11,938 research outputs found


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    Represent Song oral discourse, write and art, so That potency to have studied linguisticsly. Song lyrics have brief language, Owning rhythm, and contain values and educative of the which is aesthetic, and be expressed poeticly Also cans. And so do the Things of with songs of Minang happily sung by Boy Shane, its very attractive Song Lyric Because having separate specification, specially at the aspect of lexical. The target of this research is to Explain and describe about usage of the aspect of lexical in two albums of Minang Padiah Diseso and Long Shadow In Blue Cloud warbled by Boy shandy covering: form usage of repeatation repetition, synonymy (correspond word), collocation (sit side by side words), antonyms (word opponent / meaning Opposition), hiponimi ([relation / link] to the unders) and equivalence (form correspondence). Method Used in the which is this qualitative research is descriptive method, namely try to elaborate and describe of lexical aspect. Technique of data collecting in this research is technique of refer-note. While the data processing of research Analyse with use of [is tables of ananlisis. The data in this research is in the form of words, phrases, sentence or clause showing the existence of usage of the aspect of lexical covering usage of repeatation (repetition), synonym (correspond word), collocation (sit side by side word), hiponimi ( [relation / link] to the unders), antonymy (word opponent / meaning opsisi), and equivalence (form correspondence) in bardic discourse of song of Minang the which there are in the album of Boy Shane (Padiah Diseso Shadow and Long [In] Blue Cloud). While Becoming the source of the data in this research is in the form of bardic discourse of song of Minang the which there are in two-song album of Boy Shane the which produced by PT. Carolina Record Field. Result of this research indicate That usage of the aspect of lexical items in the album cover of Boy Shandy: a) repeatation (restating), what consist of epizeuksis, anaphora, epistrofa, anadiplosis, and is intact, For example repetition of the word of trail (I [ is]), uda (elder brother), and adiak ([sister / brother]), b) synonymy (correspond word), what consist of synonym [Among / Between] free morpheme and morpheme tied, synonym [Among / Between] word with words, and synonym [Among / Between] and word of phrase, for example word synonym of trail (and me) of den me, c) collocation (sit side by side word), for example in love domain, d) antonymy ( Opposition meaning) what consist of absolute Opposition, Opposition of pole, [relation / link] Opposition, Opposition of hierarkial and, Opposition of compound, for example word of nyalo (flame) with Extinct word (death), e) hiponimi, for example month; moon (month, moon), star (star), the which is berhipernim with external objects of space and, f) equivalence, for example the use of words long (word and longing) of marindu (miss) coming from a long word (long)

    Values Implemented By Secondary Teachers In Mathematics Problem Solving

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    This qualitative research aims at exploring the values implemented by the teachers in matehamtics problem solving classroom. The subjects are three mathematics teachers in secondary school in Palembang. Data were collected through interview pre teaching, observation juring the teaching process, interview post teaching, field recording, and document collecting. Observation to each teacher was done twice and was recorded by video recording. The result shows that the values implemented by the teachers are explicit and implicit. The dominant values implemented by the teachers in general category is the values of belief in God and the value of thorough, the dominant value implemented by the teachers in mathematics category is objectivism, whereas the dominant values implemented by the teachers in mathematics education category are formalistic and relevant Key Words : General Values, Mathematics Values, Mathematics Education Values, Mathematics Problem Solvin

    Leveling Of Students Critical Thinking Abilities In Mathematics Problem Solving In Line With Gender Differences

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    This qualitative research aims at exploring the values implemented by the teachers in matehamtics problem solving classroom. The subjects are three mathematics teachers in secondary school in Palembang. Data were collected through interview pre teaching, observation juring the teaching process, interview post teaching, field recording, and document collecting. Observation to each teacher was done twice and was recorded by video recording. The result shows that the values implemented by the teachers are explicit and implicit. The dominant values implemented by the teachers in general category is the values of belief in God and the value of thorough, the dominant value implemented by the teachers in mathematics category is objectivism, whereas the dominant values implemented by the teachers in mathematics education category are formalistic and relevant Key Words : General Values, Mathematics Values, Mathematics Education Values, Mathematics Problem Solvin


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    At this time the concept about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), as the form of the interest and the company's responsibility in the environment and the community around began often was carried out by various companies, beside the aim of the company of getting the profit. In the CSR concept was known with triple bottom lines, that is the profit (the profit), the planet (the environment), and people (the community). Could be said by CSR and no longer only a social demand, but also became the company's strategy to be able to remain in the competition for the business to long-term, because of the existence of the positive attitude the community against the company. This research was the descriptive research quantitative, that had a purpose to know how the teacher s and employees attitude, as part of community, against the CSR program that was carried out by PT. X. Where the CSR program in this research take the form of 5 S training, and the distribution of the package of the nutrient and the health. With used census sampling, that became the subject in this research was all the teachers and the employees at the school that became the CSR program target the company, who was present at the time of the research. As for the sample of this research numbering 41 people. The data collection was carried out by using the scale of the attitude, that is Likert scale, against the program of CSR PT. X. Whereas the analysis method that was used was the analysis of the percentage. Results that were received showed that the teacher s and employees attitude against the program of CSR PT. X tended positive. Seen from the existence 58,54% the subject that had the positive attitude, whereas 41.46% subject that had the negative attitude. And what is more, was known that the benefit that was felt by the subject towards the CSR program the company was to make the environment better and comfortable, got nutritive information and the package of the nutrient that was very beneficial for the health, intelligence, and the progress of the studying process of the student, could change the habit was not better became better, and supportive for the progress of education. Moreover totalling 80.49% subject regarded the CSR program already exact and in accordance with the requirement for the community, whereas 9.76% subject regarded more inexact, and 9.76% subject regarded not yet exact. Moreover was gotten by 73.17% subject regarded had the other program that was more beneficial apart from the CSR program available, and 26.83% subject regarded did not have the other program that was more beneficial apart from the available program


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    Faktor pengetahuan, sikap dan praktek diduga merupakan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kegiatan pelaksanaan pemanfaatan air sumur gali, yang sering menimbulkan masalah kesehatan antara lain tembulnya penyakit yang ditularkan melalui air. Faktor perilaku terwujud dalam bentuk pengetahuan sikap dan praktek. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap dan praktek dalam pemanfaatan air sumur gali. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Explanotory Survey dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional.Populasi penelitian 1403 KK yang menggunakan sumur gali, dengan sampel sebesar 96 KK Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknikrandom sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan ceklis penelitian, data dianalisis dengan uji Rank Speamans, dengan alpa =0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : umur responden termasuk kategori tua (75,0%), pendidikan dalam kategori sedang (53,1%), penghasilan kategori tinggi (99,0%), pengetahuan kategori cukup(36,5%), sikap kategori baik (65,6%). Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan sikap (p=0,000), ada hubungan pengetahuan dengan praktek (p=0,001), ada hubungan sikap dengan praktek Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan antara karakteristik dengan pelatiahan tentang air bersih, buat sarana percontohan sumur gali yang memenuhi syarat, tingkatkan monitoring & inspeksi sanitasi SGL ., demonstrasikan cara pengolahan air secara sederhana, droping buku petunjuk tentang air bersih. Untuk masyarakat: proaktif untuk menanyakan hal-hal yang kurang jelas kepada yang lebih tahu, bagi masyarakat yang mampu, sumur yang dimiliki & tidak memenuhi syarat agar diperbaiki. Kata Kunci: Karakteristik pengetahuan, sikap dan praktek ASSOSIATION BETWEEN AND KNOLEDGE,ATTITUDE CHARACTERISTIC AND PRACTICE IN DIG WELL WATER SUWCES MANAGEMENT AT SUKOREJO VILLAGE,SUBDISTRICT AT ULUJAMI,PEMALANG DISTRICT IN YEAR OF 2005 Behaviourfactor is considered to be seewiting or using one of the factor that influence the activity in applying the dig well se curity, whichis often cause health problem, such as the occurrenceof illness that is spread through water. Behaviour factor may be formed by attitude knowledge and practice. The objective in securing is to find out the relation among knowledge, attitude, and the application in securing the water of dig well. This study used Explanotory Survey with Cross sectional approach. The population of this study is 1403 head of household who are using dig well and the sample is 96 head of household. These sample is taken by using random sampling technique. The data is being collected by using questionnaireand chack list observation and being analyzed by using Rank Spearman's test, alpa=0,05, the result shows that most of the respondent's age is above 40 years old (75,0%), most of the educational level is junior high school(53,1%), most of the income is above 375.000 rupiah (99,0%), most of the head of houshold's aducation is low (65,6%), most of the practice is safficient (80,3%), the result of statistical test shows that there is a relation between knowledge and attitude (p=0,000), there is a relation between knowledge and practice (p=0,001), Conclution : there is a relation between characteristic and knowledge, attitude, and practice. Suggestions: the official of health should improve the illumination and training abaout clean water and make asample means of dig well that fulfill the requirement, the society should be praactive in asking unclear things tobthose who know more, and the wealthy society shoud repair their own well which does'n fulfill the requirment. Keyword : Characteristics, knowledge, attitude and practic


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    The research is motivated by the low ability of children to recognize numbers 1-10. From the results of preliminary observations children are still experiencing difficulties and still need help in recognizing numbers. For this reason, playing activities using traditional Engklek games are used as a means of introducing the concept of numbers 1-10. This study aims to determine the effect of traditional engklek games on the introduction of the concept of numbers 1-10 in group A RA Darussalam Jogosatru Sukodono Sidoarjo. The method with the research subject was Group A RA Darussalam Josgosatru Sukodono Sidoarjo, consisting of 29 children. The type of research used is pre-experimental design. With the design of “One Group Pretest and Post Test Design”. Data collection techniques using Observation, Tests, and Documentation. The data analysis techniques using the t test. Based on the results of the t-test analysis it can be seen that the value of the t-test (5,116) and than the t-table value is (2.048) with a significance level of 0,05%. From these results it can be seen that the value of t-count > t-table, so that H0 is rejected and Ha is  accepted. So it can be concluded that there is the influence of traditional Engklek games on the introduction of the concept numbers 1-10 in group A RA Darussalam Jogosatru Sukodono Sidoarj


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    Puzzle is a game that is played with the aim of arranging images, images are randomized beforehand. So people who play it try to arrange it in the frame by connecting pieces or pieces of small images so that they become whole images. Puzzle games given to young children are expected to benefit the children's memory abilities. Pejajaran Kindergarten which in this case the learning model is still classical and the teacher center is still very minimal in providing constructive educational games for early childhood. This is a problem for early childhood, by providing puzzle games, it is hoped that children can improve their memory. According to Jamil (2008:81) This puzzle game tests the speed and accuracy of a child's reaction to a hint given to him. This study uses a pre-experimental research design with the type of One-Group Pre-Test Post-Test. The subjects in this study were group B TK Pejajaran with a total of 25 children. With observation and documentation data collection techniques. While the analysis using SPSS V.20. The results of research with the t test Sig (0,000) < 0,005 means there is an influence between the puzzle game with the child's memory ability. Puzzle games in addition to memory skills can also train children to solve problems, develop eye and hand coordination, develop cognitive and fine motor skills. Keywords : Benefits of Puzzles, children's memor
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