10 research outputs found

    Inter-Religious Marriage from Socio-Historical Islamic Perspectives

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    Saat Hukum Tidak Berdaya (Nasib Perempuan Korban Kekerasan dalam Himpitan Hukum)

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    The gender-based-violence is a nightmare and tragedy for women in transnational, cross cultural, geographical and civilizational boundaries. Moreover, prolonged human history has pervasively documented tragic, catastrophic facts recording women’s victimization. Culture, social system and structure, misogynic-religious interpretation, and especially patriarchal ideology have been stimulating, perpetuating and maintaining this women’s awful fate. Actually, several policies, political discretions and legal venues have been initiated and set up to be done in dealing with this issue. However, since law is just merely an epiphenomenon, a manifestation of cultural and social values, and a supra structure of economic power, the powerlessness and the paralyses of law were substantially and widely observed in this study. Hence, gender-based-victim have been dreadfully trapped within the dilemma of law


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    The gender-based-violence is a nightmare and tragedy for women in transnational, cross cultural, geographical and civilizational boundaries. Moreover, prolonged human history has pervasively documented tragic, catastrophic facts recording women’s victimization. Culture, social system and structure, misogynic-religious interpretation, and especially patriarchal ideology have been stimulating, perpetuating and maintaining this women’s awful fate. Actually, several policies, political discretions and legal venues have been initiated and set up to be done in dealing with this issue. However, since law is just merely an epiphenomenon, a manifestation of cultural and social values, and a supra structure of economic power, the powerlessness and the paralyses of law were substantially and widely observed in this study. Hence, gender-based-victim have been dreadfully trapped within the dilemma of law


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    Mahar Tradition in Muslim Locality: Mahar and Social Structure in Indonesian Muslim Society. Law consists of two fundamentals: moral and formal dimensions. Muslim legal scholars greatly appreciate the interplay of both aspects. Legal positivism separates them and law is ultimately framed in a formal-standard logical construct. Legal moral values are universal. It is flexible, universal and can be easily adapted into local contexts. Sociologically, social and cultural structure has proven to play an important role in the structuring of legal format. This paper proves that the practice of dower in a number of Muslim societies changes and varies crossing local boundaries. The dower tradition has been changed from money and other practical objects, into more symbolic materials, namely accessories and religious symbols.DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v14i1.1239</p

    Tradisi mahar di ranah lokalitas umat islam: mahar dan struktur sosial di masyarakat muslim Indonesia

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    Mahar Tradition in Muslim Locality: Mahar and Social Structure in Indonesian Muslim Society. Law consists of two fundamentals: moral and formal dimensions. Muslim legal scholars greatly appreciate the interplay of both aspects. Legal positivism separates them and law is ultimately framed in a formal-standard logical construct. Legal moral values are universal. It is flexible, universal and can be easily adapted into local contexts. Sociologically, social and cultural structure has proven to play an important role in the structuring of legal format. This paper proves that the practice of dower in a number of Muslim societies changes and varies crossing local boundaries. The dower tradition has been changed from money and other practical objects, into more symbolic materials, namely accessories and religious symbols

    School-based management

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    judul asli: school-based managementxxvi, 157 p. : il.; 21 cm

    Realita dan cita kesetaraan gender di UIN Jakarta : baseline dan analisa institusional pengarusutamaan gender pada UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta tahun 1999-2003

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    Menciptakan sebuah komitmen yang setara dan berkeadilan gender membuat sebuah strategi dinamis yang melibatkan semua unsur. Apalagi untuk level Perguruan Tinggi Islam seperti UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. Buku ini mencoba memotret geliat wacana, kebijakan, upaya perubahan di berbagai level serta rekaman dimana kamar-kamar perempuan dalam struktur birokrasi dan akademik UIN dengan sangat detail.xvii, 194 hlm.: ilus.; 24 c