2,812 research outputs found

    Static aerodynamic characteristics of the S-IC booster/GAC H-33 orbiter launch vehicle configuration

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    This test at the trisonic tunnel was divided into two parts. The first part utilized the H-33 orbiter with drop tanks and cradle mounted on an S-IC booster with 75 square-foot fins oriented 45 deg off the horizontal and vertical reference planes. Runs were initially made to determine the optimum incidence angle to be used for the remainder of the tests. The angle so determined was 0 degrees. Additional testing was performed with drop tanks removed, orbiter vertical tail removed, drop tanks and orbiter wing removed, booster fins removed and booster fins located in the horizontal and vertical reference planes. The second part utilized the H-33 orbiter and cradle only, sting mounted on a strain gage balance. These data were used in conjunction with test number 504 (orbiter alone on balance) to determine cradle effects

    Space shuttle: Aerodynamic characteristics of a composite booster/040A orbiter launch configuration with fin and booster body configuration effect contribution

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    An investigation was made of the fin configuration and booster body configuration effects on a composite booster/040A orbiter launch configuration. Aerodynamic performance and stability characteristics in pitch and yaw were obtained. Configurations tested included two stepped cylindrical bodies of different lengths with a conical nose, four fin shapes of various sizes and aspect ratios mounted in different positions around the base of the bodies, two base flare angles and three 040A orbiter configurations. The orbiter variations included a tailless configuration and two tail sizes. A tailless booster launch configuration with deflected petals (expanded flare sectors) was also tested. The model scale was 0.003366. Data were converted to coefficient form in near real time, punched on cards, and tabulated. The cards used in conjunction with a Benson-Lehner plotter were used to provide plotted data. At the end of the test, tabulated input forms were completed for the SADSAC computer program to aid in publishing the final test data report

    Forebody and vertical stabilizer effects on directional stability of a reusable LOX/RP (061) booster AR 12161-2

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    Results are presented of a wind tunnel test on the directional stability of space shuttle booster configurations. The test was conducted at the 14-inch trisonic tunnel starting 6 December 1971 and continued through 11 December 1971 for a total of 66 occupancy hours. Configurations tested included a cylindrical body with two axisymmetrical noses, one with and without canopy, one delta wing, located in two positions, five vertical tails (including a V tail), two having split rudders, ventral fins, two sets of chines, three airbreathing engine pods, and rocket engine shrouds. The model scale was 0.003366

    Convergence of simple adaptive Galerkin schemes based on h − h/2 error estimators

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    We discuss several adaptive mesh-refinement strategies based on (h − h/2)-error estimation. This class of adaptivemethods is particularly popular in practise since it is problem independent and requires virtually no implementational overhead. We prove that, under the saturation assumption, these adaptive algorithms are convergent. Our framework applies not only to finite element methods, but also yields a first convergence proof for adaptive boundary element schemes. For a finite element model problem, we extend the proposed adaptive scheme and prove convergence even if the saturation assumption fails to hold in general

    Interferometric synthetic aperture radar imagery of the Gulf Stream

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    The advent of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (INSAR) imagery brought to the ocean remote sensing field techniques used in radio astronomy. Whilst details of the interferometry differ between the two fields, the basic idea is the same: Use the phase information arising from positional differences of the radar receivers and/or transmitters to probe remote structures. The interferometric image is formed from two complex synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. These two images are of the same area but separated in time. Typically the time between these images is very short -- approximately 50 msec for the L-band AIRSAR (Airborne SAR). During this short period the radar scatterers on the ocean surface do not have time to significantly decorrelate. Hence the two SAR images will have the same amplitude, since both obtain the radar backscatter from essentially the same object. Although the ocean surface structure does not significantly decorrelate in 50 msec, surface features do have time to move. It is precisely the translation of scattering features across the ocean surface which gives rise to phase differences between the two SAR images. This phase difference is directly proportional to the range velocity of surface scatterers. The constant of proportionality is dependent upon the interferometric mode of operation

    The Dynamic Characteristics of a High Pressure Turbine Stage in a Transient Wind Tunnel

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    ABSTRACT A new transient facility for the study of time averaged and unsteady aerodynamics and heat transfer in a high pressure turbine was recently commissioned. During the facility design a high priority was placed on ease of access to the turbine blading to facilitate the development of blade mounted instrumentation. The turbine disc was cantilevered on a shaft by a thin annular link, with the shaft passing back through the disc to a single row and matched pair of relatively closely spaced bearings. The bearings were originally designed for use in a marine gas turbine. Due to the facility's novel mode of operation the bearings were working well beyond some of their original design limits, primarily due to the high turbine acceleration and the high speed/low load condition at the end of facility operation. During the facility design a programme of work was undertaken to predict its dynamic performance. This was continued during commissioning to measure actual facility performance. In this paper the predicted dynamic performance of the disc/shaft assembly and its bearing system are presented. The programme of work undertaken during the facility commissioning phase to ascertain actual dynamic performance is described, and the results discussed. Finally, the technique developed to field balance the rotating assembly following changes to blade instrumentation is described

    Endogenous fantasy and learning in digital games.

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    Many people believe that educational games are effective because they motivate children to actively engage in a learning activity as part of playing the game. However, seminal work by Malone (1981), exploring the motivational aspects of digital games, concluded that the educational effectiveness of a digital game depends on the way in which learning content is integrated into the fantasy context of the game. In particular, he claimed that content which is intrinsically related to the fantasy will produce better learning than that which is merely extrinsically related. However, this distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic (or endogenous and exogenous) fantasy is a concept that has developed a confused standing over the following years. This paper will address this confusion by providing a review and critique of the empirical and theoretical foundations of endogenous fantasy, and its relevance to creating educational digital games. Substantial concerns are raised about the empirical basis of this work and a theoretical critique of endogenous fantasy is offered, concluding that endogenous fantasy is a misnomer, in so far as the "integral and continuing relationship" of fantasy cannot be justified as a critical means of improving the effectiveness of educational digital games. An alternative perspective on the intrinsic integration of learning content is described, incorporating game mechanics, flow and representations

    Dichotic integration of acoustic-phonetic information: Competition from extraneous formants increases the effect of second-formant attenuation on intelligibility

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    Differences in ear of presentation and level do not prevent effective integration of concurrent speech cues such as formant frequencies. For example, presenting the higher formants of a consonant-vowel syllable in the opposite ear to the first formant protects them from upward spread of masking, allowing them to remain effective speech cues even after substantial attenuation. This study used three-formant (F1+F2+F3) analogues of natural sentences and extended the approach to include competitive conditions. Target formants were presented dichotically (F1+F3; F2), either alone or accompanied by an extraneous competitor for F2 (i.e., F1±F2C+F3; F2) that listeners must reject to optimize recognition. F2C was created by inverting the F2 frequency contour and using the F2 amplitude contour without attenuation. In experiment 1, F2C was always absent and intelligibility was unaffected until F2 attenuation exceeded 30 dB; F2 still provided useful information at 48-dB attenuation. In experiment 2, attenuating F2 by 24 dB caused considerable loss of intelligibility when F2C was present, but had no effect in its absence. Factors likely to contribute to this interaction include informational masking from F2C acting to swamp the acoustic-phonetic information carried by F2, and interaural inhibition from F2C acting to reduce the effective level of F2