23 research outputs found

    Reducing Routing Overhead in Random Walk Protocol under MP2P Network

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    Due to network dynamics in self-organizing networks the resource discovery effort increases. To discover objects in unstructured peer-to-peer network, peers rely on traditional methods like flooding, random walk and probabilistic forwarding methods. With inadequate knowledge of paths, the peers have to flood the query message which creates incredible network traffic and overhead. Many of the previous works based on random walk were done in wired network. In this context random walk was better than flooding. But under MANETs random walk approach behaved differently increasing the overhead, due to frequent link failures incurred by mobility. Decentralized applications based on peer-to-peer computing are best candidates to run over such dynamic network. Issues of P2P service discovery in wired networks have been well addressed in several earlier works. This article evaluates the performance of random walk based resource discovery protocol over P2P Mobile Adhoc Network (MP2P) and suggests an improved scheme to suit MANET. Our version reduces the network overhead, lowers the battery power consumption, minimizes the query delay while providing equally good success rate. The protocol is validated through extensive NS-2 simulations. It is clear from the results that our proposed scheme is an alternative to the existing ones for such highly dynamic mobile network scenario

    Investigation of laser-plasma interactions at near-critical densities

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    During the high-intensity laser-plasma experiments conducted at the high-power laser system JETI40 at IOQ, the two qualitatively different laser side-scattering processes have been observed. The side-scattering observed during the first experiment was found to be non-symmetric in nature with respect to the lasers propagation direction and it was estimated to occur from under-dense to quarter critical plasma densities. The scattering angle was found to gradually decrease, as the laser pulse propagates towards regions of higher densities (i.e. the gas jet centre). For increasing nozzle backing pressures, the scattering was also found to gradually change from upward to down- ward directions. In this thesis, this side-scattering process is shown to a consequence of the laser propagation in non-uniform plasma, where the scattering angle was found to be oriented along the direction of the plasma gradient. In the second experiment, a symmetric side-scattering process with respect to the lasers propagation direction was observed from the intense central laser-plasma interaction region. This scattering process was found to originate from a longitudinally narrow laser-plasma interaction region and vary over ±50 with respect to the lasers transverse direction. It was found to primarily occur in the near-critical plasma density regime (0.09nc 0.25nc, where nc is the plasma critical density). In contrast to the previous experiment, Raman scattering has been shown to be the cause of this symmetric scattering process, where the scattering occurs as the result of the wave vector non-alignment between the main laser pulse and the resulting plasma wave

    Minimizing Redundant Messages and Improving Search Efficiency under Highly Dynamic Mobile P2P Network

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    Resource Searching is one of the key functional tasks in large complex networks. With the P2P architecture, millions of peers connect together instantly building a communication pattern. Searching in mobile networks faces additional limitations and challenges. Flooding technique can cope up with the churn and searches aggressively by visiting almost all the nodes. But it exponentially increases the network traffic and thus does not scale well. Further the duplicated query messages consume extra battery power and network bandwidth. The blind flooding also suffers from long delay problem in P2P networks. In this paper, we propose optimal density based flooding resource discovery schemes. Our first model takes into account local graph topology information to supplement the resource discovery process while in our extended version we also consider the neighboring node topology information along with the local node information to further effectively use the mobile and network resources. Our proposed method reduces collision at the same time minimizes effect of redundant messages and failures. Overall the methods reduce network overhead, battery power consumption, query delay, routing load, MAC load and bandwidth usage while also achieving good success rate in comparison to the other techniques. We also perform a comprehensive analysis of the resource discovery schemes to verify the impact of varying node speed and different network conditions

    Fuzzy tuned PID controller for envisioned agricultural manipulator

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    The implementation of image-based phenotyping systems has become an important aspect of crop and plant science research which has shown tremendous growth over the years. Accurate determination of features using images requires stable imaging and very precise processing. By installing a camera on a mechanical arm driven by motor, the maintenance of accuracy and stability becomes non-trivial. As per the state-of-the-art, the issue of external camera shake incurred due to vibration is a great concern in capturing accurate images, which may be induced by the driving motor of the manipulator. So, there is a requirement for a stable active controller for sufficient vibration attenuation of the manipulator. However, there are very few reports in agricultural practices which use control algorithms. Although, many control strategies have been utilized to control the vibration in manipulators associated to various applications, no control strategy with validated stability has been provided to control the vibration in such envisioned agricultural manipulator with simple low-cost hardware devices with the compensation of non-linearities. So, in this work, the combination of proportional-integral-differential (PID) control with type-2 fuzzy logic (T2-F-PID) is implemented for vibration control. The validation of the controller stability using Lyapunov analysis is established. A torsional actuator (TA) is applied for mitigating torsional vibration, which is a new contribution in the area of agricultural manipulators. Also, to prove the effectiveness of the controller, the vibration attenuation results with T2-F-PID is compared with conventional PD/PID controllers, and a type-1 fuzzy PID (T1-F-PID) controller

    Field and laboratory comparative evaluation of rapid malaria diagnostic tests versus traditional and molecular techniques in India

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malaria presents a diagnostic challenge in most tropical countries. Microscopy remains the gold standard for diagnosing malaria infections in clinical practice and research. However, microscopy is labour intensive, requires significant skills and time, which causes therapeutic delays. The objective of obtaining result quickly from the examination of blood samples from patients with suspected malaria is now made possible with the introduction of rapid malaria diagnostic tests (RDTs). Several RDTs are available, which are fast, reliable and simple to use and can detect <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>and non-falciparum infections or both. A study was conducted in tribal areas of central India to measure the overall performance of several RDTs for diagnosis of <it>P. falciparum </it>and non-falciparum infections in comparison with traditional and molecular techniques. Such data will be used to guide procurement decisions of policy makers and programme managers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Five commercially available RDTs were tested simultaneously in field in parallel with peripheral blood smears in outbreak-affected areas. The evaluation is designed to provide comparative data on the performance of each RDT. In addition, molecular method i.e. polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was also carried out to compare all three methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 372 patients with a clinical suspicion of malaria from Bajag Primary Health Centre (PHC) of district Dindori and Satanwada PHC of district Shivpuri attending the field clinics of Regional Medical Research Centre were included in the study. The analysis revealed that the First Response Malaria Antigen pLDH/HRP2 combo test was 94.7% sensitive (95% CI 89.5-97.7) and 69.9% specific (95% CI 63.6-75.6) for <it>P. falciparum</it>. However, for non-falciparum infections (<it>Plasmodium vivax</it>) the test was 84.2% sensitive (95% CI 72.1-92.5) and 96.5% specific (95% CI 93.8-98.2). The Parascreen represented a good alternative. All other RDTs were relatively less sensitive for both <it>P. falciparum </it>and non-falciparum infections.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results in this study show comparative performance between microscopy, various RDTs and PCR. Despite some inherent limitation in the five RDTs tested, First Response clearly has an advantage over other RDTs. The results suggest that RDTs could play and will play an important role in malaria diagnosis.</p

    An Analysis of the Overhead and Energy Consumption in Flooding, Random Walk and Gossip based Resource Discovery Protocols in MP2P Networks

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    <p>All major mobile communication architectures are<br>mainly centralized. When the mobile devices are switched on it will search for nearby base station or access point. The content being searched is mostly stored in a centralized directory manner. Peer-to-Peer platform can be one of the best possibilities<br>to overcome the restrictions and resolve issues incurred due to centralization. Mobile environment poses additional challenges on such P2P networks - due to limited resources, dynamic and wireless network characteristics, heterogeneity of nodes,<br>limitations on processing power and wireless bandwidth. Hence resource discovery becomes further challenging. Even today mostly the traditional methods like flooding, random walk or gossip based forwarding methods have to be considered along<br>with major limitations and drawbacks. Further in Mobile Peer-to-Peer (MP2P) system the energy aspect is very crucial with regards to the participation of nodes in the system. The search<br>failure rate may increase if a mobile device uses all its energy and hence not participate in the resource discovery process. In this paper, we simulate the existing standard flooding, random walk and gossip based resource discovery algorithms on a P2P Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) and studied their performance under such highly dynamic mobile network scenario. The efficiency of the resource discovery protocols are validated through extensive<br>NS-2 simulations.</p> <p> </p

    Real-time plant phenomics under robotic farming setup : A vision-based platform for complex plant phenotyping tasks

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    Plant phenotyping in general refers to quantitative estimation of the plant's anatomical, ontogenetical, physiological and biochemical properties. Analyzing big data is challenging, and non-trivial given the different complexities involved. Efficient processing and analysis pipelines are the need of the hour with the increasing popularity of phenotyping technologies and sensors. Through this work, we largely address the overlapping object segmentation &amp; localization problem. Further, we dwell upon multi-plant pipelines that pose challenges as detection and multi-object tracking becomes critical for single frame/set of frames aimed towards uniform tagging &amp; visual features extraction. A plant phenotyping tool named RTPP (Real-Time Plant Phenotyping) is presented that can aid in the detection of single/multi plant traits, modeling, and visualization for agricultural settings. We compare our system with the plantCV platform. The relationship of the digital estimations, and the measured plant traits are discussed that plays a vital roadmap towards precision farming and/or plant breeding

    Issues of Implementing Random Walk and Gossip Based Resource Discovery Protocols in P2P MANETs &amp; Suggestions for Improvement

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    Wireless multi-hop networks attracted much attention in recent years. Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) being one of such networks has its own limitations in terms of resource discovery with unstable topology and paths through the networks. So eventually traditional searching techniques are still widely used. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) model is the major candidate for the internet traffic mainly due to its decentralized nature. This article evaluates classic flooding, random walk and gossip based resource discovery algorithms under mobile peer-to-peer (MP2P) networks and studied their performance. Further we suggest way to improve these algorithms to suit and work better under MANET. We compare the performance in terms of success rate, query response time, network overhead, battery power consumed, overall dropped packets, MAC load, network bandwidth, packet delivery ratio, network routing load and end to end delay. The experiments are validated through NS-2 simulations

    RaspberryPi‐Arduino (RPA) powered smart mirrored and reconfigurable IoT facility for plant science research

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    Continuous monitoring of crops is critical for the sustainability of agriculture. The effects of changes in temperature, light intensity, humidity, pH, soil moisture, gas intensities, etc. have an overall impact on the plant growth. Growth chambers are environmental controlled facilities which needs to be monitored round-the-clock. To improve both the reproducibility, and maintenance of such facilities, remote monitoring plays a very pivotal role. An automated re-configurable &amp; persistent mirrored storage-based remote monitoring system is developed with low-cost open source hardwares and softwares. The system automates sensors deployment, storage (database, logs), and provides an elegant dashboard to visualize the real-time continuous data stream. We propose a new smart AGRO IoT system with robust data acquisition mechanism, and also propose two software component nodes, (i.e., Mirroring and Reconfiguration) running as an instance of the whole IoT facility. The former one is aimed to minimize/avoid the downtime, while the latter one is aimed to leverage the available cores, and better utilization of the computational resources. Our system can be easily deployed in growth chambers, greenhouses, CNC farming test-bed setup, cultivation plots, and further can be also extended to support large-farms with either using multiple individual standalone setup as heterogeneous instances of this facility, or by extending it as master-slave cluster configuration for communication as a single homogeneous instance. Our RaspberryPi-Arduino (RPA) powered solution is scalable, and provides stability for monitoring any environment continuously at ease