26 research outputs found

    Benthic invertebrates in the shrimp ponds in Tiab area

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    In order to study the quantity and quality evaluation of benthic invertebrates in shrimp ponds belonging to Persian Prawn Co., in Tiab area (Hormozgan province), sampling of sediments were carried out every other 14 days, from August 18 to October 27, 1998, during the period of shrimp culture. Sediments were sampled from three different point of 9 ponds by grab (Van Veen 0.02 m^2) for identification macrofauna, meiofauna, grain size and measurement of total organic matter. Macrofauna benthic were few and were found only in three ponds. Three groups of meiofauna including: Nematoda, Naplius and copepoda were distinguished. Their abundance was increased during main shrimp culturing period and was decreased at the end of it. Silt was the main part of soil in most ponds

    Report of Trichogramma ingricum (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae) from Iran

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    Trichogramma ingricum Sorokina, 1984, an egg parasitoid, only known from Russia (St. Petersburg), here is newly recorded from northern Iranian provinces including West and East Azarbaijan and Mazandaran. The localities and hosts are as follows: Tabriz, on eggs of Cydia pomonella (L.); Urmia (Chubtarash, Najafabad-e Gharebagh, Tasmalu, Ghulenji), on eggs of C. pomonella and Lobesia botrana Den & Schiff; Urmia (Mahalanzal, Bakshluchai, Nazluchai, Baranduzchai) on eggs of L. botrana; Amol (Binamad), on eggs of Chilo suppressalis Walker. T. ingricum is superficially similar to T. embryophagum (Hartig), except for darker body color, longer setae on male antenna, distinctive male genitalia and lack of thelytoky in females. This species is common in vineyards of Urmia region where it could be considered as a significant control agent of L. botrana

    Water quality assessment in inlet and outlet channels of shrimp farms in Tiab Area, Hormozgan Province

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    The shrimp farming industry has rapidly expanded in the south of Iran and in particular in the Hormozgan province during the past decade. We studied physico-chemical parameters of water in outlet and inlet channels of shrimp farms in Tiab during July-December 2000. Water samples were collected monthly at four stations during the harvest period. The parameters assessed included pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate, total phosphate, total suspended solids and chlorophyll a. The variation of above parameters were determined to be 7.62 - 8.19, 42.75 - 52.55ppt, 2.8 - 8.3mgil, 4.46 -0.66p,mil, 0.214 .64141, 0.12-2.0711m/1, 0.13-16.1 tili/1, 0.59-10.5 µm/l, 22-121 mg/1and 0.43-5.1311m/1 respectively. Results of the analyses showed that salinity, dissolved nutrient, T.S.S and chlorophyll a in the effluent were significantly higher than the influent water (P<0.05). A significant correlation was also found between chlorophyll a and nitrate, phosphate and suspended solid concentration (P<0.05). Comparison of the results with the standards showed that parameters are currently within acceptable limits

    Report of Coleophora hemerobiella (Lep.: Coleophoridae: Coleophorinae) from Iran

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    In 2005, during a survey on the biology of grape berry moth, Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) in Nazlochay of Urmia region, some damaged symptoms of another moth on the berries of grape were observed that caused by a coleophorid species determined as Coleophora hemerobiella (Scopoli). This species, which is newly reported from Iran, also may be considered as a new pest of vineyards of the country

    Monitoring of Cochlodinium sp for shrimp farms in Hormozgan Province

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    The Blooming due to the some species of phytoplanktons especially Dynoflagellates has made some problems for water ecosystems and aquaculture. In this study, the density of phytoplanktons specially Cochlodinium sp. and also environmental factors such as temperature, pH, dissolved Oxygen, and transparency were recorded two weekly in 18 stations of Hormozgan province, Iran in order to monitoring of the possibility of phytoplankton blooming. During six months monitoring, the target phytoplankton, Cochlodinium sp was not observed in shrimp farms. But, other phytoplanktons and zooplanktons were observed as follow: 13 genus of phytoplankton and six genuses of zooplanktons has found in ponds, main water channel and sea. The diatoms with 10 genuses had the highest abundance and Dynoflagellates with 3 genuses had the lowest abundance and blue-green phytoplankton with one genus was in lowest group. Totally, diatoms with 77%, Dynoflagellate with 15% and blue-green alga with 8% abundance were the main populations of planktons in the studied area

    Feasibility study on development of artificial reefs in the Persian Gulf (Hormuzgan province)

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    Persian Gulf waters (areas of Hormuzgan province) in order to determine the best location for installation of Artificial reefs were studied seasonally from December 2006 to March 2007. Distribution of fauna and flora and estimation of deposit depth by SCUBA diving method, density and frequency of macrobenthose communities, frequency of ichthyoplankton communities, determination of organic carbon (OC) and Grain size and measurement of water physical factors including salinity, saturation oxygen, dissolved oxygen, temperature, chlorophyll a, in transect and subtransect was studied for recognizing the best placement to installation of artificial reefs. All areas of Shipping, military areas, around of Islands, natural habitats and entrance to jetty were introduced for excluding areas. South of Qeshm Island (transects of Bahman jetty, Bandar Masen and Bandar Salakh) are catching area for small pelagic (sardine and anchovy fishes), therefore in these areas installation of artificial reefs have confined with this restriction. Also entrance to Bahman jetty, sea plant habitats (sea grass and algae) in transects of Bahman jetty and Bandar Masen were considered as restricted areas. In this area, suitable areas for installation of artificial reefs was determined based on distribution of Ichthyoplankton societies for every transect, for macrobenthose enrichment Bahman jetty transect was calculated middle, but transects of Bandar Masen, Hengam island and Bandar Salakh was done good indicator. The deposition depth in transects of Bandar Masen and Hengam island was determined as good factor but this index was known as average factor for transects of Bahman jetty and Bandar Masen. Also, two another indicators, primary production and bottom sturdiness, were calculated as middle factor for Bahman jetty transect, but these indicators were known as good factors for other transects in this area (Bandar Masen, Hengam island and Bandar Salakh). The results of these indicators in transects of Bandar Kong and Bandar Bostaneh in Bandar Lengeh area was indicated that T. O. C and bottom sturdiness indices had no significant difference (p>0. 05) and the whole of these transects had average priority. Bottom sturdiness, primary productions and macrobenthose communities indices had difference in Bandar Lengeh area (p<0. 05) and these indices had average priority in Bandar Kong transect and had good priority in transects of Bandar Bostaneh and Bandar Hasineh. Ichthyoplankton community had average priority for Bandar Bostaneh transect, and had good priority for transects of Bandar Kong and Bandar Hasineh. The good priority has obtained for transects of Bandar Charak, Bandar Gorzeh and Bandar Chiroeyah. Also Macrobenthose community, primary production, water physical factors and bottom sturdiness were known as good, good, average and weakness priority respectively for transects of Bandar Charak, Bandar Gorzeh, but primary production, bottom sturdiness, water physical factors and macrobenthose community were resulted as average, good, good and average priority respectively for Bandar Chiroeyah transect . T.O.C index was determined as average priority for transects of Bandar Gorzeh and Bandar Chiroeyah and good priority for Bandar Charak transect. Finally, excluded areas maps, suitability areas maps and feasibility areas maps were drawn by Arc GIS software. In this survey, layers between 10 to 20 meters depth were recognized as the best position for installation of artificial reefs

    Epidemiological study on some environmental and management parameters affecting on WSD occurrence in Fenneropenaeus indicus and Penaeus vannamei

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    For the first time white spot disease (WSD) was reported in shrimp farms of khoozestan province, in southwest of IRAN in 2002. Then in 2005 the neighbor province, boushehr, was contaminated. In 2008 WSD outbreak reported in sistan-bloochestan province in southeast of Iran. In 2015 all of southern shrimp farms of country except Hormozgan, the middle southern province, which has remained free of WSD, are being contaminated. White Spot disease suspended shrimp culture in thousands hectares of shrimp farms. Considering that white spot disease has not been observed in Hormozgan province yet, the question is; to what extent environmental and management factors participated in preventing WSD outbreak or cause WSD outbreak. In this study (20102012), the effects of environmental factors and management, stressors that decrease immune system function of shrimp are discussed. In addition, the role of pathogen as the main factor of outbreak is discussed. The goal of this study is to define environmental parameters and management practices associates with outbreak of white spot disease in affected provinces and discover reasons of being Hormozgan province free of this disease. In this study the role of the local environmental factors and management practice stressors in susceptibility to WSD was determine. Both the effects of environmental factors in water of ponds including total ammonia, nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, transparency, and temperature and management issues related to biosecurity are studied. There were overlaps on physical and chemical parameter values obtained in clear areas with contaminated areas .Results of the data analysis suggest that lack of association with WSD incidence was 7 times greater than WSD incidence despite of disease outbreak in sistan-bloochestan province, so other sources of white spot disease virus incidence was suspected in affected areas. Histopathological examinations and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests during project performance did not reveal white spot disease virus evidences in post larvae examined from khoozestan province stocked in farms but disease outbreak was happened in that farms , so we suspected to management practice include feed , pond preparation and carrier of disease. Recorded values of temperature and salinity in some months during inspection in Hormozgan province specified stressful condition that may lead to WSD outbreak, however the disease did not appear. Therefore the hypothesis that the water physical and chemical conditions are reasons to prevent disease outbreak in Hormozgan province is being rejected. The policy of Hormozgan’s fishery authorities, to replaced Fenneropenaeus indicus with specific pathogen free Litopenaeus vannamei, that is more resistant to some of diseases, before incidence of WSD in farms and to before being endemic in the Hormozgan province, made an advantage compare to affected southern provinces that introduced Litopenaeus vannamei after WSD prevalence to their farms. However it does not guarantee to maintain current trend of being Hormozgan province farms free of white spot disease. Therefore establishing the principals of biosecurity are strongly emphasized. Strategies taken by the proficient authorities in preparation of SPF shrimp broodstock can be the most important factor in preventing WSD. Regarding biosecurity principals purchased feed must be free of shrimp head powder. Construction the new shrimp farms should be as far as it could be away from contaminated areas


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    The effects of shrimp culture on the adjacent water bodies over a crop cycle period were evaluated in the year 2005 by studying the water quality of inlet and outlet in two locations within Sayeh Khosh and Tiab area. A one way ANOVA was used for statistical analysis of the data comprising homogeneous subsets and multiple comparisons. We evaluated the variation of 10 parameters including temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, BOD5, total ammonia, nitrate, inorganic phosphorous, chlorophyll a, and total suspended solids (TSS).The variations were in the range 23-37.4oC for temperature, 8.12-8.36 for pH, 38-48ppt for salinity, 5.6-7.8mg/l for dissolved oxygen, 0.2-5.7mg/1 for BOD5, 0.002-0.045mg/l for total ammonia, 0.026-0.275 mm/l for nitrate, 0.001-0.042mg/1 for inorganic phosphorous, 0.11-4.15 mg/1 for chlorophylla and 33-174.2 mg/1 for total suspended solids. The result of this study showed that salinity, BOD5, nitrate, total ammonium, inorganic phosphorous and total suspended solids in the outlet effluents and the receiving water in Tiab (stations 1,2) and Sayeh Khosh (stations 5,6) were higher than other sites (3, 4, 7 and 8) and statistical analysis of variance showed a significant difference between the sites (P<0.05). The concentration of chlorophylla showed a decrease in the outlet effluents and receiving.waters in Tiab and Sayeh Khosh areas


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    The shrimp farming industry has rapidly expanded in the south of Iran and in particular in the Hormozgan province during the past decade. We studied physico-chemical parameters of water in outlet and inlet channels of shrimp farms in Tiab during July-December 2000. Water samples were collected monthly at four stations during the harvest period. The parameters assessed included pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate, total phosphate, total suspended solids and chlorophyll a. The variation of above parameters were determined to be 7.62 - 8.19, 42.75 - 52.55ppt, 2.8 - 8.3mg/l, 4.46 -0.66m/l, 0.21-1.64µg/l, 0.12-2.07µm/l, 0.13-16.1µm/l, 0.59-10.5µm/l, 22-121mg/l and 0.43-5.13µm/l respectively. Results of the analyses showed that salinity, dissolved nutrient, T.S.S and chlorophyll a in the effluent were significantly higher than the influent water (P<0.05). A significant correlation was also found between chlorophyll a and nitrate, phosphate and suspended solid concentration (P<0.05). Comparison of the results with the standards showed that parameters are currently within acceptable limits