921 research outputs found

    Cherry Angiomas on the Scalp

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    Cherry angiomas are a common cutaneous vascular proliferation which manifests as single or multiple spots and occurs predominantly on the upper trunk and arms. They typically appear as round-to-oval, bright, red, dome-shaped papules and pinpoint macules measuring up to several millimeters in diameter. The histopathologic findings of a cherry angioma are consistent with a true capillary hemangioma, which is formed by numerous, newly developed capillaries with narrow lumens and prominent endothelial cells arranged in a lobular fashion in the papillary dermis. Herein, we report a case of multiple cherry angiomas on the scalp, an uncommon location for cherry angiomas

    Nevus Sebaceous Accompanying Secondary Neoplasms and Unique Histopathologic Findings

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    Nevus sebaceous (NS) is a type of classical nevus or congenital malformation that is often present at birth and commonly involves the scalp or face. The lesion usually presents as a linear, yellow, hairless, and verrucous plaque. It has been well-established that several benign and malignant tumors can develop from the NS; however, there have been no reports about ectopic fat cells in the dermis, and cornoid lamella arising from the NS. We report a case of NS on the scalp with accompanying unusual histopathologic findings

    Concurrent Occurrence of Mucocele and Pyogenic Granuloma

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    A mucocele is a common, benign lesion of the oral cavity that develops following the extravasation or retention of mucous from a major or minor salivary gland. A pyogenic granuloma (PG) is also a common, benign condition characterized by proliferating capillaries that affect the skin and mucous membranes. The concurrent occurrence of a mucocele and a PG lesion has rarely been reported in the medical literature. This case study reports such a finding in a 16-year-old patient who presented to our department

    PCR for Diagnosis of Male Trichomonas vaginalis Infection with Chronic Prostatitis and Urethritis

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    The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of PCR for diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis infection among male patients with chronic recurrent prostatitis and urethritis. Between June 2001 and December 2003, a total of 33 patients visited the Department of Urology, Hanyang University Guri Hospital and were examined for T. vaginalis infection by PCR and culture in TYM medium. For the PCR, we used primers based on a repetitive sequence cloned from T. vaginalis (TV-E650). Voided bladder urine (VB1 and VB3) was sampled from 33 men with symptoms of lower urinary tract infection (urethral charge, residual urine sensation, and frequency). Culture failed to detect any T. vaginalis infection whereas PCR identified 7 cases of trichomoniasis (21.2%). Five of the 7 cases had been diagnosed with prostatitis and 2 with urethritis. PCR for the 5 prostatitis cases yielded a positive 330 bp band from bothVB1 and VB3, whereas positive results were only obtained from VB1 for the 2 urethritis patients. We showed that the PCR method could detect T. vaginalis when there was only 1 T. vaginalis cell per PCR mixture. Our results strongly support the usefulness of PCR on urine samples for detecting T. vaginalis in chronic prostatitis and urethritis patients

    Cardiac arrest from intravenous indigo carmine during laparoscopic surgery -A case report-

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    Indigo carmine (sodium indigotindisulfonate) is a safe, biologically inactive blue dye routinely administered intravascularly during urologic and gynecologic procedures to localize the ureteral orifices and to identify severed ureters and fistulous communications. We report a case of hypotension, cardiac arrest, and cerebral ischemia after the administration of indigo carmine in a patient under total laparoscopic hysterectomy
