28 research outputs found

    Poder y escritura : el Príncipe, la biblioteca y la dedicatoria (siglos XV-XVII)

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    Se muestra cómo la lectura y la escritura son actos sociales perfectamente normativizados en la cultura de la Edad Moderna. Se exponen los ejemplos de la biblioteca, una institución en la que tan importante como el material que conserva son las relaciones sociales que se establecen entorno a ella (así en las "bibliotecas reales" como en las particulares), y de la dedicatoria de libros, en la que los autores desarrollan un lenguage muy sutil que les permitía relacionarse de forma especial con el destinatario.Roger Chartier shows how reading and writing were perfectly normativized social acts in the culture of Modern Age. As a demonstration of his assertions, he sets two examples: the first concerning libraries, institutions where materials preserved there were as important as social relationship established round it (both in regal libraries and in private ones), the second about the dedications written in books, through which their authors developed a very subtle language that allowed them to set up a kind of especial relation with their final addressees

    Organomagnesium Compounds

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    The formation of catenanes. The mobius strip approach revisited.

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    The "Möbius strip approach" for the synthesis of catenanes requires that a ladder shaped molecule (doubly functionalized at both ends) twists twice prior to bimacrocyclization. A successful application of this strategy was claimed in the 1960's. However, the catenanes were believed to be formed via a Möbius strip mechanism since, at that time, a metal coordinated all carbon cyclobutane was assumed to be an intermediate in the olefin metathesis. Although the incompatibility of the Möbius strip mechanism and the (later proposed) actual metathesis mechanism has been pointed out, the original claim keeps being cited as a successful one even in the recent literature. In this paper, the background of this mechanistic misconception is discussed, and it is demonstrated that the formation of catenanes in olefin metathesis is resulting from a statistical threading process

    Crystal structure of solvent free [2-(dimethylaminomethyl)phenyl]aluminium dichloride.

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    [2-(Dimethylaminomethyl)phenyl]aluminium dichloride (1) has been prepared and its structure has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. It crystallises in the monoclinic space group P

    1-Bromomercurio-2- (2,5,8,11,14-pentaoxapentadecyl)benzene.

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