403 research outputs found

    Document: Neuropsicologia del lactant

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    Discurs pronunciat pel professor Ajuriaguerra amb motiu de la seva investidura com a doctor Honoris Causa per la Universitat de Barcelon

    Urbanism and revolution. Graffiti, murals, and posters of ETA (1969-2011)

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    A lo largo de la historia el espacio público de pueblos y ciudades se ha caracterizado por acoger y favorecer tanto los encuentros e intercambios culturales como las revoluciones y cambios sociales. En el caso de Occidente, éstas han fomentado la expansión territorial de la democracia. Pero ¿qué ocurre cuando la reivindicación, lucha o incluso revolución de plazas y calles sirve para revertir todos los avances democráticos alcanzados? En este artículo se analizan las demandas independentistas en los entornos urbanos vascos durante los años de 1969-2011. Para ello, se emplea una metodología de revisión bibliográfica de las acciones realizadas los núcleos urbanos mediante las manifestaciones artísticas relativas al independentismo y terrorismo vasco. Hasta lograr así, mermar la neutralidad del espacio público hasta apropiarse de él. De esta forma, se expone la evolución del independentismo y terrorismo vasco mediante las perspectivas ciudadanas a través de sus pintadas, murales y carteles.Throughout history, the public space of towns and cities has been characterized by favoring cultural encounters and exchanges and revolutions and social changes. In the case of the West, these have fostered the territorial expansion of democracy. But what happens when some citizens occupy squares and streets to reverse all the democratic advances achieved? This article, the demands for independence of part the Basque society in urban environments during 1969-2011, is analyzed. To do this, a methodology of bibliographic review of the actions carried out through artistic manifestations related to Basque independence and terrorism movement in urban areas. Consequently, these actions reduced the neutrality of public space until appropriating it. In this way, the evolution of Basque independence and terrorism movements was exposed through citizen perspectives through its graffiti, murals and posters

    A Theorical Point of View of Reality, Perception, and Language

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    It is possible to view the relations between mathematics and natural language from different aspects. This relation between mathematics and language is not based on just one aspect. In this article, the authors address the role of the Subject facing Reality through language. Perception is defined and a mathematical theory of the perceptual field is proposed. The distinction between purely expressive language and purely informative language is considered false, because the subject is expressed in the communication of a message, and conversely, in purely expressive language, as in an exclamation, there is some information. To study the relation between language and reality, the function of ostensibility is defined and propositions are divided into ostensives and estimatives

    Closing-in Behavior in Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Executive Deficit

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    This study explored Closing-in behavior (CIB), the tendency in figure copying to draw very close to or on top of the model, in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The files of 154 people diagnosed with MCI were reviewed and CIB was identified in 21% of cases. Two approaches were used to explore CIB. First, we capitalized on the diverse cognitive profiles within MCI, subdividing the overall sample into people with and without memory deficits. The frequency of CIB was significantly higher in multidomain non-amnestic MCI than in multidomain amnestic MCI, suggesting that CIB is not associated with specific memory impairment. Second, we assessed the cognitive correlates of CIB, by selecting patients with MCI who completed a battery of executive, visuo-constructional and memory tasks. Sub-groups of patients with and without CIB showed a similar overall severity of cognitive decline and comparable performance in visuo-constructional and memory tasks, but those with CIB were slightly but significantly more impaired on executive function tasks. The study provides evidence against memory-based accounts of CIB, and supports recent suggestions that executive impairments are the dominant cognitive correlate of this clinical sign

    "Closing-in" phenomenon in Alzheimer's disease and subcortical vascular dementia

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    BACKGROUND: The 'closing-in' phenomenon is defined as a tendency to close in on a model while copying it. This is one of several constructional apraxia observed in dementia, particularly in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of it in the differential diagnosis of AD and subcortical vascular dementia (SVD) and to clarify the factors associated with it. METHODS: We operationally defined and classified it into three types, namely overlap, adherent, and near type. We analyzed the incidence of it in patients with AD (n = 98) and SVD (n = 48). RESULTS: AD patients exhibited a significantly higher occurrence of it as compared to SVD patients. Among the different types of it, the overlap and adherent types occurred almost exclusively in AD patients. A discriminant analysis in AD subjects revealed that the scores obtained from the MMSE, CDR, Barthel index, and the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test were correlated significantly with the occurrence of it. There was no statistical difference between the Q-EEG parameters of patients that exhibited the closing-in phenomenon and those that did not. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that the closing-in phenomenon is phase- and AD-specific and might be a useful tool for the differential diagnosis of AD and SVD