3 research outputs found


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    The improvement of egg production efficiency and health remains a challenge in the cultivation of native chickens. The production of feed on farms requires significant costs, which can account for 60-70% of the total production expenses, making it essential to optimize feed efficiency in the chicken's digestive system. Furthermore, the traditional free-range farming of native chickens Merawang in Bangka Belitung, where they are allowed to roam freely in the backyard or garden, makes it difficult to control their development and health. To address these issues, efforts can be made by harnessing the potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) present in the digestive system of native chickens to be used as probiotics. The objective of this research was to obtain potential isolates of lactic acid bacteria from native chickens Merawang as probiotic candidates. The study was carried out experimentally in four stages, namely isolation, characterization, confirmation test, and probiotic potential test. The research results indicate that there were 6 isolates with potential as probiotics, namely AM3, AM7, AM12, AM14, AM20, and AM25. These six isolates showed potential as probiotic bacteria because their lactic acid content in a medium meets the applicable standards, ranging from 0.79% to 1.84%. The isolates that performed the best as candidate probiotic bacteria were AM14, AM20, and AM25. The identified bacteria in the digestive system of native chickens belong to the Genus Lactobacillus

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Makroalga di Perairan Pulau Nangka Kabupaten Bangka Tengah

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    Macroalgae is one of the main components making up coastal ecosystems that contribute to maintain the marine ecosystem. This research aims to study macroalgae the diversity and the environmental factors that affect the presence of macroalgae in the coastal area of Nangka Island. Samples were obtained from 2 spots arround the coastal area of Nangka island using exploration survey methods. Identification was conducted in Botanical laboratory of Biology Departement, Universitas Bangka Belitung. Water and soil temperature were measured as enviromental factor parameters. The diversity was determined base on three different indexs; the diversity,  species evenness and species dominant. The study succesfully identified 4 different species of macroalgae from coastal are of Nangka island including Padina australis, Ulva linneaus, Kappaphycus alvarezii, and Acantophora spicifera. The results of the calculation of the diversity, evenness, and species dominant index shown that the abundance of macroalgae on Nangka Island can be categorized as low. Enviromental temperature for growth was suspected as the factor that affect the diversity of macroalgae arround the coastal area of Nangka islandMakroalga merupakan salah satu komponen penyusun ekosistem pesisir yang berperan penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keanekaragaman dan faktor yang mempengaruhi keberadaan makroalga di perairan Pulau Nangka. Sampel diambil dari 2 titik lokasi di kawasan perairan pulau Nangka dengan metode survei jelajah. Identifikasi makroalga dilakukan di laboratorium Botani Jurusan Biologi Universitas Bangka Belitung. Suhu air dan suhu tanah di titik pengambilan sampel diukur sebagai parameter faktor lingkungan. Keanekaragaman dihitung berdasarkan indeks keanekaragaman, keseragaman spesies dan dominansi spesies. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 4 jenis spesies makroalga yang ditemukan diantaranya Padina australis, Ulva linneaus, Kappaphycus alvarezii, dan Acantophora spicifera. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan indeks keanekaragaman, indeks kemerataan, dan indeks kekayaan jenis, kelimpahan mikroalga di Pulau Nangka dapat dikategorikan rendah. Suhu lingkungan tumbuh diduga berpengaruh pada keanekaragaman makroalga di perairan pulau Nangk

    Effect Of Additional Probiotic In Cattle Feed On Cattle's Consumption And Growth Rate

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    This study aimed to determine the level of feed consumption, weight gain of cattle, and to calculate the population of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and pathogenic bacteria Escherichia coli and Salmonella in cattle feces in order to determine the effect of giving probiotics on the digestive system of cattle. The research object used was 10 bali cattle with a weight of about 90-120 kg. The data in this study were analyzed by experimental design using analysis of variance to determine the effect of giving probiotics to cattle feed on cattle weight gain. The treatment in question includes G0 with treatment in the form of feeding with a composition of 60% forage, 15% palm cake, 25% cassava, and 100 ml molasses. Meanwhile, G1 was treated with the same feed as G0, but added with 100 ml of probiotic Probio_FM. Based on the results of the study, it is known that probiotics given to cattle feed showed no significant effect on the level of feed consumption and body weight of cattle where cattle with non-probiotic feed had a higher average consumption level than cattle on probiotic feed. Furthermore, this causeed the average weight gain of non-probiotic cattle to be higher than that of probiotic cattle. In addition, it was known that the population of Lactic Acid Bacteria in the feces of probiotic cattle showed a higher number of LAB colonies compared to non-probiotic cattle with numeric values of 3.6x108, 3.3x109, and 2.7x1010. This proved that giving probiotics to bali cattle with a concentration of 100 ml / 100 kg of feed was able to increase the concentration of lactic acid bacteria in the digestive system