121 research outputs found

    Kannabis landarearen kimika

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    Atal honetan, Kannabis landareari buruz arituko gara, landarea osatzen duten molekula bereziei buruz hain zuzen ere. Euren molekula-egitura eta ezagutzen diren ezaugarriak azalduz, usain eta eragin psikotropikoaren erantzule diren molekulak aztertuko dira. Bestalde, landarea kontsumitzeko modu anitz egon daitezke, eta haien deskribapena eta bakoitzaren berezitasunak emango dira. Amaitzeko, hasiera batean azaldutako molekulen analisi-teknikak adieraziko dira

    Chitosan-Coated Alginate Microcapsules of a Full-Spectrum Cannabis Extract: Characterization, Long-Term Stability and In Vitro Bioaccessibility

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    Cannabinoids present in Cannabis sativa are increasingly used in medicine due to their therapeutic potential. Moreover, the synergistic interaction between different cannabinoids and other plant constituents has led to the development of full-spectrum formulations for therapeutic treatments. In this work, the microencapsulation of a full-spectrum extract via vibration microencapsulation nozzle technique using chitosan-coated alginate is proposed to obtain an edible pharmaceutical-grade product. The suitability of microcapsules was assessed by their physicochemical characterization, long-term stability in three different storage conditions and in vitro gastrointestinal release. The synthetized microcapsules contained mainly ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-type and cannabinol (CBN)-type cannabinoids and had a mean size of 460 ± 260 µm and a mean sphericity of 0.5 ± 0.3. The stability assays revealed that capsules should be stored only at 4 °C in darkness to maintain their cannabinoid profile. In addition, based on the in vitro experiments, a fast intestinal release of cannabinoids ensures a medium–high bioaccessibility (57–77%) of therapeutically relevant compounds. The full characterization of microcapsules indicates that they could be used for the design of further full-spectrum cannabis oral formulations.This research was funded by the Basque Government through the financial support as consolidated group of the Basque Research System (IT1213-19 and IT1446-22)

    Exploratory optimisation of a LC-HRMS based analytical method for untargeted metabolomic screening of Cannabis Sativa L. through Data Mining

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    Background Recent increase in public acceptance of cannabis as a natural medical alternative for certain neurological pathologies has led to its approval in different regions of the world. However, due to its previous illegal background, little research has been conducted around its biochemical insights. Therefore, in the current framework, metabolomics may be a suitable approach for deepening the knowledge around this plant species. Nevertheless, experimental methods in metabolomics must be carefully handled, as slight modifications can lead to metabolomic coverage loss. Hence, the main objective of this work was to optimise an analytical method for appropriate untargeted metabolomic screening of cannabis. Results We present an empirically optimised experimental procedure through which the broadest metabolomic coverage was obtained, in which extraction solvents for metabolite isolation, chromatographic columns for LC-qOrbitrap analysis and plant-representative biological tissues were compared. By exploratory means, it was determined that the solvent combination composed of CHCl3:H2O:CH3OH (2:1:1, v/v) provided the highest number of features from diverse chemical classes, as it was a two-phase extractant. In addition, a reverse phase 2.6 μm C18 100 Å (150 × 3 mm) chromatographic column was determined as the appropriate choice for adequate separation and further detection of the diverse metabolite classes. Apart from that, overall chromatographic peak quality provided by each column was observed and the need for batch correction methods through quality control (QC) samples was confirmed. At last, leaf and flower tissues resulted to provide complementary metabolic information of the plant, to the detriment of stem tissue, which resulted to be negligible. Significance It was concluded that the optimised experimental procedure could significantly ease the path for future research works related to cannabis metabolomics by LC-HRMS means, as the work was based on previous plant metabolomics literature. Furthermore, it is crucial to highlight that an optimal analytical method can vary depending on the main objective of the research, as changes in the experimental factors can lead to different outcomes, regardless of whether the results are better or worse.This work was financially supported by the Education Department of the Basque Country as a consolidated group of the Basque Research System (IT1213-19) and by Sovereign Fields S.L., in the framework of the project Metabolomic study of Cannabis Sativa L. cultivations and determination of contaminants in medical cannabis plants

    A review of bioanalytical techniques for evaluation of cannabis (Marijuana, weed, Hashish) in human hair

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    Cannabis products (marijuana, weed, hashish) are among the most widely abused psychoactive drugs in the world, due to their euphorigenic and anxiolytic properties. Recently, hair analysis is of great interest in analytical, clinical, and forensic sciences due to its non-invasiveness, negligible risk of infection and tampering, facile storage, and a wider window of detection. Hair analysis is now widely accepted as evidence in courts around the world. Hair analysis is very feasible to complement saliva, blood tests, and urinalysis. In this review, we have focused on state of the art in hair analysis of cannabis with particular attention to hair sample preparation for cannabis analysis involving pulverization, extraction and screening techniques followed by confirmatory tests (e.g., GC–MS and LC–MS/MS). We have reviewed the literature for the past 10 years’ period with special emphasis on cannabis quantification using mass spectrometry. The pros and cons of all the published methods have also been discussed along with the prospective future of cannabis analysis

    Konposatu bioaktiboen ustiapenerako metodo analitikoen garapena/Development of analytical methods for the exploitation of bioactive compounds

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    <div>Tesi hau bi zutabe nagusitan banatzen da. Lehenengoan ardo hondakinen balioa handitzeko metodologia bat garatu da. Lehenik, ardo hondakinetatik polifenolak eta gantz azidoak bakoitza bere aldetik erauzteko jariakin gainkritiko bidezko erauzketa (SFE) optimizatu da. Polifenolak ez dira oso egonkorrak ordea eta gorputzean bioeskuragarritasun baxua dute. Arazo hauek konpontzeko polifenolak zurrusta-bibrazio bidezko mikrokapsularatzearen (VNM) bidez enkapsulatu dira.</div><div><br></div><div>Bigarren zutabean etorkizun hurbilean kannabisa sendagai bezala erabili ahal izateko 3 urrats eman dira. Alde batetik, landare ezberdinak efektu ezberdinekin lotzea ahalbidetu dezakeen landareen kannabinoideen hatz-marka osatzeko fragmentazio bikoitzeko masa-espektometriari akoplaturiko eraginkortasun handiko likido kromatografia (HPLC-MS/MS) bidezko metodo bat garatu da. Bestalde, gernuan eta plasman kannabinoideak eta euren metabolitoak kuantifikatzeko metodo bat ere garatu da, hidrolisi entzimatiko-alkalino bikoitza eta HPLC-MS/MS analisi teknika erabiliz. Azkenik, konposatu puruen eta landare mota jakinen produkzioa optimizatzeko, kemotipo ezberdineko landareen hazkuntzan zeharreko kannabinoideen eta terpenoen garapena aztertu da</div><div><br></div

    Kannabis landarearen kimika

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    Atal honetan, Kannabis landareari buruz arituko gara, landarea osatzen duten molekula bereziei buruz hain zuzen ere. Euren molekula-egitura eta ezagutzen diren ezaugarriak azalduz, usain eta eragin psikotropikoaren erantzule diren molekulak aztertuko dira. Bestalde, landarea kontsumitzeko modu anitz egon daitezke, eta haien deskribapena eta bakoitzaren berezitasunak emango dira. Amaitzeko, hasiera batean azaldutako molekulen analisi-teknikak adieraziko dira

    Kannabis landarearen kimika

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    <div>Atal honetan, Kannabis landareari buruz arituko gara, landarea osatzen duten molekula bereziei buruz hain zuzen ere. Euren molekula-egitura eta ezagutzen diren ezaugarriak azalduz, usain eta eragin psikotropikoaren erantzule diren molekulak</div><div>aztertuko dira. Bestalde, landarea kontsumitzeko modu anitz egon daitezke, eta haien deskribapena eta bakoitzaren berezitasunak emango dira. Amaitzeko, hasiera batean</div><div>azaldutako molekulen analisi-teknikak adieraziko dira.</div

    Atzoko baliabideak, biharko osasuna: ardo-hondakinak eta kannabisa

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    Tesi hau bi zutabe nagusitan banatzen da. Lehenengoan, ardo-hondakinen balioa handitzeko metodologia bat garatu genuen. Lehenik, ardo-hondakinetatik polife-nolak eta gantz-azidoak, bakoitza bere aldetik, erauzi genituen jariakin gainkritikoak erabiliz. Polifenolak ez dira oso egonkorrak, ordea, eta gorputzean bioeskuragarrita-sun baxua dute. Arazo horiek konpontzeko, polifenolak mikrokapsularatzeko teknika bat garatu genuen. Bigarren zutabean, etorkizun hurbilean kannabisa sendagai bezala erabili ahal izateko, 3 urrats eman genituen. Alde batetik, landare ezberdinak efektu ez-berdinekin lotzea ahalbide dezakeen landareen kannabinoideen hatz-marka osatzeko analisi-teknika garatu genuen. Bestetik, gernuan eta plasman kannabinoideak eta euren metabolitoak kuantifikatzeko metodo bat ere garatu genuen. Azkenik, konposatu pu-ruen eta landare mota jakinen produkzioa optimizatzeko, kimiotipo ezberdineko landa-reen hazkuntzan zeharreko kannabinoideen eta terpenoen garapena aztertu genuen.; This thesis was divided in two lines of research. On the one hand, supercrit-ical fluid extraction was successfully applied to a sequential fractionation of fatty acids and polyphenols from wine wastes. Unfortunately, polyphenols have poor long-term stability and poor bioavailability, so they were microencapsulated. On the other hand, 3 different studies were done around medical use of cannabis. Firstly, in order to corre-late plants with their physiological effects, an analysis method was developed to estab-lish the cannabinoid fingerprinting of different cannabis plants. A method for the quan-tification of major cannabinoids and their metabolites in human urine and plasma was also developed. Finally, in order to optimize the production of bioactive compounds, the evolution of cannabinoid and terpene content of different chemotype plants during their growth was studied
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