purpose Monte-Carlo event generator Sherpa to include processes in deeply inelastic lepton-nucleon scattering. Hadronic final states in this kinematical setting are characterised by the presence of multiple kinematical scales, which were up to now accounted for only by specific resummations in individual kinematical regions. Using an extension of the recently introduced method for merging truncated parton showers with higher-order tree-level matrix elements, it is possible to obtain predictions which are reliable in all kinematical limits. Different hadronic final states, defined by jets or individual hadrons, in deep-inelastic scattering are analysed and the corresponding results are compared to HERA data. The various sources of theoretical uncertainties of the approach are discussed and quantified. The extension to deeply inelastic processes provides the opportunity to validate the merging of matrix elements and parton showers in multi-scale kinematics inaccessible in other collider environments. It also allows to use HERA data on hadronic final states in the tuning of hadronisation models.Comment: 32 pages, 22 figure

    Giant QCD K-factors beyond NLO

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    Hadronic observables in Z+jet events can be subject to large NLO corrections at TeV scales, with K-factors that even reach values of order 50 in some cases. We develop a method, LoopSim, by which approximate NNLO predictions can be obtained for such observables, supplementing NLO Z+jet and NLO Z+2-jet results with a unitarity-based approximation for missing higher loop terms. We first test the method against known NNLO results for Drell-Yan lepton pt spectra. We then show our approximate NNLO results for the Z+jet observables. Finally we examine whether the LoopSim method can provide useful information even in cases without giant K-factors, with results for observables in dijet events that can be compared to early LHC data.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures; v2 includes additional reference

    Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio as an indicative of diabetic control level in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with chronic low grade inflammation. One of the novel inflammatory markers is hemogram derived neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR). Objective: We aimed to compare NLR levels of diabetic subjects and healthy controls and to observe possible correlation between NLR and HbA1c. Methods: Medical data of type 2 diabetic subjects admitted to out-patient clinics of our institution between April to July in 2017 were obtained from database and retrospectively analyzed. Control group was chosen from healthy subjects who visited our institution for a routine check-up. Anthropometric measures, laboratory data, including, HbA1c, NLR were recorded. Results: Median NLR of the type 2 DM group 2.44 (1.9) was significantly elevated when compared to healthy controls (1.5 (0.9), (p<0.001). In addition, a Pearson\u2019s correlation test revealed that NLR was strongly correlated with age (r=0.26, p=0.008), fasting plasma glucose (r=0.38, p<0.001), and HbA1c (r=0.49, p<0.001). Conclusion: Elevated NLR in otherwise healthy subjects may be indicative of underlying impaired glucose metabolism and moreover, NLR should be used as a marker of diabetic control level in addition to HbA1c in type 2 diabetic subjects. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v19i1.35 Cite as: Duman TT, Aktas G, Atak BM, Kocak MZ, Erkus E, H S. Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio as an indicative of diabetic control level in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Afri Health Sci. 2019;19(1). 1602-1606. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v19i1.3

    Higgs Interference Effects in \Pg \Pg \to \PZ\PZ and their Uncertainty

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    Interference between the Standard Model Higgs boson and continuum contributions is considered in the heavy-mass scenario. Results are available at leading order for the background. It is discussed how to combine the result with the next-to-next-to-leading order Higgs production cross-section and a proposal for estimating the associated theoretical uncertainty is presented.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures; improved numerical accuracy, Numerics updated, conclusions unchanged, references added. v