6 research outputs found

    Inadvertent Injection of Sodium Hypochlorite to Oral Mucosa

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    It is important to carefully use sodium hypochloride(NaOCI) in its clinical applications. Non-careful use of cytotoxic agents(NaOCI,etg) may cause serious complications. In this case report, a treatment approach to paresthesia and tissue necrosis after inadvertent injection of 1% NaOCl solution into oral mucosa is presented.. Pain, edema, loss of sensation, redness on the cheek, and difficulty in swallowing was seemed during the patient’s clinical examination. The patient was experiencing severe pain and a burning sensation during injection. The patient was administered intraoral drugs,such as antibiotics (amoxicillin 1000 mg two times per a day for two week),alpha lipoic acid (300 mg one times per a day for one mounth), and debridement of oral mucousa .Consequently, re-epithelialization of necrotic tissue was observed in the 3rd month. All symptoms disappeared completely in the 6th month

    Evaluation of volumetric and morphological changes in the maxillary incisive canals of patients who undergoing surgicaly rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) by utilizing data obtained from cone-beam computed tomography

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    YÖK Tez ID: 386447Bu çalışmada Cerrahi Destekli Hızlı Maksiller Genişletme (CDHMG) uygulanan hastaların maksiller insiziv kanallarında meydana gelen morfolojik değişikliklerin, cinsiyet, yaş ve genişletme oranları göz önünde bulundurularak ve Konik Işınlı Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (KIBT) verileri kullanılarak değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Çalışma grubu Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Ağız Diş Çene Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı Kliniği'nden seçilen 30 hastadan oluşturuldu. Çalışmaya dâhil edilen hastalar 16- 29 yaş aralığındaki, daha önce ortodontik tedavi görmemiş ve transvers yönde maksiller darlık ve çift taraflı yan çapraz kapanış gösteren bireylerden seçildi. Seçilen hastalara endikasyon doğrultusunda Cerrahi Destekli Maksiller Genişletme (CDHMG) uygulandı. Maksillanın transvers yönde genişlemesini sağlayacak aygıtlar, hastaların dişsel ve iskeletsel gelişimlerinin muayenesi doğrultusunda akrilik splint tipi Hyrax ve Transpalatal Distraktör olarak seçildi. Bütün olgularda genişletme herhangi bir komplikasyon ya da aygıtın başarısızlığı gibi sorunlar olmaksızın tamamlandı. Genişletme öncesinde ve aktif genişletmeden sonra 3 aylık pekiştirme dönemi sonunda, Konik Işınlı Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (KIBT) alındı. İnsiziv foramen çapı, şekli, insiziv kanalın uzunluğu, mediolateral yön değişimi tomografiler üzerinde değerlendirildi. Cerrahi Destekli Hızlı Maksiller Genişletme sonrası insiziv kanalın çapında, uzunluğunda, mediolateral yön değişiminde meydana gelen değişiklikler veri sonuçlarımızda istatistiksel ölçüde anlamlı (p<0.05) bulunsada, geniş bireysel farklılıklar göz önüne alındığında, gelecekte vaka sayısı artırılarak çalışmanın tekrarlanmasının uygun olduğu düşünülmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Cerrahi Destekli Hızlı Maksiller Genişletme, İnsiziv kanal, İnsiziv kanal, Konik Işınlı Bilgisayarlı Tomografi, Maksiller DarlıkThe aim of this study is to evaluate any volumetric and morphological changes in the maxillary incisive canals of patients undergoing Surgicaly Rapid Maxillary Expansion (SARME) by considering the variables of gender, age, and expansion rate and by utilizing data obtained from cone-beam computed tomography. The study group consists of 30 patients, selected from the clinic of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Dental Faculty of Kirikkale University. The patients included in this study, who have an age range of 16 to 29 years old, all presented transverse maxillary deficiency and bilateral posterior crossbite and had no previous orthodontic treatment. As suggested by the indications, the Surgically Rapid Maxillary Expansion procedure has been applied to all of the patients. As per the investigations on patients' dental and skeletal development statuses, the appliances of choice for enabling the Maxillae to expand transversely in patients were the acrylic cap splint type Hyrax and TPD (Transpalatal Distractor). In all cases, the expansion was completed successfully without any patient discomfort or appliance failure. Cone-beam computed tomograms were taken right before expansion and at the end of the 3-month retention period following the active expansion procedure. The diameter and shape of the incisive foramen, the length of incisive canals and the changes in the mediolateral direction were evaluated by observing the tomograms. Although statistical analyses have shown that, the length of the incisive canal,the diameter of the incisive canal and the changes in the mediolateral direction have all significantly increased (p < .05); considering that there is a wide range of personal differences between patients, it could be beneficial to repeat the study with study group of larger size. Key words: Surgical Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion, Incisive Canal, CBCT, Transverse Maxillary Deficiency

    Inadvertent Injection of Sodium Hypochlorite to Oral Mucosa

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    It is important to carefully use sodium hypochloride(NaOCI) in its clinical applications. Non-careful use of cytotoxic agents(NaOCI,etg) may cause serious complications. In this case report, a treatment approach to paresthesia and tissue necrosis after inadvertent injection of 1% NaOCl solution into oral mucosa is presented.. Pain, edema, loss of sensation, redness on the cheek, and difficulty in swallowing was seemed during the patient’s clinical examination. The patient was experiencing severe pain and a burning sensation during injection. The patient was administered intraoral drugs,such as antibiotics (amoxicillin 1000 mg two times per a day for two week),alpha lipoic acid (300 mg one times per a day for one mounth), and debridement of oral mucousa .Consequently, re-epithelialization of necrotic tissue was observed in the 3rd month. All symptoms disappeared completely in the 6th month

    The Epidermoid Cyst Containing Free Teeth in The Maxillary Sinus

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    Epidermoid cysts (EC) are the most common tumors of the skin. They are usually asymptomatic and small-sized. They are more common at young ages. They grow slowly and are painless. The wall of EC is covered with epidermis-like epithelium. EC are rarely seen in sinuses. In our case, a 16-year-old female presented with complaints of swelling and headache that started from the left eye and extended to the upper lip. A biopsy was performed at another hospital of the patient who had previously received medical treatment but had no complaints. A cystic mass containing teeth was observed in the left maxillary sinus on imaging. The cystic mass was excised along with the wall. Pathological results supported the diagnosis of EC. Treatment of EC are surgical and recurrence rates are low. Although many masses are observed in the sinonasal region, epidermoid cysts are rare. It is important to distinguish epidermoid cysts from malignant masses that exhibit expansile growth characteristics. Keywords: Headache, epidermoid cyst, maxillary sinu

    The Epidermoid Cyst Containing Free Teeth in The Maxillary Sinus

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    Epidermoid cysts (EC) are the most common tumors of the skin. They are usually asymptomatic and small-sized. They are more common at young ages. They grow slowly and are painless. The wall of EC is covered with epidermis-like epithelium. EC are rarely seen in sinuses. In our case, a 16-year-old female presented with complaints of swelling and headache that started from the left eye and extended to the upper lip. A biopsy was performed at another hospital of the patient who had previously received medical treatment but had no complaints. A cystic mass containing teeth was observed in the left maxillary sinus on imaging. The cystic mass was excised along with the wall. Pathological results supported the diagnosis of EC. Treatment of EC are surgical and recurrence rates are low. Although many masses are observed in the sinonasal region, epidermoid cysts are rare. It is important to distinguish epidermoid cysts from malignant masses that exhibit expansile growth characteristics. Keywords: Headache, epidermoid cyst, maxillary sinu