8 research outputs found

    Nonhomologous end joining of complex DNA double-strand breaks with proximal thymine glycol and interplay with base excision repair

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    DNA double-strand breaks induced by ionizing radiation are often accompanied by ancillary oxidative base damage that may prevent or delay their repair. In order to better define the features that make some DSBs repair-resistant, XLF-dependent nonhomologous end joining of blunt-ended DSB substrates having the oxidatively modified nonplanar base thymine glycol at the first (Tg1), second (Tg2), third (Tg3) or fifth (Tg5) positions from one 3' terminus, was examined in human whole-cell extracts. Tg at the third position had little effect on end-joining even when present on both ends of the break. However, Tg as the terminal or penultimate base was a major barrier to end joining (>10-fold reduction in ligated products) and an absolute barrier when present at both ends. Dideoxy trapping of base excision repair intermediates indicated that Tg was excised from Tg1, Tg2 and Tg3 largely if not exclusively after DSB ligation. However, Tg was rapidly excised from the Tg5 substrate, resulting in a reduced level of DSB ligation, as well as slow concomitant resection of the opposite strand. Ligase reactions containing only purified Ku, XRCC4, ligase IV and XLF showed that ligation of Tg3 and Tg5 was efficient and only partially XLF-dependent, whereas ligation of Tg1 and Tg2 was inefficient and only detectable in the presence of XLF. Overall, the results suggest that promoting ligation of DSBs with proximal base damage may be an important function of XLF, but that Tg can still be a major impediment to repair, being relatively resistant to both trimming and ligation. Moreover, it appears that base excision repair of Tg can sometimes interfere with repair of DSBs that would otherwise be readily rejoined

    Trimming of damaged 3′ overhangs of DNA double-strand breaks by the Metnase and Artemis endonucleases

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    Both Metnase and Artemis possess endonuclease activities that trim 3′ overhangs of duplex DNA. To assess the potential of these enzymes for facilitating resolution of damaged ends during double-strand break rejoining, substrates bearing a variety of normal and structurally modified 3′ overhangs were constructed, and treated either with Metnase or with Artemis plus DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). Unlike Artemis, which trims long overhangs to 4–5 bases, cleavage by Metnase was more evenly distributed over the length of the overhang, but with significant sequence dependence. In many substrates, Metnase also induced marked cleavage in the double-stranded region within a few bases of the overhang. Like Artemis, Metnase efficiently trimmed overhangs terminated in 3′-phosphoglycolates (PGs), and in some cases the presence of 3′-PG stimulated cleavage and altered its specificity. The nonplanar base thymine glycol in a 3′ overhang severely inhibited cleavage by Metnase in the vicinity of the modified base, while Artemis was less affected. Nevertheless, thymine glycol moieties could be removed by Metnase- or Artemis-mediated cleavage at sites farther from the terminus than the lesion itself. In in vitro end-joining systems based on human cell extracts, addition of Artemis, but not Metnase, effected robust trimming of an unligatable 3′-PG overhang, resulting in a dramatic stimulation of ligase IV- and XLF-dependent end joining. Thus, while both Metnase and Artemis are biochemically capable of resolving a variety of damaged DNA ends for the repair of complex double-strand breaks, Artemis appears to act more efficiently in the context of other nonhomologous end joining proteins

    Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase and the repair of 3′-phosphoglycolate-terminated DNA double-strand breaks

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    Although tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase (TDP1) is capable of removing blocked 3′ termini from DNA double-strand break ends, it is uncertain whether this activity plays a role in double-strand break repair. To address this question, affinity-tagged TDP1 was overexpressed in human cells and purified, and its interactions with end joining proteins were assessed. Ku and DNA-PKcs inhibited TDP1-mediated processing of 3′-phosphoglycolate double-strand break termini, and in the absence of ATP, ends sequestered by Ku plus DNA-PKcs were completely refractory to TDP1. Addition of ATP restored TDP1-mediated end processing, presumably due to DNA-PK-catalyzed phosphorylation. Mutations in the 2609–2647 Ser/Thr phosphorylation cluster of DNA-PKcs only modestly affected such processing, suggesting that phosphorylation at other sites was important for rendering DNA ends accessible to TDP1. In human nuclear extracts, about 30% of PG termini were removed within a few hours despite very high concentrations of Ku and DNA-PKcs. Most such removal was blocked by the DNA-PK inhibitor KU-57788, but ~5% of PG termini were removed in the first few minutes of incubation even in extracts preincubated with inhibitor. The results suggest that despite an apparent lack of specific recruitment of TDP1 by DNA-PK, TDP1 can gain access to and can process blocked 3′ termini of double-strand breaks before ends are fully sequestered by DNA-PK, as well as at a later stage after DNA-PK autophosphorylation. Following cell treatment with calicheamicin, which specifically induces double-strand breaks with protruding 3′-PG termini, TDP1-mutant SCAN1 (spinocerebellar ataxia with axonal neuropathy) cells exhibited a much higher incidence of dicentric chromosomes, as well as higher incidence of chromosome breaks and micronuclei, than normal cells. This chromosomal hypersensitivity, as well as a small but reproducible enhancement of calicheamicin cytotoxicity following siRNA-mediated TDP1 knockdown, suggests a role for TDP1 in repair of 3′-PG double-strand breaks in vivo

    Sestrins Inhibit mTORC1 Kinase Activation through the GATOR Complex

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    The mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) kinase is a sensor of different environmental conditions and regulator of cell growth, metabolism, and autophagy. mTORC1 is activated by Rag GTPases, working as RagA:RagB and RagC:RagD heterodimers. Rags control mTORC1 activity by tethering mTORC1 to the lysosomes where it is activated by Rheb GTPase. RagA:RagB, active in its GTP-bound form, is inhibited by GATOR1 complex, a GTPase-activating protein, and GATOR1 is in turn negatively regulated by GATOR2 complex. Sestrins are stress-responsive proteins that inhibit mTORC1 via activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and tuberous sclerosis complex. Here we report an AMPK-independent mechanism of mTORC1 inhibition by Sestrins mediated by their interaction with GATOR2. As a result of this interaction, the Sestrins suppress mTOR lysosomal localization in a Rag-dependent manner. This mechanism is potentially involved in mTORC1 regulation by amino acids, rotenone, and tunicamycin, connecting stress response with mTORC1 inhibition