10 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Implementasi Permainan Aung-carbon-card Pada Materi Pelajaran Senyawa Karbon

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    Tujuan dalam penelitian adalah mengetahui keefektifan, tingkat kemudahan dan tingkat ketertarikan siswa penggunaan media permainan Aung-Carbon-Card (ACC) dalam pembelajaran struktur senyawa karbon. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian eksperimen. Sampel yang digunakan yakni siswa kelas X IPA-1dianggap sebagai kelompok konrol (KC), kelas X IPA-2 (E1), kelas X IPA-3 (E2) dan kelas IPA-4 (E3) dijadikan kelompok eksperimen. Sumber data penelitian ini diperoleh dari tes, angket dan observasi. Instrumen yang digunakan sebelumnya dilakukan uji instrumen untuk mengetahui validitas dan reliabilitas. Data yangdiperoleh dilakukan uji normalitas data. Uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan perhitungan uji statistik uji T two sampel independent menggunakan SPSS 17. Hasil penelitian diperoleh: 1). Pembelajaran senyawa hidrokarbon menggunakan media permainan kartu ACC lebih efektif dibuktikan pada hasil tes dengan uji T, nilai Thitung > Ttabel. 2) Kartu ACC menarik perhatian siswa dalam mempelajari pokok bahasan senyawa karbon dibuktikan dengan hasil angket persentase siswa yang menyatakan permainan kartu ACC hal yang menarik. Hasil persentase E1 88%, E2 85% dan E3 74%. Hasil perhitungan terhadap respon siswa masing-masing kelas eksperimen terhadap KC Thitung > Ttabel. 3). Media permainan kartu ACC dapat membantu mempermudah siswa dalam mempelajari pokok bahasan senyawa dengan hasil angket persentase siswa yang menyatakan bahwa lebih mudah memahami materi dengan menggunakan ACC E1= 76%, E2 = 85% dan E3 = 81%. 4). Media permainan kartu ACC sesuai dan tepat jika digunakan dibuktikan dengan observasi dengan nilai Thitung > Ttabel

    Assessment of the effect of sodium tetraborate on oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis in lead-induced nephrotoxicity

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    Exposure to Pb, a toxic heavy metal, is a risk factor for renal damage. Borax, an essential trace element in cellular metabolism, is a naturally occurring compound found in many foods. This study investigated the effects of sodium tetraborate (ST), a source of borax, on renal oxidative stress and inflammation in rats exposed to Pb. Wistar Albino rats (n = 24) were divided into four groups: Control (0.5 mL, i.p. isotonic), Pb (50 mg/kg/day/i.p.), ST (4.0 mg/kg/day/oral), and Pb + ST groups. At the end of the five-day experimental period, kidney tissue samples were obtained and analyzed. Histopathologically, the Pb-induced damage observed in the Pb group improved in the Pb + ST group. Immunohistochemically, Pb administration increased the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase, cyclooxygenase-2, and caspase-3. When evaluated biochemically, Pb application inhibited catalase and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) enzyme activities and activated superoxide dismutase enzyme activity. An increase in malondialdehyde levels was considered an indicator of damage. ST application increases glutathione peroxidase enzyme activity and decreased malondialdehyde levels. These results indicate that ST might play a protective role against Pb-induced renal damage via the upregulation of renal tissue antioxidants and cyclooxygenase-2, inducible nitric oxide synthase, and caspase-3 immunoexpression

    Vitamin D and Its Importance for the Metabolism

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    Steroid bir hormon olarak kabul edilen D vitamini bitkisel kökenli ergosterol (vit- D2) ve hayvansal kökenli olup deride 7 - dehidrokolesterolden türeyen kolekalsiferol (vit- D3) şeklinde sınıflandırılır. D vitaminleri kalsiferoller olarak ta adlandırılırlar. D2 ve D3 vitaminleri aynı yolla metabolize edilirler ve öncelikle karaciğerde 25- (OH) D3’e çevrilir, ardından böbreğe taşınarak D vitaminin aktif formu olan 1,25- (OH)2 D3’e dönüştürülürler. D vitamini, metabolizmada başta kemik ve iskelet sistemi olmak üzere birçok önemli fonksiyona sahiptir. Kalsiyum ve fosfor metabolizmasında rol alarak, kalsiyum ve fosforun bağırsaklardan emilimini sağlar. D vitamini aynı zamanda parathormonun salınımını önler. Yine D vitamini birçok hastalık ve kanser türüne karşı koruyucu etkilere sahiptir. Genel olarak D vitamini yetersizliği metabolizmada kemik ve iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıkları olarak kendini gösterir. Özellikle insan ve hayvanların yavrularında gözlemlenen rikets ve onun erişkinlerdeki şekli olan osteomalasi D vitamini yetersizliğinde en sık görülen hastalıklardır. D vitamini yetersizliğinin en önemli sebepleri arasında güneş ışığına yeteri kadar maruz kalmama yer alır. D vitamininin fazla miktarlarda alınması da metabolizmada toksik etkiye yol açarak, dönüşümü olmayan problemlere sebebiyet verir.Vitamin D, accept as a steroid hormone, is an ergosterol (vit- D 2 ) of plant and animal origin. It is classified as cholecalciferol (vit- D 3 ) derived from 7- dehydrocholesterol in the skin. Vitamins D are also called as calciferols. Vitamins D2 and D3 are metabolised in the same way, and at first, they are converted to 25- (OH) D3 in the liver, then they are migrated to kidney and converted to 1,25- (OH)2 D 3 is an active form of vitamin D. Vitamin D has many functions in metabolism, particularly in osseous and skeletal system. By having a part in calcium and phosphor metabolisms, it enables them to be absorbed in the intestines. It has also protective effects against a number of diseases and cancer types. Hypovitaminosis D manifests itself generally as bone and skeletal system disorders in metabolism. The most frequently observed diseases related to hypovitaminosis D are mainly the rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Limited exposure to the sunlight is among the most important reasons lying behind hypovitaminosis D. Further, the excessive intake of vitamin D leads to toxic effects and irreversible problems in the metabolism

    The assessment of vitamins and cholesterol amounts in gill and muscle tissues of Clarias Gariepinus using HPLC

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    European Biotechnology Congress -- MAY 16-18, 2013 -- Comenius Univ, Bratislava, SLOVAKIAWOS: 000323298100031…European Biotechnol Themat Network Assoc (EBTNA), Comenius Univ, Fac Nat Sc

    Incidence, risk factors and severity of retinopathy of prematurity in Turkey (TR-ROP study): a prospective, multicentre study in 69 neonatal intensive care units

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    Background To evaluate the prevalence, risk factors and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in Turkey and to establish screening criteria for this condition. Methods A prospective cohort study (TR-ROP) was performed between 1 April 2016 and 30 April 2017 in 69 neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Infants with a birth weight (BW)=1500 g or gestational age (GA) 1500 g or GA> 32 weeks with an unstable clinical course were included in the study. Predictors for the development of ROP were determined by logistic regression analyses. Results The TR-ROP study included 6115 infants: 4964 (81%) with a GA 32 weeks. Overall, 27% had any stage of ROP and 6.7% had severe ROP. A lower BW, smaller GA, total days on oxygen, late-onset sepsis, frequency of red blood cell transfusions and relative weight gain were identified as independent risk factors for severe ROP in infants with a BW=1500 g. Of all infants, 414 needed treatment and 395 (95.4%) of the treated infants had a BW <= 1500 g. Sixty-six (16%) of the treated infants did not fulfil the Early Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity requirements for treatment. Conclusions Screening of infants with a GA <= 34 weeks or a BW<1700 g appears to be appropriate in Turkey. Monitoring standards of neonatal care and conducting quality improvement projects across the country are recommended to improve neonatal outcomes in Turkish NICUs