17 research outputs found

    QOL after RT or OP for uterine cervix cancer

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    This study aimed to research the post-treatment quality of life (QOL) between radiotherapy (RT)- and operation (OP)-treated early cervical cancer survivors, using separate questionnaires for physicians and patients. We administered an observational questionnaire to patients aged 20–70 years old with Stages IB1–IIB cervical cancer who had undergone RT or OP and without recurrence as outpatients for ≄6 months after treatment. We divided 100 registered patients equally into two treatment groups (n = 50 each). The average age was 53 and 44 years in the RT and OP groups, respectively. The RT group included 34 and 66% Stage I and II patients, respectively, whereas the OP group included 66 and 34% Stage I and II patients, respectively. The OP group included 58% of patients with postoperative RT. Combination chemotherapy was performed in 84 and 48% of patients in the RT and OP groups, respectively. On the physicians’ questionnaire, we observed significant differences in bone marrow suppression (RT) and leg edema (OP). On the patients’ questionnaire, significantly more patients had dysuria and leg edema in the OP group than in the RT group, and severe (Score 4–5) leg edema was significantly higher in the post-operative RT group than in the OP only group. The frequency of sexual intercourse decreased after treatment in both groups. On the patients’ questionnaire, there were no significant differences between the two groups regarding sexual activity. These findings are useful to patients and physicians for shared decision-making in treatment choices. The guidance of everyday life and health information including sexual life after treatment is important

    Phenotypic Drug Screening for Dysferlinopathy Using Patient‐Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    Abstract Dysferlinopathy is a progressive muscle disorder that includes limb‐girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B and Miyoshi myopathy (MM). It is caused by mutations in the dysferlin (DYSF) gene, whose function is to reseal the muscular membrane. Treatment with proteasome inhibitor MG‐132 has been shown to increase misfolded dysferlin in fibroblasts, allowing them to recover their membrane resealing function. Here, we developed a screening system based on myocytes from MM patient‐derived induced pluripotent stem cells. According to the screening, nocodazole was found to effectively increase the level of dysferlin in cells, which, in turn, enhanced membrane resealing following injury by laser irradiation. Moreover, the increase was due to microtubule disorganization and involved autophagy rather than the proteasome degradation pathway. These findings suggest that increasing the amount of misfolded dysferlin using small molecules could represent an effective future clinical treatment for dysferlinopathy. Stem Cells Translational Medicine 2019;8:1017–102

    Effectiveness of human papillomavirus vaccination in young Japanese women: a retrospective multi-municipality study

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    In Japan, government support for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination began in November 2010. However, the mass media repeatedly reported on severe adverse events. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare suspended proactive recommendations for HPV vaccines in June 2013. Japan’s HPV vaccination rate dropped from 70% to less than 1% in 2017. We examined cervical cancer screening results in terms of abnormal cytology, histology, and HPV vaccination status among 11,903 women aged 20 to 25 y in the fiscal year 2015. The overall rate of HPV vaccination was 26.1% (3,112/11,903). Regarding cytology, the rate of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) or worse was 3.3% (103/3,112) in women who received HPV vaccination (vaccine (+) women) and 5.6% (496/8,791) in women who did not (vaccine (-) women). The rate of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) or worse was 0.26% (8/3,112) in vaccine (+) women and 0.81% (72/8,791) in vaccine (-) women. Regarding histology, the rate of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 1 or worse (CIN1+) was 1.4% (42/3,112) in vaccine (+) women and 2.1% (178/8,791) in vaccine (-) women. The rates of CIN2+ and CIN3+ were similar regardless of vaccination. We found a significantly lower incidence of CIN in vaccine (+) women. These results suggest that the resumption of recommending HPV vaccination as primary prevention for cervical cancer is needed in Japan

    Interleukin-34 expression in ovarian cancer : a possible correlation with disease progression

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    Ovarian cancer is the second-most lethal gynecological malignancy and the seventh-commonest cause of cancer-related death in women around the world. Most of the ovarian cancer patients are diagnosed at advanced stages and suffer from recurrence after primary cytoreductive surgery and standard first-line chemotherapy. Thus, the successful management of ovarian cancer patients requires the identification of factors that contribute to progression and relapse. Interleukin-34 (IL-34) is a novel cytokine that acts as a tissue-specific ligand of colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF-1R). In cancer, IL-34 exerts pro-tumorigenic functions that promote tumor growth, metastasis, angiogenesis, immune suppression and therapeutic resistance. In this study, we evaluate the impact of IL-34 on progression and survival of ovarian cancer patients. First, IL-34 was found to be expressed in several human ovarian cancer cell lines and cancer tissues from patients. The expression of IL-34 was enhanced by cytotoxic chemotherapy in ovarian cancer cell lines and cancer tissues from chemotherapy-treated ovarian cancer patients. Importantly, high IL-34 expression correlated with worse progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival in different cohorts. The assessment of PFS based on a combination between IL34 expression and other related genes such as CSF1R and CD163 helped further to reach more statistical significance compared with IL34 alone. Furthermore, in the murine ovarian cancer cell HM-1 in vivo model, it was suggested that IL-34-derived tumor cells was correlated with tumor progression and survival by modulating the immune environment. Collectively, these findings indicate a possible correlation between IL-34 expression and disease progression in ovarian cancer patients and the mouse model