11 research outputs found

    Nickel Oxide (NiO) Thin Film Synthesis via Electrodeposition for Methylene Blue Photodegradation

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    Nickel oxide (NiO) is an ideal photocatalyst material for methylene blue photodegradation. NiO is known to have high photocatalytic activity, good stability, and non-toxic properties. However, conventional NiO thin film synthesis methods are inefficient because require high temperatures, complex equipment operations, and volatile precursor solutions. Therefore, in this study, NiO was synthesized by the electrodeposition method and then applied for methylene blue photodegradation. NiO thin film's morphological structure and elemental composition percentage were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, respectively. Meanwhile, the crystal structure was characterized using an X-ray diffractometer. Several electrochemical and photodegradation tests were conducted to analyze the performance of the NiO photocatalyst. The results showed NiO was successfully synthesized using the electrodeposition method.  The morphology of NiO was a coral-like structure. A sharp diffraction peak with high intensity at 2  with 43.28° indicates a well-ordered crystalline of NiO. The maximum photocurrent density generated from the photoelectrochemical test was 0.1287 mA/cm2. The small charge transfer resistance value (1353.6 Ω) confirmed from the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy test indicates low charge transfer resistance. Percent photodegradation of methylene blue was obtained at 65% in 100 min, which indicated good photocatalytic activity

    Hubungan Kebiasaan Makan Olahan Pangan Tradisional Teknik Penggaraman dengan Kejadian Hipertensi di Puskesmas Paringin Kabupaten Balangan Kalimantan Selatan

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    People's eating habits are dominated by food types derived from food sources through fermentation with the addition of kitchen salt. These salty foods cause a decline in the quality and function of blood vessels, heart, and other important organs, resulting in decreased immunity as well as increased oxidants, to metabolic disorders or diseases, and hypertension. This research was conducted to find out about the habit of consuming traditional food processing techniques with hypertension at Paringin Health Center. This research uses a quantitative method with a cross sectional approach. In this study there were 166 people. With 68 research samples. As well as data collection methods using interviews, observations and laboratory tests. The research found that the nutritional value of NaCl contained per 100 grams of processed foods such as fried rice pack has a NaCl content of 10.01 grams, iwak karate karate has a NaCl content of 9.40 grams, fried mandai has a NaCl content of 7.04 grams, fried wadi content of 6.42 grams, and fried wadi content of NaCl. It has a NaCl content of 5.23 grams. Keywords: Traditional Food Processing, Drying Techniques, HypertensionKebiasaan makan masyarakat yang didominasi oleh jenis makanan yang berasal dari sumber makanan melalui proses fermentasi dengan penambahan garam dapur. Makanan asin tersebut menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas dan fungsi pembuluh darah, jantung, dan organ penting lainnya yang membuat menurunnya imunitas serta meningkatnya oksidan, hingga timbulnya gangguan metabolik atau penyakit, serta terjadinya hipertensi. Riset ini dilakukan untuk mencari tahu tentang kebiasaan mengkonsumsi olahan pangan tradisional teknik penggaraman dengan kejadian hipertensi di Puskesmas Paringin. Riset ini menggunakan metode Kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pada riset ini terdapat jumlah orang sebanyak 166 orang. Dengan sampel riset sebanyak 68 orang. Serta metode Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi serta uji laboratorium. Hasil riset menyatakan nilai gizi NaCl yang terkandung dalam per 100 gram olahan pangan seperti pakasam goreng memiliki kandungan NaCl sebesar 10,01 gram, iwak karing sapat goreng memiliki kandungan NaCl sebesar 9,40 gram, mandai goreng memiliki kandungan NaCl sebesar 7,04 gram, wadi goreng yang kandungan NaCl sebesar 6,42 gram, dan oseng mandai yang memiliki kandungan NaCl sebesar 5,23 gram. Kata Kunci: Olahan Pangan Tradisional, Teknik Penggaraman, Hipertens

    Patients' perception of postoperative pain management: validation of the International Pain Outcomes (IPO) questionnaire

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    UNLABELLED: PAIN OUT is a European Commission-funded project aiming at improving postoperative pain management. It combines a registry that can be useful for quality improvement and research using treatment and patient-reported outcome measures. The core of the project is a patient questionnaire-the International Pain Outcomes questionnaire-that comprises key patient-level outcomes of postoperative pain management, including pain intensity, physical and emotional functional interference, side effects, and perceptions of care. Its psychometric quality after translation and adaptation to European patients is the subject of this validation study. The questionnaire was administered to 9,727 patients in 10 languages in 8 European countries and Israel. Construct validity was assessed using factor analysis. Discriminant validity assessment used Mann-Whitney U tests to detect mean group differences between 2 surgical disciplines. Internal consistency reliability was calculated as Cronbach's alpha. Factor analysis resulted in a 3-factor structure explaining 53.6% of variance. Cronbach's alpha at overall scale level was high (.86), and for the 3 subscales was low, moderate, or high (range, .53-.89). Significant mean group differences between general and orthopedic surgery patients confirmed discriminant validity. The psychometric quality of the International Pain Outcomes questionnaire can be regarded as satisfactory. PERSPECTIVE: The International Pain Outcomes questionnaire provides an instrument for postoperative pain assessment and improvement of quality of care, which demonstrated good psychometric quality when translated into a variety of languages in a large European and Israeli patient population. This measure provides the basis for the first comprehensive postoperative pain registry in Europe and other countries