16 research outputs found

    Prolonged Hypocalcemia after Administration of Denosumab for Gastric Cancer Bone Metastasis: A Case Study

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     悪性腫瘍の骨転移に対し,デノスマブは骨関連有害事象の予防のため広く使用されている. 低カルシウム血症は比較的頻度の高い有害事象の1つであるが,Common Terminology Criteriafor Adverse Events v4.0(CTCAE)Grade4となる重篤な低カルシウム血症は稀である.今回,胃癌骨転移に対するデノスマブ投与後に CTCAE Grade 4の著明な低 Ca 血症を呈し治療に難渋した症例を経験したので報告する.症例は50代男性.腰痛を主訴に来院.8年前に幽門部胃癌に対し幽門側胃切除(Roux-en-Y 再建)を施行されている.精査の結果,胃癌術後再発(多発脊椎転移)と診断された.切除不能進行再発胃癌に対する治療として,S-1+ シスプラチン(SP)療法開始.2クール目から多発脊椎転移に対し,デノスマブ皮下注および経口カルシウム製剤の投与を開始した.デノスマブ投与から3日後に上腕と背部の冷感が出現し,血清 Ca 5.6 mg/dL と著明な低下を認めた.点滴によるグルコン酸カルシウム補充(最大投与量58.5 mEq/ 日)を行うも血清カルシウム値は不安定であり,安定化するまでに,高容量のグルコン酸カルシウム静注,活性化ビタミンD製剤および乳酸カルシウム製剤の最大量の内服を1か月以上必要とした.本症例の臨床経過とともに,デノスマブによる低カルシウム血症のリスクについて若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する. Denosumab widely used for the prevention of skeletal-related events in patients with bone metastases from solid tumors. Although hypocalcemia is a common adverse effect with denosumab, severe hypocalcemia with grade4 on CTCAE criteria is rare.we experienced a rare case of severe and prolonged hypocalcemia with grade4 on CTCAE criteria induced by denosumab to gastric cancer bone metastasis. A 50-year-old man visited our hospital with back pain. Eight years ago, a distal gastrectomy (Roux-en-Y anastomosis) had been performed for gastric cancer. After careful examination, the patient was diagnosed as recurrence (multiple spinal metastases) after the curative surgery. The conventional S-1 + cisplatin (SP) therapy was started to treat the metastatic gastric cancer. From the second course, Denosumab was started for multiple spinal bone metasitases with oral calcium preparation. Three days after from denosumab injection, a cold sensation in the upper arm and back appeared, and a marked decrease in serum Ca level was observed (5.6 mg/dL). Although the patient hospitalized and started to treat with high-dose intravenous calcium supplementation (maximum dose: 58.5 mEq/day), serum calcium remained at a low level and took over one month to recover. We report this case with some literature review