317 research outputs found

    Services Trade in Developing Asia: A Case Study of the Banking and Insurance Sector in Bangladesh

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    This study assesses the strengths and weaknesses of reforms in the banking and insurance industries. Banking sector performance is analysed using various indicators as well as Principle Component Analysis techniques. A comparative case study of three banks with different ownership structures is presented. The study concludes with important conclusions and policy implications for future reforms based on the findings.Service Trade, Bangladesh


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    AbstrakPendidikan pada bangku persekolahan terkadang tidak bisa diterima secara totalitas oleh semua peserta didik, dikarenakan peserta didik mempunyai gaya belajar masing-masing sehingga memunculkan sebuah permasalahan dalam proses pembelajarannya, khususnya seorang guru kadang dalam proses mengajar di kelas masih sering menggunakan media papan tulis dan metode ceramah hingga membuat peserta didik merasa bosan dan tidak mampu memahami materi yang disampaikan oleh gurunya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran biologi berbasis PowToon yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini mengadaptasi model pengembangan 4-D yang meliputi empat tahap yakni define (pendefenisian), design (perancangan), develop (pengembangan), dan disseminate (penyebaran). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui tingkat kevalidan media pembelajaran biologi berbasis PowToon berada pada kategori sangat valid dengan nilai rerata sebesar 3,66. Tingkat kepraktisan media pembelajaran biologi berbasis PowToon berada pada kategori sangat praktis dengan nilai rerata sebesar 3,53. Hasil tes peserta didik dikategorikan sangat efektif karena mencapai rata-rata hasil belajar 83,54 dengan interval >80). Sehingga media pembelajaran biologi berbasis PowToon layak digunakan karena memenuhi tiga kriteria yakni kevalidan, kepraktisan serta keefektifan. Media pembelajaran biologi berbasis PowToon diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan pada kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas. AbstractEducation in school is sometimes not acceptable in totality by all learners, because learners have their own learning style so that it raises a problem in the learning process, especially a teacher sometimes in the process of teaching in the classroom still often uses whiteboard media and lecture methods to make learners feel bored and unable to capture the material delivered by their teachers. This research aims to develop a valid, practical, and effective PowToon-based biological learning medium. This research adapts the 4-D development model which includes four stages namely define (defining), design (design), develop dessiminate. Based on the results of the study, it is known the the level of validity of the PowToon based biology learning media is in the valid category and the mean value is 3.66. The level of practicality of the PowToon based biology learning media is in the very practical category with an average value of 3.53 student test results are categorized as very effective because they achieve an average learning outcome of 83.54 with intervals (>80). So that the PowToon based biology learning media is feasible to use because it meets three criteria, namely validity, practicality and effectiveness. PowToon based biology learning media is expected to be implemented in classroom learning activities


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    Kajian ini membahas tentang penalaran Arkoun dalam interpretasi terhadap al-Quran. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa bahasa Al-Quran memuat simbol-simbol yang dapat memberikan kontribusi linguistik, yang pada gilirannya menghasilkan teori-teori kebahasaan dan dapat dihubungkan dengan konteks pemikiran mitos yang disebabkan simbol-simbol yang muncul di dalamnya. Penafsiran klasik memiliki kecenderungan untuk mereduksi bahasa-bahasa simbolis. Penalaran Arkoun diambil dari tradisi pemikiran Barat yang dituangkan dalam terminologi-terminologi yang terkadang sulit dipahami, dan pada sisi lain gagasan-gagasanya mampu memberikan warna tersendiri bagi khazanah keilmuan Islam

    Fuzzy Generalized Variational Like Inequality problems in Topological Vector Spaces

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    This paper is devoted to the existence of solutions for generalized variational like inequalities with fuzzy mappings in topological vector spaces by using a particular form of the generalized KKM-Theorem

    Obor: One Belt, One Road Initiative, China Pakistan Economic Corridor, Challenges, and Impediments

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    The One Belt, One Road initiative not only proposes significant potentials in multifaceted realms including economic, political, strategic, and geographical dimensions, it also presents many uncertainties and possible apprehensions for the associated countries. The initiative broadly includes five areas of regional connectivity: policy reformation, infrastructure development, trade regimes and investment. The trade and investment facilitation are one of the main areas where the developing countries like Pakistan need to focus upon. The OBOR initiative paves regional connectivity paths between Pakistan, China, Central Asian Republics. Pakistan-China friendship is an incomparable phenomenon. The two states have nothing in common in terms of history, language, ethnicity, culture, or ideology, yet their nexus is being considered as deeply rooted and time-tested which has developed into a comprehensive strategic partnership. Pakistan-China partnership sustained and remained unaffected during changes of leaders, political system in the realm of regional and international politics. Both states have developed an ideal state-to-state relationship based on complete trust. They have been steadfast friends who have supported each other throughout thick and thin. On one hand, this initiative fosters new opportunities, but on the other it also unveils challenges. With the Chinese over production, the Asian markets will thus be loaded with the Chinese products, suppressing the Pakistan markets. This paper through secondary data investigation, takes a closer look at the One Belt, One Road initiative and its impact on Pakista

    Hybrid-type generalized multivalued vector complementarity problems

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    We introduce a new type of generalized multivalued vector complementarity problems with moving pointed cone. We discuss the existence results for generalized multivalued vector complementarity problems under inclusive assumptions and obtain results on the equivalence between the generalized multivalued vector complementarity problems and the generalized multivalued vector variational inequality problems.Введено новий тип узагальнених багатозначних векторних задач доповнюваностi з рухомим загостреним конусом. Розглянуто питання про iснування розв’язкiв узагальнених багатозначних векторних задач доповнюваностi при умовах включення та отримано результати щодо еквiвалентностi мiж узагальненими багатозначними векторними задачами доповнюваностi та узагальненими багатозначними векторними задачами для варiацiйних нерiвностей


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    This study discusses the modernization and democratization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman. This research was conducted with the aim of: 1) knowing the nature of the concept of modernization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman. 2) knowing the nature of the concept of democratization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman. 3) knowing the variety of modernization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman and 4) knowing the variety of democratization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman. Basically this research is a literature research or library research using a philosophical analysis approach and a historical approach. Data sources used are primary and secondary data sources. The results of this study indicate that the concept of modernization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman, namely: education is the starting point for reform. Any renewal model in Islam would never have happened without the involvement of education in it. Fazlur Rahman emphasized the concept of democratization in freedom for humans to develop creative attitudes and knowledge that exist in humans in order to improve their lives. Furthermore according to Fazlur Rahman that education should be held by promoting the freedom of students, because without the existence of a creative attitude students are difficult to develop. The variety of modernization of Islamic education that was initiated by Fazlur Rahman includes five aspects, namely: The Purpose of Islamic Education, the Education System, Educators, Students, and Educational Facilities. The various types of democratization of Islamic education according to Fazlur Rahman are: respecting human potential and the development and implications of humans on Islamic education

    Mosque Management in Urban City: Bargaining between the Sacred and the Social Challenges

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    A mosque serves as a pivotal element in the structure of a Muslim community.  The function of a mosque extends beyond its religious capacity as a place for worship, playing a vital role in addressing the social problems that the community faces. To explore this, the present study focuses on the strategy employed by Masjid Raya Bandung to manage and overcome various social problems around its vicinity. Utilising a descriptive-analytical approach, the present study aims to depict the existing social phenomena around Masjid Raya Bandung (The Grand Mosque of Bandung) in the Province of West Java, Indonesia, with specific research variables.  Non-documentary data is obtained through participant observation and in-depth interviews. Located in the city's heart, across the city hall, a place of public gathering, the Grand Mosque of Bandung operates within a business and materialistic environment. The faced challenges include sanitation issues, unregulated street vendors tied to an informal economy, prevalent crime, covert prostitution in the vicinity, and escalating consumerism from nearby shopping centres. The study underscores the mosque as not only a spiritual oasis but also a socio-religious institution actively participating in providing solutions for various social issues within its urban setting. It is confirmed that the mosque's function is not only for ritual things but also for social activities in urban Islamic societies, particularly in managing and overcoming various social problems that surround the mosque.

    Securing the food systems of Asian mega-deltas for climate and livelihood resilience

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    Published in the special issue of the Climate Tribune for the 2023 Gobeshona Global Conference, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the CGIAR Initiative on Asian Mega-Deltas (AMD). The AMD initiative aims to create resilient, inclusive, and productive deltas, which maintain socio-ecological integrity, adapt to climatic and other stressors. Additionally, the article talks about AMD’s focus of work in Bangladesh, including the target geographic areas

    Struktur dan konsistensi sikap makanan terubah suai genetik pengguna muslim: cadangan kerangka konseptual

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    Hasil inovasi bioteknologi telah merubah amalan pengeluaran dan produk makanan global yang kini mula memanfaatkan kaedah kejuruteraan genetik untuk menghasilkan produk makanan terubah suai genetik (GMF). Namun, manfaat pengeluaran dan penjualan produk GMF sering diperdebatkan dalam kalangan pemegang taruh. Isu berkaitan keselamatan, kesihatan, moral, agama, dan alam sekitar terus mengundang polemik. Senario ini sebenarnya turut memberikan implikasi kepada pengguna Muslim kerana mereka turut terlibat sebagai pengguna produk makanan. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian sikap GMF lebih tertumpu kepada perspektif pengguna Barat yang majoritinya adalah pengguna non-Muslim. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menyumbang literatur kajian sikap GMF daripada perspektif pengguna Muslim dengan mengemukakan cadangan kerangka konseptual berkenaan struktur dan konsistensi sikap GMF. Lapan usul kajian dikemukakan bagi mengukur kerangka konseptual dan perbincangan berkaitan potensi kajian akan turut diperincikan