5 research outputs found
Vrste kapitala u romanu Estetika otpora
Budući da Peter Weiss u svojoj Estetici otpora skicira fikcionalni prikaz kompleksnih društvenih konstelacija prije, tijekom i nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, sadržaj njegova romana nudi plodno tlo za književno-sociološku analizu putem instrumentarija Pierrea Bourdieua, čija će se metodologija, primijenjena prije svega u Pravilima umjetnosti, pokušati u ovom radu upotrijebiti u kontekstu Weissove trilogije sa osobitim fokusom na Bourdieuove vrste kapitala i način njihova djelovanja. Cilj je rada spoznati mehaniku društvenih mehanizama u poljima prisutnim u romanu, prepoznati njihovu internu dinamiku i način na koji ona utječe na prisutne aktere, čiji je habitus u uzajamnoj sprezi vezan uz uvjete njegova nastanka u pojedinom polju, te na koncu uvidjeti na koji način upravo vrste kapitala doprinose tim neprestanim transformacijskim zbivanjima. Kao rezultat analize, rad nudi ne samo pokušaj konkretne primjene Bourdieuova teoretskog oruđa, već i uvide o društvenom poretku u romanu te o (ne)mogućnosti rušenja njegovih granica.Da Peter Weiss in seiner Ästhetik des Widerstands einen fiktionalen Überblick komplexer gesellschaftlicher Konstellationen vor, während und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg skizziert, bietet der Inhalt seines Romans einen fruchtbaren Boden für eine literatursoziologische Analyse mittels des Instrumentariums von Pierre Bourdieu, dessen Methodologie, angewandt vor allem in Die Regeln der Kunst, in der vorliegenden Arbeit im Kontext von Weiss‘ Trilogie zu benutzen versucht wird, mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Bourdieus Kapitalsorten und ihre Wirkungsart. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Mechanik gesellschaftlicher Mechanismen in den im Roman vorhandenen Feldern zu erkennen, ihre interne Dynamik aufzufassen samt der Art, auf die sie die anwesenden Akteure beeinflusst, deren Habitus mit den Bedingungen seiner Entstehung im jeweiligen Feld wechselseitig verkoppelt ist, und letztendlich einzusehen, inwiefern gerade Kapitalsorten diesen kontinuierlichen Transformationen beitragen. Als Resultat der Analyse bietet die Arbeit nicht nur den Versuch einer konkreten Anwendung des Bourdieu’schen theoretischen Werkzeugs, sondern auch Einsichten über die im Roman enthaltene gesellschaftliche Ordnung und die (Un)möglichkeit der Durchbrechung ihrer Grenzen
TV series from a Philological Perspective
Rezension von "Im Blick des Philologen. Literaturwissenschaftler lesen Fernsehserien" (Hgg. Hans Richard Brittnacher, Elisabeth K. Paefgen. München: edition text+kritik 2020, 403 S.)Review of "Im Blick des Philologen. Literaturwissenschaftler lesen Fernsehserien" (Hgg. Hans Richard Brittnacher, Elisabeth K. Paefgen. München: edition text+kritik 2020, 403 S.
Romantic Sociology of Literature
Rezension von Daniel Grummt: Lyrische Gesellschaft. Die romantische Seite der Soziologie. Bielefeld: transcript 2022 (=Sozialtheorie), 265 S.Review of Daniel Grummt: Lyrische Gesellschaft. Die romantische Seite der Soziologie. Bielefeld: transcript 2022 (=Sozialtheorie), 265 S
›Canonical People‹? On the Relationship between Literary Form and the Form of Life
Novalis formulierte den Imperativ, dass das Leben eines kanonischen Menschen symbolisch sein müsse. Ein von uns gemachter Roman soll das Leben sein. Friedrich Schlegel fügte hinzu, dass jeder gebildete Mensch in seinem Innern einen Roman enthalte, den er aber nicht nötig schreiben müsse. Wer dies dennoch tue, publiziere sich selbst. Aber lässt sich das Leben zum Roman formen? Um diese Frage kreist Georg
Lukács’ Essayband "Die Seele und die Formen". Ihm widmet sich der erste Teil des Beitrags. Der zweite Teil versucht eine Antwort, indem
er auf den Künstlerroman als das entscheidende Bindeglied zwischen Kunst und Leben verweist. Der abschließende dritte Teil illustriert die Bedeutung des Künstlerromans am Beispiel von Michel Houellebecqs "Karte und Gebiet".Novalis formulated the imperative that the life of a canonical human being must be symbolic. A novel made by us should be life. Friedrich Schlegel added that every educated person contains a novel inside him, but does not need to write it. Those who do, however, publish themselves. But can life be shaped into a novel? Georg Lukács’ volume of essays entitled "Soul and Form" revolves around this question. The first part of this article is also devoted to this question. The second part attempts to provide an answer to this question by pointing to the ›artist’s novel‹ as the decisive link between art and life. The concluding, third part of the article illustrates the significance of the artist’s novel with the example of Michel Houellebecq’s "Map and Territory"
Književnost i revolucije: zbornik radova
The collection of essays "Literature and Revolutions" gathers the contributions of the final conference of the Croatian Science Foundation project (Literary Revolutions IP-01-2018-7020), which took place from 29. XI. to 1. XII. 2022. This book focuses primarily on exploring the legacy of the avant-garde in the literary and social sphere, starting from a contemporary, critical approach to the historical avant-garde in the broader Central European and South Slavic context. Considering the ways in which radical political and poetic changes in the artistic sphere are brought about through literary practices, this collection of articles traces analogous processes and relationships in the historical revolutionary years. In accordance with the aims of the project, the following research questions were posed: What is the relationship between literary revolutions and paradigm shifts: in literary theory and literary history, in models, types, concepts of language and literariness, authorial practices and poetics? Is it possible to redefine and reinterpret the avant-garde as a historical, transhistorical and supranational concept?
In addition to developing a theoretical-methodological paradigm for understanding and analyzing concepts of literary revolutions based on the esthetic autonomy of literature, the aim of this book is to grasp the emancipatory potential of literature and the radical changes in poetic expression, especially in relation to the concepts of utopia and optimal projection, according to which the individual literary heresies also develop. The authors of this book pursue these questions about the processuality and continuity of the post-avant-garde literary revolution. By combining their theoretical and methodological interest in avant-garde controversies, revolutions, schools and influences with their interest in the literary text, they offer new readings and interpretations in this book. Their revaluation impulse is reflected in the interpretations of the authors' interventions (Krleža, Ujević, Kamov, Cesarec, Ristić, Marinković, Šinko), the laws of genre (drama, novel, poetry), collective and individual aspirations in the context of the performing arts and ecology, post-Yugoslav literature, postcolonialism and capitalism, feminism and queer theory.Zbornik radova "Književnost i revolucije" okuplja radove proizašle iz završne konferencije projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost (Književne revolucije IP-01-2018-7020) koja je održana u Zagrebu od 29. XI. do 1. XII. 2022. Radovi su posvećeni istraživanju nasljeđa avangarde u književnom i društvenom polju, polazeći od suvremenog, kritičkog razmatranja historijske avangarde u širem srednjoeuropskom i južnoslavenskom kontekstu. Uzimajući u obzir načine na koje se unutar umjetničkog polja, prije svega kroz književne prakse, generiraju radikalne političke i poetičke promjene, u zborniku su predstavljeni analogni procesi i odnosi u povijesnim revolucionarnim godinama. U skladu s ciljevima projekta postavljena su istraživačka pitanja: u kojem su odnosu književne revolucije i smjene paradigmi kad je riječ o teoriji i povijest književnosti, modelima, tipovima, konceptima jezika i literarnosti, autorskim praksama i poetikama? Je li moguće ponuditi redefinicije i nova čitanja avangarde kao historijskog, transhistorijskog i nadnacionalnog pojma?
Osim razvoja teorijsko-metodološke paradigme za razumijevanje i analizu koncepata književnih revolucija utemeljenih u estetskoj autonomiji književnosti cilj zbornika je evidentirati emancipacijski potencijal književnosti i radikalne promjene u poetskom izrazu, posebno u odnosu prema konceptima utopije i optimalne projekcije prema kojima se razvijaju i pojedinačne autorske hereze.
Nudeći odgovore na naznačena pitanja autori radova u zborniku pred sobom imaju procesualnost i kontinuitet književne revolucije nakon avangarde. U svojim tekstovima objedinjuju teorijski i metodološki interes prema avangardnim prijeporima, revolucijama, školama i utjecajima s interesom prema književnom tekstu, a kroz različite teme i predloške, nudeći nova čitanja i interpretacije. Revalorizacijski impuls zbornika vidljiv je u interpretacijama autorskih zahvata (Krleža, Ujević, Kamov, Cesarec, Ristić, Marinković, Šinko), zakona žanra (drama, roman, poezija), skupnih i pojedinačnih poduhvata u okviru izvedbenih umjetnosti i ekologije, post/jugoslavenske književnosti, postkolonijalizma i kapitalizma, feminizma i queer teorije